Omni Ranger

By Side-Man

6.6K 144 156

Nero Stein finds himself floating in nothing when a mysterious voice tells him that he was brought here to cu... More

Enter the Omni Ranger: Nero Stein
The Golden Ticket
A Zeo Re:Awakening
A Date and a Paradox
Invasion Malfunction

A Proper Greeting

1.1K 24 8
By Side-Man

Disclaimer: I own nothing, just the OC. Please support the official release.

The scene opens to show a dojo-like room and in it, the bodies of Nero (who was still wearing his armor) and Astronema are seen fighting each other. Each of them throws a series of blows against one another, each of them more aggressive than the last.

Astronema elbows him in the stomach before stepping back to deliver a roundhouse kick, a kick that Nero catches with his left hand.

"Ha!" Nero throws her to the side, but Astronema merely backflips and lands gracefully.

"Hahahahaha! That was awesome, Astronema!" Nero claps at the sight.

Astronema smirks and walks forward with. She sways her hips with every step. "You're no slouch yourself. You have incredible strength, but you have no technique. If you're not careful..." She places her hand on his chest and closes the distance between their faces... only for Astronema to trip him over before getting on top of him and throwing a punch, narrowly missing his head. "You may find yourself in a world of pain."

Before Nero can say anything, the intercom activates.

"Astronema. We have arrived." Ecliptor said.

Astronema stands up. "Training's over. Let's head to the control room." She walks towards the wall and grabs her scepter before heading towards the door. As she does, Nero can't help but stare at her ass wrapped in that tight black leather.

"Damn, she got a fine ass." Nero whispers to himself before standing up and leaving the dojo.

Dark Fortress Command Room

Nero walks into the Command Room where Astronema watches the shuttle detach from the Megaship and fly towards Earth.

'They're already left for Earth. Andros is gonna be in for a shock.' He turns his head to find none other than Elgar himself standing there with his weapon out.

"Hi!" Elgar waves at him.

Oh god.

"Astronema, can I ask you something?" Nero points his finger at Elgar. "Why exactly is he here? And why haven't you thrown him out of the airlock? (Elgar: Hey!)"

Astronema turns to me. "He is here on Dark Specter's orders."

"Yeah... but why though? This guy is one of Divatox's henchmen. He is as dumb as a plank of wood." Nero said. "For all you know, he could have been sent here to spy on you."

Elgar raises his sword. "I take offense to that!"

"Being called a spy or a plank of wood?"

Elgar scratches his bald head confused. "Dahhhh..."

Nero gestures at Elgar. "See!"

Astronema sighs and turns to Nero. "Look, I share the same sentiment but there's nothing I can do. Dark Specter's orders cannot be defied."

I look at Elgar who's stuffing his face with a turkey and peanut butter.

I turned to Astronema. "Can we just dump him out of the airlock, please?"

Astronema glares at me. "No."

"Fine." Nero grumbles and presses a few buttons on the control panel. "If you need me, I'll be down on Earth, terrorizing some rangers." With a flash of navy blue light, Nero is gone.

Elgar continues to munch his food. "Hey," he points a turkey leg at Astronema "where'd the purple guy go?"

Astronema masses her forehead. "I think I'm getting a migraine."

Angel Grove

In an alley, a beam of navy blue light falls from the sky and Nero is in its place.

"Alright, now I just gotta blend in." Nero said. "Power down." In that instant, his armor glows blue and fades away, revealing a young man with black hair, brown eyes and a fair complexion. His outfit features a gray hoodie on top of a green jacket, black pants and blue and white sneakers.

(Credit goes to the artist)

Nero looks at his outfit. "Huh. I'm still wearing the same outfit before I got isekai'd here. Though, can I call this an isekai since I'm still on Earth? Granted, it is a parallel Earth that's in the late 20th century." He smacks his cheeks. "Whatever! I got some rangers to find."

Nero walks through the streets of Angel Grove, eventually reaching the Surf Spot, the ranger's new hangout spot.

"Jackpot." Nero enters the building. The interior is mostly a restaurant with a beach theme as it has flip flops, fishnets among various other decorations. "It's no Youth Center, but it ain't half bad." Nero walked around until he found who he was looking for: Andros staring at a surfboard.

'There he is. Man, even I can see that he is out of place.' Nero walks towards Andros. "Hey."

The hidden red ranger turns to me. "Can I help you?"

Nero points to the surfboard. "I noticed that you've been staring at that surfboard for a while."

Andros slowly looks down. "Surfboard...? That's what it's called?"

"You're not from around here are you? Where are you from?" Nero asks.

"KO-35." Andros replies.

"Founds like a space colony." Nero remarks.

This got Andros a little excited. "It is. Do you know about it?"

Nero shrugs. "Afraid not, sorry."

