Ninjago- "An ending is really...


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Hi guys! This is my first time actually writing a book and publishing it! So this story takes place after cry... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25- Part 1
Chapter 25-PART 2
Book Update 2!!
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Hiya guys!(sorry just a book update)
Chapter 28
Chapter 29-PART ONE
Chapter 29- PART 2
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40- PART 1
Chapter 40 Part 2
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46

Chapter 19

945 28 98

Lloyd's POV

Harumi lunged towards me, an enraged look on her face.

If I didn't know what she was about to do, she would have almost instantly pinned me to the floor. But, being a Ninja, I have my ways.

The second she put her hands on my shoulders, I side-stepped, grabbing her hands, and pinned her to the wall.

She tried to pull her hands away but I locked them with mine tightly.

"Please Rumi," I begged gently," Just—hear me out."

Her eyes flared as she struggled with my grip," Don't 'please Rumi' me! I can't believe you!"

She switched our places, and I was the one being pinned on the wall now, as she glared daggers at me. Her legs pressed onto mine, her forearm under my chin. But her right hand was still locked onto mine. It was terrifying.

"Why, Lloyd?", she said angrily at me," What are you hiding?"

"I'm not hiding anything, I promise!", I said frantically," Just hear me out—that's all I'm asking."

She narrowed her eyes, then, with a heavy sigh, she let me go.

"The others are waiting", she mumbled, not looking at me,"You can explain later—after training."

"Rumi..."I said, slowly reaching toward her hand, but she pulled away.

"Stop", she snapped,"Save it for someone who cares", was all she said, then running away.

I stood , frozen, as the flashback played in my head.

You were right, Harumi said, This isn't me.

Stop, I said, crossing my arms as I stared at her coldly, Save it for someone who cares.

Her face twisted into a torn and broken expression, but I stood there, not taking anything back from what I just said.

I switched to the present, and it clicked.

Rumi felt—betrayed. By me. After everything we've been through, I still lied to her.

But you were just trying to protect her!, a voice in my head screamed, And the others! You love her—and you don't want her in danger's way! Is that wrong?

I shook myself from my thoughts, running towards the courtyard. Darn it—I messed everything up now.

As I entered the courtyard, the others were just stretching and warming up for the session.

"Finally!", Kai said, coming over to me,"What took you so long?"

I didn't answer, but just looked over Harumi, who leaned sideways on a pillar, her face dull.

Kai followed my gaze and then looked back to me, his face instantly looking worried.

"What happened?", he whispered to me.

"Nothing", I mumbled, fidgeting with my sword handle.

There was a mild silence between us, till Kai asked the most ridiculous question.

"Did you...ask her out?",Kai asked, his face serious.

"What?No!", I said, shocked,"Why would I do that?"

His face looked unamused,"Because you like her—that's why."

I lowered my head to the floor.

Kai put his hand on my shoulder,"Hey, it's okay. Whatever it is—just talk about it. I promise I won't judge."

I looked up, patting his hand which was on my shoulder,"I know—We'll talk about it later, just...not right now"my voice slipped into a whisper.

Kai turned to glance at Harumi who now had a pained expression on her face. My chest tightened. Kai looked back at me in a grim face, his expression unreadable.

"Are we all ready to start the lesson?", Master Wu says, making all of us stand upright.

"Yes Master,"We replied, and he smiled in approval.

"Very well", he said,"then let us commence with the training session."

"What are we doing today, Sensei?", Zane asked curiously.

Master Wu chuckled,"We are going to be doing a rather—familiar training today—but with a little changes.

" But what's the surprise, then?", Nya asked curiously.

Master Wu inclined his head, a smirk forming on his lips, and turned his head towards Harumi, who was leaning beside the pillar, trying not to attract any attention towards her, but it hardly worked—she looked...amazing.

Regardless of us being mad at each other many times before, I never seemed to get it out of my head how beautiful she looked; evil or not—she always looked radiant. I just ignored those thoughts whenever I was in battle with her, but now...

It felt hard to avoid it—especially since she was good now. But this time, I was the liar. I let her down—and I don't blame her for being mad at me about it.

