The Seed Of Vengeance (Gundam...

By zer0420

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Vengeances is a form of reciprocity in which each deed begets another. Each act of Vengeances is a response t... More

Chapter 1 Planted Seed
Chapter 2 Those Who Call For War
Chapter 3 Stardust Battlefield
Chapter 4 Unhealable Wounds
Chapter 5 End Of The World
Chapter 6 Land Of Confussion
Chapter 8 Blood In The Water
Chapter 9 Return To Battle
Chapter 10 Life Of A Soldier
Chapter 11 The Hidden Truth
Chapter 12 Bitter Hostilely
Chapter 13 Shadows Of War
Chapter 14 The Place of Sin
Chapter 15 Life Remaining and Life Scattered
Chapter 16 Fleeting Dream
Chapter 17 Stella
Chapter 18 World Revealed
Chapter 19 Fallen Angel
Chapter 20 Eve of Chaos
Chapter 21 Thunder In The Dark
Chapter 22 Visible Scars
Chapter 23 Hellfire of Destiny
Chapter 24 Winds Of Change
Chapter 25 Forbearance
Chapter 26 Fractured Mind
Chapter 27 Departure
Chapter 28 The Song of Truth
Chapter 29 To a New World
(Finale) Chapter 30 The Final Power
(Epilogue) To a New Tomorrow

Chapter 7 Memorial

1K 37 9
By zer0420

No one's POV

The weather had somewhat cleared when the Minerva docked at the main military base at Onogoro port. The crew; after their misadventure, acted ecstatic probably since this was their first shore leave and for some their first visit to any Earthen country.

For Athrun and Cagalli the situation was still very grim; Athrun had been unable to express what had happened, but by now there was little time left to converse on the matter. The reality was that down here on Earth he couldn't call himself former ace pilot Athrun Zala, but instead was recognized as Alex Dino; dog of the military and personal guard to Chief Representative Cagalli Yula Attha. He had no choice but to keep his distance.

Together with Captain Gladyss and the Deputy Captain Arthur they were greeted by some of the ministers from the Orb Union at the docks. Currently, within his room, Nhazul was laying on his bed, not all to pleased about being back in Orb, however it was necessary. The only other person who was just as annoyed from being here was Shinn.

However, Nhazul understood that for most of his friends visiting Earth was like a thrill and an adventure. He knew most of them had never left the PLANTs because of the economic crisis after the war and understood that many of them joined the military mostly because of the steady income and provisions as well as the traveling perk that came with it; you had a bed, a warm meal every day and traveled to places you probably wouldn't be going to on your own.

Despite this, Nhazul may understand it, but it didn't mean that he had to like it. He felt ill being around them too long and perhaps he was mopping a little too, as Lunamaria would call it. He tried to think of the forests, the fresh ocean air and the streets. He tried to think of the house he lived in and wondered if it was still there and if anything still looked like it used to; like his school or the playgrounds. Would he recognize it?

Nhazul: ...

Turning to his desk, Nhazul just looked at the picture of his family and siblings, before sighing annoyed.


It was the previous evening that Nhazul received the news with permission for disembarkment. Unlike Shinn who was adamant on not going, Nhazul was still felt hesitant on going. As he laid in his bed, he soon heard someone calling him from outside, as it was Lunamaria.

Lunamaria: Nhazul? Are you there? Nhazul?

Nhazul: ...

Lunamaria: I know you aren't sleep. Open the door.

Sighing, Nhazul proceeded to get up and open the door, being met by Lunamaria.

Nhazul: What?

Lunamaria: Are you still really just sleeping? Everyone's already disembarked.

Nhazul: Your point being?

Lunamaria just gave Nhazul a look.

Lunamaria: Stop moping around and get dressed and go. I already tried convincing Shinn, but he's too stubborn. At least you can be reasoned with.

Nhazul just sighed, walking back into this room, followed by Lunamaria, as he just sat on his bed, holding his head in his hands.

Nhazul: Look, Luna... I get it... I know you're just trying to help, but it's not that simple...I can't just go...

Lunamaria: But It might do you some good. I don't know how you or Shinn feel. My little sister is still alive... But to have a place to honor and remember them might help you in a way.

Nhazul: ...

Lunamaria: This might be your only chance to go, Nhazul.

Nhazul: ...


After being convinced by Lunamaria, Nhazul managed to muster the courage to go visit the memorial.

Dressed in his civilian clothes, Nhazul was in the process of making his way there, but in the distance, Nhazul could see Shinn walking alone.

Nhazul's thoughts: Shinn... I wonder did he go or mow...

The gaps in his memories were evident; he didn't recognize anything while heading there. He couldn't really think about anything nor notice anything going on around him. Along the way he had managed to buy some flowers; Jasmine, a favourite of his sister, Lillie.

Nobody asked him where he was going and no glances were spared probably because the closer he got to the memorial the heavier his heart seemed to grow and the more afraid he seemed to get. Visiting the memorial was like exposing himself to the spirits of the past, to show them what had become of him after all that had happened. Would his family be proud? Would they disapprove?

Nhazul didn't notice the sun going down, nor walking through the sand and off the road to the secluded beach where the memorial was standing. It was spread out along the corner area of the beach; surrounded by trees on one side and the ocean on the other. A walkway surrounded by flowers and marmer plates listing all the victims which led to a raised platform on which a monument stood; a tall pillar with the marking of a sun.