Andros looks crestfallen.

"What's your name?" Nero asked.


Nero raises his hand at Andros. "Nice to meet you, Andros. I'm Nero Stein. You can call me Nero."

Andros looks at my hand before he reluctantly shakes it. "Nice to meet you, too."

"Hey, Andros! Over here!" Ashley calls out.

Nero looks at Andros. "Looks like your friends found you a spot."

Andros hums before looking at Nero. "Do you want to meet them?"

"I don't see why not." With that, the two walk up the steps where the other rangers are. "Hi there. My name's Nero."

"Hi. I'm Ashley."

"I'm Cassie."


"You can call me TJ. Nice to meet you."

"Coming through!" A black waitress walks up to our table and drops a jug of water and a plate of fries.

Carlos looks at the fries. "I'm sorry. We didn't order any fries."

The waitress looks at Carlos. "Trust me. You'll love 'em. My french fries are irresistible." She said, "My name's Adelle. I'll be right back." She then leaves for the back.

"Free fries. Don't mind if I do~" Nero grabs a couple of fries and puts them in his mouth. "Oh man. She wasn't kidding, these fries are to die for!" Everyone else follows suit.

"Wow, these are the best french fries I've ever had!" Ashley said.

"You said it." TJ agrees.

Andros takes a seat while Nero pulls a chair from the table next to him. He notices Andros fidgeting on his seat, his eyes constantly drifting left and right.

"Hey, you okay? You seem a little... tense." Nero said.

"I'm fine." Andros told him.

Suddenly, a beeping noise catches everyone's attention. "What's that?"

Nero glances down and sees the Omni Morpher dial blinking in rhythm with the beeping. 'Dammit.'

"Sorry, guys. I gotta take this call." Nero walks out the room. He walks through the hall and enters the bathroom where he goes in and enters an empty stall. "Alright, so how do I answer this?" He looks at his watch and begins to fiddle around with it, pressing the dial along with the various well-hidden switches on it. "Why didn't you give me a manual for this thing?" Suddenly, the dial pops up, "wow!"

"Boy, we have located the Astro Megazord shuttle. Astronema wants us to intercept the rangers before they try to escape."  Ecliptor's voice comes in through the communicator.

"Alright. Send me the coordinates." Nero said and an image of a map appears.

"Do not be late." Ecliptor demanded before he cut communications.

"Man, that guy does not like me." Nero remarks as he walks out of the bathroom and leaves the building. He looks around and finds an empty parking lot. "This will do." He looks at the Omni Morpher with curiosity. "Now, how do I morph into my ranger form?" I ponder for a bit until I come up with something. "I got it!" I cross my arms to form an "X" shape and raise the watch up high. "Grid power, Omni Ranger!" A series of beeps come from the Omni Morpher making the dial pops out. Blue energy surges from the core and washes over Nero's body before solidifying into his suit of armor. His neck armor extends and forms a helmet around his head.

"Yes! It works!" Nero exclaims happily. "Now to get to the Nasada base!" He runs off to his destination.

Nasada Base

The space rangers run towards the launch bay, only to meet someone unexpected.

"Ecliptor!" Andros exclaims.

Ecliptor menacingly walks towards them. "The Power Rangers. What took you so long...?"

"Andros, who's he?" TJ asked.

"Trouble." The red ranger replied.

"Don't forget about me."

"!" The rangers soon turn around to find the armored man from before.

"You didn't think we'd just let you get away, did you?" Nero asked.

The rangers get into their fighting positions. "Who are you!?"

"Oh, that's right. I never introduced myself, did I? How rude of me." Nero does a mock bow. "The Omni Ranger. At your service."

The rangers all gasp in shock. A Power Ranger? Working for Astronema!? This can't be real!

Ecliptor growls. "Focus. We have a mission to complete."

Nero waves him off. "Yeah, yeah. So, you take three, I'll take two?"

"I'll take all of them!" His red eyes begin to glow and he projects a translucent version of himself.

"It's his Cyber Shadow! Take cover!" Andros yelled.

The Cyber Shadow unleashes a beam at the rangers, which throws them back.

Ecliptor then fires red energy at the red ranger and uses it to lift the ranger upwards before throwing him to the side. "And that's only just the beginning."

Cassie reaches out to Nero. "Please. You have to help him!"

"You're right! I should help him!" He then turns to Andros, "hey, Red!"

Andros looks up.

Nero raises his hands and fires two purple beams straight at him.

"AHHHH!" Andros screams in pain.

"NO!" The other rangers exclaims.

"You bastard!" TJ yelled.

"Why did you do that!?" Cassie demands.

"You told me to help him, so I did." Nero shrugs.

Ecliptor turns to Nero. "I do not need YOUR help."

"Love you too, dad." Nero said.

