The Green Girl

By caitygotwords

460 8 14

BOOK TWO OF THE "BROKEN" SERIES (previously "Peppy With A Side Of Pockies") Myraliz-Cedar Tanaka is well-know... More



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By caitygotwords

"True love stories never have endings." ~ Richard Bach

"You keep staring at me. I was wondering if there was something on my face."

"you're dating someone?!" Novil questions as soon as MC walks into class on Thursday.

MC raises an eyebrow. "Huh?" She thinks back to last Saturday. "Oh, Zeus? Nah, we're just friends."

Novil shoves his phone in her vision, filling her eyes with the sight of a trending Twitter post showing the two of them together during the tea party. Zeus is blushing while MC wipes his mouth of frosting from the cupcakes that Tallulah had made for them. She looks closer to see the handle and caption.

my little nephew and his new friend are so cute!"

It reads. MC isn't surprised at the post since Tallulah had asked her if it was okay for her to post it. MC didn't see a problem with the picture-- she actually put it as a widget on her phone-- and is prepared to deal with the dating allegations. She didn't think that the Tweet would get over 3 million likes, though.

"Yeah, like I said, just friends."

"That doesn't look like something friends would do, MC."

"Mercedes did that to you the other day, Novil. You eat burgers like a savage."

Novil rolls his eyes. "Mercedes and I are both hella gay, sis. Us doing stuff like that means literally nothing."

"My mom cleans my mouth all the time, does that mean she's dating me?" MC argues.

"Oh, so you wanna be Zeus' mommy, huh?" He teases.

MC blushes hard. She settles into her seat and pulls out her sketchbook. I knew that argument wasn't gonna work.

Novil notices her discomfort. "I'm just teasin', babe. A girl and a guy can easily be friends, no problem."

MC looks up at him with her typical puppy-dog eyes. Unlike when she usually uses them, this one isn't to get what she wants. This one is full of doubt. "Should I stop being friends with Zeus? Would it cause less drama if I did?"

Novil shakes his head. "Hell no, girl! I was honestly just joking. If you don't like Zeus like that, then that's all that matters."

MC bites her lip.

Novil narrows his eyes at that. "Do you like Zeus?"

MC blushes so much that it reaches her ears. "No...?"

Novil gasps theatrically. Just at that moment, his sister and Mercedes decide to walk in.

"What now, drama king?" Mercedes questions.

Novil glances at MC, who's giving him a pleading look. He sighs slightly and turns back to them. "I forgot my pencil pouch at home. Now I'll have to go to the school store and pay like ten dollars for a pack of only four pencils." He gripes. It's not even a lie, since he really did forget his pencil pouch at home.

Storie places her bag on the table and pulls out an orange pencil case. "I saw this on the counter, Nobi."

Novil squeals and jumps up to squeeze his younger twin. "I literally have the best sister ever! I love you so much, Riri!"

Storie giggles and hugs him back. "I love you too."

Mercedes turns to MC to whisper to her. "They're like this all the time. I don't know how they don't get sick of each other. Zeus and I live across the street from one another and I still feel like I see too much of him."

MC laughs before pausing. "Wait... you live near Zeus?"

She nods. "Yeah, he's my cousin. I moved to America from Ireland when I was like eight years old. Zeus' dad is my uncle, so I'm not related to Tallulah in any way in case you were wondering. I live with her, though."

MC's eyes widened. "Wait, what about Zeus?"

"She got him his own apartment. She was basically my older sister when I came here. She was the first person I came out to and everything. Zeus used to live in California with our grandfather, but he decided that he wanted to be as far from LA as possible, so he came here to be with us. Tallulah and I used to take trips over there all the time and she would call him everyday, so it only made sense that he came to New York."

MC sits back to take it all in. "Wow... so you're really close with your family, huh?"

Mercedes smirked. "Nah, just us three, to be honest. My dad and uncle ain't shit, and Tallulah's older sister and my mother are too in love with their husbands to try and leave, so they ain't shit either."

"Oh... well thanks for telling me. I have a feeling that Zeus wouldn't tell me anything about himself." MC meant for it to sound like a joke, but Mercedes can tell that she's actually bothered by that fact.

