Falling for The Enemy, d.n[1]

By bev_ellen

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Vanessa Mills is the daughter of Regina Mills and her first love, Daniel Colter, also known as the Stable Boy... More



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By bev_ellen

Outside the boarded up clock tower, Harper and Emma were waiting by the clock tower, holding their swords when Vanessa walked up to them with Regina following after her. Regina walked to the door, unlocked it and they all walked inside.

Harper looked around at the shelves, "What is this place?" She asked.

"Would you like a tour, or shall we just get to it?" Regina questioned.

"Lead the way," Emma said.

Regina moved to a wall, placing her hand on it and the wall raised up, revealing an elevator, "Woah," Harper and Emma said.

The elevator door opened, "Get in," Regina said.

"After you," Harper said.

"It's a two-man job, the elevator's hand-operated. We have to stay up here and lower you two down," Regina said.

"And we're just supposed to trust you? Nessa, yes, but you?" Harper asked.

"I don't think either of you have much choice in the matter, Miss Swan," Regina said.

"She won't try anything," Regina looked at Vanessa, "I'll make sure of it," Vanessa said.

"This battle we're supposed to fight, who is it? What's down there?" Emma asked.

"An old friend," Regina said.

"Then why don't you go talk to them?" Harper asked.

"Because her punishment here was different than everyone else's. I trapped her...in a different form," Harper and Emma looked at her confused, "She doesn't wanna hear from me. You'll both have to trust me on that," Regina said.

"Okay, we'll go down there. But let's be clear about something, Your Majesty. The only reason you're not dead is because we need your help to save Henry. If he dies, so do you," Harper looked at Vanessa, "No offense," Harper said.

"None taken," Vanessa said.

"Well, then let's get on with it. Now, this is what you're both going to have to do," Regina said.

Harper and Emma entered the elevator, and they were lowered down the elevator shaft.

Vanessa looked at Regina, "If anything happens to my daughter, or even Emma, I will kill you myself," She said.


Outside the Forbidden Fortress, Prince Charming snuck around the outside of the castle, headed for the entrance when Prince Edwards rounded the corner of the castle, startling each other.

"Edwards?" Prince Charming said.

"James?" He said.

"What are you doing here?" Prince Charming asked.

"Rumplestiltskin sent me," Prince Edwards said.

"He sent me, too. Wait, but you don't have the egg," Prince Charming said.

"Yeah, he said you did. He planned this whole thing apparently," Prince Edwards said.

"Alright, then," Prince Charming nodded slowly, "Let's hide this egg then," He said and they entered the fortress.


Inside the Forbidden Fortress, Maleficent ascended a set of stairs and sat on her throne when Prince Charming ambushed her from behind, placing his sword to her throat as Prince Edwards stepped out from the side, aiming his sword at her.

"Where is it? Where is the beast that reigns over this castle?" Prince Edwards asked.

Maleficent glanced at the two princes and waved her hand, sending them backwards with her magic, "That would be me," she stood up and descended the steps towards the men, "But beast is so harsh. I prefer Maleficent," Maleficent said.

Prince Charming looked at the golden egg then back to Maleficent, "We're gonna need a smaller egg," Prince Charming commented.

"Maybe, yeah," Prince Edwards added.

"Such a shame," she looked between them, "So handsome," Maleficent said.

The two princes stood up and Maleficent blew out the candles, using her magic. The men looked around as the candles were blown out, leaving them in complete darkness and the men flailed their swords around, when they heard Maleficent's laughter.

"Show yourself, Witch," Prince Charming said.

Prince Charming and Prince Edwards turned to see Maleficent, and watched as she transformed herself into a dragon.

"This isn't what I signed up for," Prince Edwards said as he and Prince Charming both backed away, and ran across the room with Maleficent chasing after them.

End of Flashback

Below the clock tower, Harper and Emma stood in the elevator, holding their swords as they arrived at the bottom of the shaft. Emma opened the elevator and they began to walk through the mines' tunnel.

"What's that?" Harper asked as she walked towards two glass coffins.

Harper placed her hand on one of them, "Glass...coffins?" Emma said as she walked up to her.

A green eye opened behind them and Harper heard a sound, "Uh...something's behind us..." Harper said and they turned to see Maleficent, in her dragon form. Maleficent roared at them, making the women back up.

A glimpse of a light shimmered off of Harper's sword, making Maleficent roar again and Harper looked at the sword, "It remembers the sword?" She questioned.


Inside the Forbidden Fortress, the princes were running through the fortress when Maleficent blew fire, and Prince Charming pulled Prince Edwards behind a pillar.

"Thanks," Prince Edwards said.