Nhazul stopped walking and looked around, hands tightly around the Jasmin flowers. There were names on the marmer plates and he wondered if Zane and Lillie's names were amongst those listed. He felt anxious being here; the trees were similar he realized, similar to those in his nightmare and suddenly he felt incredibly small, almost as if he had turned back into the boy he was back in those days.

Getting closer, Nhazul realized a person was standing off to the side near what seemed to be a tombstone. The stone was set away from the rest of the memorial; near the cliffs and the ocean and was adorned with flowers. The person next to it had not noticed his presence but when something; a mechanical bird of sorts, flew off his shoulders while making noise he looked up.

Brown hair and violet eyes met his own as he walked forward.

Nhazul: Is it a tomb?

Nhazul asked and the person in front of him turns back to the memorial instead.

???: A cenotaph it would seem. One for those whose bodies were not retrieved during the battle.

Nhazul eyed the memorial, the bodies of his siblings were never recovered either. They, like many, didn't have a final resting place. He walks forward and stands next to the person before bending down and putting down the Jasmine flowers he had bought.

???: Jasmine?

Nhazul: Yeah... My sister's favorite...


Zane: We're almost there! Come on!

The started running, faster now. As they ran, Nhazul glanced over his shoulder and saw a flying mobile suit unlike any he'd ever seen before, moving so fast, it was like a blur.

Nhazul: What is that...?

Zane: Nhazul! What are you doing?! Keep going!

Nhazul had quickly snapped back to reality, seeing Zane and Lillie were far ahead of him.

Lillie: Come on, big brother!

Nhazul: Right...!

As Nhazul quickly began to run and catch up, Nhazul had looked up in the sky, seeing two Mobile suits fighting, with one firing at a blue Mobile suit, who had avoided the shot. However, the now stray shot was heading towards Zane and Lillie. Seeing this, Nhazul's eyes widened.

Nhazul: LOOK OUT!!!!!

Not even having enough time to look back, the blast had hit the ground near Zane and Lillie, creating a large explosion. The force of the explosion threw Nhazul off his feet,soon landing on hard concrete, dazed, and struggled to his feet.

Major Todaka, of Orb's defense forces, stood at the bottom of the gangplank. He was stationed onboard the Aegis-class cruiser Tonbogiri, which was docked behind a cargo ship being used in the evacuation. The Tonbogiri was also taking on refugees, although its smaller size compared to the massive vessel meant it could take on far fewer people.

Todaka: Attend to the injured! Make sure to let them know these are refugee ships!

Todaka then looked up and quickly saw Nhazul struggling to get up, and ran towards him.

Todaka: Hey! Are you all right?

Todaka tried to help him, but Nhazul managed to get up on his own.

Todaka: This way, come on. Hurry!

Nhazul started, and looked up.

Nhazul: Big bro... Lillie...Where...?

He turned around, facing towards the slope. The top of the hill was a blasted hole. Rock and debris had covered the slope...

Nhazul: Big bro! Lillie!

Nhazul quickly ran up to the hole in the ground, however upon reaching it, he stopped dead, his blood ran cold, and an expression of horror crept onto his face. Nhazul had saw Zane's corpse on an outcropping of rock, pinned underneath a tree. The rock was stained red all around it. And below him was Lillie's Mutilated corpse, both of her legs had been blown completely off, along with severely burned.

Todaka saw what had happened, and realized what he was looking at, before turning to Nhazul. He was shaking like a violently and he collapsed to his knees in front of his sister's corpse. Tears were flowing down his face now, as he held Lillie's lifeless body, covering himself in her blood.


Nhazul: ...

???: I'm sorry for your loss...

Nhazul didn't say a word, not answering the man who was standing next to him, but speaking to himself.

Nhazul: I don't think anyone can understand what it's like to lose something cause of the ideal of others.

The man just looked a Nhazul, as he soon started to leave, unable to remain her any longer.

Nhazul: If you'll excuse me...

As he proceeded to leave, only then he notices a woman walking up to them; in her hands are flowers and she seemed to be singing to herself while walking down the path. When their eyes meet she stops singing, but before she can say anything he nods and continues along his way and doesn't stop walking until he's far away from the memorial as possible. As he continued to leave, Nhazul proceeded to think back to that day once again, thinking of the killer of his family.


Todaka: Hey...

Without warning, blur flew straight past them at low altitude, before flying into the sky. Seeing this, Todaka quickly recognized what it was.

Todaka: Freedom?

Hearing that word, Nhazul's eyes widened, looking up into the sky. His expression twisted from horror, grief, and then rage...

Nhazul: ...

Nhazul had saw it... The same mobile suit, the one he knew had destroyed his family...


Lillie: My friend at school told me. The Freedom will protect us. I believe in it like I do with Orb!


Nhazul continued to stare at it, the killer of his family.

A Black and white, Mobile suit with huge, blue wings... It's image, down to every detail he could make out in the distance, was burned into his mind, as the anguish and and unwavering rage that welled up in him overwhelmed him, and he screamed it's name, cursing it.

Nhazul: FREEDOMMMMMM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Tears soon started streaming down Nhazul's face, as he clinched his fists tightly, his sadness, now being turned into rage.

Nhazul's thoughts: I swear... One day, I will find it... And when I do, I will kill the Freedom and it's pilot...!

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