Queens || The Story of Empire...

By Animallover16743

4.1K 141 53

Jasmine Rodriguez knew she was destined for greatness. She had the beauty, the talent and the best family to... More

Character Info
The Outspoken King
False Imposition
Our Dancing Days
The Lyon's Roar
Cover and Title
Writers Block
Unto The Breach

Out, Damned Spot

372 20 13
By Animallover16743

Jasmine walked into the fancy restaurant that she, along with her family, were invited to by Lucious and Anika. She didn't know why she was there but she hoped it didn't take long. Smiling as she walked in, she gave Jamal and Andre hugs before hugging Lucious and Anika.

"Thank you for coming" Anika told them as they sat down.

Hakeem stared at Kelly as she sat down across from him and didn't even seem to acknowledge his presence. Elena glared at him before smiling at everyone else. Mateo greeted his friend before pulling out a chair for his wife.

"Thank you baby" Shanda said and Mateo kissed her head in response.

"Me encanta ser como ustedes algún día" Jasmine said, looking at her parents who smiled at their youngest.

(I thrive to be like you guys one day)

"Lo harás cuando elijas a un tipo decente y no a algunos les quiera ser gángster." Elena then mumbled and Carmen hit her arm while giving her a look to shut up. "arrepentida"

(You will when you choose a decent guy and not some wanna be gangster) (sorry)

"Papi was technically a wanna be gangster at one point" Isabella said and Jasmine covered her mouth to hide her laughing as Mateo looked over at his daughter.

"Excuse me?" he said offended and Lucious laughed at them.

"They aren't wrong Mateo" he said before his friend looked over in his direction.

"You were too man" Mateo back, causing Lucious to nod.

Lucious walked out for a bit and then walked back in with Cookie.

"What is she doing here?" Cookie asked, pointing at Anika who smirked in return.

"Oh, here we go" Jasmine chugged her champagne as her sisters laughed. "I need a refill."

"Idiot" Xavier said to his sister and Jasmine flipped him off.

"Take a seat" Lucious told Cookie. "Take a seat please."

Cookie stared at him for a moment before looking at everyone else at the table.

"Hello everyone" she said to them.

"Hey, Ma" Jamal said as he stood up to hug his mom.

"Hi, Cookie" Rhonda smiled at her mother-in-law.

"Hi Cookie" the Rodriguez children said.

"Oh, a rose" Cookie said as she sat down.

She pulled the rose out of the vase and smelled it which confused Jasmine because the rose was clearly fake, so Cookie was just smelling plastic and cloth.

"Everyone, I'm so glad that you guys can join us. Baby, get up for a second" Lucious helped Anika out of her chair to stand in front of everyone. "We wanted you to be the first to know that I have asked Anika to be my lovely wife."

"That's wonderful" Shanda said with a smile as everyone else congratulated them. All except Cookie.

"It's an Asscher-cut Krupp diamond" Anika spoke up as she showed off her ring. "It's the same one that Richard Burton gave Elizabeth Taylor."

"It's huge" Jasmine said, looking at the ring.

"It's gorgeous, isn't it?" Anika smiled.

Jasmine got up to go to the restroom as Anika talked about how Lucious proposed. She did her business and washed her hands before walking out. Her arm was grabbed, and she was turned around, coming face to face with the one person she did not want to be alone with at the moment. Hakeem Lyon.

"Let me go" she said, and he did as he was told. "I don't want to talk to you so stop."

She turned around and walked off before he grabbed her again. Grabbing her face, he kissed her. Jasmine didn't want to, but she kissed back. Realizing what she was doing, she pulled away.

"mierda" she mumbled and pushed Hakeem away, quickly going back to everyone. (shit)

Just as she walked in, Cookie was standing up and ranting about something.

"The Rose was a friendly reminder of where we were yesterday" Lucious said as Jasmine sat back down. "That's all it was."

Cookie stood up as Hakeem came back and she stared at Lucious angry. Jasmine looked at her sisters for clarification, but they all just shrugged.

"Friendly?!" Cookie exclaimed as she threw the rose at Lucious and Anika. "You think I came here dressed like this for a friendly get-together?" Cookie moved her coat, revealing lingerie.

