Kitsune - Kamen Rider Revice...

By AlexNeko_990

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Kitsune (Ongoing)⏳ --- In 1971, a scientific expedition in Latin America had uncovered an ancient artifact co... More

Meet My Character
Chapter One: My Big Brother Became a Kamen Rider!
Chapter Two: A Mother's Love is Important
Chapter Three: The Bytuber, and the Corrupted Lawyer
Chapter Five: Evil Spelled Backwards, Live
Chapter Six: Powerless to Help Others?
Chapter Seven: Welcoming the Charming Fox! Kamen Rider Kitsune!
Chapter Eight: Lightning Power-Up
Chapter Nine: Highschool Trouble

Chapter Four: Evil Arises! Kamen Rider Evil!

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By AlexNeko_990

{Episode Seven}

[Igarashi Tsuki]

Mr. Irabu, Sakura and I were in the common room. Ikki was behind the counter.

"Ikki-nii, can you come over here?" Sakura asked.

"It's important." I said.

"Huh? Sure." Ikki said, he came out, and came towards us.

"Look, see this?" Sakura asked, showing Ikki the image of the thieves. "Doesn't it look like a school jersey?" She asked.

"That cuts down the majority of the suspects that could be in the area." I said.

"So she says, so I look into things." Mr. Irabu said. "Those thieves are quick on their feet, right? So I had a look at nearby schools and colleges for their sports clubs and... Bingo! Same jersey." He said, showing us a picture of the students wearing the same jersey

"Oh! You're something else, Buu-san!" Ikki said.

"Ooshirami High School: it's a school for elite rich kids." Sakura said.

"Which means that school are only for the rich." I said.

"From which four gymnast boys were suspended last month." Mr. Irabu said, holding up information with the four suspended boys.

"One of the four must be our Deadman, then..." Ikki said, looking at the information. "Thanks." He thanked Mr. Irabu. "Seriously though, Buu-san. What's your day job?" He asked.

"About that..." Mr. Irabu said, he crossed his legs. "Not telling!" He said.

Ikki fell onto the coffee table.

Hiromi came in. "Is Igarashi Daiji here?" He asked.

"Oh- Hiromi-san! Thanks as always." Ikki said, standing up.

Sakura and I stood up.

"He's not home at the moment." Sakura said. "Is something wrong?" She asked.

"Did something happen?" I asked.

"Not particularly, but something odd happened this morning." Hiromi said. He told us what happened when Daiji was at work.

"Drowsiness maybe, right?" Ikki asked, looking at me and Sakura.

"That's a bit rare for Dai-chan." Sakura said.

I nodded in agreement. "Dai-chan don't usually wear that kind of stuff." I said.

"I just hope I'm wrong." Hiromi said. "Sorry for bothering you." He said, and was about to leave, but his phone rang. "It's that thieves group, along with the Cheetah Deadman! Let's move!" He said, and left.

"Okay!" Ikki said, and went to follow Hiromi. He stopped at the entrance. "Ah- Sakura, Buu-san! Watch the house, thanks!" He said, and ran out.

"Okay!" Sakura said.

"Stay safe!" I said.


[3rd Person]

The sun was setting, Sakura and Tsuki were at karate practice. Lately Tsuki's Kyudo teacher has been cancelling on practice, so he came to karate practice instead.

Sakura and Tsuki were sparring with another student, each.

"Ah- My bad. You okay?" Sakura asked the student she was sparring with.

"I'm fine." The student reassured her.

"Let's take a break." Tsuki told the student he was sparring with. They bowed and went to rest.

Sakura and Tsuki were at the place where they put their bags, they were drinking water from their bottles.

"How's your mom doing?" A friend of Sakura and Tsuki's asked.

"She's almost good to leave hospital." Sakura said. "Now Papa's all excited about taking us to an onsen to celebrate." She said.

"Mama's getting better, and Papa wants to celebrate at an onsen." Tsuki said. "That's just like Papa." he said.

Furio was behind them, listening on their conversation.

"That sounds nice!" Their friend said.

"Onsen?" Furio said.

Sakura, Tsuki, and their friend look behind at Furio.

"They're great, aren't they? I love onsen!" Furio said, covering up his curiosity.

"Really?" Sakura asked Tsuki asked.

"Yeah." Furio said, nodding.

"But like, this is our papa we're talking about..." Sakura said.

"You can never know with him..." Tsuki said.

"Yeah..." Their friend said.

"Something's gonna happen..." Sakura said.

"Yeah..." Tsuki said.

Furio looks away smiling at the information he got, but also can't help but feeling jealous at Sakura and Tsuki's friend. Their friend seems to be close with them, but especially with Tsuki, and he doesn't know why but he don't like that.


