Yandere Female Various X Male...

Af MegaAuthor

6.7K 112 62

Requests are open 1/9/2023 Mere

Poll for first One-shot
The Desolation Sneak Peak
The Desolation
Bully Yang x Springlocked Male Reader
Blake X Cheating (Framed) Male Reader
Cheater Weiss X Dead Male Warrior Reader

Yandere Cheater Girlfriend x Male Reader

2.1K 29 32
Af MegaAuthor


It was night. Cars were returning home from work. Fathers go a greet their children and wives. Others go out to eat. And some, go home to bad news.

Y/n: I really hope she likes it...

Y/n l/n was driving home in his car as on the passenger seat, he had a gift. A gift for his girlfriend. The one planned to marry soon, but the time was yet to come.

He pulled up to his parking spot and began to walk towards the front door of his house. He took out his key and opened.

Y/n: Laila! I'm home!

No response.

Y/n: Huh, that's weird, she usually comes and greet me.

He put his bags down and began to search for his beloved. He checked the first floor. She wasn't in the kitchen nor the living room watching Tv.

He goes up stairs but a faint clapping noise was could be heard.

Y/n picked up quickly as his heart started to race. Moans got louder. He recognized the voice of the origin.

He reached his room as to where the noises originated. He leaned a little bit to see what was going to only to see...


On her knees...

With a guy behind her.

Y/n gasped, his eyes widened at the scene in front of him. Tears staring to form.

Laila's eyes landed on his shocked face.

Laila: Daniel! Look who finally came!

The guy who was inside her changed his sight to him. A sinister smile crept into his face.

Y/n couldn't say anything. He was too stunned to move. He didn't want this to be reality.

Laila: Aw~Are you gonna cry?

Daniel laughed as he began to move once again.

Laila: Ahh~

She moaned as she knew she was being watched. She didn't care.

Y/n's heart shattered into pieces. He ran away. He went down stairs as the haunting noises of clapping and moans filled his ears.

He was about to open the door to leave until his eyes landed on his gift.

He took it out of the bag and placed it on the counter.

And with that he left.

He started his car and began to drive. He took out his phone while his eyes were red from crying.

He dialed his parents phone number. He placed the phone on his ear and waited.

Dad: Hello?

Y/n: D-dad?

Dad: Hey, hey. What happened? You sound like you're crying!

Y/n: It's Laila...

Dad: What happened? Did she die or something?

Y/n: I wish... she cheated on me...

Dad: Ohhhh... how- how did you find out?

Y/n: Walked in on her while she was having sex with another guy... she didn't even care...

Dad: Damn...

Y/n: Hey uh... can I stay there for a few days?

Dad: Sure champ... we'll be waiting for you here.

Y/n: thanks dad...

He hanged up and made way to his parents house.

8 Years Later.

Why did I do it? I had it all... I had everything that needed... so why? Why did I abandon him?

As of now, Laila could be seen laying on a messy bed with brown stains. She had red eyes, she apparently was crying.

In eight years, Laila married Daniel hoping for a better life than what she had with y/n, not knowing what was to come. She moved in with Daniel and lived with him.

Daniel became abusive and an alcoholic. She had bruises all over her arms and wouldn't leave the house due to the fear of people seeing them.

Daniel lost his looks, his muscles, and dignity. He became an ugly bastard.

Laila was on their bed with what appeared to be a ring. A ring with the name "Laila" written on it in cursive. She held it dear to her heart. She kept it hidden form Daniel in fear of losing the only thing she had of y/n.

Daniel: Laila!

The voice of Daniel from the living room could be heard.

Daniel: Laila im hungry! Make me some food!

Laila sighed as she cleaned her tears and walked towards the kitchen.

She opened the fridge to see beer bottles and empty cans. She grabbed the mustards and mayonnaise and closed it.

She grabbed sandwich bread and made two sandwiches. She put them on a plate and served it to Daniel.

Daniel: What took you so long you bitch?!

Laila: I'm sorry, there-

She was interrupted as she felt a burn in her cheek and she was facing to her right.

Daniel: I don't care for your excuses! Just hurry up will ya?! Jeez... I don't know why I even married you, you piece of shit...

