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By LovelyRoseBlossomm

3.2K 148 228

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90 1 6
By LovelyRoseBlossomm

-5 months after the incident-

Me and Kai were sitting on our little terrace in Ireland.

In his family house basement I got shot but somehow they managed to save me. I swear to fuck all holy and unholy beings were standing above me as I was sliding between life and death but still I somehow managed to survive cause I'm a mother fucking Batman. Since then life has been great, Kai started to attend therapy sessions through zoom after he got his father and brother arrested. His mother was finally free but Kai still had a spy on her in case his father wanted to contact her and do something.

It's been 5 months since the incident in the basement and even if now I was healthy and healed, Kai was going around me, treating me as if I was his little princess that didn't have to do anything. From daily breakfasts into bed to lunches either in town or at home to dinners with fine wine and candles. He barely let me do anything except for relaxation because I worked hard enough throughout the years without him, that's why he must spoil me now.

"Love." Kai asked me and I looked at him. "Yes?" I asked. "Have you ever thought about us getting married or having kids or a family and shit?" He asked me and I started to think. When I was still an assassin I knew having a child was too risky, yes I thought about it multiple times and every time the answer was no because, what if one day none of us would come back from mission and he or she would be left alone with no parents? "To be honest, yes I thought about it multiple times when we were still assassins, but the answer was always no because I wondered what would happened if none of us would come home one day or if one married the other and then it would be harder to let go if anything happened." I said to Kai.

"And what do you think about it now?" He asked. "Well it's still a weird thought but if you want to have kids and get married and finally settle down completely then I don't have a problem." I said to him genuinely. Yes our lives were in danger, there was still a chance someone would find out where we are but the chances were smaller then before and that was calming. "You know Thena, I wanted to give you something for a while now. Well not a while, few years to be exact, but I never had enough balls to do it so yeah." He said as he stood up and slowly walked towards me.

"Athena, when I first met you on that fucking hallway in school I was captivated. I made fun of you and always tried to make you mad just to grab your attention. I know it sounds pathetic but it's true." He said as he took a big breath in just to continue a second later "You and me both had it rough in our lives, you've went through so much abuse and I did too and I'm so mad I haven't noticed it before and I didn't help you but it's too late to regret it now because now I can protect you."

"I remember the night when we met on that one mission, the beginning of our journey. It was so messed up but for us I think it was the perfect start. Because we are messed up people with messed up lives but we had each other and that's what kept us going and is still keeping us going." Step by step he was getting closer to me as he held something in his right hand as he continued his speech. "The day when I lost you, I've lost a part of myself as well. I've never knew I needed someone so much in my life, that mission that brought us back together. The whole reason why I accepted it was that I knew I wouldn't be able to live without you and then I've realised that I couldn't do that mission because you were too precious for me."

"That night lot of things happened and when you were slipping between life and death I've prayed to every holy and even unholy being for you to live and somehow you've survived and I was happy again. That day I've realised that if anything happened to you I would be miserable. Athena, you're the love of my life and I want to spend the rest of my miserable life with you because you're my hope, you're my light. I've been lost in the darkness but you've showed me the way out of there and that's why I'm asking you this." He said as he got on one knee in front of me, opening a purple box with silver ring that had a purple stone in it. I've felt hot tears running down my face as I covered my mouth.

"Will you marry me?" Kai said as he was looking up at me, his dark blue eyes now shinning brightly under moonlight as he was nervously looking at me as if I was the only thing in the world. My breath stopped as I slowly nodded with happy tears running down my face. "Yes I will." I said quietly as he put a ring on my finger. Kai smiled at me as he lifted me up into air and hugged me.

"I love you Athena Violet Lenoir." He said as he was looking into my eyes. "I love you Kai Hayden Cortez." I said back as he kissed me.  The kiss was first slow but then turned messy as he repeated that he loves me.

Before the mission on the masquerade I wanted him to get out of my life but deep inside I've always knew I couldn't imagine it without him.He is my love, my deathly obsession and the person I never want to let go and never will let go. Not again. Not ever. Because I love him, in the day or the night, in the sadness or happiness, in health or sickness and even in grave or on  ground.

Because that's what love means. And the thing I have for Kai is love and love only.


A/N: POV: it was all Kai's dream...

Im just kidding, sorry you had to wait so long for their happy ending but I was stuck on it for months. Thank you all for reading my book I hope you enjoyed it. I love you all so much and to be honest I'm at loss of words so I will just leave this in here.

Crimson Angels - Mafia romance - finished
Crimson Spades - Mafia romance - on-going
High with you - young-adult romance - on-going

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