I wish I could just hug her right now.

I watched her as she made her way next to Master Wu, her hair swishing from side to side from the blowing wind, her eyes only slightly closed. She took a deep breath, and faced us.

She caught my eye, and our eyes locked for what seemed a long time, but she broke contact, looking down at the floor. Nya looked at me, her eyes questioning, but I pretended like nothing happened.

"To prove whether you can still be a team,"Master Wu continued," Let us see whether you can—face your former enemy."

Our eyes widened. This was unexpected.

"F-fight her?", I asked uncertainty,"But—"

"We can't fight her!", Jay protested,"She's...well...our friend."

Harumi smiled at Jay and he smiled back kindly. To my surprise, I felt an unexpected twist of envy inside of me.

"Is she now?", Master Wu said in a mildly taunting voice,"Or is it are afraid to face someone much stronger than you?"

The others looked at each other, and burst out laughing.

"Pffft", Cole said.

"Yeah, real funny Master", Kai laughed.

Harumi raised her eyebrow.

I didn't react, because I knew her fighting skills better than anyone. She was, by far, the most remarkable fighter I've ever faced. She would even out win me—but not if I could help it.

"Then,"Master Wu said smugly,"Let us begin:one to one—hmm?"

The others had determined looks on their faces, and Nya flexed, charging her hands with swirls of water playfully.

"Oh", Master Wu said,"Nya--Lloyd--no powers, or spinjitzu."

Nya groaned.  I sighed, half-expecting this to happen--Now this was going to be especially hard.

"Kai, since you look ready, I think you should start first", Master Wu said simply, gripping his teapot and sitting down on the steps.

Kai's eyes widened, but, being the idiot instead of running away, he cracked his knuckles, smirking. He pulled out his katanas, and Master Wu tossed a sword towards Harumi, who caught it deftly.

"Harumi", Master Wu said,"Show his some humility, if you can."

We chuckled quietly, but Kai glared over his shoulder, forcing us to shut up.

Harumi and Kai circled each other, and Harumi signaled him to charge forward first, like the 'modest' lady she is, but she's anything but that. Kai shouted a battle cry, charging toward Harumi, and though I knew she could handle herself, I had to clench my fists and bite my lip down hard, as I fought the urge to stop Kai from charging towards her.

Harumi merely smiled, sidestepping Kai's advance, making him land face-first into the floor. Ouch. We all groaned in sympathy.

He jumped up, a rather annoyed look on his face now, and he clashed swords with Harumi. She was much stronger though. She shoved his force against her, making Kai's grip on his katanas slip, and one of his swords scattered further away from him. He looked back at it.

"Now we're even", Harumi said, smirking.

Harumi leaped, clashing swords with a shocked-looking Kai, She swirled her sword, and Kai barely dodged her attacks. He tried to aim a kick, but she dodged it and crouched, using her right leg and swiped, locking her leg with both of his. He fell again, poor guy, face-first, towards the floor, and he groaned.

The others looked at Kai who was sprawled in the floor, in utter shock. I looked at Harumi, a lopsided smile in my lips,"Impressive."

She smiled at me, but it quickly faded, and she turned away from me, looking at Master Wu, who had an amused look on his face.

"Well done Harumi", he congratulated,"Hopefully that will teach you some manners ,Kai". Master Wu knocked his staff on the top of Kai's head, smiling as Kai yelled in protest.

"Now,"Master Wu said, a terrifying glint in his eyes,"It's your turn...Jay."

Just like Kai, Jay collapsed just as fast. So did Cole, Zane—and though Nya did have a good start at the beginning, she ended up weaponless and got distracted, and Harumi finally got the upper hand. So that just left...

"Lloyd", Master Wu called,"Let's see what you've learned from your friends, hmm?", he asks, smirking.

I keep a neutral expression, turning my blade around my fingers, trying to avoid the feeling of dread as I approached Harumi. Ever since the defeat of the Crystal King, we both never faced each other in combat after that whole fiasco—as we both were in the process of reconciling each other.