He said the last part through his teeth but was loud enough for her to hear.

Laila: I wish I never followed you into that room...

Daniel: The fuck was that?!

Her stomach sunk as she slowly turned around.

Laila: N-nothing!

Daniel: I'm tired of your shit...

He pulled his belt off his pants and made way to Laila. She was swallows in fear as she backed away.

After a few belt strikes, she was covered in bruises, she looked worse than an 1800 American slave.


She looked in front of her to see the ring she held so precious on the floor, out of her grasp.

Daniel: The fucks that?

Laila: N-no wait please!

Daniel picked it up and inspected and saw the words-

Laila & Y/n

Daniel: Are you cheating on me?!

Laila: No- I swear I'm not-

Daniel: Y/n... isn't that the name of that bastard of yours?

Laila kept quiet but tears were threatening to fall.

Daniel scoffed and went towards the kitchen and opened a drawer. Nervousness was building up in Laila as she observed what her husband was doing.

Daniel turned around and a hammer was in his hand. He placed the ring on the table and lifted the hammer.

Laila: STOP WAIT-!

Too late.

The hammer made its way down as the loud sound of the impact was heard. The ring was smashed to pieces and the precious jewel was destroyed.

It was breaking point. Laila burst into tears as she saw the last thing she had of y/n being destroyed in front of her.

Daniel: clean up the mess...

He walked away and sat on the couch as Laila was on the floor crying her heart out.

She grabbed the little piece of ring that she found. She saw as it read "-Y/n" and held it close to her chest.


She looked up, she saw the knife in the counter. She stood up and grabbed it and snuck behind Daniel.

Daniel: Hey Laila! What's for dinner?

Laila: Justice...


Y/n: Dad I don't know how to repay you, thanks for everything...

Dad: No problem son! Whenever you need something just ask your old man!

Y/n: Ha! I'll have that in mind!

After the betrayal of Laila, y/n went to his parent's house for a few months before he got back on track and get himself back together.

Maya: Honey! We are ready! Are you coming?!


Y/n: Be there in a minute!

Oh yeah, he also met maya. A white haired woman who was loyal to the death. She met him a year after he got on his new job as a building designer. He had a 3 year old son who's name was Micheal.

Micheal: Come on daddy!


Dad: Go son, they are waiting for you.

Y/n: Thank you...

He turned around and made way for his car. Until he felt a grip on his arm.

Dad: Son, I just want to say... that I'm proud of you... I will always love you no matter what.

Y/n: Thanks dad...

The car horn beeped as maya was in the passenger seat looking at him with impatient eyes.

Dad: Go, your family is waiting for you...

Y/n: alright, I'll cal you when we get there!

Mom: Bye!

Micheal: Bye grandma! Bye grandpa!

The car started moving and y/n and his newfound family went on their way to their new home.


Blood was splattered on the floor as the cadaver of Daniel with a split open gut laid on the floor.

Laila stared at it with a happy smile.

Laila: I killed him... I killed him! You see that y/n? I killed him for you...

Her soft yet raspy voice sounded as her face was covered in blood.

Then her laughter changed slowly to sorrow.

Her laugh to tears.

She fell on the couch and started bawling her eyes out.

Beep Beep

Her ears perked up as she heard a moving truck outside.

She stood up and opened the curtains slightly to see a moving truck with a car behind it.

Laila: We're getting new neighbors?

She saw a man step out of the car but a sense of familiarity took over.

That's when it hit her.


Y/n looked at his new house in which he would settle with his family for the rest of his life, and smiled.

Maya came and hugged him from behind as Micheal ran to the door with his little feet.

Maya: This is where our children will be raised...

Y/n chuckles.

Y/n: And be grandparents and if it's god's will... great grandparents~

Maya and y/n kiss each other passionately as they embrace in each others arms.

Micheal: Ew!

The separate to see Micheal in front of them with a disgusted face and with his tongue out. Y/n chuckled as an idea came to mind.

Y/n: Hey champ.

Micheal: What is it daddy?

Y/n: Hey comes the tickle monster!

