Boy From Nowhere

By YOLOwriting101

28.7K 1.4K 789

"Why are you looking at my lips?" Evan questions him, and he saw Nigel look back at them again. "Are you into... More

𓍯twenty one
𓍯twenty two


1.2K 77 28
By YOLOwriting101

Deaf Library Student x Popular Kid
Nigel x Evan

Evan withheld his emotions further as he saw Nigel make his way back towards him. He didn't know why he began to do such a thing.

The both of them kissed each other and neither of them held back when it became evident what both wanted. His own need to hold back at this point was just for his selfish reasons. He didn't fall into it yet.

"Well, Mason and I talked it out," Nigel started once he stood right in front of Evan, "His feelings are greatly hurt, but he isn't upset with me. He, unfortunately, holds ill-will towards you since he feels like you aided in such a thing."

"What? You kissing me back?" Evan spoke up quickly, snorting as he saw Nigel raise an eyebrow. "He's only a sophomore...what does he know? If he wants to be mad at anyone, I'm the perfect one for that. I could care less how he feels about me or the situation."

Evan set his eyes back onto Nigel, seeing him look at him with an expression he couldn't read. He found himself not even upset about the situation or that someone saw him kissing a guy. Actually...he never even took that into consideration at all.

What if...Mason exposed what happened?

Evan had no interest in having to handle such rumors and drama.

"And, if you're wondering, I had him promise me that he wouldn't tell of what he saw." Nigel spoke up, causing Evan's eyes to widen on him. "I don't think you want people knowing that you and I were kissing in the library break room. To be honest though, I don't think anyone would believe him to be begin with. Still, just to be cautious."

"Cautious...huh?" Evan breathed, inhaling sharply as he found himself...happy to hear that. "I kissed you first, and yet I'm not even gay; or bisexual."

"I know, it's all so confusing for you; but how do you think I feel?" Nigel asks him seriously. "I even consider going out with a straight dude who has suddenly become bi-curious. It's a risk I'm not willing to take. It's too much on the heart."

Evan watched as Nigel walked past him now and he turned around. He saw him log off the computer as he started to pack up his things.

"It's not six yet." Evan informs him, but he saw Nigel almost seem to be in a rush. It seemed that Nigel was off-putted...irritated even. He didn't want to end things like this despite the fact that he wasn't sure what to say himself.

"I'm leaving early...I can't concentrate right now. You're...confusing me. I'm kinda irritated because I don't think you like me. I think you're playing with my emotions and are just confused because it's like what I said before. How people tend to...grow feelings for those that give them the attention they're not used to seeing or having. Right now...I think that's what's happening right now with you towards me. Because if I think about it...what do you even like about me for you to want to just kiss me like that?" Nigel questioned him quickly, looking back at Evan's face.

The both of them looked at one another in silence. Nigel only heard silence as he waited to see his lips move once. The stillness of his lips and his unwavering gaze threw him off. Why wasn't he speaking, why wasn't he answering the questions he needed answers for, was this really all a game?

"Are you bored?" Nigel inhaled sharply, seeing Evan shake his head calmly. "Then...please just answer my question. I'm practically begging you at this point."

"I can't answer them, why the fuck do you think I haven't said a word?"

"You're lying to me you coward." Nigel snapped sharply, causing Evan to look away. "Straight guys don't just kiss a guy they just became friends with. They don't do that! I was straight once you know, and I know when I realized that I wasn't straight anymore. Except I remember when I was straight and never once did I have that desire to kiss my male friends. It would've never crossed my mind, ever. Yet, you want to take showers with me and share a bed and do all of this stuff with me with no shame... What are you so afraid of? You're only confessing such stuff to me. What is there to hide, besides your dignity?"

Evan could feel the tension in the room, but it wasn't the good type of tension. It was beginning to become awkward, but also anger was permeating within that awkwardness.

" straight," Evan states quietly, seeing Nigel sigh, "I'm...not sure either. I just know that I like being around you and I liked kissing you. I wanted to kiss you even more when I found out about you actually going out with Mason-."

"Wait a minute then." Nigel interrupted him, and he glares at Evan. "Did you...only kiss me and do all of this stuff just so that I wouldn't go out with Mason? Is this some kind of joke to you? Am I some kind of distraction to you and you just don't want to lose that distraction that keeps you from realizing you're being punished to work here?"

Nigel looked at Evan in amazement, wondering how someone can still be so selfish and cruel in their actions. Evan thought about it too and saying yes to such a thing...would be much better than thinking so hard on emotions and feelings he's never felt before. Even if agreeing to such a thing was not what he felt was close enough.

