BATMAN: Black Mirror Vol. 2

By LadyChronicle

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"The city...she's growing worse. Organized crime doesn't pay anymore. Not when there's an uprising of freaks... More

Night 01: Riches of the Father
Night 02: Fortune Favors the Blood of Old Gotham
Night 03: Ivy League
Night 04: Tally Up Them Nine Lives
Night 05: Seek to Never Find, Ask and the Door Remains Closed
Night 06: Grip
Night 07: Reaper's Requiem
Night 08: Possessed and Obsessed
Night 09: White Rabbit
Night 11: A Demon In the Head, Is A Demon Nonetheless
Final Night: And There Came A Day When Death Met the Sin And Their Fathers

Night 10: A Darker Knight Still

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By LadyChronicle

     The chaos  returned slowly, with small infractions becoming more and more prevalent as the days went by. A mom and pop store holdup. A purse snatcher. A group of kids bullying another kid in an alley and taking his money. A groper. Nothing too big. Not yet. The bigger crime lords remained quietly watching and waiting. Robin and the GCPD worked hand in hand over these low grade acts of crime, but there was still no sighting of the Batman. All of Gotham was held at a standstill with bated breath over the next time they'd see a man crucified in the middle of the street. Some still took it as a sign that their Angel of Death was always watching over them to deal out punishment to the unrighteous. Others believed the city was reverting back to its old ways and nothing, not even this supernatural force of death could stop it. All in all, business was good for Selina. If she ran into Robin, he was easy to handle, but the wait for his more impressive partner to show up was nerve wracking. That was until Selina realized Batman wasn't going to show and continued pulling her jobs as normal. She tried making quick work of her heists during the day, on account she worried for the young 'Boy Wonder' catching a fight with a much more deadly and unforgiving foe in Bane. Had she stayed a moment longer, the poor boy would be nothing more than a puddle of bloody mush and bones on the floor.

     This afternoon was going to be her last job anyway. One more score, then she and Holly would be out of the city and living it up in Paris, France. She threw the phone she got from her "partner" to the bed and changed into a pair of jeans.

"I'm heading out for a minute." she called down the hall. 

"Seriously?! Not this again. We're never gonna get outta here!" Holly dropped her bags by her bedroom door and stormed back into her room.

"Hey, I meant what I said and for the record, I'm done with working Gotham. I have one more errand to run and then you and me will be flying over this shit stain of a city in no time."

Holly poked her head out of the doorway.

"You're wearing jeans!" she exclaimed.

     "So, you're really not working, then where are you going?"

"To see an old boyfriend. I've called for a car to take you and the bags to the airport. It should be here in twenty minutes. Your ticket's in your coat so don't lose it. Go there, wait for me and whatever you do, do not talk to strangers."

Holly rolled her eyes, but smiled. She picked up her bags for the last time and placed them with Selina's by the front door. The two looked back at their old house.

"It was hard, but we're on our way out kiddo." Selina hung her arm over the young girl's shoulders.

"Yeah. It's gonna be nothing but smooth sailing from here on out, ain't that right Lina? We're never coming back...right?" Holly looked into the eyes of her friend. Selina desperately wanted to agree, but of all things she was certain about, she was certain Gotham would lure her back down the line.

     She looked down into the innocent eyes of the girl and did her best to hide her fears.

"Hell yeah we're not coming back." she winked. Selina kissed the girl on the head and made her way down from her apartment. The plan was clear: first she'd go and say good-bye to Bruce. It might've been one date, but they had a mutual friend in Eli and since the kid seemed to be alive and alright, the least she could do was tell Bruce the news. There was still some gas left in the bike she "borrowed". Just enough to get her to Wayne Manor and down to the airport. Maybe she'd drop by the old job and have one last drink with the girls. They were good company and looked after Holly like loving mothers. 

"Just one more road to go." Selina boarded her bike and sped down the street. It was a great feeling for Holly to know she was going to be living a life free of prostitution and answering to a pimp night after night. Her smile was bright and cheery as she wrapped a scarf around her neck and zipped up her coat. In a couple of minutes, she would be on her way to Paris.

     A phone rung in Selina's room. 

"What the? I thought we unplugged all the phones in the house." 

Holly went into Selina's room and saw the small cellphone ringing on her bed. Maybe it was a call from work, or one of Selina's many gentlemen callers. If the call was from the club, Holly giggled at the thought of telling their boss exactly what she thought of him, then hanging abruptly up in his ear. She picked up the phone. 

"Huh, I don't recognize the number."

She didn't answer. It kept ringing. Holly dropped the phone back on the bed, feeling a little uncomfortable and suddenly claustrophobic. 

"Remember, don't talk to strangers." she told herself. She ran to her bags and decided to begin carrying them downstairs.

     For the last time she locked the door using a gloved hand and slid the key under the door for good measure.

"Good riddance." Holly smirked. Her clunky bags banged against the stairs as she made her way out of the apartment building. A car slowed to a stop in front of her.

"Yeah, I got a call for a cab from a Mrs. Silvia Clark?" the driver poked his head from out of his window. Holly had to think for a moment. The driver saw the girl didn't trust him.

"The call came from this particular address. Did your mommy make the call sweetie?" he tried sounding more friendly. Holly remembered the name being one of Selina's many aliases, so the driver was legit.

"Yeah, you're good. You on the way to the airport, right?" she asked.

"Yep. Your mother told me to escort you and your luggage."

     Holly dragged her bags to the trunk of the car. With the help of the driver, she loaded the luggage and got into the front seat. Before anything else, she checked the man's credentials. He had a picture of his wife and three children taped to the front of his dashboard, a cross dangled from his rearview mirror and the car was clean and smelled of his laundry scented air freshener. Overall, Holly felt she was in safe hands.

"Don't worry hon. We'll get there in record time. Just buckle your seatbelt and we'll be on our way." the driver smiled. Holly did as she was told and the car pulled off. Watching Gotham passing by was a mixed bag of feelings. For a long time this city was Holly's home. At some time she assumed she had lived with a loving family in one of those many tall buildings. She couldn't remember her parent's faces, but she did remember the sound of her mother and father yelling a lot. 

"Fuck 'em." she muttered. 

     She went into her purse for her phone and began calling Selina about her progress. 

"Yeah I've left already. Uh-huh...we're a couple of blocks from the airport now. Oh yeah, your "work" phone was ringing on your bed before I left. of course I didn't answer it. Yeah, I just left it there...okay...alright, well tell "daddy" I said I love him and see you two soon. Yeah, bye mom."

She hung up.