{Episode Eight}

[Igarashi Tsuki]

Me and my family were in a van. Mama is finally out of the hospital. We were headed towards the onsen Papa told us about.

"Is that Suwa Ravine?" Ikki asked, looking out the window.

"Ah, it's Mount Tanigawa!" Papa said, pointing at the mountain.

"Eh? Where?" Mama asked.

All of us saw it, and were excited.


The six of us got to the onsen.

"Welcome to Minakami Onsen." A female worker greeted, and bowed.

"Thank you for having us!" Papa said, and we bowed.

"Enjoy your stay." The female worker told us.

"Thank you." Ikki thanked her.

Mama went toward the center of the room and looks around. "Wow, this ryokan looks incredible!" She excitedly said.

Papa went towards Mama. "I splurged a bit, since this is our first family trip in a while." He told her.

"You've barely recovered, so make sure to relax, Mama." Sakura told her.

"We need you to relax, so leave the rest to us, Mama." I told her.

"What they said. Get your fill of joy." Daiji said.

"Thanks everyone." Mama thanked us. "I'll take your advice and go have a blast!" She said.

We cheered.

Ushijima Tasuke, his wife: Ushijima Kimiko, and his son: Ushijima Hikaru. They were regulars at our bathhouse. They saw us, and came to greet us.

"Fancy seeing you here!" Mr. Ushijima said.

"Ushijima-san!" Ikki greeted.

"What a coincidence!" Papa said.

"It's good to see you're well, Yukimi-san." Mr. Ushijima told Mama.

"Thanks." Mama said.

"Your room is this way." A female worker wearing a red yukata and glasses told the Ushijima family.

"Okay! Later then!" Mr. Ushijima said, they follow the worker.

We waved them bye.

"Allow me to take your luggage." Someone said, behind us.

We look behind, Sakura and I recognize the worker.

"Eh? Tamaki-kun!? What are you..." Sakura said.

"Why are you here?" I asked.

Tamaki smiled. "Just a little resort part-time work." He said, and went to grab our luggage.

"Thanks." Sakura and I thanked him.

"Don't tell me... Boyfriend?" Papa asked, looking between me and Sakura.

"He's just a junior from my karate dojo." Sakura said, slapping Papa's head.

"Nothing more, nothing less." I said, slapping Papa's head.

"All yours." Papa said, he handed Tamaki, Mama's purse.

I seem to have dropped something. But I don't remember what it is.

"Oh, Tsuki." Tamaki called. I turned towards him, and saw him holding my Pokémon Trading Card. "You dropped your-" He paused when he turns it around, and looks at it. "Eh!!?? Tsuki! Is this... Charizard VMax Rainbow Card!!??" He asked, showing me the Trading Card that I dropped.

"Y-Yeah." I said, nodding. "Eh? Tamaki-kun, you like Pokémon as well?" I asked.

"I guess Pokémon is okay, but I really like to collect Trading Cards." Tamaki said.

"Eh~ Really?" I asked.

Tamaki nodded.

"Than you gotta show me your collection sometimes!" I said, excitedly.

"Really? You really want to see it?" Tamaki asked me.

I nodded excitedly.

The both of us were in close proximity.

"Ah." Tamaki said, he looks down and backs away a bit. "Here." He said, handing the card back to me. "I'll see you later, Tsuki-chan." He said, and left.

I waved goodbye at him, smiling knowing that someone else is also interested in collecting Trading Cards.

"Doesn't seem like nothing to me." Papa told me, a bit protectively.

"We're just friends." I said, slapping his head, a second time. I did a few punches to his stomach.

"This way please." The female worker told us.

"Right. Let's go!" Papa said, him and Ikki went towards the counter.

"He seems cute." Mama commented.

"You and Tamaki would make a cute couple." Sakura told me.

"It's not like that...!" I whispered, nudging Mama and Sakura.

Both Mama and Sakura playfully pinch me.


Papa, Ikki, Daiji and I were at the Onsen. In nothing but towels wrapping around us.

"This onsen's nice and mature, and good for the skin apparently." Ikki said.

"Really? Don't mind if I do then." Papa said, he takes off his towel and went into the water. "How's it gonna feel?" He asked.

Apparently there were two more people at the Onsen. Professor Karizawa and Hiromi was there.

"The water here's delicious." Professor Karizawa said.

"Oh! What are you two doing here?" Ikki asked.

"Taking a warrior's respite." Professor Karizawa said.

"This onsen is really getting crowded." I said.

All of us were now in the water, enjoying the onsen. While everyone else have their towel on the rock or on their heads. I had mine in front of my private part.

"Family trip?" Hiromi asked.