"Be patient with the lad. He's... well, he's been taught his whole life to keep quiet. It's kinda hard to break outta that habit when it's been ingrained in you."

MC discerns that she shouldn't ask for Mercedes to elaborate with what she meant. She figures that it's something that she should eventually get Zeus to tell her once they become closer. In all honesty, she's just excited to get to know the boy better in any way she can. She doesn't even know his favorite color yet.

"Good afternoon everyone! I have the pleasure of introducing your semester project that will count for eighty percent of your grade. Now, don't get too scared! The other twenty percent is your attendance and participation in class, so if you just show up you're already on track. The project in question, though, is a fashion show that will be shown to many designers by the end of the year!" Emily, their professor, announces.

The students all look at each other in surprise, some murmuring to each other in excitement.

"You'll each choose a theme that you want, submit the form into me, and there will be several moments when I'll come in and check on what you're doing, but otherwise, for the next eighteen weeks you will all create your own line of men's, women's, and unisex clothes. Each category will have three outfits in each, and you'll create the clothes right here in the room! So, any questions?"

Novil raises his hand. "Are we able to be in groups for this or is it fully individual?"

"Fully individual. Although you will be working with the performing arts class since they'll be modeling the clothes for you, so it's best that you get to know your models and their measurements. But, if you can find any other models just run that by me before including them in your show."

MC raises her hand. "Do you know the designers that are going to be a the show?"

"Well, your father and sister will be there, I believe, as well as the owner for Fire Hot Kicks: Mr. Heath Jacobs, the owner of Hollywood Heels: Mr. Samuel Gregory, and we still have four spots open for other designers."

Storie leans in to whisper to Mercedes. After a moment, Mercedes raises her hand. "Why are the designers going to be there?" 

"To either appoint you as an intern at their company, do a collab with you, or, if you're really good, to invest in you to create your own clothing line."

Everyone gasped at that last one. MC didn't really feel the same excitement-- as she already had a company of her own-- but she was happy for the opportunity to collab with Heath Jacobs or Samuel Gregory again. She remembers meeting them when she was in her early years of high school and loved every one of their shoe designs. Their process and work ethic was something she admired and she had vowed to them that once she took over her sector of the company, that she would collaborate with them ASAP.

"Alright! We still have plenty of class time, so now's your time to start conceptualizing what you want your line to look like. Oh, and one more thing: whoever has the best line of clothes will be able to choose their very own set and be showcased at the end of the show as the grand finale."

Everyone took "sneaky" glances at MC when Emily had said that, but she was already sketching designs in her sketchbook so she didn't notice. She was happy that she was going to work on her craft and grow as a designer. There was a little bit of pressure since her family would be there-- especially her older sister Willow, who was one of the most talented designers she'd ever met-- but she was always up for a challenge. Not to mention how, after the project, she could use the designs for a new line in Cedar-Azalea. She could also appoint some of her classmates as an intern or reach out to them for a collaboration based on their designs. Although she wasn't one of the featured designers, she could certainly make some connections of her own.

"I bet you're gonna be the best one, MC," Novil comments as he starts to sketch out a silhouette.

She looks up at him and raises her brow. "You never know, Novil. Some of you guys might hit it out the park. Just because I already own a clothing brand doesn't mean that I'm any better or worse than some 'rookie' designers in here."

Mercedes smirks. "I knew I liked you for a reason."

MC giggles lightly. "I like you too, M!'

Storie pouts at the interaction. Mercedes notices this and moves a hair from her face. She leans in and whispers something in her ear, causing for the girl to get bashful and fiddle with her hands. Mercedes chuckles lowly and grabs the back of Storie's chair before pulling her closer. She then places a hand on Storie's thigh and continues to sketch as if everything is normal. Storie fidgets in her seat for a moment, but after Mercedes squeezes her thigh, she sits still and gets to work once more. MC and Novil watch the interaction out of the corner of their eyes with small grins on their faces.


"oh, hey Zeus! What're you doing here?" MC questions as she walks into Cove Cafe. She wanted to go to a public place to get some inspiration for her designs. There are so many interesting people in the city, and it seems to her that the most interesting liked to come to her favorite cafe.

He holds up a matcha donut. "Donut."

She giggles at his deadpan answer. She walks over to his table and wipes off some of the crumbs on the corner of his mouth. "You must really like them, huh?"

