Pregnant By Dad's Best Friend...

By Leona_RMBooks

239K 3.3K 374


Chapter One: Puppy Sitting "Edited"
Chapter Two: Stalker "Edited"
Chapter Three: First Date "Edited"
Chapter Four: Coffee "Edited"
Chapter Five: The Impossible "Edited"
Chapter Six: Take It "Edited"
Chapter Seven: It Can't Be "Edited"
Chapter Eight: Close One "Edited"
Chapter Nine: Nosey "Editing"
Chapter Ten: Can We Talk
Chapter Twelve: Moving
Chapter Thirteen: Rumor Has It
Chapter Fourteen: Love Is Nothing Without The You
Chapter Fifeteen: Complete Little Family
Chapter Bonus Sixteen: Emotions Of Family

Chapter Eleven: Adulting

13.3K 177 25
By Leona_RMBooks

"It didn't take long to finish though, no more than four or five minutes is that normal?" I ask.

"Sure it can be however long you want it to be and maybe he was just trying to be careful you know being unprotected and all," Lottie says sounding much more filled with happiness. "He could have ended it so short for your well-being as well, did you show obvious signs of pain, nervousness, or discomfort through the process?"

I was very nervous since it was my first time, and being exposed to the eyes of a man I've known forever for the first time was kinda scary since I wasn't sure what he'd think of me. But it instantly disappeared when he smiled and kissed my body.

The pain was only in the beginning when he pushed up my vagina with his man parts, as he told me that night I was small.

But being inexperienced he still told me I was perfect even though I felt like I hardly did anything.

"Not really it...felt good," I whisper a little embarrassed to say it out loud.

She opens her mouth to speak when the bell goes off.

"Well I guess it's time for class, I'll see you later." She says and grabs her bag standing up from the bench.


Once school was over I headed out to my car with my bag and keys in hand ready to go out apartment hunting.

I've done some online searching during lunch and I've found a few that has caught my eye the best part is neither of them was far from dad or Austin only five or ten minutes apart.

I was sad this morning when dad told me to move out but not anymore I'm quite excited now. It gives me a chance to figure out things on my own and to grow as a mature independent adult.

I want to prove to dad that just because I'm a pregnant teenager I can do anything just like I've always done and plan to accomplish.

I sit in my car and set my bag on the seat next to me and shut my car door but someone held it open. Looking up at who it was a handsome white smile spreads across his face.

"You mind if I join you?"

"W-what are you doing here aren't you supposed to be at work?"

He chuckles. "Aren't you happy to see me? No hug or kiss?" He says.

I instantly turn serious after remembering what he did. "Why should I do that after what you did this morning you said not a single word or looked at me and just left."

"Oh yeah, I'm sorry about that your dad was being stubborn about my plans with you and the baby and it frustrated me to the point I just left. But believe me, I wanted to turn back and kiss those pretty lips of yours good morning." A smile reappears spreading across his cheeks once again.

"You did?"

"Positive." He bends down and takes my hand guiding me out of the car.

Are we really going to do this in the school parking lot where a lot of students flood in to leave? Is this his way of saying we can be public about our relationship?

A smile slowly creeps to my cheeks when Austin leans forward holding the back of my head to kiss me.

I close my eyes and give in putting my arms around him as he explores my mouth. But only for a short minute then I push him away when I hear people close by.

"What's the matter?" He arches a brow.

"Oh my gosh?!" I hide my face in the palms of my hands. Becky and her little gang spotted me with a guy in the open. Of all people why did it have to be them? I'm doomed if she opens that big bass mouth of hers to the whole school.

"Anny?" He pulls my hands down exposing my frown then he chuckles.

"Sh-shes going to ruin me tomorrow."

Whipping my running tears off my red cheeks he says. "Why do you think that?"

"Because she hates me and will do anything to turn my life into hell during school hours."

"Anny I know this may be hard to do especially in your state being pregnant and your emotions being everywhere but what people think of you should not matter. Don't let the bullies negatively define you when it's far from the truth. You are a beautiful, smart, and brave young woman, I know you can return tomorrow morning ready to overcome whatever this girl may have coming for you."

Giggling and rubbing my damp eyes glazed with tears I then take his face into my hands and stand on the tip of my toes and press my lips against his.

He tightens his arms that wrap around me when his phone suddenly goes off interrupting our sweet time together in the school parking lot.

