By dreamerinmaking

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"I DO LOVE NOTHING IN THE WORLD SO MUCH AS YOU...." Their love was inevitable. Her heart belonged to him and... More

Chapter 13 (B)


82 10 18
By dreamerinmaking

" Let us begin." I spoke in a grand like way. I was really excited. I knew that David wouldn't win. But there was no harm in trying.

"I will be starting from your childhood. Is that okay?" He asked me.

"You possibly couldn't know anything about my childhood. You weren't even there. We met at the University, remember." I remind him. David and I became friends when I had moved to New York. We used to go to the same university. He doesn't know about my childhood.

"You never know what I know about you, Kate." He was smiling like a Cheshire cat. Something was up with him.

"Okay. Let us see."

"Point No.1

It happened when you were in kindergarten. You were acting all heroic and telling everyone that you could stand on the swing. So, everyone gathered around the swing to see you do it. You were a little scared, but you still went up and tried to do it. You did stand, but it was just for a second and you fell down on your face, in front of everyone. Nobody laughed when you fell, but when you got up to face them, everyone burst out with laughter. You couldn't understand, but then a friend of yours told you that you had chipped your tooth. You were looking like Bugs Bunny. Everyone, even teased you. Am I correct?"

I was taken aback. How did he know all this? Even I came to know about this from my mum.

"Hey! How did you know about that?? No one knows about that." I questioned him.

"Now that's a secret." He winked at me.

"So, now getting back to the

Point No.2

Your favorite color is BLUE. I know that many people know this, but they don't know about your obsession with it. You were in Grade 9, if I'm correct, when you started collecting everything blue. You had got your room painted blue. You even got a lamp which was blue. Your bedsheets and pillow cases were also blue. You had got a pair of blue shoes. You even got your pens and notebooks of blue color. You had even painted your dogs tail blue. Your parents were pretty pissed when they came to know about it, but they were furious when they discovered that you had painted all the roses in the backyard blue. And how could I forget the time when you poured paint inside the pool because you thought the color of the water was better that way." He laughed while telling the last part.

Yes. I was obsessed with blue back then. It's still my favorite color, but I don't do all that anymore. And, yes, I had poured paint inside my pool because I thought it would look better that way. It would look more like the deep blue ocean. Don't judge me. I was just a kid who loved the color Blue more than candy.

"I am going to carry on before you start asking questions again.

Point No.3

You had a Teddy Bear. You had got it as a birthday present when you were little. But what is important about this Teddy Bear is his name."

"David. You wouldn't."

"Hush now. Now let me tell you his name. Drum roll please."
"His name was Tony Stark. You named him from Mr. Fluffy to Tony Stark when you first watched the Iron Man series."

"David!!!!!" He was laughing so loudly that I had to put my hands on my ears.

"What?? You named it. I have a question for you. What's with your obsession with Tony Stark? I still can't understand."

"That man is a superhero. Have you ever watched him in action??? He will blow your mind away. We are talking about Robert Downey Jr. here people. He's just.... Freaking amazing."

"Aren't you just a little old for superheroes?"
"Hey. You know, I'm not that bad looking too. I mean Tony Stark is alright. I'm really good looking."
"Seriously David.
Tony is The Iron Man and well you're...." I couldn't help but laugh at him.
"You don't need to say anything. You just broke my heart." He put his hand on his heart. How dramatic??

"Okay. Enough now. Go on to the next point."

"Point No. 4

You had a High School fight. I know that everyone has them, but you really took it very seriously. It was with this girl called Tess. She used to make fun of your hair and you hated it when people spoke about your hair. One day, she closed the locker purposely on your hair and it got stuck. Well, that was a real bad move on her part. She never imagined what was coming for her. You made a paste of some sort of gooey liquid and mixed pieces of chewing gum in it. You placed that contained in the rest room and yes, as cliché as it sounds, it fell on top of her head. But this wasn't the end Ladies and Gentlemen. You even bribed her younger brother and swapped her shampoo with yellow color hair dye. You had done it with so much perfection that no one could even tell the difference. And to top it all, you made her little brother cut her bangs. He turned her bangs into chicken feather. Poor girl. You were evil, you know that."

"It was just a prank. Everyone does it. And she deserved it. She used to pick on other girls. She used to make them get her food and all that. So, whatever I did was not that wrong."

"Okay. Okay.

Point No.5

You made a spaghetti cake for me on my birthday. You used to eat a lot of spaghetti those days and just because you couldn't finish your spaghetti, you made my birthday cake out of spaghetti. What a friend you were?!!!