Though we were still working on that, I couldn't help but feel hesitant to face my former opponent—stare at her like a target. Because she was never a target to me. That's why I always lost every single fight I've ever fought with her; I couldn't separate those feelings I had for her whenever I saw her. And I still can't.

To my surprise, she seemed to be as reluctant as me. She shuffled a bit, her teeth biting on her lip.

As we circled each other, I mouthed at her,"Are you okay?"

Her eyes widened, her face dusted with—pink?

But she steeled her jaw, getting ready into her fight stance. Of course, she's probably gonna juice out all the anger she has on me because I lied to her—perfect. Just perfect.

She yelled a very real enraged cry, surging towards me. I blocked her attack, grabbing her sword hand, and she struggled, her teeth gritting.

"Rumi", I whispered,"I know you're—

She pushed me roughly, leaping upwards, her sword in a strike hold, I deftly dodged, sidestepping her, making sure I didn't injure her in anyway. She sent a light kick to my chest that seemed half-hearted, and our swords clashed. We both locked eyes, and, she softened.

I faltered, my grip on my sword loosening, she smirked, grabbing my wrist and pinning me to the floor, I tried to jump back up, but, she placed her leg on my back, not letting me move. Just when I was at the brink of giving up, an idea occurred to me. I clenched my fists, pushing the force to my legs, quickly shoving her off of me. She grunted as I heard her fall over. I jumped back up, looking over if she was alright. She staggered, her hand to her side. My eyes widened.

"Harumi!" I yelled, rushing towards her, catching her before she fell back to the ground. I put two fingers on her neck, to check if her pulse was steady, but I felt her hand lock onto my wrist. Before I knew it, she threw me above her shoulder, judo-flipping me hard onto the pavement. I was completely in shock, but I saw her smiling, holding out my sword to my throat, a victorious smile plastered on her face.

"I win", she said, smiling tightly, as if she was in pain. My brows furrowed, and I saw that her back was arched, her other hand twitching as if to hold her side. She was actually hurt. Though, she tried not to show it, she was hurt—pretty badly.

I managed a smile,"Yup, you win."

She holds hand towards me, and, though I accepted her hand, I didn't want her to tire herself by lifting my weight. I used one hand to push myself off the floor, dusting my gi.

I didn't realize that the others were still watching, their faces looking...oh gosh.Smug.

Boy, was I in for something.

Harumi seemed to notice the looks on their faces, because she gave me a questioning look, I shrugged, scratching the back of my head. Master Wu tapped his staff twice onto the floor, instantly grabbing our attention.

"Well done, the two of you", Master Wu said,"Lloyd was better than the rest of you—but—we must work on yourself being focused, Lloyd."

The others snickered.

"That's gonna be a problem", Cole snickered.

I looked at them behind my shoulder, glaring at them, they immediately quieted down. Harumi, who stood beside me, eyed me, asking silent questions, but, since they were, thankfully silent, I didn't have to answer.

"But the two of you", Master Wu continued to me and Rumi," It's like you know what the other is about to do next! Fascinating! Both synchronised, just as graceful as the other, and your fighting techniques are remarkably similar! I am very happy with your progress. Harumi, consider yourself a very talented pupil of mine, from now on."

Her glittering eyes widened, and she smiled.

"Of course Master Wu", she said calmly,"I would be honored." She bowed respectfully, and Master Wu made his way back to the monastery.

Just as he slid the doors closed, I looked at Harumi.

"Well?", I said,"Does that mean that you're part of our team?"I asked hopefully, but her reaction disappointed me.

Harumi stared at me, a frown depending in her face. I mentally slapped myself for asking that out loud.

"Not likely", she mumbled, walking away. I stared back after her, the others remained silent. Harumi slid the door shut behind her.

I felt a tight grip on my shoulder.

"Well?", Kai urged me,"What are you waiting for?Go after her!"

I looked at him, and his face was serious. I nodded, running back inside the monastery. In record time, I found her in the kitchen, trying to reach for a pack of ice from the freezer without stretching her side. I squinted in sympathy.

Cautiously, I trudged toward the kitchen, making my way behind her.