Hakeem looked away while Jamal stared in shock, Mateo squeezed his eyes shut, Elena and Carmen chocked on their drinks, and Isabella and Jasmine stared at Cookie's body in awe.

"She is so fine, I'm sorry" Isabella said and Jasmine nodded her head agreeing.

"You know what?? Why don't you all enjoy your friendly little family dinner? Congratulations" Cookie grabbed her clutch. "Oh, and Anika" she stopped as she was about to walk out. "This is an ass" Cooke smacked and grabbed her ass before leaving.

Jasmine whistled and looked at Lucious who didn't look so happy.

"You were a lucky man" she said before her mom hit her on her arm.


The Rodriguez sisters stood on the streets of New York filming their music video. Jasmine munched on her pickle as her makeup was being touched up. Anika was there, getting on the girls' nerves as usual.

"Give me this" Anika took the pickle and Jasmine rolled her eyes. "They're ready to shoot."

Jasmine walked off from her and went over to the hippie van, greeting the backups who were going to be in the shot with her. Fans started showing up after a few minutes and watched their idols film a music video.

"Elena, I love you!" one yelled out causing the other sisters to laugh.

"Girls" Anika gave them a look. "You guys need to focus.  "

They sighed and nodded and filmed a few more hours before wrapping it up for the day. Jasmine grabbed her phone, seeing text messages from Xavier and Hakeem. Rolling her eyes, she called her brother  back.

"What do you want?" she asked when he answered.

"I was just calling to see if you wanted to go out tonight. Tiana will be there" he said and she thought about it for a moment.

"I'll think about it" she said and Xavier sighed.

"Alright" he said and she hung up.

Looking at her missed calls again, she stared at Hakeem's name for a few minutes before cursing at herself.

Jas😍: You home?
Hakeem🧡: No I'm at the studio, why?
Jas😍: Because we need to talk
Hakeem🧡: Pull up

Jasmine went to her car and was taken to the studio. On the way there, she tried to think of what she was going to say. To say the least, she was about to puke from her nerves. Arriving at Empire, she walked inside and found the studio he was in.

"Out" she told everyone else who was in the studio.

They all looked at her but didn't move so she put her purse down, staring at Hakeem.

"Keem" she said and he looked at everyone.

"Give us a minute" he said and they left.

"Assholes" she muttered as they walked past her.

Once they were all out, she closed the door and sat in the chair opposite of him. Hakeem just took in her appearance. She looked good but she didn't seem good. She wasn't happy like she usually was.

"What's up, baby?" he asked, reaching for her hand but she pulled it away.

"We need to talk about the other night" she started. "Don't ever kiss me like that again."

"You kissed back" he said, and she shrugged.

"I wasn't thinking. You hurt me and you can't win me back with just a kiss. I need to know that you aren't seeing anyone else and that I'm the main priority." She watched his reaction which was smirking, making her roll her eyes. "Not some booty call. You want me back, we, more like you, need to be serious" she finished, and he just chuckled. "I don't find any of this funny Hakeem."

"I know baby. I just like seeing you like this" he reached for her hand again and this time, Jasmine didn't pull away.

He took this opportunity to pull her into his lap. Jasmine wrapped her arms around his neck. He started to kiss her neck, but she realized what was happening and shook her head. 

"Stop" she said, and he did. "I don't remember you giving me your word."

"You have my word Babygirl" he murmured before kissing her again. 

She pulled away immediately and slapped him as she got off his lap, looking at the door as it opened revealing one of the groupies that was in the studio with Hakeem and his friends.

"Just making sure you didn't need help" she said and Jasmine rolled her eyes, looking at Hakeem.

"She thinks you need help" she said. "Do you need help?" she crossed her arms annoyed. 

Hakeem looked at the groupie and then at Jasmine. "No" he said, and she waved off the groupie.

Jasmine sat back down in her chair and fixed her hair while Hakeem licked his lips, looking at her. Jasmine sighed and got to the point. 

"We are no longer doing this friend with benefits thing. I am going to do me, and you can go do you with how many girls you want. I am not sacrificing my health for anyone. Not even you so go be with Camille. Carmella. Whatever her name is."