"Your folks doing alright I assume?" the driver asked. "It's nice to finally see and hear you kids checking in with your parents nowadays. Such a responsible young lady your parents have raised."

Holly listened to the man drone on and on about his own kids. It was annoying, but comforting. She preferred it to being her last decent conversation before taking off to the skies and never coming back to Gotham ever again.

*    *    *    *

     Of course Bruce wasn't home. Selina didn't know why she half expected anything else. Wayne was in the middle of a lawsuit that was bound to take his precious company, so obviously there wasn't going to be any time where he'd be home for long. Selina had reached the front gate and waited for ten minutes before giving up and deciding to head over to the 'Pussy Whipped' for one last drink with the girls. She still had plenty of time to catch her flight after taking a couple of shots. After digging around in her pockets, she found a small letter she had written and placed in the small rusted mailbox covered with ivy. The trip back into the city felt like the embrace of an old toxic friend. Somehow, Selina felt as if the city was laughing at her. She knew why she was still here and only planned to remain for a couple more minutes. In the back of her mind, she could still here the laughing. She still heard it when she parked her bike in front of the club. She heard it when she was greeted with her friends and coworkers and when they gathered for their private party in the back room. She definitely heard it the loudest when her phone buzzed in her pocket.

"Well you beautiful accidents, I'm heading up to better things." Selina raised a glass.

      "You lucky slut. Here we are, dreaming about finding the perfect man and it appears you've already found him and his money. Shame that you have all the luck." one of the girls laughed and raised a toast to her friend. The party was quaint and filled with loving remarks about how Selina and Holly were like sisters to them. No one knew either one was leaving the city, but they felt Selina's hints towards better things was meant to be taken as they weren't coming back to the East End anytime soon. 

"Well honey, I don't know who's pockets you've clawed your way into, but if it means a better life for you and that little girl, then baby mama's happy for the two of you." Gary gave a sloppy kiss on Selina's cheek. Another ten minutes went by. Selina was readying to leave the club on time like she promised, when her phone rang again.

"Bitch, you better answer it. Sounds like someone's trying to find you." Gary drunkenly laughed.

"Yeah...that's the problem." Selina's eyes lowered. 

     The number was from the club. Someone inside was calling and this time, the ringing didn't stop. Every instinct was screaming for Selina to run. Her party was no longer safe and the first thing she thought about was Holly waiting for her at the airport. The club was closed right now and would open in about an who the hell was calling? If there was one of the many faults of Selina's that she hated more than anything, it was her ever growing and dangerous curiosity. She didn't answer the call, but allowed it to keep ringing as she went back to the front of the establishment. Sitting at the bar with a phone left calling on the counter was a lone patron who was too young to drink.

"I was wondering when you'd come." Eli kept his eyes on the many bottles of colored liquors and glasses.

"How'd you get in? The door's locked." Selina relaxed only a little.

"Well duh, I picked the lock. It's not that hard."

     Selina slid onto the stool next to the boy and finally hung up her phone.

"I take it this isn't a friendly visit." she poured herself another drink.

"I don't know what you mean."

"Oh come on, it's me you're talking to kid. If what the papers are saying is true, then the "Angel of Death" has come to punish me for my transgressions and deliver my head to the steps of the GCPD."

It took a moment for the silence to settle in, but after a few moments, the two of them began to laugh.

"What utter nonsense, but yeah, I've been reading about your jobs. I even saw what you did back at the Regency." Eli sighed. "I'll admit, it was pretty cool."

     "Normally I'd say thanks, but I know a trap when I hear one. If you're not here to kill me, then I take it you're here about the sudden rise in crime thanks to my little jobs."

Selina made the mistake of checking her watch. 

"Waiting for someone?" Eli noticed.

"No, but I have a date who's waiting for me. Are you going to kill me or not?"

Selina and Eli's eyes locked. It was terrifying. If Selina thought about her deal with Bane...would Eli be able to read it through her eyes alone? She had already missed a call, Holly confirmed as much earlier. The deal was to lure out either Eli or Batman with her allowed jobs and now that one of them was sitting right in front of her...she only needed to phone it in. She'd hate herself, but it would give her the chance to finally escape. Eli's eyes went back to staring at the bottles.

"I just wanted to catch up on old times Selina." he said.

     "If you have something to say, you'd better say it fast. I have somewhere to be and he's waited long enough." Selina got up and went behind the counter. She reached for the club's phone.

"Yeah, I know I missed your call earlier, but you can meet me in front of the club...oh I have something you've been wanting for a while now sugar...have fun."

"Leaving already?" Eli joined her by the front door.

"The club's opening soon and like I said, I have somewhere to be. We can catch up some other time, okay kiddo?" Selina winked. She unlocked the door and stopped with one foot over the threshold. This was wrong. She was selling this boy out to a fate more awful than she could imagine...but if she had disappeared without telling Bane...knowing that he called and just didn't answer...he would've tracked her and Holly down. It was a simple choice: lure and sell out Eli who seemed to be more than capable of holding his own against Bane, or run away and keep looking over her shoulders for the rest of her new life.

     Even if it came to the latter, Selina told no one anything and had made sure to wipe clean everywhere she'd been. She hadn't used her real name for anything and was still able to make her plans. Still...Bane was a lot more smarter and cunning than the rest of Gotham's underworld gave him credit for. No matter what, Selina would always feel that if she didn't honor their arrangement, he'd find her and kill her. So, option number two, no matter how terrible it felt, was the better choice. In a flurry of emotion, Selina wrapped her arms around Eli's slender shoulders.

"I'm so sorry." she whispered in his ear. She gave a short kiss to his cheek and walked out. God she was such a bitch for this. She made a cut to the alley behind the club just as she noticed  familiarly clad men and women gathering in front of the building. Bane wasn't too far behind. 

"Please forgive me." she whispered to no one. Selina skulked around the backside of the club until she was safely on the other side of the building and found her bike. Once the commotion began and the club was opened for business, she ignited her bike and only after she saw with her own eyes Bane's men enter the establishment without noticing her, she drove off. 

*    *    *    *

     Eli was more angry with Selina than himself. If he had more time to think about things, he would've realized he wasn't even really angry with her. This was just the way of Gotham and its people. Clearly Selina had called in a trap. Eli backed away, impressed by the sheer size of his new enemies thanks to their well endowed armor and weapons. They were padded from head to toe in protective gear, but their obvious weak points were their joints where the armor connected. Eli kept that in mind as the enforcers began circling around him.

"I thought the boss wanted Batman." one of them pointed.

"It was either him, or the reaper he said."

"Then what the fuck is this? It's just some kid. Dead ass, we weren't called here for this child, were we?"