This is a fine example of you spaghetti phase."

"I was always a good friend. You should always try something different. And you had never tasted a spaghetti cake before."

"It tasted like any normal spaghetti."

"Fine. Now move on to the next point."

"Point No.6

You love to read. You were a big time bookworm. You used to buy so many novels that even I forgot to keep a track of them. Every time I would see you with a new book. You used to miss out parties and clubbing because you wanted to finish your stories. And when your mum had banned you from buying any more novels you came up with a trick. You used to gift novels to all your friends on their birthdays. You knew that in that ay you can borrow the books and read and your mum wouldn't say anything. Do you remember the time when we both made a castle out of your books. You had so many that the castle was pretty big." I smiled while remembering all this. I have always loved reading. I still read a lot.

"Yes. I remember. We even made toys sit inside the castle. I had gone to my neighbor's house to borrow it from the little girl."

"That was a beautiful time. We never cared about anything that time." David spoke and I could see it in his eyes that he wanted to relive all of it again.

"Now moving on.

Point No.7

You were always a Hopeless Romantic. You used to believe in all those fairy tales and the knight in shining Armour. I can never forget the Chick Flick Marathon. You made me sit with you and watch those lovey dovey movies and those typical girl drama. I started disliking the color pink cause it reminded me of all those pink girly dresses. It was torture for me."

"You don't need to worry anymore, I'm past that phase."

"You better be. I can't put up with all those movies again."

"Point No.8

Your favorite ice cream is Bavarian Chocolate.

You had bought 50 Scoops of that ice cream from Baskin Robbins and you ate it all and that too in one day. You didn't even share a single spoon with me. And the after result of this was that we had to take you for a throat checkup. You weren't allowed to speak for two weeks. That time was simply heaven for me. I was saved from your continuous blabber." I hit him on his head.

"Ouch! It's an offense to physically assault someone."

"Stop exaggerating, David."

"Point No.9

You have always wished of owning a particular dress. I remember that every Christmas you would ask Santa for it. You never asked your parents cause it was costly and you knew that they would get it for you if you asked. You just didn't want to spend their money on your wishes. I came to know about this as I had eavesdropped while you used to ask the same wish every Christmas."

"It is rude to eavesdrop."

"I know." He replied.

"Point No.10

You love mountains and far way places. If you ever get a chance to choose where you want your house to be, It will be amidst the mountains. You find it like your escape from everything. All your trouble fades away when you are there. Nobody told me about this. I noticed it. When we had gone for trekking with our friends, you were the only one who didn't complain about it. Everyone was complaining about how tiring it was and about the insects and god knows what not. But you were so busy admiring everything. You didn't care about anything. You looked calm and carefree. And at night when everyone was asleep, you were sitting by the little stream which was flowing."

"I had thought everyone was asleep." I didn't know that David had seen me there. I hadn't even made noise when I had gone to the stream.

"I couldn't sleep. And when I saw you leaving the campsite I followed you. I was sitting and watching you look at everything. You looked happy. I knew that you liked it there. I had never seen you so much at peace."

David looked straight in my eyes and spoke.

"When you saw the reflection of the sky in the water, your eyes shone like the stars. I had never seen anything as beautiful as the way you looked that night."

I looked away from him. I think David sensed the way I felt and changed the discussion.

"So, what do you think now? Have I proven myself? I have told you 10 things already and I can go on and tell you 10 more."

"You have proven your point. You win. I don't want to feel more embarrassed by the 10 more things you will tell about me."

"So this means that you are going to the charity event with me."


And David started dancing like a little kid. He was acting like he got the one true thing which he wanted.

" If anyone asks me who you are I'm definitely going to deny knowing you." I teased David.

He made a sad face.

"These puppy dog faces doesn't work on me."

"But this works."

David picked me up and started running all over the place.

"Put me down. Put me down." I screamed. "If I fall, I'm going to kill you, David."

"I will never let you fall. I will stand up with you forever. I will.." David was singing "Your Guardian Angel" loudly in my ears.

"I'm going to turn deaf. Will you shutup, David."


Thankfully, after 10 minutes of deafening singing, David put me down on the couch.

"I had Fun today." David spoke as we both lay on the couch.

"Me too."

Hello my lovely readers. Hope you enjoyed reading the chapter.

What did you think about the 10 points about Kate?? Comment and tell me all that you think.

Please ignore the grammatical errors. I will edit it later.

Thank you for reading.

Lots of Spaghetti and Bavarian Chocolate for all of you xxx

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