"Camilla" Hakeem corrected her and Jasmine shrugged. "Don't be like that"

"My point exactly" she stood up. "Bye Hakeem" grabbing her purse, she walked to the studio door. "And if I catch you trying to mess up anything I decide to do with another guy, I'll tell my dad and your dad some things."

He nodded, not happy to let her go and Jasmine smiled satisfied before she left. As she passed the group, she stopped and turned to the groupie that interrupted them.

"Don't you ever interrupt me again" she said. "you will regret it"

She smiled innocently and left the Empire building.


Jasmine walked into a cafe to meet up with a singer that Lucious wanted for Empire. Looking at the picture sent to her, she looked around until she spotted him. Taking a deep breath, she walked over. 

"Is this seat taken?" she asked, and he looked up to see who it was, his bodies filling with shock and awe as he saw who was in front of him. 

"No, it's not, take a seat" he said, and she took a seat across from him. 

He watched as she ordered herself a drink and looked back at them, noticing his face. 

"What?" she asked, chuckling before remembering. "Oh right. Famous person" she smiled. 

"I'm Justin" he said with a smile. 

"Jasmine" she shook his hand. 

"Not to be rude but what made you sit here with me?" Justin then asked. 

"I am here on behalf of Lucious Lyon" she started, and his eyes widened. "He wants you. He thinks you have potential and I think so too." 

Justin looked excited as Jasmine reached into her purse, pulling out the card Lucious told her to give them. Handing it to him, she thanked the waitress as she brought her drink. 

"He wishes for you guys to contact him whenever you can with your decision" she took a sip of her drink. "But for now, I want to know the possible person I'll be working in the same building with." 

The two sat there, laughing and getting to know each other unknowingly igniting dating rumors caused by everyone who took pictures of the young star with the mystery man. Eventually she left, going to the mall to go shopping. Back at his place, Hakeem sat on his couch, iPad in hand as he looked at the pictures of Jasmine with Justin. The more he looked at it, the angrier and more jealous he was. She was with someone else. His girl was with another guy. Grabbing his phone, he dialed her number and put it to his ear. Jasmine looked down at her phone as it rang and frowned at the name. She pressed decline and blocked his number from her phone. Hakeem sighed and dialed a different number. 

"Camilla, it's me, Hakeem." He said when the call went to voicemail. "Pick up the phone, ma" 

Even though it was wrong since his feelings for Jasmine were still there and they were strong, he was still being a player and he was going to play. Especially if she was too. He hung up the phone and then looked right back at the picture of Jasmine and Justin. Throwing the Ipad down, he grabbed his bong and took a rip from it, trying to forget about his problems and how he was going to get over the girl he can never stop thinking about.


Elena and Oscar walked into Lucious's club together to support Jamal and his new song. Elena walked over to Jamal, Michael and Porsha as they stood there waiting for Cookie to arrive. 

"Hey" Elena hugged them once they got to them. "Congratulations on the song" 

"Thank you" Jamal said as he hugged her back before looking at Porsha. "She said ten minutes thirty minutes ago" 

"She's on her way" Porsha said back. 

"I'm sure she's close Jamal" Elena reassured him as Oscar went get them some drinks.

"So who has Saige tonight?" Michael asked. 

"Jasmine and Isabella is keeping her for the night. Saige loves her some Jasmine and Isabella. Probably because they let her get away with whatever she wants" Elena chuckled. 

"Hey baby" Cookie said as she walked up to the group. "Hold this for me" she hugged Elena, who hugged her back and waited for her boyfriend to come back with Michael as Jamal and Porsha followed Cookie. 

"Mom, listen. Seriously, my personal life is off limits" Jamal told his mom who wasn't paying him any mind. "I'm going to say this one time: Step off." 

"I didn't say one thing to that boy that isn't true" Cookie told Jamal. "Now, I like Michael, okay? But he isn't my son. You are and I hope one day you'll find a partner that is on your same level. Somebody who has their own ideas. Someone who can bring something to the table besides some damn food."  

Elena walked over with Oscar, hearing the conversation between the mother and son. 

"Now Cookie, you know you're wrong for that" Elena chuckled, sipping her drink. 

"It's the truth" Cookie shrugged. 