"Harumi?", I called, and she jumped, almost falling to the floor. I gripped her arm, steadying her, and she let out a huff of air, and I caught a whiff of fresh mint. Reminded me of Pillow mint.

She put a hand on her chest,"Don't sneak up on me like that again."

"I wasn't sneaking", I assured her, grabbing the ice for her,"I'm a ninja, remember?"

I handed her the ice, but she stared at my hand.

Finally, she took it reluctantly.

"Thanks", she muttered.

"Where does it hurt?", I ask, just to make sure if I'm right about her being in pain.

She stared at me for a moment, before pointing at her side,"Just around here—nothing too serious."

I shook my head,"At least let me help you."

Her eyes widened,"No! You don't have to do that! I am fully capable of treating myself."

"I didn't say you weren't capable, Rumi"I said slowly,"I just want to help."

Harumi looked down at the ice, and then back to me, slowly nodding, and I smiled gently.

We went to her room, and she sat on the edge of the bed, and, sitting on my knees, I placed myself infront of her, exchanging a wary smile with her. She fidgeted nervously, and I tilted my head.

"If you're not comfortable...I can always call Nya", I said gently,"Im not forcing you Rumi—I just want you feel better."

She looked at me, taking a deep breath,"No,"she sighed,"Id rather it be you", she says quietly. My heart hammered through my chest.

And, without another word, she slightly lifted up the hem of her shirt, and all I cared about was the long dark red gash cut on her side. I couldn't hold my gasp. My hands twitched towards the wound, and I looked up at her in shock, but she had a rather calm look on her face.

"Rumi Im so sorry", I whispered, but she just smiled, shaking her head.

"Don't apologize", she said,"It was just training—you didn't really mean to hurt me."

I grabbed the first-aid kit from the storage cupboards, taking out a gauze. I cleaned the wound with ice first though, just to take away any risks of infection. She winced ever so slightly, and gripped the bedsheet. I squinted in sympathy.

"Sorry", I said,"Ill try not to make this hurt any more than it already is, okay?"

She nodded, looking up at the ceiling as if to distract herself. I went back to cleaning her wound, my thumb just barely grazing her abdomen. I shivered, focusing on the task at hand.

I then wrapped the gauze around her side nice and tight.

"Good news!", I said, clapping my hands together as I finished up," That is gonna heal in less than 24 hours, so don't worry." I smiled, but she just looked at me, her face deep in thought.

As I stood up and tried to leave, she quickly gripped my hand. I looked at our hands in mild surprise, and then back at Harumi, who had a solemn expression plastered on her face.

"Lloyd", she said,"I-- just wanted to say thanks."

I smirked, tilting my head,"For cleaning a wound I gave you?"

She didn't speak, but only gripped my hand tighter.

"Can now?", she asked quietly, her eyes peering into mine.

I blinked.

"Please?", she whispered,"I still want to hear what you want to say." She said, standing up from the bed, our bodies closely pressed. I stared at her eyes, and, without any second thoughts, I nodded.

She smiled, and pulled me in a hug, which I gladly accepted.

"Rumi", I started,"Im so—"

"I know", she said, her hand fiddling with the tufts of my hair,"I'm sorry too."

I buried my head on her shoulder, drowning in the scent of her.

I was going to tell her—tell all of them—about the mysterious caller—

And how it may help with our mission.

A/N-HAAAPYYYYY WEDNESDAY GUYSSSSS!!! Chapter 19 already, woo! How time flies, and how rushed does my writing feel XDD. Anyway hope you guys liked it!! Let me know what you all think! So is Lloyd really gonna tell everyone about this sketchy, mysterious 'friend' of his? What do you think would Rumi's reaction would be hearing all of this? Welp, you guys have to find out in the next chapter!!!! Im having a busy week, and rn im sick as hell, a sore throat and blocked ears which feel like im hearing things underwater XD. Anywayys NOTHING is gonna stop me from updating so heads up this week or at the weekend, as ill be updating soon!!! Hope you guys are doing good!! Well, gosh, It's almost 2:00AM that I'm writing this soooo i gotta go get some shut-eye! Adios, compadres!!!(i think that's how you spell it idk byeeeee!!!)

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