"Don't mention it," Prince Charming looked down at the golden egg briefly and smiled slightly, then glanced at Prince Edwards, "I've got an idea," Prince Charming said.

"Should I be worried?" Prince Edwards asked.

"No, we'll be fine...hopefully," Prince Charming told him.

"Convincing," Prince Edwards remarked.

"Come on," they ran out from behind the pillar, "Hey!" Prince Charming yelled, drawing attention to them and they made a run for it as Maleficent chased after them.

End of Flashback

Inside the mine tunnels, Harper and Emma held their swords as they prepared to fight the dragon.

They looked at their swords, "To hell with this," Emma said and they dropped their swords, taking out their guns and they both began to shoot at Maleficent.

Maleficent blew fire at them, and they ran and hid behind a large, rock formation. Harper and Emma looked at each other before making a run for it as Maleficent chased after them.


As the princes ran from Maleficent, they parted
ways and Prince Edwards looked at the dragon, "Hey!" He called out, turning Maleficent's attention to him.

Prince Charming quickly climbed the stairs and jumped onto the dragon's back, throwing the golden egg into Maleficent's mouth before he was thrown off onto the ground.

Prince Charming got up and the two princes ran towards the window and jumped out into the river below, as Maleficent roared from inside the Fortress.

End of Flashback

Inside the mine tunnels, Harper and Emma continued to run when Harper grabbed Emma, pulling her to the side quickly, and Maleficent fell into the pit in front of them.

"Thanks," Emma said.

"Don't mention it," Harper said and looked down the pit.

"We haven't heard a thud," Emma said as she peered over the edge.

Suddenly, Maleficent flew up, making Harper and Emma back away from the edge, "That explains why," Harper said as she pointed at the dragon.


Inside the clock tower, Vanessa was pacing in front of the elevator door as Regina watched her, "They're fine. If Harper's anything like you, she'll be okay," Regina said.

"Yeah, well, I wouldn't know that would I?" she looked at Regina, "Beings that I missed her whole life," Vanessa said.

"She's here now and I'm sure she's not going anywhere," Regina said.

"You'd like that, wouldn't you?" Vanessa asked.

"Nessa..." Regina said.

"I just wanted a life with my husband, with my daughter...for us to be happy," Vanessa said.

"I did all this for us, to make us happy. Why don't you understand that?" Regina asked.

"No, why won't you understand," Vanessa shook her head, "I was doing completely fine in the Enchanted Forest. I had gotten married, became pregnant...I even forgot about Snow for a little. But then, you had to ruin it with the stupid curse," Vanessa said.

"I just-," Regina began to say.

"You know, I never wanted this curse to happen," she interrupted her, "I even helped the Blue Fairy find the Enchanted Tree so Geppetto could build the wardrobe. The wardrobe I had to send my daughter through..." her eyes began to water, "The one that separated us because of you," Vanessa said.

"I'm sorry. You have to believe me when I say that, Nessa," Regina said.

Vanessa shook her, "I don't really know what to believe anymore. All I know is when this curse breaks, I'm finding my husband and reuniting with Harper...and I don't want to see you for awhile," Vanessa said, sadly.

"Nessa, please..." Regina said as her eyes teared up.

"I'm sorry it had to come to this," Vanessa said and turned away from Regina as she cried, silently.


Meanwhile in the hospital, "Nurse to ICU, STAT. Nurse to ICU, STAT. Defibrillator team to ICU, defibrillator team to ICU," An announcement rang through the hospital.

A man in a doctors uniform opened the exit door which led to the psychiatric ward, where he handed a cup of tear to the Severe Nurse, "Your tea," He said.

"Thank you," she took the tea, "What's the commotion upstairs?" The nurse asked and sipped her tea.

"There's a sick boy, he took a bad turn," He said.

"How tragic. Is there any hope for a-," She began to say before collapsing, unconscious.

"Recovery?" the man, Jefferson, turned and looked down the hallway of the ward, "Doubtful," Jefferson said.

Jefferson walked down the corridor, passing several doors, a patient mopping the floor and also a door with the label S. Glass on it. Jefferson stopped and turned to one of the door, unlocking and opening it to see Belle lying on the cot.

"Come with me," Jefferson said.

Belle slowly sat up and looked at him, "Who are you? Why are you doing this?" Belle asked.

"My name is Jefferson, and I need your help to do something that I can't. There's a man, his name is Mr Gold. Find him," Belle walked over to him, "All you have to do is tell him where you've been, and that Regina locked you up," Jefferson told her.

"Wait a minute, what?" Belle asked, confused.

"It's very important. Mr Gold's gonna protect you but you have to tell him Regina locked you up. He's gonna know what to do. You understand?" Jefferson said.