"Don't know. We'll wait till the boss gets here."

There was a small opening for Eli to leave.

     When he left his teacher earlier, killing wasn't on his agenda. He was suppose to be stationed outside of City Hall's courthouse to oversee Bruce's trial. Coming to meet Selina was a spur of the moment thing. One proving to have been a bad idea. 

"If I'm not who you're looking for, then please let me pass. I don't know what you people want." Eli innocently spoke.

"Oh no you don't shorty. We got a call about finding one of our targets here, and no one leaves or enters until we've collected."

By now the workers of the club had all filed into the front, wondering why the doors hadn't been opened. They froze at the sight of armored men blocking their exit and cowered behind the bar as their manager went to pick up his gun.

"Alright, you have two seconds to get the fuck outta my club before I start shooting!" he aimed.

     At the sight of the small pistol against so many riffles and other weapons, the strangers laughed.

"Shoot little man. Ain't no one here afraid of you. Just know the second you fire your gun...we fire ours."

The girls screamed in terror as the manager was outnumbered. His eight bullets were no match for the hundreds packed against them. Eli needed to do something. He had to get to the courthouse. 

"Last chance. Let me pass." he went for his mask. One of the men closed in, shoving himself into Eli's personal space.

"What the hell did I just say? I don't know who the hell you think you are chica, but where I'm from, little girls do as they're told and keep their mouths shut. Now shut up and stand there--"

     Eli went for the joints. First were the man's arms. They flew to the floor, spraying the company in blood. Next slash went behind his knees and the final strike went straight through the man's chin and up to the roof of his mouth. The women and manager ducked in fear of instant gunfire. No one moved to help their fallen companion. Rather they drew their weapons and kept them aimed at the assassin.

"And that is why you never underestimate your opponent." someone clapped from the doorway. Eli had to strain his neck to look up at the massive creature. He loomed over everything as he quickly drew near to the center of the floor. He was nothing but pure muscle over muscle, large and walked with the air and confidence of a man who had bested the most battled readied men. The floorboards creaked as they bent underneath his girth with some of them snapping in two as he walked forward. 

"Do you see men? This young child has bested your brother in combat by using his senses before striking and do you know why, despite you having more weapons than him, he won?" the giant asked.

     "No sir." they answered. Their leader towered above Eli, blocking all light in the room.

"Because he used his eyes, while you only relied on your brute strength. In that instance, you were weaker than him and will always be unless you start honing your instincts along with your power of force. Do I make myself clear men?"


The giant looked down on his smaller opponent. His eyes searched Eli's face and cloak as his fingers brushed against the boy's hair. His eyes settled on the ornament holding back his ponytail.

"Ah, I know of this symbol." his eyes narrowed. "It is the mark of 'el antiguo."

Eli looked confused.

     "The 'ancient one'. The Demon. So, you're this year's favorite...I must say, you're an awfully small one."

Thunder rumbled outside. The giant's steps matched the building roars across the sky, making Eli believe he was bringing a terrible storm with him. 

"You know, you and I could be seen as siblings." he took a seat at the bar. 

"I don't remember you at any of the family reunions." Eli kept his eyes solely on the man.

"Oh, but we come from the same family nonetheless. We are both raised by the League of Assassins."

Stunned into silence, Eli tried thinking about his time back at the oasis. Not once could he recall ever seeing such a man and missing him was next to impossible. Maybe he was a member before Eli joined, but so was Deathstroke and Eli had the misfortune of knowing him. Slade never talked about this brother in arms before.

     Eli chalked this up as another trap and chose not to pay it anymore attention.

"Did Ra's send you?" he asked.

"No. I returned to Gotham from abroad after hearing some rather impressive news. You see, this city I'm sure you know by now, has been one always mired in blood and death. Crime of every character dwells here and spreads like plague rats in the sewers. I once spent my time in Gotham thinking this was yet but another place easy to conquer...until Batman came along."

Eli's eyes darted to the unguarded exit. The calm way the man spoke made him realize he was going to be no match for this monster. Eli knew how to take the loss before it came to him and he felt no shame in knowing he wasn't strong enough to even make a dent in the stranger's armor, let alone skin. 

"Under his regime, Gotham remained as bloodless as possible."

     "Just the thought of anyone being decapitated while Batman controlled the shadows was laughable. It just wasn't done. Then I began hearing news of heads rolling and blood painting the concrete and waters red. Of course this would happen after I had decided to leave this city behind, but I knew the purge was inevitable. I heard the people started believing Batman had finally had enough of crime was now the "Dark Knight" Gotham deserved."

Eli wasn't foolish to underestimate the monster's size, but even he wasn't expecting the man to move so effortlessly and swiftly. Within seconds, the stranger had rose from his chair and was once again towering over the little assassin.

"But I know better than most, Batman would never allow murder to run rampant in his city. Not by his hands...or any other." his voice was low and dark. "Yet he has not stopped this reign of terror, leading to one of two options: Batman has cowardly sold out his convictions...or you have killed him."

     Hearing this, the armored men and women tensed and shifted uncomfortably in their places.

"No way. There ain't no way this kid killed Batman!" one of them gasped. Despite his boss's very audible sigh of annoyance, he nodded.

"What makes you think I have anything to do with any of this?" Eli strained his neck looking up. He was wrong. He should've been angry with Selina. Other than his girlish appearance, there was nothing to give Eli away that he was anything else but an ordinary child (to some degree). No one should've ever suspected he was skilled enough to take on Batman, unless they were told and had seen what he could do. Eli's thoughts went back to the night he and Zsasz fought in Crime Alley. Selina was there, watching. She was able to discern it was Eli who Gotham called the 'Angel of Death' and knew about his feathers left at each of his crime scenes. Selina could've told this man everything saved for his name and thanks to the call she made earlier, his enemy had found him. The man stared into his eyes, seemingly reading every thought and was pleased Eli caught up. 

"I've been wanting to meet the reaper and thanks to some properly planned activities and one phone call, here we are." the man looked down.

     "Who are you and what do you want with me?" Eli reached for his hidden dagger. His eyes grew cold behind his mask and even if he managed to land one hit, his thoughts still continued screaming that he needed to run. Size alone wasn't the only reason Eli had to escape. He had fought huge opponents before, but there was an air of high intelligence and malice within the calmness of the stranger's movements and words that strangely mirrored Ra's Al Ghul. He walked and talked like he knew what he was doing and in a room filled with guns and a dead body, nothing phased him. Eli sucked his teeth in aggravation. There was no denying it any longer. Ra's had indeed taught this man. Eli had moved too soon. He shouldn't have killed that guy until he was certain the rest of the group was of the same strength level. Now he had given a small portion of his talents away and the ball resided in his enemy's court.