He nods.

"I told you they were good!" She looks at the binder and notebook he has on the table. "Watcha doin'?"

"Math homework," he mumbles, his mouth full.

"Ew," she jokes before sitting down across from him. Zeus just continues to munch on his food and writes something down in his notebook. MC purses her lips. "So... how have you been? I haven't talked to you since Saturday."

Zeus shrugs. "Just been goin' to practice and the gym." He motions to his work. "Had this class yesterday and've been doin' this fuckin' problem since last night. I can't figure it out for shit."

MC tilts her head to the side. "Really? What math are you in, Calculus?"

"Yeah, Calculus III. It's the dumbest fuckin' thing in existence."

MC nods in understanding. "I'm in Calculus I and it's killing me. I can't imagine how tough it is for you."

Zeus looks at her sketchbook. "What's that for?"

MC straightens up, happy to see him take an interest in her. For a moment she thought that he was trying to avoid her and shrugging her off, but she figures that he was just preoccupied with his math homework. "This is my sketchbook! For my Intro to Fashion Design class. We're having a fashion show at the end of the semester so I have to create a line of clothes for some models to wear." She looks around the cafe. "This place has been my inspiration for a few pieces in the new line that I'd launched so I usually come here first for some basic inspiration."

Zeus glances at his surroundings. All he sees are people drinking coffee and eating pastries. There are a few people on dates-- study dates, brunch dates, et cetera-- and he notices that they resemble MC and him. He tries not to blush at the thought of going on a date with his cru-- friend, and instead focuses on her. She's currently sketching a skirt in her book, constantly erasing or starting over to the side to see if she can make it better. He doesn't realize that he's staring at her until MC finally speaks up.

"Is there something on my face?" She wonders, placing her pencil onto her paper.

Zeus snaps out of it. "H-huh?"

"You keep staring at me. I was wondering if there was something on my face."

Zeus' ears heat up. "No, there's nothin'. I was just wonderin' if you wanted to order somethin'."  

"Oh!" She places her finger against her lips and looks off in thought. "I don't think so. I have a photoshoot coming up so I have to watch my figure."

Zeus frowns at that statement. "You look beautiful, though."

MC's eyes widen. After a moment, Zeus' eyes widen too. He didn't realize that his filter would just abandon him in that moment.

"What I mean is-- well, actually-- you look-- gah!" He runs a hand through his hair before looking away from her. "You look fuckin' fine. Don't worry about what you eat, just eat."

MC giggles. "I've always been conscious of what I put into my body. I can't just let anything in here, y'know? The body is a temple."

Zeus' ears heat up even more. He doesn't mean to, but his mind goes to an inappropriate place due to her statement. Gosh, get a fuckin' grip, you're actin' like you're in middle school again.

"You said you went to the gym and practice, right? What sport do you play?" MC asks in order to change the subject. She didn't want Zeus to be too flustered, although she did find his pink blush adorable.

"I'm a wrestler," He answers, happy for the diversion. "Do you play a sport?"

"I'm pretty good at jujitsu. I also know my way around a weapon."

"Don't fuckin' lie to me. You infiltrated a ware house and took care of like half of the gangsters there, all while only using a kusarigama." He paused to think. "You were like a real life anime hero."

"What, are you saying that because I'm Asian? What if I wasn't even Japanese, huh?" MC scoffs. "I didn't know that I was friends with a racist."

Zeus' eyes widen, concerned that he's actually offended her. "N-no! That's not how I meant it--"

MC drops her angry facade and giggles softly. "I'm just messing with you, silly. I take that as a compliment; anime characters are so cool!"

Zeus lets out a breath he didn't realize he was holding. He thought that his lack of socialization had caused him to be provincial. He hates people, but not for stupid things like their race, gender orientation, sexuality, or anything else that they couldn't control. He just didn't like people because they were "fuckin' morons" (his exact words).

He glares lightly at the snickering girl in front of him. "That was pretty scummy of you, Froggy."

MC shrugs with a sly smirk. "I'm not always a good girl, Zeus. Sometimes I like to mess around."

Again with the fuckin' dirty thoughts! Get it together, Taylor. He chastises himself.