"Yes, I...I have to find Mr Gold," Belle said.


Prince Charming and Prince Edwards swam to the shore where Rumplestiltskin was waiting by a fire.

"Impressive, dearies. Very impressive, indeed. Come warm yourselves," Rumplestiltskin walked over.

The two princes walked over, "We've have done what you've asked. Return my ring to me," Prince Charming said.

"And give me what I need to find Snow," Prince Edwards said.

"Of course, you're both in a bit of a rush. How rude of me," Rumplestiltskin held up the ring, "With this...Prince Charming...you will find her," Rumplestiltskin said.

Prince Charming took the ring, "Thank you," He said.

Rumplestiltskin looked at Prince Edwards, "And with this, Prince Edwards," he held up a gold, pendant necklace, "You shall find your Snow White," Rumplestiltskin said.

Prince Edwards took the necklace, "Thank you," He said and the princes began to part ways.

"Something's missing," the princes turned to him confused and Rumplestiltskin waved his hand, magically changing the princes' outfits into fancier attire, "Now you're both ready for your big moments," Rumplestiltskin said as they looked at their new outfits.

Prince Charming looked at Rumplestiltskin, "Why do you want us with our loves? What do you get out of it?" He asked.

"I'm a fan of true love, dearie, and, more importantly, what it creates," Rumplestiltskin said.

Prince Edwards looked at Prince Charming, "James," he looked at him, "Good luck and thank you," Prince Edwards said.

"Good luck to you as well," he smiled, "And thank you," Prince Charming said and they parted ways.

End of Flashback

Harper and Emma were still in the mine tunnel, shooting at Maleficent but it was having no effect on her.

"This isn't working," Harper said.

"We gotta use them, right?" Emma questioned.

"Yep..." Harper said.

They dropped their guns and spied their swords on the ground. They made a run for the swords, picking them up and turned to Maleficent.

"Hey!" Harper and Emma yelled.

Maleficent turned to them and they threw their swords, hitting the dragon's stomach. Maleficent let out a final roar before disintegrating into ashes, leaving nothing but the golden egg behind.

Harper walked over, picked up the egg and looked at Emma, "If you told me we'd be doing this last year, I wouldn't have believe you," Emma said.

"If I had told you that, I'd have also asked you to admit me into a hospital," Harper said.


Prince Charming rode his white steed down a gravel road, until he came to the stables of the Dark Palace where he found the Huntsman. He dismounted his horse and looked at him, "Where is she?" Prince Charming asked.

The Huntsman looked at him, "I'm sorry, she's gone," The Huntsman said.

"At least...let me say goodbye," Prince Charming said.

The Huntsman nodded, "This way," He said.

The Huntsman led Prince Charming into the courtyard where he saw the glass coffin, "Open it," Prince Charming said as he looked down at the slumbering princess.

"James, I'm sorry but you're too late," The Huntsman said.

"Please...just open it," Prince Charming said.

The Huntsman removed the lid of the coffin and Prince Charming looked down at her, sorrowfully before leaning down and connecting their lips. As their lips touched, the curse the Dark Princess was under broke and a pulse of magic, along with a whooshing sound spread throughout the land.

Vanessa woke up with a gasp and her eyes landed on Prince Charming, "You...You found me," Vanessa said.

Prince Charming smiled as he helped her sit up, "Did you ever doubt I would?" He said to her.


Prince Charming and the Dark Princess were walking along a beach together, with their arms linked.

"How did you do it?" Vanessa asked.

"With this," he held up his mother's ring, "It's my mother's ring. It...led me back to you. And now, I never want it off your finger," Prince Charming said.

Vanessa held out her hand, "Well, go on," they stopped walking and faced each other, "Put it on me," Vanessa said.

"No," Prince Charming said.

"You just said you never want it off my finger," Vanessa said.

"Yes, but," he wrapped his arms around her, holding her close, "I want it to be a special moment whenever I decided to ask it," Prince Charming said and he leaned down, connecting their lips.

They pulled apart, "Ask what?" Vanessa asked as she looked up at him

Prince Charming smiled, "To ask for your hand, of course," He said.

"Why not just ask now? You know I'd say yes," Vanessa said.

"Eager, are we?" Prince Charming questioned.

"Well, you never know what can happen. Speaking of which, there's a small problem," Vanessa said.

"What's that?" Prince Charming asked.

"It's a little matter of your father and my mother," Vanessa said.

"Ah, that. Well, I'm open for suggestions," Prince Charming said.

"Hmm...let's just focus on the current matter," Vanessa said and continued walking.

Prince Charming followed her, "Is that not the current matter?" He asked.

"No," Vanessa said.