"I am called Bane...and what I want is to see what's so special about you that would make even the Batman run in fear."

Bane attacked without warning.

     His fist slammed through the floor, missing Eli by only inches. 

"Master Ra's believes you are something, so show me that you're worthy to be a part of our brotherhood." Bane hurled a bar stool at the boy's direction. Eli ran for the door. He made it outside and into the street before drawing his sword. Bane slowly followed, taking his time to ascertain the situation. Physical attacks were going to do nothing. Eli had little time to think. Bane wasn't as protected as the rest of his men. He didn't have to be. He was more than armored with his size and bulk and showed power far greater than any normal man.

"No. I need to keep small." Eli thought to himself. He sheathed his katana. Wide strikes were going to be too slow and leave him open for a counterattack. He moved back to his dagger. It was small and much faster, allowing for more movement and time to collect his thoughts. This time Eli didn't make the first move. He stood waiting to see what could be done.

"Come to me, angel de la muerte." Bane approached, fists balled and eyes sharp. His punches came in a flurry of all too near misses.

     Eli kept small as he planned and only struck back when he felt he had a chance. His slashes landed, but Bane showed no signs of pain. He kept coming. All Eli could do was move around and make sure he wasn't stuck in one spot for too long. His light footwork most likely saved his life at least three times through the onslaught of haymakers. One hit and Eli was sure he would be sent flying through a wall. Droplets of water fell from the sky. The rain wouldn't slow Bane's advances. Eli's mind raced. What could he use? There were no shadows to attack through on the wide streets and while a passing car could be used to an advantage, Eli was certain getting hit by one would be nothing more than a nuisance to his opponent like slapping away a mosquito. All he could think was to go low and attack the ankles. With enough cuts, even the mightiest of foes would fall. If it worked on Achilles, then it would be good enough for someone as thick as Bane. Eli switched back to his katana. He worked fast to gather his speed and went to strike below the knees. Puddles began forming on the ground, giving Eli the small advantage of using the water to confuse his movements. 

     Bane managed to step away in time before finding himself caught between his assassin and a wall. He felt something sharp and cold rake against his ankle as the blade sliced through his boot. 

"You're using my height against me and went for my ankles." he winced. "Smart, but between me and the wall, there's not much room for your next strike." 

A solid kick to the stomach sent Eli flying into a car. He felt the wind leave his lungs on impact and shards of glass enter his back and arms. It grew painful to breathe, but Eli forced himself back to his feet. The scent of blood filled his mask and his sight was blurred, but he stood focused on what to do next. He wasn't going to win this. He already knew it, but his chances of escaping were fleeing quickly. He had his speed going for him and somehow he had to make the most of it. The ankles were still the better option. If they were to bleed enough, Bane would be rendered immobile. Eli hadn't caught his breath for more than two minutes before he had to duck out of the way.

     One punch dented the rest of the car and sent it crashing into another. Eli moved through Bane's legs, twisting his small body around to get a better chance of again slicing through the boots. His footing was off only by mere inches thanks to the growing rain and he felt his foot slip. His sword went through Bane's pant leg and up his shin, missing his target completely. The attack proved to have worked nonetheless. Bane stumbled to move his leg and paused his advance. 

"Impressive. You fight like a shadow warrior: quick and efficient, but you're clumsy and thinking too much. Holding back will only bring your downfall."

Eli sped forward again, this time aiming his blade for Bane's kneecap. All he needed was one leg down and he would be free to leave. No matter what, he had to make it to the courthouse. His sword was stopped as Bane caught the blade with his bare hands. He held Eli in place with the tip of the weapon shallowly cutting through his pants.

"Yes...indeed the Master has found quite a rough gem in you hermanito, but you still have a long way to go."

     Bane pulled both the sword and its master close as he buried his fist into Eli's chest. He heard the boy gasp in pain as several bones cracked from the pressure. Blood dripped from the bottom of Eli's mask as another shattering blow connected with his face and sent him crashing through the front window of the 'Pussy Whipped'. Eli couldn't move. He could hear blood splashing against his lungs as his chest cavity creaked with cracked bones. His hand never released his sword. Not even when Bane stood over him and picked him up by the wrist. His mask had been partially broken, with only the left side of his face covered. 

"This is the same power that convinced the Batman to cower while you reaped countless souls? Is this the 'Grim Reaper' I've been itching to meet in combat? How could you call yourself a master of death if you cannot even best me?" Bane dangled his prize in the air. Eli had to make it to the courthouse. No matter what happened. He had to be there. He summoned his wings and used the momentum to swing free. 

"To me!" he called to the rain.

     A swirl of black feathers followed by a bitter screeching wind stormed through the door and windows. The cacophonous shadow creature swarmed Bane's men and their leader, pecking at whatever openings of flesh it could find.  The club filled with the screams of men and monsters, bullets flew everywhere and blood splashed the floor below. The swarm gathered around Eli and propelled their master forward with blinding speed. He had to make this count. He made a beeline for Bane, stopping his footing only to ground the thrust of his sword further into his enemy's shoulder. With a roar, he used the rest of the momentum to bring the blade down through fabric, skin and bone. If Eli couldn't take down the giant's legs, then he would take an entire arm. The blade continued travelling downward, nearly severing Bane's shoulder from the rest of him. Even Eli couldn't hide his shock when he noticed the man had grabbed onto the weapon and snapped the blade into shards. For a moment, Eli swore his heart stopped. Bane had broken his beloved katana and used one of the shards to stab him deeply in his chest. The dark swarm dissipated with only black feathers and splotches of blood left on the ground. Bane might have saved his arm, but the damage was done. He was breathing heavy and down on one knee.

     "So...this was the real power of the angel de la muerte. You have earned your title...but this is where you come to an end little one. I will tell our master you died beautifully." 

Bane plunged the shard deeper into the chest cavity and Eli fell to the floor motionless. Rain and wind poured through the broken windows and finally all was silent again.

"Descansa en paz angelito." Bane struggled to stand back up. He looked around at his men. They had been reduced to a rambling mess. Their faces had been mercilessly pecked at with some of them missing entire patches of skin on their cheeks. One of his men had an eyeball missing and claw markings up and down the rest of him. There had been only two casualties and in Bane's book, that was a sign of victory. 

"We're done here." he said to them. His men gathered their wits and weapons.

"What about these people sir? Do we leave any survivors?"

     Bane turned his eyes to the club's manager and staff. They were pissing down their pants terrified and huddled together behind what was left of the counter. 