Ecliptor simply growls in response.

The rangers soon get up and rush towards their leader.

"Are you okay?" Carlos asks.

Andros slowly gets back up. "I'm fine, Carlos."

"Not for long, you're not." Nero fires another beam at the rangers. He then fires one after another in succession, as the rangers have no time to put up any resistance.

"Grr! Spiral Saber!" In a red flash, the Spiral Saber appears in his hands. "AHHH!" He charges forward with determination and burning anger. "Saber Slash!" He brings down his sword in order to finish him, but to his shock the drill is caught. "What!?"

Nero just looks on as the red ranger struggles to free himself. 'He is so weak. I could easily kill him and the others in my current form. This is just embarrassing.' He glances at Ecliptor who stares patiently. 'Right. Still the bad guy here. I need to get into character.'

Nero laughs. "Hinjaku, Hinjaku! Did you really think you could stand up to me, you utter fool!? Coming here has guaranteed that you will die like a dog!" He tightens his grip on the drill causing the metal to bend.

Andros looks down only to be blasted by a large beam, sending him crashing straight into a large satellite dish, denting it before falling to the ground.

"Impressive." Ecliptor remarks as he watches the rangers go to their leader.

"I think it's about time to end this, don't you think?" Nero asked.

"Yes. Let's." The two villains walk forward, preparing to finish them off.

"Stop." The voice of Astronema stops them in their tracks. "I will take care of the rest."

"Understood. We're leaving." Ecliptor then gets sucked into the void and disappears.

Nero watches as the rangers make a mad dash towards the shuttle as the Dark Fortress continues to fire its weapons at them, all the while carrying an injured Andros along the way. "I guess it's time for me to make an exit." He turns around and teleports away.


Nero teleports into the control room and sees Astronema walking towards him.

"I saw everything. You did an excellent job against the red ranger. It was quite entertaining." Astronema smiles.

"I only aim to please you, your highness." Nero cooly said, causing Astronema to smile further.

Astronema slowly traces her fingers across his plated chest. "I wonder how I should reward you~"

Nero was blushing under helmet. Sure, he wanted to get Astronema's attention/affection, but isn't this going a little too fast!?

Elgar nudges closer and taps her shoulder. "Um, Astronema?"

In an instant, Astronema's expression transforms from one of joy to one of rage. "What Elgar!?"

"The rangers escaped on the shuttle." Elgar points to the screen and, sure enough, the shuttle launches just before the base is completely destroyed.

"Dammit!" She turns around and pushes Elgar aside. "They think they're so clever. But I'm more clever." She turns to her Quantrons. "Change targets. Lock satelisers on Ecliptor."

The Quantrons obey as their screens change from the shuttle to Ecliptor on Earth.

"Fire!" Astronema orders.

A green beam fires from the Dark Fortress which envelops Ecliptor, causing the android to grow into a giant.

"Good. Now destroy the city!" Astronema orders him.

Angel Grove

"Yes." Ecliptor summons a large black sword with green lines. He then begins to destroy the buildings at random.

The citizens can only watch and run in terror as this monster destroys everything in sight.

As he marches through the city, Ecliptor stops and turns around to see the Astro Megazord landing in front of him.

"You won't escape this time." Ecliptor charges at the robot with his sword for an attack, however, it's blocked by the robot's own saber. The giant monster quickly parries the sword and slashes at the Megazord, however the robot quickly makes a counterattack, sending Ecliptor flying back.

"You're good, but let's see you handle six of me!" Suddenly, six clones of Ecliptor appear from nowhere.

In the shuttle cockpit, the rangers are all dumbstruck by the sudden development.

"What!? There's seven of him!?" TJ exclaims in shock.

"But which is the real one!?" Carlos asked.

The Ecliptor clones all attack at once, sending slash after slash at the robot's chest armor. The Megazord shakes it off and stands firm.

"I got an idea!" Carlos turns to the back. "Ashley, use your Light-Star helmet mode."

Ashley gives him a thumbs up. "You got it." The black piece of Ashley's helmet lights up, revealing a picture of a camera inside. "Locking on."

The Astro Megazord's eyes begin to glow as it scans the Ecliptor clones and locks on one of them.

"Got it! He's in the center!" Ashley reveals.

Andros nods. "Good work, Ashley." He moves the shuttle's joystick. "Astro Megazord Saber! Now!"

The robot's sword begins to glow yellow as it is energized with power. It then begins to stretch out and the robot uses it as a whip to strike the center, hitting the original and causing the other clones to disappear.

"Agh!" Smoke rises from the spot Ecliptor was hit. "That was good... but not good enough."

"Once more! Energize saber!" The saber energizes as the Megazord uses its thrusters to leap upwards before delivering a downward slash at their foe.

Ecliptor screams in pain as electricity courses through his body before he explodes.