The two had spent the rest of the afternoon and early evening talking. MC had gotten some inspiration from Zeus, as his stature and overall demeanor were perfect for the idea she had in mind for one of the outfits for men. And Zeus got his math homework done without much frustration, thanks to MC keeping his spirits up. It was weird for him to have someone he could just... talk to. And for hours on end, at that. He'd never been one to worry for others either, and yet he'd spent twenty minutes arguing with MC about getting something to eat, until he finally just ordered a smoothie for her and made her drink at least half of it in front of him.

MC looks at her expensive watch. "Ah, I gotta get home. Adelaide is making her famous quesadillas for dinner and I don't wanna miss them when they're fresh off the stove." She starts to pack up but pauses. "Would... would you like to eat dinner with us? We're both pretty light eaters, so they'll definitely be enough for you to have some."

Zeus opens his mouth to decline, but stops himself. What's the worst that could happen? "Sure, I'm game."

MC smiles brightly. "Yay! Come on then, let's get to my car quickly. We don't want them to get cold!"

Chapter started: 3/6/23
Chapter ended: 3/10/23
Chapter Published: 3/13/23
Chapter Edited: 3/13/23

A/N: Btw y'all, the part where MC was worried if she should just stop being friends with Zeus is kinda what I've been going through for the past, like, four months. I'm a Sports Med volunteer for the wrestling team at my school and there were two managers on the team as well. I had known most of the boys since the summer time (as I used to wrestle but due to the new laws in my state, girls can't wrestle against boys anymore and we didn't have enough for a girls team) so I was pretty close with some of them-- then there were others I just had classes with or clicked really easily with. I don't know if you can tell through my characters, but some of my personality goes into them, and one of my main traits is that I can easily make friends with anyone (as long as they're kind and match my sense of humor, basically). I guess the managers didn't like that because they started talking bad about me as if I couldn't tell or my friends on the team wouldn't tell me. I was annoyed because they tried telling me what to do and treating me like I was less than them, but since I genuinely don't let petty bs like that get to me too much, I didn't confront them cuz who got time for immaturity? I definitely didn't have time for it as my mother was going through chemo at the time so I couldn't care less that they think I "dress like a slut" (their words, not mine).

So what if I do, bitch, I'm cuter than you, tf.

Anyway, eventually they got so petty that they started to go behind mine and the wrestling coach's back, telling the heads of the Sports Medicine program that I don't wear my uniform, I flirt and distract the guys during their matches, I don't do the work I'm supposed to do, and I'm getting favoritism.

Fan behavior, fr.

But yeah, the heads of Sports Med are also my teachers so they know me, and therefore didn't believe them. And since I'm a petty bitch I told them (teachers) that they call me a slut and stuff behind my back. Now they're both kicked off the team :)

Not to mention how they were mad at me for "flirting" (just talking to people of the opposite sex, istg), meanwhile they were dating wrestlers on the team... which is against the rules. And somehow, coach found out and punished the wrestler who's dating the "leader" (who is an asshole, mind you) as well.

No, I didn't tell him, but I do know who did, but snitches get stitches and I'm afraid of needles.


After all this drama, I eventually started to second guess myself because this is not the first time bs like this has happened to me. I swear I'm not a pick me who's like "I'm just better friends with guys cuz they're less drama *idiot noises*." Those girls are weird and the internalized misogyny is honestly sad to look at. But yeah, I just treat girls and guys equally (cuz feminism) and the guys I'm friends with are also the same way. But with all this drama that I've had to go through for years, I started to think that I was the problem.

Now I realize that fuck high school and fuck insecure bitches, they can suck a fat toe.  (My mom also said she went through the same thing so I guess it's hereditary.)

WOOH, that was long, huh?... that's what he said. Anyway, I've decided that I don't care about that.

PS, I really didn't let them get away scott-free, lol. I made cookies one time for all the guys and I had a ton of extras, so after giving them to all of the wrestlers (except for their boyfriends) and the coaches, I walked past the managers, went to people from OTHER teams and gave them cookies. They saw the whole thing. So yeah... you think I'm a slut? Then you don't get this slut's bomb ass cookies.

I swear I don't cuss irl, I'm just sassy when my fingers get on a keyboard.

Well... Bye!

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