"Please...please don't kill us..." the manager's eyes were wide and teary. Bane took a deep breath. He had done what he came for.

"Take the assassin. It's time for phase two."

Someone picked up Eli's lifeless body and carried the bloodied mess out of the club. The manager staggered from behind the counter, believing himself and his workers were finally safe to close the establishment for the day and repair all the damages.

" club! How the fuck am I gonna pay for all this?!" he sifted through all the broken bottles of liquor and splinters of floorboards. 

     His eyes darted up to the massive terror following his men through the door.

"Hey, big man!" he shouted. The women looked at their employer as if he had lost his mind and made a run for their dressing room at the back of the building. 

"This is all your fault. How the fuck are you expecting me to pay for this fucking mess? I wouldn't even know how to explain this shit to my lawyer, let alone the bank!"

Bane silently glared at the little man. 

"I'm so sorry for the inconvenience. Rest assured, I'll take care of the problem." he spoke calmly. With a nod of his head, Bane called for the last man to leave the club.

"Burn it." 

     The soldier smirked as he gathered more men. They knocked over the barstools, broke lights and tables and shot down the dance stage. After being forced to watch his place of business torn down, the manager was left tied and gagged to the stripper pole at the center of the stage. His muffled screams fell on deaf ears as Bane's men doused the rest of the furniture with the remaining alcohol and light the highly flammable liquid with several matches they found scattered around the floor. 

"There, now you don't have to worry about anything. If you manage to survive, which I doubt you will, you could start over from the ground up." Bane walked through the growing flames. He never bothered warning the women in the back of their inevitable fates and once outside, he stood back and made sure no one came out alive. He signaled his men to move out and by the time the flames crawled through the broken windows, Bane was gone and the streets were flooded with onlookers. Some claimed they heard screaming through the fires, but no one moved to help in time.

*    *    *    *

     With the fireball that nearly consumed three buildings in the East End, criminals were safe in assuming all criminal activity had returned. They came out from their hideaways and safehouses to reclaim Gotham by the throat and proceeded to shake the very foundations of the city. Thefts soared to even newer heights than when Batman was in charge. The underworld's kingpins returned with grander plans to collect as much business as they could before someone else decided to take justice into their own hands and kill all who walked the streets. They had much time to make up for and money to circulate, so as soon as the news report broke of the fire, all casinos, cash houses and drug operations ran by the top mafia families were back in action. Robin didn't have the strength to take it on all by himself. In the passing three days, he had arrested six drug runners and closed their stash houses, five purse snatchers,  two mom and pop store hold ups, a grand theft auto gang and one fool who thought to rob Gotham's First National Bank. Dick knew the return of Gotham's old ways was going to happen sooner or later, but he never guessed crime would come back with a vengeance so quickly. 

     Suddenly everyone wanted something that didn't belong to them, whether it be money, drugs, or jewels...or someone's life. Smog filled the sky, blocking out all the former sunshine and clean air. Within the matter of two weeks, Gotham City was returned to her deplorable, soul crushing glory. Dick was glad he was home. Outside was a nightmare. He was torn between knowing he had to do his best to save the city from itself and wanting to be just another high school graduate preparing for college. He didn't even have time to fully grasp what his homework was asking of him before he realized the sun was beginning to set and it would soon be time to head out for his nightly patrols. He sat at his desk and watched the shadows grow around his room. He imagined them coming for him. Oily, cold, lifeless fingers quietly slithered across his carpet, up his tired legs and took a firm hold of his wrists. He didn't have to go out tonight.

He could just be Dick Grayson, a young man on the verge of breaching a new life of independence. 

     His future would be uncertain, but he would make the most of it. Dick knew what he wanted from life. He wanted to get a good job as someone who saved lives.

"You mean like a crime fighter?"

He wanted to have a steady relationship with his school sweetheart that matured over time and by the time they were old enough and graduated, he'd propose with a ring he'd been working hard at a part time job to save up for. Hopefully she'd say yes and the two of them would begin planning their wedding as they worked normal hours and had normal friends. It was a dream Dick cherished quietly and wanted more than anything ever since his parents were alive...but Gotham had changed everything and the dream was more and more becoming a desperate wish.

"There has to come a time when the boy stops playing the hero in tights and get himself a real job in the real world..." the shadows told him.     

     "But...Robin's needed in the "real world" is Batman."

The darkness deepened and formed into the shape of a small figure without a face or discernible voice. It hovered toward him, gently placing a cold digit under Dick's chin.

"You don't have to be Robin if you don't want to. You know this."

"If not me, then who else? If losing people who mean the world to you turns you into someone who tries to save lives...then I wouldn't want anyone else to go through what Bruce and I went through."

"But, what about your dreams? Don't you want to find out what life could be like without the cape?"

Dick's head sunk further into his chest. The rest of the sunlight disappeared from the windows and was replaced with even more darkness. 

     "Leave it all behind...leave Gotham to its fate..." the creature grew bigger. "Settle for your normal life and leave the city to its eventual demise."     

It sounded like sense. After all, the more Batman and Robin tried to make things right, the more the city came back nastier, angrier and vengeful. It was as if Gotham didn't want to be fixed and no matter how many times the criminals were locked back in their cells and the lunatics back in their asylum, something else always went wrong. This city was cursed. Why his life turned out the way it has, Dick cursed more than anything. He was tired of being angry at the man who killed his family. Tired of the sleepless nights and damn near falling asleep in his classes. His body was trained for the long haul and thanks to his youth and training with Batman, he could take the stress better than most people he knew...but he couldn't fight his dreams for much longer. 

"Just fade...just fade into me...." the shadows rose to engulf him. His bedroom door opened. Soft amber light spilled in from the hallway and the shadow monster vanished. 

     "Dick? You okay?" came Bruce's voice.

"Oh thank god..." Dick pushed away his chair and raced into the arms of his friend.     His body suddenly felt too heavy and only when he felt Bruce's arms wrap around his shoulders did he feel like everything was going to be alright.

"What's the matter? You haven't rushed to me for a hug like this since you were little." Bruce looked down at his son.

"I...I just needed this. Like you said, it's been a long time since we've done this." Bruce held his ward. He felt how tight the boy's shoulders were and the slight tremble of his body as if he was on the verge of crying. This was the body of a man who was holding back tears. Bruce walked Dick to his bed and took a seat the bottom of the mattress. For a while they sat in relative silence, both looking around the room for anything to start a conversation.

"Wow, I can't believe in a couple of days, this room will be empty once again." Bruce went first.

     "I'm coming back you know. Guy has to have somewhere to go for the holidays and do his laundry." Dick tried to joke. They smiled and shared a small laugh.      