"That's right." Papa said, nodding. "A bit of family time's always nice." He said.

"That's nice to hear." Hiromi said. He turn towards Daiji. "Enjoying yourself Daiji?" He asked.

"Of course." Daiji said.

"Father dearest." Professor Karizawa called, he swam towards Papa. "Fancy joining me for a drink tonight?" He asked.

"Who, me?" Papa asked.

"I've always wanted to have a nice chat with you." Professor Karizawa said. "You must be quite a great person, raising these three wonderful sons." He said, weirdly touchy-touchy. But I learned that, that is just how he is.

"Be happy to then." Papa said.

"Sorry, Karizawa-san?" Ikki asked, swimming towards him. "Do you know who the black Rider is yet?" He asked.

"Who could it be, I wonder?" Professor Kairzawa asked.

"I will unmask that bastard." Hiromi said. He suddenly looks at Daiji.

"Let's take it easy and forget about work, for now!" Papa said.

I nodded and hummed in agreement. "We're supposed to be relaxing today." I said.


All of us were back in our room, we were all wearing yukatas.

Sakura and I were looking outside of the window.

"The view of Tone River's really nice!" Sakura said.

"It's really pretty!" I said.

"What a lovely room..." Mama said.

"'Tis is suite room, after all." Papa said.

"I love you, Papa-san!" Mama said.

"You look absolutely dazzling in that yukata yourself, Mama-san!" Papa said, going towards Mama.

"Oh you!" Mama said, covering her face. "You're looking good too!" She told Papa.

Sakura and I sat at the table where Ikki and Daiji are.

"They're seriously flirting in front of their kids...?" Sakura asked.

"It's a bit embarrassing..." I said.

"Doesn't hurt every once in a while." Ikki said, he laughed a bit.

Sakura and I look at Ikki.

"Ahh, I almost forgot!" Papa said. "Mama-san, fancy browsing the souvenirs at the lobby?" He asked her.

"Now?" Mama asked.

"Y-yeah, right now!" Papa said, turning Mama around. "Let's go!" He said, pushing Mama towards the door. He winked at us, signaling for us to prepare the surprise.

"Right then. It's planning time for tomorrow." Ikki said.

"I'm not great with surprises..." Sakura said.

"It's not going to be easy..." I said.

"But it's for our family celebration." Daiji said.

"Okay, let's confirm tomorrow's plans." Ikki said.


It was now nighttime, after some planning, Papa and Mama came back, and we went out to the dining area. I was sitting next to Mama, and opposite to Sakura.

"It looks so good." Mama said, looking at the foods on our table.

"I don't even want to touch it!" Papa said.

"Then don't eat it." Daiji teased.

"Of course I'll eat it!" Papa said, standing up from his seat.

"I'm starving..." Sakura said.

"When can we eat...?" I asked.

"I'm feeling it now!" Ikki said.

"Oh, hello there!" Mrs. Ushijima greeted, her and her family came as well.

"Fancy running into you again!" Mr. Ushijima said.

"Thanks for the food!" Ikki said, and was about to eat.

Papa stopped him. "Hang on, the toast comes first!" He said.

"True." Ikki said.

"We're celebrating mom's recovery here!" Papa said.

"Fair enough." Ikki said.

"A toast, then!" Papa said, and we agreed. "Excuse me-" He was about to call, the female worker that wears the red yukata came with a tray of champagne glasses. "That was quick!" He said.

"We were informed of your celebrations." The female worker told us. "Consider this a gift from us." She said.

"Thank you so much!" Mama thanked her.

"How nice!" Papa said, and grabbed two for him and Mama. "We'll come again next year!" He told her.

The female worker puts the champagne glasses next to us, for each of us. After she was done, she left.

"A toast then, to Mama-san's recovery. Cheers!" Papa cheered, raising his glass.

"Cheers!" All of us cheered, and clinked out glasses together.

Daiji suddenly pushes Ikki, causing both of their glasses to fall.

"You alright, Ikki!?" Mama asked.

We stood up and check on Ikki.

"Daiji!" Ikki said.

"What's wrong, Daiji?" Papa asked.

"Sorry, I feel a little giddy..." Daiji said, and stood up. "I'll go wash my face." He said, and left.


We went back to our room after a long day, and sleep.


It was now the next morning, Ikki, Daiji, Sakura and I brought Mama outside.

"What's going on?" Mama asked.

"Ready, and... surprise!" Ikki, Sakura and I said, showing Mama behind and at the banner.

"Our passionate Mama-san makes a full recovery!! The Igarashi family's bonds are unbreakable!" The banner read.

"Congratulations!" The female worker from before said, throwing rose petals above Mama.