Micheal screamed and began running away as y/n gave chase. Maya giggles at their interaction.

Maya: I still wonder why I fell in love with you...

She laughed and followed her husband and child in the house.


Y/n: Alright then! Time to go bed!

Micheal: But daddy! I'm not tired!

He pouted and yawned after.

Y/n: sure you are, come on boy.

He carried his son and headed upstairs to which his room was located.

He put him in, tucked him, kissed him goodnight and left.

He returned to the couch in which his wife Maya was sitting on.

Maya: Finally, some time for ourselves~

Y/n: You're god damn right~

He climbed on the couch and kissed her, Maya kissed back.

They laid down as their kissing session turned into a make out.

Maya wrapped her legs around y/n's torso as he pulled back.

Y/n: Oh naughty girl~

Maya: Punish me~

The couple shared a kisses and even went beyond and to an activity couples do.

Y/n: I love you maya...

Maya: I love you...


Y/n laid on his bed while his arms were wrapped around his sleeping wife who had her head on his chest.

He smiled.

He never thought he could recover from what his ex did to him. His trust was shattered. But then came Maya. They talked and later went on to dates, and now they are married with a happy life. He got a well paying job to support his family and more. He got the life he never thought he'd get.

He closed his eyes as he slowly drifted away.


Muffled noises ringed on his ears. He tried to open his eyes but muscle pain came in.

He opened his eyes to see darkness. It was pitch black except the light that was shining on top of him.

Y/n: Hello?

He realized he was tied up in ropes.

Faint footsteps could be heard in the darkness. This alerted him.

Y/n: Hello?! I know you're there! What do you want?!

???: what do I want?

The voice of a woman responded.

???: I only want you that's all!

The woman came out of the shadows as she was in dirty clothes.

Y/n: Who are you?! What do you want with me?!

???: Y-you don't r-remember?

Y/n: What the hell am I supposed to remember?!

???: y/n... it's me!

Y/n: How do you know my name?!

???: Y/n It's me! Laila!

Y/n: L-Laila?

Laila: Yes, yes! It's me darling!

Y/n: Don't you dare... call me that...

Laila: But why? We belong together! I would kill for you!

Y/n: You betrayed me! You left me! You cheated on me!

Laila: I know! And it was a stupid mistake! Please! Take me back... I promise I won't leave you...

Y/n stared with angry eyes at the person in front of him. His expression never changing. In the end he chuckled.

Y/n: funny... it's funny that that's the same promise you made before I found you with another guy... tell me, where is he? Did he treat you right? Did he care for you? Did he love you?!

Laila stood there listening to what he said as tears formed in her eyes.

Laila: No...he never loved me. I ended marrying him. I know I was a bitch to you but please forgive me!

Y/n: Why should I? You have a husband don't you?

Laila: Had.

Y/n: had? Did you divorce him?

Laila: I did! But only after he destroyed the last thing I had of you...

Y/n: What last thing...

Laila: Your gift... you do remember right?!

She sounded desperate at the last question.

Y/n: The ring...

Laila: Yes! You do remember! But that doesn't matter, we can finally be together again after all these years!

Y/n looked at her closely as he noticed red stains on her clothes and the insane look on her face.

Y/n: oh god... you killed him...

Laila: Yes I did! I'm sorry you couldn't do it yourself, but are you happy he's dead?

Her cheerful tone only sparked a tint of fear in him.

Y/n: Where's my family? Where are they?!

Laila: Oh that doesn't matter now... I finally have you back~


Laila: Screaming won't help you... just know that I took care of them~

She laughed insanely as fear was evident on his eyes.

Y/n: What did you do...?

Laila: They're still alive, barely. Disobey and they die. Got that darling~

Y/n stayed silent as he went through his options.

He couldn't fight back. Even though he was stronger than her, the ropes tied around him didn't help.

He couldn't refuse because his family would die.

Y/n: Fine...

Laila: Great!!

She hugged him and kissed him all over.

Laila: Mm~ hood to have you in my arms again~

A/n: Here's the one-shot. Next chapter will come as soon as I start. Here's a Tatsumaki drawing for you horny bastards :P

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