"I was looking for you the other day, but Alfred said you were out. I...just wanted to check up on you." Bruce looked into the young man's eyes. Their eyes locked. Both knew well enough when the other was lying, but Bruce was a master and harder to read than the Sphinx at times.

"Bruce, I know you've been dealing with the trial at the company and that's nothing to downplay, but do you know what's been going on with the rest of the city?" Dick asked.

"If you're talking about all the gossip circling on the news for the past couple of days--"

"No. I mean, do you know Gotham's almost as worse as ever before? Crime's skyrocketed and while that's nothing new to us, it's like the entire town's lost its mind. It's"


The room was quiet again.

     "It was quiet for once." Dick sighed. "The patrols were actually nice knowing I could go out at nights and find no crime." "People were just being people again and for the first time since my parents were here, Gotham didn't feel like a bad place to be."

"It was nice working with the cops on smaller cases that didn't catch too much media attention, but that's all gone now. The inmates are running the joint and for all their chaos and evil...there still hasn't been a sighting of the Batman."

Bruce knew this talk was going to come eventually. Batman was ready to go back to the nightlife, but the company, his father's legacy, needed him and it was going to be no one else's responsibility to fix the mess he welcomed with opened arms thanks to his foolish moments of weakness.

"Robin's more than enough to defend Gotham. I know he is." he looked to the window.

"Robin can't be everywhere. Before when things were more peaceful, it was easier to keep an eye on things, but now that crime's back in season, everyone's taking a piece of the pie." Dick stood directly in Bruce's line of sight.

     "So, when things get tough, you can't take it? What happened to all the times you begged me to let you have more dangerous responsibilities and missions? I thought you wanted bigger challenges." Bruce's eyes clouded over.

"Believe me, I know what I wanted and still do, but more than anything I wanted your trust."    

 "I've entrusted the city to you while I take care of other important matters. I've given you what you've asked for and now you're telling me it's too much for you."

It always ended in an argument. No matter what Dick tried to convey, he would be wrong. It wasn't right. Why was Bruce allowed to be the only who could focus on his actual life's activities (even if it was dealing with a scandalous trial concerning his family's business), while Dick was forced between being himself and a crime fighting vigilante? True Bruce had been doing the same thing a lot longer, but after a time even Dick began to see he was living more for the times when he could be Batman than being Bruce Wayne. Living a double life was easier when you wanted more of the other side than your actual existence and you didn't care too much about what the normal side thought.

     "It's not too much." Dick chose to stick to his pride. "I can handle things, but you should know there's more going on out there while you're not looking. I'm not asking for Batman to come back."

"Robin's more than capable of taking care of things while he's MIA, but I just didn't want you both to forget about the rest of us."

"Dick, I haven't forgotten anything. I just have other pressing matters to take care of." Bruce sighed.

"I know. I know you haven't forgotten Bruce. It's getting crazier out there and for what it's worth, I know he need time away, but I think it's time the Batman returned." Dick went to the window and turned his back on his father figure. The tense feeling came back ten times worse. The night was beginning and soon he'd have to out there among the madness. Dick didn't know what he was expecting exactly. He knew he wanted to get so much off of his chest, but there was no one to talk to. He had talked Alfred's ears off ever since he began living in the manor and it was about time the wise and kind old man had a break from listening to everyone's problems. 

     Just when he was about to give up completely and head down to the Batcave, an alarm went off on his phone. 

Bruce picked up the device and saw a blue blinking notification of breaking news flashing across the screen.

"It's a news break." he handed over the phone. The two of them went downstairs into the living room and turned on the television. The newsfeed blinked in and out as an ominous voice whispered over the picture and no matter which channel Dick turned, the image and sound remained the same. 

The two shared a look and went to turn on every computer in the house. The internet feed was the same. The screens remained blank while the whispering grew louder and louder. Alfred came to join them in the living room and watched in astonishment as a face, black, huge and disjointed came more into focus.

     "Gotham..." the image's voice scratched and cracked. "Your angel has fallen."

Bruce's eyes widened. 

 "I have shattered the image of the demon you so feared and called your protector and now hold his body in my hands. I can imagine you find this hard to believe. Here, a glimpse of your one time guardian."

The television faded to black and white. The picture changed to a grungy, filthy room surrounded by hissing pipes with a black winged creature splayed across the dirtied floor, drowning in a pool of its own blood. Bruce moved closer to the screen. The footage was grainy and hard to discern just by the naked eye. He rushed down to the Batcave and quickly activated the computer. The same image from upstairs was enlarged and filled up every corner of Bruce's sight. 

     He went to work isolating the image and recording the rest of the transmission before the screen changed back to blank.

"Was this the savior you've been salivating for Gotham? Was this creature meant to replace the original sin? The coward who dare hid his pathetic self as blood flowed across your sidewalks and into your sewers. Your children run freely now upon the spilt lives of so many and not once has the Batman returned to save you. Instead, he had hoped this demon would come and take his place to do the work he's been too weak to accomplish. Batman, I have seen you! I have destroyed your envoy, while you hid in your shadows and watched as your city turned to worship false legends of you. I call you coward!" Dick and Alfred came downstairs and watched in silence. Bruce, with his eyes bright and angry like lightning and face dark and terrible, breathed heavy and deep as his hands clenched into tight fists.     

     " have nothing to hide behind." the voice echoed across the cave. "Where are you, false hero? I have returned chaos to your city and still you have chosen to do nothing. COBARDE! I will continue to call you out, until you finally show your face to me and when you do, I will snap more than just your spine and break you in the same manner as I broke your replacement. Continue to ignore my calls Batman. I dare you. For now, I will leave you with the fact that Gotham's angel is dead...because of you."

The screen went back out and the news returned. The cave remained silent. Bruce stood glued in front of his computer. He hadn't moved his eyes from the grainy image of what could verily be Eli's dead body on a dirty floor. The silver hair was a giveaway as were the wings. There was no doubt about it. Bruce was glaring at Eli's corpse. The sight of the dead child left Bruce feeling emotionless, as every emotion flooded his mind and it was impossible to know precisely how to feel or behave.

     This wasn't the first time Eli had died. He would come back, wouldn't he? Give or take a couple of hours, the assassin would heal and revive just like his master...but Bruce felt something was different the time. Healing factor or not, the image of the dead body would never sit right with him. Eli was dead because of Batman. Because of Bruce. Leaning over the console, Bruce lowered his head in silence while Alfred and Dick watched as their friend's heart broke.