Back at their place, Jasmine, Isabella and Saige were running around playing hide and seek. Saige and Jasmine were hiding while Isabella looked for them. 

"In here" Jasmine whispered as they hid in her closet, behind her clothes. 

Saige nodded, covering her mouth to hide her giggles as she heard her auntie Isa walking around. Jasmine held her close as Isabella entered the bedroom. 

"Come out wherever you are" she said and Saige looked at Jasmine, gasping quietly. 

Jasmine smiled at her and held a finger over her lips as the closet light was flipped on. Isabella walked in and stood there, smelling the air as Jasmine's fragrence lingered wherever she went. Smirking, she followed it to a corner of the closet and moved the clothes away.

"Found you" she said and Saige squealed, running off. 

Jasmine chuckled and stood up with the help of her sister before the two went look for the little girl who hid from the both of them now. Back at the club, Jamal and Michael were talking about the tweet put out about the song when Hakeem walked up to them drunk out of his mind. 

"Can I get your autograph?" he said, taking a gulp from the bottle in his hand. 

"Hakeem, go home. You're drunk" Jamal told him. 

"So what?" Hakeem shrugged. "I'm drunk and you're brilliant. You're the one with the talent in this family."

"Hakeem, are you okay?" Cookie walked up to her children. "How's your video going?" 

"I got a new song. I want you to hear it. Can you come over?" Hakeem ignored his mom and looked at his brother. 

"Sure. We'll both come over" she said and tried to pull Jamal away. "Okay come on, lets go."

"I didn't invite you!" Hakeem yelled at his mother. "Jamal, please. I need your help, I can't get the hook right."

"Hakeem, I don't care. You should have thought about all that before" Jamal said. 

"Before what?" Hakeem asked confused. 

"How long did you think I was going to sit her and let you disrespect our mother, when all she's trying to do is help you grow up? How long did you think that I was going to let you sit here and mess with Jasmine's mind and emotions while you go with other girls? How long did you think that I would just let you use me? I don't care" Jamal said, annoyed and turned back to his mom. "Ma, I'm going to leave." 

"Thank you, baby, I love you. Call me tomorrow, okay?" Cookie gave her son a kiss on the cheek. 

Jamal nodded and walked off. Elena looked at Hakeem and rolled her eyes, walking off. Oscar stood with Hakeem for a bit before sighing and patting his shoulder, walking away after his girl. Elena left the club and went back home with Oscar where she took a shower and went to bed. Jasmine laid Saige down in her bed she was sleeping and went to the living room. Sitting on the couch, she sighed as it was quiet. Isabella had also gone to bed, but she wasn't tired, so she grabbed her phone and called her mom. 

"Hello" Shanda said as she answered without seeing who it was. 

"Hey mamá" Jasmine muttered, pulling her knees to her chest. 

"What's wrong? You never call me that unless you're upset" Shanda walked to her office, away from everyone else.

"I'm just sad right now. I'm going through some boy troubles" the singer picked at her pants. 

"Does your dad know about this?" Jasmine shook her head but then remembered that her mother couldn't see her. 

"No" she replied. 

"You wanna tell me who the boy is?" Shanda then asked, curious on who has her baby sad. 

"Hakeem" Jasmine said and that made her mom sigh. 

She had a feeling something was going on with those two, but she wasn't sure since Hakeem was always seen with other girls. 

"Oh honey. What did he do?" Jasmine chuckled a bit at the question. 

"What didn't he do mom?" she sighed. "I caught him with this older woman a while ago after he stood me up on a date that he asked me out too. I called it off after that" she teared up a bit. "But mamá, I didn't want to. My feelings for him are too strong" she fanned her face as she looked up so her tears didn't fall 

"Be honest when I ask this, do you love him?" Shanda asked and Jasmine stared at her ceiling. 

"I honestly think I do" she responded, saying it out loud for the first time. "But I can keep hurting myself over him if he clearly doesn't feel the same way. He didn't even want people to know about us." 

"I think you just gave yourself the words you needed to hear. Plus, you're only 18, almost 19. You have plenty of time to find the right person for you."

Jasmine nodded at her mom's words and talked with her for a while longer before hanging up and going to sleep on the couch. 


