Between Beaters (F. & G. Weas...

By Prettymama29

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Second book to Imposter More

Chapter II: Carriages and Facts
Chapter III: Helga Jenkins
Chapter IV: Ruin the Fun
Chapter V: The Grey Lady
Chapter VI: Imposter POV
Chapter VII: Nothing but a Lie
Chapter VIII: Hedgehogs and Eye Candy
Chapter IX: Rules Smules
Chapter X: Task One
Chapter XI: Dates and Clues
Chapter XII: Alice in Wonderland
Chapter XIII: Dating Alternatives
Chapter XIV: Calchas
Chapter XV: Yule Ball
Chapter XVI: The Ring

Chapter I: In the Beginning

664 17 5
By Prettymama29

Different. Everyone was different, right? Even identical twins are different....then why do people treat you off for showing your differences?

Blair Willard has always embraced her differences. She wore rings on most of her fingers. Didn't plaster her face in makeup unless it wad eyeliner or a special occasion. And definitely didn’t bite her tongue to hold back insults or curses.

She was unique in her own way.

Not to mention having three fathers.

Yeah, that part got most people. But she didn’t care what anybody said. She loved her family. She would kill for her family. She was always taught at a young age, nothing lasts forever and that includes having family.

Going to Beauxbatons Academy for Magic meant a lot of stares and a lot of people talking behind her back. But Blair did have one friend.

Terrance Readings.

Another unique soul that attended the 'proper' crowd. Terrance, or Terry to Blair, embraced his differences. Didn't care when people would call him a fag or told him his mother wouldn't be happy with him. He had Blair and her rather large family, and that's all he needed.

"Did you know a chef's hat is just a way to brag about the many ways they can cook an egg?" Terry questioned as he sat next to Blair at dinner. It was only a few weeks into the school year and the two rarely left each others sides.

"I can only make scrambled." Blair muttered as she pushed her carrots around on her plate. Terry shook his head letting a small laugh out.

"Well, you don't really get the opportunity to learn new ways with all of your parents. Papi Pads is always cooking something up." Blair bleched at the small flirt towards her father, rolling her eyes before sending a playful glare towards her best friend.

"Better than you trying to cook. Need I remind you of the cake fiasco?" Terry frowned as he turned his own glare onto the girl.

"I was trying to be nice! It wasn't my fault I couldn't find the sugar! Prongs puts everything in the weirdest of places." He mumbled before shoving a forkful of mashed potatoes into his mouth.

Blair laughed at him as he choked a bit on the oversized bite he took. Pushing his goblet of mango juice towards him.

"You used a whole bag of flour in its place. I don't think the Sahara Desert is that dry." She said once he quit coughing.

"Well next time I won't try to bake you a cake for your birthday." He huffed after placing his juice down. People were glancing over at them for his coughing episode. Grimacing at his stare back.

"I'd appreciate that, truly." Blair joked in all seriousness. Her fingers rolling a ring on her thumb that looked like arms hugging her.

"So rude." Terry muttered before pushing his plate away from him. "Do you think we'll get to go to this tournament thing? I hear its being hosted at Hogwarts this year." He thought outloud. Blair glanced up at him.

"You have a chance, you turn seventeen soon. Me? I'll be there as support if you want. If mum allows me to go in the first place." She sighed. Terry frowned, looking at his best friend.

"She still giving you a hard time? It's not like you'd be in danger. I heard Hogwarts is really safe. The great Albus Dumbledore makes sure of it." He pointed out. Blair shrugged.

"I don't know why she's so anal over it. All of them went there when they were my age." Blair kept rolling her thumb ring before letting out a dry laugh. "She met all my dads there- maybe she doesn't want to chance me meeting mister right." She joked. Terry snorted, shaking his head.

"Mister right? For you? I didn't know he existed!" Blair turned towards him before shoving him out of his seat and to the floor with a loud thud.

"Miss Willard! Mr Readings!! Do we need a repeat lesson in etiquette?" Madam Loretta scolded as she made her way to them. Terry got up swiftly, dusting his blue silk uniform clean.

"Definitely not, Madam Lori." Blair told her with a grin that coulld rival her fathers. "Terrance here was just over the moon with how clean these floors are! Did the House elves use a new spic n span?" She questioned with the most serious thoughtful look. Madam Loretta narrowed her eyes at Blair.

"Madam Maxime would like to see you in her office, Miss Willard." She told her in a snappy tone before looking to Terry. "Mister Readings, please keep off the floor. You'll leave marks." With that she left the two.

A moment after the teacher had disappeared and Blair and Terry were both cracking up.

"What the bloody hell is spic n span??" He laughed, utterly amused.

Blair made her way into the main building where the collège studied their courses. That was something Blair always disliked. The school of Beauxbatons didn't do houses for their students. They had two diifferent buildings. One for the collège, the younnger students who mostly studied general knowledge like etiquette. And then there was the lycée, where the older half would focus more on survival in the real world.

Blair was a lycée, being at the age of sixteen. Her seventeenth wasn't until the summer, which she couldn't wait for since she just wanted to zap her room clean instead of acting like a muggle for the day.

"Ah, Miss 'illard." Madam Maxime greeted with a pinched expression.

The tall woman was easier to get along with than most of the staff, but she still was incredibly posh, whi h Blair didn't care for.

"I 'ish to discuss the Tournament 'ith you. Please, 'ave a seat."

Blair nodded, holding in her cringe at the thick accent. Something she was happy she never got since living with three British men and an American.

"I understand I won't be old enough to enter, but I did want to request the option of attending. I think Terrance is wishing to enter it." Blair spoke in her well taught etiquette, something that two of her fathers always joked about.

"Oh no, you vill not be attending for Mister Readings support alone.  I believe you vill be perfect for support of your 'hole school." Blair stared at her headmistress in shock.

"I'm sorry, but I don't think you realize how much this school hates me, Madam. Terrance is the only one to accept me for me." Blair reminded her. Madam Maxime shook her head at the student.

"You must accept the school just as much as they need to accept you. 'Tis is a two 'ay street." Blair snorted at the idea along with the phrase that the woman had picked up from her, herself. Blair was known for her silly phrases as Terrance was known for his fun facts.

"So what? You want me to attend as the school cheerleader? Should I work on a nice routine?" Blair didn't like being told it was her fault just as much as the schools for how she was treated there. It wasn't fair.

"Please behave, Miss 'illard. I've 'orked very 'ard to get your mother to agree to let you go." This got Blairs' attention. How on earth did this lady woo her mother? The only people that could were her fathers, sometimes at that.

"Well? What's the bargin you've made? Surely you've sold your soul for this." Blair wished she could bite her tongue after receiving a look from the giant.

"She 'ishes to attend as vell. As a supervisor."

A/N: a simple start I believe.

What do we think of Blair so far?

Do we like Terry?? (Btw he looks like this in my head:

And don't worry, this willl not truly follow Goblet of Fire. You know, since Voldy is dead and all.

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