"Bruce, I'm---I'm so sorry." Dick placed a gentle hand on the older man. "That kid's not easy to take down, but clearly he was up against something a lot tougher than himself. Whoever killed here in Gotham and from what we all heard, he's not going away any time soon."

Bruce's shoulders heaved as he tried to breathe through the quagmire of emotion and thought. Of course his city needed him, but so did his family's legacy. The cause of his current problem was shown to been killed by the hands of someone more powerful than the little problem maker.

     He still had a court date tomorrow and plenty of encrypted files he had to crack to get the truth of his company. Gotham was wailing for his return, but who was going to take care of the business? Why was being Bruce Wayne so damn complicated? His mind was close to overflowing, so Bruce did the one thing he always did whenever everything was too much, too loud and his judgement too clouded. He began walking to the opening of a cave that lead down into pitch black nothingness. Alfred knew where his charge was going. Bruce was going to see 'him'.

"You think he'll finally come back to his senses?" Dick had changed into his uniform.

"I believe Master Bruce has always been in his senses. Perhaps he's been in them too much and too deep. It's a dark world inside his mind and I don't blame him from wanting to escape from all the ghosts haunting him, but this is the curse of being Batman. Batman sadly, will always be needed and it's that need that's tearing Bruce apart." 

     "Being the last Wayne isn't any fun either. It's a terrible tug-of-war that's constantly plaguing him and whether or not he wants to return as the Caped Crusader, he has now been shown he no longer has any choice." Alfred turned his tense eyes up to the paused image. No ordinary thug had killed Eli and thanks to the reaper's demise, the people of Gotham barely had a choice of survival. Batman had to come back. Bruce continued walking until he came to the head of another, more larger cavern. The faint glow of light from the outside world spilled from above the cave, illuminating a large chasm patiently waiting to swallow Bruce from below. He walked to the very edge of the road which transformed into a sharp cliff.

"Where are you?" he called to the darkness. Something fluttered from the corner of his eye.

"I know you're there. You've been talking to me. Trying to get me to return to you. You know why I can't do that. Not now."

The fluttering softened.

     "I have to take care of my father's company. It's all I have left of him!" Bruce shouted. His conviction bounced around the cave walls and returned to him as the voice of a smaller, less convicted man.

"All this time, everyone's wanted me to let the police take care of things and now they have their chance. They're suppose to be the heroes...not me. It's hard enough to be me without having the weight of the entire city on my shoulders."

Nothing answered him. 

"You have no right to judge me. I have done everything I could. I gave up damn near almost everything just to keep you happy and now when I ask you to understand why I need to do something else, you'd mock me. I should've known better than to put my trust in you."

Something grey flashed down from one of the cavern walls and flew at Bruce.

     It was a small albino bat. The tiny creature had unlatched from his clan and clumsily flew in the direction of the noise. It pathetically flapped its wings with probable cause of attacking whatever was disturbing its rest, but fell all the same. Bruce watched the little thing try its best to reach him and judging from its appearance, it was a runt of its litter. It flapped hard with the purpose of reaching the cliff, but its wings were too small and its body underdeveloped to sustain flight. For some reason, Bruce wanted the beast to make it. His attention was suddenly absorbed into the little bat trying to attack him. 

"Come on! Show me what you can do!!" he found himself shouting again. He continued making noise in hopes the bat would follow the sound of his voice, but the runt grew tired mid flight. It squeaked and squealed helplessly as it began falling further and further down into the unforgiving chasm. Suddenly the once aggressive sounds it made turned into tiny barks of terror and a cry for help. None of the other bats moved to help. 

     It was going to fall to its death. Bruce acted quickly. Without thinking of what he was doing, he lunged forward, hand outstretched as he and the bat nearly fell into the abyss. He had caught the small fuzzy thing, but had lost his footing and was now dangling from the cliff, one hand clutching the animal, the other desperately gripping the rockface. The bats twitched and screeched in what could've been concern, or annoyance. The chattering grew as Bruce moved to secure the bat gently in his pants pocket and used both his hands to raise himself back up. He was careful not to squish the animal in his pocket and took it out to make sure it was still alive. It squirmed in the palm of his hand, sniffing at the hands that saved its life. The cave silenced almost at once. 

"You...didn't...have it..." the walls whispered.

"It was going to die if I didn't do anything. Why would I watch this creature fall to its death?" Bruce looked down as the bat rubbed its tiny nose against his thumb.

     " doesn'"

"It needed someone to save it! No one else moved to help--"

Bruce looked at the small white bat wriggle around his hand and wrist. It was an outcast. No one wanted to save it as it was clearly too weak to take care of itself, but it had the will to move on its own and live. It tried its best to fight an opponent bigger than itself and though it didn't win, it was at least still alive to grow and try again some other time. 

"He needed me." Bruce's voice lowered. "No one else was going to take care of him. They would've allowed him to die alone and unloved. No one was there to protect him."

The bat's breath grew short and rather than fight its fate, it placed its head in the center of Bruce's hand, wrapped its wings around its fragile body and appeared to have fallen asleep.

     Bruce held the creature carefully as he got to his feet and turned his back to the walls.

"You've made your point." he said as he walked back the way he came. By the time he made it back to the Batcave, Dick was already gone and Alfred had returned upstairs.

"I take it you've found the answers you've been looking for?" the butler asked as he dusted a rare volume of poetry in the Wayne parents library. To his surprise, Bruce handed him what looked like a white rat as his response.

"Take good care of it. There's somewhere I have to be." Bruce gently brushed his thumb over the animal's fine fur. 

"Sir, does this mean you're--"

Alfred unfinished question was answered before the words could fully leave his mouth. It was the look in Bruce's eyes.

     The flame of defiance and the will to fight had returned. 

"Of course. Please do take care Master Bruce." the butler respectfully nodded his head. He took the bat in hand as his benefactor rushed back down to his cave. Alfred continued cleaning, minding the particles of dust that might rain down upon the furry creature. He made a small bedding for it using a cleaned ash tray and plenty of pillow cases. The tiny thing squeaked from under its pillow case and the faint sound of something heavy and powerful roared from somewhere at the back of the manor and disappeared into the night.

"May God help whoever chooses to stand in that man's way tonight." Alfred smirked. He finished cleaning the library and took their new guest into the kitchen where it laid wrapped next to a warm pot of tea.