He pulls away licking his lips and, taking his phone out of his pocket I try and peek at who it might be but he answers the call faster than what my eyes can adjust to.


"I'm at Anny's school in the parking lot why?" He looks at me smiling as whoever was on the call began talking loudly enough for me to know it was a man's voice, and I have a feeling it might be my dad.

"If it's dad please don't make things worse," I say not wanting to get him in trouble.

"Last time I checked it was my company that I had worked my butt off to fulfill my dad's wishes before he passed. What gave you the idea that you could use that against me?" He becomes silent for a moment then chuckles seeming to be enjoying himself. "No, you don't understand I'm happy I want this...stop telling me to walk away. I'm not giving up when I love her more than anything in the world."

I look at him astonished. Did he just admit to my dad his best friend that he loved me or am I going crazy?

"Your right I have lusted many times but I really do love her."

"No, it's not because of those. Just her existence makes me happy. Wouldn't you be one to know about love?"

"Austin just hang up he only wants to argue anyway," I tell him but when he doesn't listen I quickly snatch the phone out of his hand and put it to my ear. "Let me live my life in peace. Remember I'm no longer under your care." I then end the call and hand it back to him.

"You didn't have to do that." He says surprised and checks the time on his watch. "I gotta get going soon, contact me when you find yourself a place ok?" He gives me a peck on the forehead then smiles tracing his thumb across my cheek.

I blink a few times confused. How did he know I was finding myself a place to stay I hadn't even told Lottie yet but he knows. Did dad tell him?

But why would dad do that when he can't even look at Austin without looking like he wants to kill him or speak to him without arguing?

Something doesn't seem right unless I'm just thinking about things too deeply.

"Ok I'll be off then I want to move into my place by tomorrow so I should find one quickly."

He nods. "Alright see you later." He walks off to his car.

I sit in the driver's seat when a thought comes to mind.

"Austin!" I shout out before he could get in his car. He looks over and doesn't say a word allowing me to say what I have to. "Since dad has kicked me out of the house could I maybe stay with you for just a night till I'm all moved in?"

A smile spreads across his face and it looks as if he tries to hide it by putting his hand over it. "Yeah of course you can."

"Great then I'll see you tonight." I smile. Starting up the car I head down the road.

"Come inside and take a look."

Wow. I step inside and right away I can tell it is a comfortable place to live. Walking in, the living room is just to the left on the other side of a wall furnished with a white couch and chair, a modern glass coffee table, big flat screen tv mounted on the wall, brown thick curtains hung in the sides of the big window which gives a nice view of the outdoors outside of the city.

The kitchen is full of modern-day kitchen necessities and white cabinets with light gray marble countertops.

A good size table made of dark wood that fits six chairs set just to the right of the kitchen in the dining room.

The rest matched the theme throughout the place with white, brown, and some gray. One bath and one bed, just perfect for one person but not great with a baby coming into the world in a few months.

After looking at the apartment I move on to the next.

This next one was a little closer to dad and Austin but the color scheme just didn't sit right with me. I've seen pictures of the place online but seeing it in person just makes my stomach churn.

Cream color walls, blue furniture, and pink flower-printed walls in the bathroom and not to mention a tiny bathtub with a short shower head.

Now if Austin were to stay there was no way he'd fit unless he bent his knees a bit since he had to be close to six foot at least five-ten.

But it sure would be a great laugh seeing him try.

After multiple hours of searching for the right home for me and my baby, I yawn out of exhaustion and head to Austin's house to rest for the night.

I've made up my mind and chosen to go for the fifth choice. Two beds, one bath, very spacious, and a lot of storage closets and even a small pantry for some food and snacks.

Best of all a full queen mattress all to myself that is soft as a cloud. Well if I knew what a cloud felt like I'd imagine it would feel something like that bed.

I turn off the car and head inside heading upstairs to the bedroom. When I enter I close the door behind me quietly as possible to not wake Austin.

I strip out of my clothes and dig through the closet to take one of his shirts for the night since I have nothing else to wear to bed. I put the white button up on and slip under the blanket slowly and quietly.

Laying on my back my foot touches Austin's bare leg giving him quite a scare as he almost jumps out of bed with a curse.

I give a wide smile and turn my body onto the side when he breathes out pushing his hair back off his face. He turns to me, his eyes trailing from my eyes my lips down to my chest.

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