"Mmhmm," he nodded slowly, "And what is?" Prince Charming asked.

Vanessa turned to him with a smile, "Seeing if you remember the way to the cabin," She said.

"Of course, I-," Vanessa suddenly took off running along the beach and he smiled before chasing after her. Vanessa stopped and turned to him with a devious smirk, and disappeared in purple smoke, making him stop, "Oh, come on! Nessa, that's not fair!" Prince Charming shouted before he took off running again.

End of Flashback

On Main Street, Joseph was packing his car and looked up at the clock tower one last time, before getting in his car and driving off.


Inside the hospital, David was stood outside of Henry's room, worriedly watching the nurses and doctors rush around the room, trying to stabilize Henry.


Inside the clock tower, Regina was gagged and tied to a chair while Vanessa was tied, and lying on the floor unconscious. Emma pulled herself into the library and helped Harper up, where they heard muffling and looked over to see Regina tied up with Vanessa lying beside her.

"Regina, Nessa," Harper said.

Harper rushed to Vanessa and untied her, then tried to shake her awake as Emma ripped the tape off of Regina's mouth and began to untie her.

"He tricked you! How could you give him that?" Regina asked.

"Where is he?" Emma asked as Vanessa began to come to.

"Gone," Harper helped Vanessa stand, "Gold, he manipulated all of this," Vanessa said.

"Come on, he can't be that far!" Harper said and they turned to leave when Harper and Regina's cellphones rang at the same time.

"What is it?" Vanessa asked.

Harper looked at her phone, "It's the hospital," She said.


The four women arrived at the hospital and rushed towards Henry's room, where they saw Mother Superior and Dr Whale leaving the room while David stood outside the room, looking into it sadly.

Dr Whale looked at them, "We did everything we could," He said.

"I'm sorry. You're too late," Mother Superior said.

Harper walked past them with Emma behind her, and they saw a nurse unhooking the machines from Henry.

A few other nurses gathered in the room, "No..." Regina turned and cried on Dr Whale's shoulder, "No," Regina said.

David looked over at Vanessa, "Nessa, I'm..." David said but Vanessa just turned and rushed into his arms, crying into his jacket, so he just held her tightly.

Harper and Emma crossed the room to Henry, tears running down their faces. Emma took hold of his hand as Harper brushed her hand through his hair.

"We love you, Henry," They said before Harper leaned down and kissed his forehead, as Emma raised and kissed his hand.

Just then, a bright light radiated from the three of them and Henry woke up with a gasp, making Regina look at them as Harper just looked at Henry, "I love you, too. You both saved me," Henry said.

"You did it," Regina said.


Outside, the bright light radiated through town, going through everyone, breaking the curse and returning their memories.

Joseph was nearing the 'Leaving Storybrooke' sign, when he stopped his car and looked back at the town.


Back inside the hospital, Vanessa looked up at David who was stood in shock and she pulled him out of the room, "David?" she shook him slightly, "Charming?" Vanessa said, worriedly.

David snapped out of his gaze and looked at her, "Nessa...Nessa!" he smiled and she mirrored the gesture, "Oh my God!" he pulled her into a tight hug, "It's broken, the curse," they pulled apart, "That means..." David said and turned to window of the room, looking into it at Harper who was sat next to Henry.

"Yeah, that's her...our daughter," David went to walk into the room, but she stopped him, "Wait," he looked at her, "The curse just broke. We shouldn't just push all of this onto her," Vanessa said.

"You're right, yeah," he nodded and smiled again, "It's really broken, it's really you," David said.

"Yeah," Vanessa said with a smile and they leaned in sharing a kiss.

They pulled apart, "Come on," David said, pulling her along.

"Where are we going?" Vanessa asked.

"To see if everyone's okay," David said.

Vanessa stopped walking, making David look at her, "Everyone...are you sure that's a good idea? I mean, I'm still me...the Dark-," Vanessa began to say.

"Don't finish that," he interrupted her, "That name never suited you," he cupped her cheeks, "I don't know how you ever got it, but it's not you. Promise me you won't call yourself that," she hesitated, "Promise me, Nessa," David said.

Vanessa nodded, "I promise," She said.

"Okay," he took hold of her hand, "Come on," David said and headed for the exit of the hospital.


On Main Street, Joseph and Mary Margaret had found each other and reunited when they noticed a purple smoke beginning to engulf the town, and they held onto each other.


Further down the street, David and Vanessa were walking together when Vanessa saw the purple smoke, "David..." Vanessa said and he looked at it, bringing Vanessa into his arms and holding her close as they were engulfed in the smoke.

As the entire town was engulfed in the purple smoke, the last thing to be covered was the clock tower, which had just struck 8:15.

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