"Thank you!" Mama said. "Wow! You all planned this?" She asked

"Mama-san." Papa called, he was behind Mama, holding a bouquet of flowers, and in a suit. "Congrats on your recovery." He told her, handing her the flowers.

"Papa-san!" Mama said, taking the flowers. Her and Papa laughed.

Ikki, Sakura and I were smiling.

"Keep that smile going, Mama." Sakura said.

"It makes you more pretty, Mama." I said.

"Thanks everyone." Mama said. "I can't imagine a better surprise." she said.

"Here's to Happy Spa's happy family!" Ikki said, from behind Mama.

"We love you Mama!" Sakura and I said, we hugged Mama.

Suddenly Daiji grabbed Ikki by his shirt and punched him. All of us saw and gasped.

Ikki fell.

"Ikki!" Mama exclaimed.

"Daiji! What was that for!?" Papa asked.

"Gracias Deadmans!" Tamaki shouted. Him and the other two workers turned into Deadman Generals.

Mama screamed and fell.

"Mama!" Sakura and I exclaimed.

Daiji went towards Ikki, and kicks him. He took out a Transformation Belt. "My good boy little brother act ends today." He said. He placed the Transformation Belt on. His entire outfit changed. He took out his Bat Vistamp, and activates it. "BAT" He pressed it to his Transformation Belt. "COMFIRMED!"

A bunch of bats appeared.

Papa, Mama, Sakura and I fell.

"What is this!?" Papa asked.

"Henshin!" Daiji said, he placed the Bat Vistamp in place. The bats begin surrounding him.

"Eeny, meeny, miny, moe. Eeny, meeny, miny, moe."

Daiji triggers his Transformation Belt. "VERSUS UP!" He was filled with Bat Energy.


A giant Bat surround Daiji, and he transformed into Kamen Rider Evil.

"You're kidding me..." Ikki said.

"Why's Dai-chan..." Sakura said.

"Dai-chan's the Evil Rider..." I said.

Daiji steps on Ikki's chest.

"What are you doing to your family!?" Papa yelled. "Daiji, stop! What's wrong with you Daiji!?" He yelled, and went to stop him.

"Get lost!" Daiji yelled, throwing Papa into the pool.

"Dad!" Ikki called.

"Daiji... Please stop this..." Mama pleaded.

"Papa!" Sakura and I exclaimed, going over to help Papa.

"That's enough!" Hiromi yelled. Him and Professor Karizawa appeared. "I will lay down my life... If it means putting a stop to you, Igarashi Daiji!" He yelled. He got out the Spider Vistamp, and activates it. "SPIDER" He pressed it onto his Transformation Belt. "DEAL!" "Henshin!" He shouted, and triggers it. "DECIDE UP!"

A spider appeared, and surround him with Spider Energy.


"Let's start with him!" The female Deadman General said, nodding towards Hiromi.

The Deadman General in green took out his Vistamp, activates it, transformed into a Demon and went to fight Hiromi.

"Papa!" Sakura and I called, we helped Papa up.

"Hurry!" Sakura said.

"Get up!" I said.

"You're not getting away with this...!" Sakura yelled.

"Both of you!" I yelled.

"Sakura! Tsuki!" Papa called.

Sakura went to fight the female Deadman General. While I went to fight Tamaki.

I went in to do some punches, but Tamaki dodges them. "How could you, do this to us!?" I yelled, and tried to do a kick, but he dodged it.

Tamaki punched me, and I fell. Dropping my Trading Card.

"You should be asking why couldn't we." Tamaki said, grabbing my Trading Card. He looks at it, then at me for a bit, before deciding to throw it towards me. "We see each other again, Tsuki-chan." He said. He got out a Vistamp, he activates it, transformed into a Demon, and went to fight Hiromi.

The female Deadman General left, after taking out Sakura.

Sakura and I hit the ground in frustration. I took back my Trading Card.

Everyone were still fighting.

Sakura and I were back with Papa and Mama.

"Are you alright Sakura, Tsuki!?" Papa asked.

The both of us nodded.

Ikki was thrown towards the table by Daiji. He screamed, and puts on his Revice Driver. He got out his Rex Vistamp, and activates it. "REX" He ran towards Daiji, and transformed. "BUDDY UP!"

Papa, Mama, Sakura and I watched, as Ikki and Vice fight against Daiji.


It was now nighttime.

The four of us were waiting. Ikki came back.

"Ikki." Papa called, standing up.

"Ikki-nii..." Sakura and I called.

Ikki fell onto his knees.

Mama nodded to Ikki.

"Mom..." Ikki said.

"Save Daiji for us..." Mama said.

Ikki cried.

Mama hugged us close.

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