"Yeah, we did it!" Andros exclaims as the rangers cheer on.

Back in the Dark Fortress

The doors slide open as everyone sees a damaged Ecliptor walks in before collapsing.

"Astronema... I failed you..." Ecliptor manages to say.

Astronema stares at her general with frustration but also... sadness before changing back into her normal expression. "Take Ecliptor to the medical bay. Now."

Two Quantrons walk forward and grab Ecliptor as they help him get on his feet. They then guide the android out of the room.

"These rangers are becoming a pain in the ass. I need to play smarter, not harder." Astronema then turns to Nero. "Do you have any ideas?"

"You're asking for MY opinion?" Nero asks in a semi-sarcastic tone.

Astronema narrows her eyes. "Well, do you or not!?"

"Hm..." Nero ponders for a moment before remembering something. 'Wait a minute...! He smiles under the helmet. 'Hohoho. Delightfully devilish, Nero.'

"I think I do." He told her.


"We need to fight fire with fire. We need our own Megazord." Nero states.

Astronema hums at the idea. "An interesting idea. Having our own Megazord would prove to be invaluable to us. Unfortunately, we have the time or resources to build one."

"That's the beauty of it, Astronema. We don't need to build one. There's already one ready and waiting for the taking." Nero said.

Astronema arches an eyebrow. "Oh really? And I suppose you know where it is?"

"Well, not me, but we do have someone who knows." Nero turns around and Astronema follows his line of sight where she sees Elgar dusting the computer bank with a duster.

"You've got to be kidding me." Astronema groans.


The scene opens to show a mountain region with twin peaks crossing together. In it, the ruins of some kind of structure are littered everywhere. At that moment, Nero, Astronema, Elgar, and a small squad of Quatrons teleport on the mountain.

"Where are we?" Astronema asks. She scratches her eyes as some dust gets on her eyes. "Ugh, there's dust everywhere."

"We're on Vasquez Rocks, just a couple of miles off Angel Grove." Nero replies.

"Why are we here?" Astronema demands.

"This place is special." Nero turns to the others. "You may want to take a step back."

The villains take a step back.

Nero raises his left arm and activates his morpher. He scrolls through a series of holograms until he stops at the hologram of a beautiful woman holding what looks to be an orb on her left hip. "Hm, maybe not this one." He continues to browse through the list until he finds what he's looking for. "There it is!" He slams the core and is engulfed in blinding blue light.

The others have to cover their eyes from the blinding light before it dies down. When they open their eyes, they see a large, dark-blue, sauropod-like creature with some gray metallic portions and light blue stripes. It has a chest plate on its torso, which has the Omni Morpher symbol embedded in the center. It has a fin-like structure on its back, three spines on the back of its neck, and a crest on its head, resembling a dinosaur. It also has two structures on the sides of its head that extend outward and resemble horns and fangs. It has three claws on each foot, of the same metallic look as its chest plate. Faint cracks exist across its body.

"W-What is that thing!?" Elgar points his sword at the creature.

Astronema, rather than being scared, steps forward. "Nero...?"

"*Roar!*" The monster that Nero turns into unleashes a roar as if declaring its presence to the world. The fins on his back begin to extend causing them along with the rest of his body to glow an ethereal blue color. The light touches everything around him, causing the debris to suddenly rise from where they rested and start pulling them together at fast speeds.

"His form can restore objects!? No, that's not what's happening..." Astronema looks around as everything becomes repaired and restored, and that's when she finally realizes what his power is.


Nero can control time.

"I want my mommy!" Elgar cries out as he hugs one of the Quantrons tight.

The interior begins to take shape around them. It features a large brightly lit, almost circular chamber, but the back wall curves inwards. At the front of the control room is a large blue tube with a large console in front of it, along with several smaller consoles on both sides. Beside the tube is a small alcove that's big enough for a person to fit in, or last least, someone a few feet shorter than them. Next to the tube is another pillar similar to the former, however instead of a glowing glass tube, there are two lamps stuck together in a pole along with several cables. On the back wall, there are five ranger-powered tubes; red, blue, green, yellow, and pink respectively.

Outside, the last pieces of the building attach themselves to the rest, completely restoring to its original form.

Elgar looks back and forth before a feeling of nostalgia hits him. "Hey, I know this place!"

In a flash, the monster reverts back into Nero. "You should. This is where everything began."

"Where are we?" Astronema demands.

"This is where Zordon watched the planet for millennia, where he chose five normal teenagers with attitude to combat the forces of evil. The legendary fortress that the mighty Machine Empire could never destroy. This is where the legend began." Nero's words brim with emotion as he turns to Astronema.

"Welcome... to the Power Chamber."


Author Notes

You all wanted the story to continue, and here it is! I hope you all enjoy!

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