*    *    *    *

     "Hurry the fuck up, will ya? I know the Bat ain't gonna show, but ain't no fucking way I'm trying to deal with that sappy sidekick of his either." Maroni ordered his men. The Maroni family's drug game was at its best it had ever been since Batman's takeover of the city and since the news broke of the 'Angel of Death' being killed off, business was booming more than ever. The city was the under the firm belief that since the angel was dead, Batman was dead and vice versa. Other than Robin and the clean cops of the GCPD, there was no one to stop the gangs from tearing Gotham apart and dealing out the second and third best territories to the highest paying bidders. The trucks were loaded and ready to head to the docks when the lights in the warehouse flickered with a sign of someone coming to save the day and stop the bad guys. As expected, the Boy Wonder had come to foil their plans, but it wasn't a bother and it wasn't a bother when Gordon and his good guy platoon showed up for backup. Robin was good, but he was no Batman. Maroni knew there was nothing to fear about some kid in a bright costume copying off of his more deadlier counterpart.

"Lay it on them heavy boys and get those fucking trucks to the drop point!" the crime lord retreated back to his town car.

     The car screeched through the warehouse, speeding toward the exit and a clean escape. The car abruptly slammed into what appeared to be a black tank. 

"What...the fuck? What the fuck is that thing doing here?!" Maroni jolted from his backseat. What they ran into wasn't any ordinary car. Flickering for the final time, the lights went out completely. 

"What the hell's going on here?" Gordon took cover behind his vehicle. Someone screamed in the dark. Another followed.

"Oh, I know those screams." Robin couldn't stop himself from grinning. Bodies hit the floor hard and fast. Robin went ahead and joined in the chaos, adding more and more filth to the pile. Somewhere in the madness, Maroni got out of his car, brandishing his gun through the darkness as he tried to find his way out. The shadows took hold of his gun, leaving him defenseless and alone.

     "'re 'spose to be dead!!" he cried. A hand, black and appearing from nowhere grabbed his coat and held up him off the ground.

"I will always come back for scum like you Sally." a deep, threatening voice breathed into Maroni's face. "So long as men like you continue to exist, I will always come back."

Maroni screamed as the dimly lit face of the Batman came into view before him. Gordon rushed forward to see what all the noise was about, only to stop dead in his tracks as Maroni's body was thrown in front of him.

"He's dead! He's dead!!!" Maroni scrambled before Gordon pointing to the shadows. Gordon aimed his gun in the same direction as a tall dark figure slowly approached.

"Good God, you're still alive!" he chuckled.

     "Lieutenant Gordon." Batman greeted. Before anything, he and the officers gathered the rest of Maroni's men and seized the trucks.

"You have no idea how good it is to see the two of you back together. No offense Robin."

"None taken." Robin grinned. Secretly some part of his pride crumbled.

"Helluva time for you to take a vacation, but sadly you've returned at a bad time Batman. The city's gone to hell in only a matter of weeks and things are worse off than they were before." Gordon personally escorted Maroni to the back of his car.

"I've heard. Don't worry Jim. We'll get Gotham back together again. No matter how long it takes." Batman turned to his car. The officers stared with wide eyes as a ghost glided past them to his armored chariot.

     They couldn't believe it and whispered as he passed. One, officer Montoya, approached him.

"Where the hell were you when we needed you?" she glared. Gordon moved to stop her, but Batman allowed her to stay. 

"All this time you were alive and you allowed this to happen to our homes? To our city?!" her eyes teared. 

"That's enough Montoya. Batman didn't let anything happen. He's not the sole person responsible for all our actions." Gordon came to stand beside her.

"No, she's right. I should've been here to stop this. I play a major role in all of this, but I promise you, all of you, that I will get to the bottom of this and never allow our city to fall to such ruin ever again."

     Batman looked for the warehouse's office and went inside in search for a manifesto of Maroni's cargo. He found what he was looking for, flipping through the pages until he came across the address of where the trucks were suppose to dump their contents.

"It's good to have you back partner. Really, it's good to see you." Dick smiled. He joined his partner in searching around the office. He looked through Maroni's call log and saw for the past three days had been calling the same number two different times of day.

"Hey get a look at this." he called. Batman took the log and studied it. It was obvious tonight's drop was to head to whoever Maroni was calling twice a day. There was no name next to the number, but that didn't stop him from dialing. The phone rang three times.

"Buenas noches, Batman." the caller was raspy and deep. "I had a feeling this would be something to bring you out of hiding."

     "To be honest, I was hoping I would have to do something more dramatic to get your attention, but I suppose this will have to suffice."

"You already know Maroni's been caught." Batman's eyes narrowed. At that, Robin went out of the office to see if anyone was on their phone, or acting out of the ordinary. The cops were clean and Maroni and his men were being arrested. The call wasn't from anyone on the inside.

"You were having this place watched." Batman looked around the small room.

"An underhanded tactic I grant you, but you know as well as I this is the more viable option of getting us to meet without bloodshed. We all know what a coward you are when it comes to the sight of a little blood and broken bones." the caller snickered. "I take it you've also gotten my previous message?"

"Killing him was going too far."

     The call went eerily quiet for a time. 

"He was sent here to die. Better it be by my hand than anyone else's."

Batman gripped the receiver harder and could hear the plastic casing of the phone crack in his ear.

"Enough chatting. I want you to find me. It's time to exercise that brain of yours and do all you can to get to me. I have killed your dear little replacement, so what will you do? You're coward away far enough. The destroyer has come to lay waste to your kingdom and what happens next, will be up to you. Find me and face your punishment."

The call ended. Batman slammed down the phone. This was an elaborate trap, but one he didn't mind falling into. He left the office and made his way to the Batmobile. He was going to make his opponent regret making this challenge personal. Whether they knew it or not.

*    *    *    *

     "Batman's returned."

"What? After all that's happened, he returned? Where did he go?"

"I think the better questions would be, why did he leave in the first place and what grabbed his attention away from Gotham for this long."

"With Wayne tied up with court dates, I suppose his pet was finally allowed time to roam free. Perhaps we should shorten our time with dear Bruce and that in turn will leave Batman with no other choice but to stay close to him."

"The last thing we want is to be dealing with Wayne and the Batman again."

"But we have no choice now. The angel has been killed."

The auditorium grumbled.

     "We have to admit, it was much simpler controlling the Bat when the boy was still alive. They were connected and with that connection now gone, Batman will undoubtedly work himself ragged trying to figure out who we are."

"We've already had a compromising situation thanks to certain past events. We cannot allow Batman to even begin a search for us."

"So what do we do now? The boy's gone and we have Wayne right where we want him. That leaves Batman open."

"Assist this new threat with a cohort that'll mostly take up Batman's attention. That disgusting asylum has been a thorn in our sides for far too long, but perhaps it still has its merits. Find someone suitable to throw into the mix and send some of the scouts to find the body of the boy. Of all things, his body has become a subject of interest and we must have it."

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