"I guess so." Evan sighed, shrugging as he ran his fingers through his hair in frustration. "It would make sense. I did only interfere in your date plans because it would be a nice distraction. In hindsight...when I saw it was happening much more quicker than I anticipated, my own distraction would be taken from me. I'd have to face my consequences head-on, and I have yet to do that. To think I'm only two and a half weeks in on this punishment... Kissing you...helped you out, and it wasn't so bad. I just...yeah, that's all I got."

When he looked back at Nigel, he saw the absolute hatred within his eyes. He grinned solemnly because he expected such a thing. Though that didn't mean it made it much easier to witness.

"The fact that I know you're lying whilst telling me the truth angers me the most." Nigel sneered at him. Evan watched Nigel close up his book bag and walk around the counter now. Only to grip the collar of his shirt and pull him towards him as if he was about to punch him.

Except he just saw how close their faces were. His eyes set on Nigel's, but they struggled to not linger onto his lips.

"Do you want to kiss me, right now?" Nigel asks him quietly, and Evan's lips parted in shock. "Because if you are even thinking about wanting to kiss me or struggling to not look at my lips while I have something to admit to yourself first before you dare admit anything to me-."

"It's not that simple!" Evan shouted, shoving Nigel back harshly into the counter across the way. His closed tightly in irritation and slight embarrassment.

Unaware that with his shove, he caused Nigel to hit a spot in his back against the counter. A spot that was affected in his car crash and it caused him to crumble to his legs. His hand covering the lower side of his back as tears brimmed his eyes and that pain riveted up his spine slightly.

Evan's eyes opened when he heard Nigel wince. Looking down at him and saw his pain, he just stood there in fear of what would come. Not out of fear of that Nigel would do to him physically, but...whatever they both had as a whole. Their friendship, weird relationship, acquaintanceship even...? He didn't know what to call it, he just knew he hoped nothing would change.

But as soon as Nigel looked at his eyes with a complete hatred, he knew that changed. changed as soon as he kissed him.

"If I had kissed would be an uproar. It'd be seen possibly forcing my sexuality upon you. I have been nothing but cautious with you and wary so that none of that rhetoric could be pushed onto me. Yet you kissed me. What is that then? A straight guy kisses a bisexual guy... Testing the waters, they'd say. They could say it was a's always a joke. That there a bigger agenda behind having kissed a man if the man who did it was straight. All of these excuses..." Nigel stood onto his feet, ignoring the ache in his back as he wasn't sure if he could carry his book bag on his back now. Only to grab it and let it hang off his shoulder, glaring at Evan. "So what excuse will you choose?"

Evan looked at a clock, seeing that it was now past six. They were arguing for so long that time passed them by. Except he didn't care...

Looking at Nigel, he saw him glaring at him still.

"I don't need an excuse," Evan stated surely, seeing Nigel's glare ease up, "No one will believe such a thing happened anyway. It's our secret..."

"That's what I thought you'd say."

Evan breathed in shallow breaths, his eyes lowering. He couldn't say a word.

Was it cowardly on his part, maybe. Did he start these chain of events, yes he did.

He just didn't think it'd be this hard...this difficult.

"Nigel I-."

"From here on out, don't talk to me or speak to me unless it's for work. I won't be a part of your games of distraction any longer. You've abused my feelings that I once had for you for long enough." Nigel sneered, causing Evan to look up at him in shock. "Find somebody else to waste your time with-."

"You have feelings for me-."


"You still do."

"I do not. I find you highly unattractive right now." Nigel scoffed at Evan. "You used me...and I possibly lost out on a date with Mason-."

"You didn't want to date him! You even said yourself, this makes it easier! So I don't want to hear that shit for you! I helped you-!"

"And hurt me too, congratulations."

Evan just looked at him. He stayed silent...they both did.

The longer they stood there, the lack of movement in the library caused the lights to dim.

Despite all that was said, Nigel just shook his head. Walking around Evan as he left, Evan's lips tightening together.

He couldn't let Nigel get away and leave things this way. Running around the counter as he grabbed his own book bag, rushing out of there. When he got outside he saw Nigel going towards his car.

Except he didn't know if he should chase after him. He chose not to as he saw Nigel put his stuff in his backseat. Before he went to the front, he saw him stop abruptly.

Only to look over at Evan and that took him by surprise. He believed it would go well...that he'd, Nigel, come running towards him.

Evan found his own hopes diminished when Nigel got into his car. His eyes lowering in disappointment to such a thing. He wasn't surprised was the friendship he didn't want to lose.

What he was able to build with him...he didn't want to lose it.