Queens sat in the studio of Empire brainstorming ideas for a new single. More like Carmen, Isabella and Elena did while Jasmine wrote silently in her songbook. 

"Got any ideas?" Carmen looked at her youngest sister as Jasmine looked up at her, nodding a bit. 

She gave them pages with parts of the song she just wrote. The sisters looked over it. It was clear that it was a love song. A sad one but it was good. Not wanting to upset Jasmine, they called their dad to come in and went into the booth. Mateo walked in and set up everything before the girls started recording. 

"Jasmine since you wrote it, you should do your part first so we know how it should go" Carmen said and Jasmine nodded her head. 

"Why can't you hold me in the street?
Why can't I kiss you on the dance floor?
I wish that it could be like that
Why can't we be like that?
'Cause I'm yours
Why can't I say that I'm in love?
I wanna shout it from the rooftops
I wish that it could be like that
Why can't we be like that?
'Cause I'm yours

Jasmine sang and the girls watched her closely. Carmen caught on to the beat and sang next. 

"I don't wanna live love this way
I don't wanna hide us away
I wonder if it ever will change
I'm living for that day, someday

she sang after Jasmine and the other girls caught on. They recorded the song in no time and Mateo was proud of them, though he could tell something was off with his youngest child. They left the booth and he played the song back for them. They were satisfied with the song and Jasmine went look for Anika so she could listen to it. 

"Hey, Anika. When you have time, can you listen to this?" Jasmine asked as she walked into the meeting room where she, Lucious and Hakeem were. 

Before she could walk towards Anika, the hard drive was taken out her hand by Cookie. 

"I'll listen to it for you" she said, and Jasmine looked at Anika confused. 

Anika just shook her head and waved Jasmine off. Jasmine rolled her eyes at her as Jamal spoke up. 

"You're forgetting one thing thought. You write a song about how much you hate women, it makes you look like a little bitch" he said, and Jasmine looked away, so they didn't see her trying not to laugh. 

"I don't hate no woman who hasn't done me wrong first" Hakeem said back and Jasmine knew that he wasn't talking about her.

She never did him wrong. Not one time in their lives. She never did anyone wrong that she knew of. 

"And when this song drops, the majority of the people on the dance floor going to be women" Lucious said as he stood up from his chair. 

"Exactly. Anyone with common sense can see that the lyrics are just metaphors" Anika then said as she put on her jacket. "And that song is coming with me"

"Just drop the damn song" Cookie said, ignoring the last part before looking at Hakeem. "I really hope that when you become a star, you can finally let go of all this childish anger." 

"And childish ways" Jasmine muttered making Jamal chuckle and hit her arm.

Hakeem looked at them and Jasmine gave him a shrug and innocent smile before he looked back at Cookie. 

"Become? I'm already a star, Cookie" he said and walked out. 

Jasmine watched him leave and shook her head, walking out the room with everyone else. Jasmine grabbed Hakeem's arm as she caught up to them. 

"Have you seen Xavier?" she asked, and he shook his head making her throw her head back. "None of us can find him and he isn't answering his phone." 

"Ma, calm down" he said, and her heart skipped a beat as he called her that. "I'll call around to look for him." 

She nodded and took her hand off his arm a little relieved with the reassurance. 

"Thanks" she mumbled and looked behind him as there was a woman and little girl calling out to the Lyon family. 

"Hi. Hello. Hi everybody" the woman, Olivia, said as she walked up to them. She seemed familiar to Jasmine. "Long time so see. Hey Jamal" she smiled at Jamal. 

Mateo and the other sisters walked out to leave Empire when they saw what everyone else was seeing. Mateo recognized Olivia off the rip as well as the girls. 

"What is she doing here?" Carmen whispered to her sisters who shrugged.  

Jasmine was so confused. Everyone knew who the woman was but her and it was annoying. Jamal stepped up to Olivia, seeming nervous.

"What's up Olivia? What are you doing here?" He asked.  

"We heard you on the radio" she said. "Your song--they will not stop playing it and Lola knows all the words. Sing the song sweetheart" Oliva said and the little girl started singing quietly. "She wanted to meet her daddy."

Jasmine's jaw dropped as everyone else was in shock at the news. She knew her life was not okay at the moment, but this just made her a lot happier about her situation. 

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