"Get in the car."

Evan looked back up, seeing Nigel having reversed and driven up right beside him at the curb. He looked down at him and saw him wait, but his eyes said enough.

Walking around the car, he went into the passenger seat. He sat beside Nigel who just was looking at him.

That silence again...

"You're a mystery to me...a cruel mystery." Nigel speaks up, causing Evan to look away.

Only to feel his face be gripped and pulled towards Nigel's. Their faces so close and he couldn't help but look at his lips.

His hands rested on the armrest in the middle of the car as Nigel continued to grip his face. The both of them so close again and Evan felt his heart...beating rapidly.

He saw Nigel's eyes move off his lips onto his eyes. They were set with full on concentration that wasn't wavering.

"I meant what I said in there," Nigel murmured, seeing Evan still look at his lips, "But you were right about one thing. About me still having feelings for you. That doesn't disappear within an hour. Just...give me a reason to let you go. Give me a good enough reason to not want to kiss you and wish I could hear what your voice sounds like. What it sounds like when you say my name... Give me a good enough reason besides what you said today because I know you're lying."

Evan couldn't do it, his eyes locked onto his lips. He didn't want to give a reason.

"Just one reason."

The closer they were to each other, the more Evan couldn't resist. He never...wanted to kiss someone so bad in his life. Not even when he was with his girlfriend or dating. This was entirely different...painstakingly different.

It hurt.

He felt his legs tighten together as he felt himself becoming hard. It was embarrassing to say the least as nothing had been done. Just being this close to him and holding back so much...drove him to this point.

"I can't."

"You can't?" Nigel breathed, seeing how Evan was reacting as he felt his face become warm in his hand.

Only to see Evan rush at him as he slammed his lips onto his. That very action...Nigel expected as they continued to kiss desperately.

Evan unaware of himself as he crawled over the seat onto Nigel's lap. His back leaning against the steering wheel, but body close to Nigel's.

Hands gripped Nigel's face as he didn't want to tear away. Continuing to kiss him with an urgency, an urgency that drove him insane. How his own body and mind was becoming warped this way. He could only think about Nigel.

He felt Nigel's hands push at his jacket as he helped him pull the arms out. His hands gripping Nigel's face again as he pulled himself back towards him. That hard feeling that pressed against his crotch was evidently felt.

Only to not fight against such a feeling as he moved one hand from Nigel's face. Gripping his hand that was on his own face, he moved it down to his thigh. Nigel feeling Evan's hand guide his own towards his crotch.

That took him aback more than he thought it would, but that only enticed him further. His tongue shoving into Evan's mouth, their tongues clashing against each other's for more.

Nigel leaned forward so abruptly to take in as much of Evan as he could, that Evan's back slammed against the steering wheel. Causing the horn to go off loudly, the both of them being brought back to reality.

Evan realized where they both were...and the compromising placement he was in. He looked out the window to see a couple of students walking towards their own cars. Already aware of football practice still occurring.

"Are you upset?"

Evan looked, seeing Nigel looking up at him as he still was straddling his lap.

"Upset that you're in this predicament with-?"

Evan didn't care as he smashed his lips onto his again. Leaning forward against him, Nigel counteracting his action as he leaned forward too. His fingers entwining into Evan's hair as he pulled his head back abruptly to Evan's surprise.

The both of them looking at one another's eyes, despite their lips being so close.

"You can't deny it anymore." Nigel breathed, causing Evan's lips to tighten together as he nodded. "Do you understand?"

"Yes...I can't deny that...I want to keep kissing you and touching you and... That I might possibly like you." Evan confesses slightly...Nigel not surprised at all. "I can't get you out of my mind Nigel."

A smile growing to Nigel's lips as Evan found himself aroused by that alone. His tongue sticking out as it ran along Nigel's bottom lip.

"Kiss me some more...please." Evan found himself begging shakily.

His own body betraying him as he felt at ease with Nigel. Moving his body on Nigel's lap in a way his ex-girlfriends have moved on his own, but he didn't care.

"Oh Evan..." Nigel husked, his hand running up Evan's thigh as his thumb grazed his dick. Evan's breath laboring as his hand continued to go up his chest and lightly gripped his neck.

Now he looked into Nigel's eyes and saw a look that...

Sent a chill down his spine. He couldn't tell if it was good or bad...but he didn't care.

All he wanted was Nigel.

"You made it too easy."


beware. 😪

no more warnings now. 🌚

beware of what exactly? 🫢🫵

who knows. 😀

hmm. 🙃

oh Evan... 🫠

see anything now? 🤨

vote, comment, follow~

- yolo 🫶

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