A vampire at Hogwarts

De rvbfan2011

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(This is in no way related to my other stories. Also I only own my OC the rest is all by J.K. Rowling) Rachel... Mais

And so it begins
Arriving at Hogwarts
The sorting
First day of classes
First Flying Lesson
Special Classes
Tips and pointers
Treasures/ A not so friendly encounter
Where loyalties lye
To the rescue
The other
The things you learn
A Holiday Nightmare
Nicholas Flamel?
The Eve (part 1)
The Eve (Part 2)
It couldn't end soon enough
After dark
Forbidden Forest
Trap Door
The Stone

The Arrangements

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De rvbfan2011

( A.N: For those of you who don't know what Pansy Parkinson looks like here's a picture)

(Rachel's POV)

As I was escorted by Draco, from the Slytherin common room to Dumbledore's office, we made a series of twists and turns, took multiple staircases and walked down what seemed to be endless hallways, until finally we reached the entrance to his office. It seemed that the entrance to his office was guarded by a large statue of a Griffin. It was positioned so that if you walked up to it, it's wings looked as if they were about to engulf you, or rather hug you, or act as a protective shield. Either way it kind of made you feel safe. Which I guess you should seeing as this is the headmasters office. But as I looked closer to the base of the statue, I noticed the flooring had a pattern almost as if a staircase was supposed to emerge from it. "How do I get in?" I turned to look at Draco with the most confused look on my face. "Beats me. Good luck" he shrugged his shoulders and turned around and started walking away. I just let my mouth hang open. I must've been catching flies, but I couldn't believe he just turned around and walked away. Who does that? I cursed at him under my breath, before turning back around to face the griffin door. Griffin door! as in like Gryffindor! I wonder if that was supposed to be a joke. I smiled at it anyways. But it quickly turned into a frown when I realized I was alone and couldn't get into the headmasters office. I knew already that stepping on the platform in between the wings of the Griffin would do nothing. It was some sort of spell that had to enchant the stairs, but I didn't know it. "Troubles, dear?" I was startled by the sudden appearance of the headmasters voice behind me. I knew it was him because it was the same kind tone that he always used, very calm and collected. "Headmaster, you startled me" I turned around, with my hand over my heart. Having the amazing hearing senses that I do , I don't get startled often. I usually hear and see people coming. But being the fact that he's probably the greatest and smartest sorcerer at this very moment in time he is somehow able to get around my senses. "Pardon me for that, Dear. Please do come in, we have some things to discuss" he said gesturing his hands toward the Griffin statue. I gratefully took his offer and walked ahead of him onto the Griffin statue platform, to which he followed me. And as soon as we are both were on, he muttered what must've been the password. "Lemon drops" he looks down at me and smiled. "I quite enjoy them actually" I chuckled a bit. I was correct when I guessed that the platform had hidden stairs that were supposed to spiral upward into the tower that was the headmasters office. Once we were in the office, I immediately took in the site, it was quite spacious actually. There were portraits hanging all over the walls with witches and wizards staring, waving, and muttering 'hellos' and 'good evenings' to which I just smiled and waved back. I looked up on one of the bookshelves and saw the hat from earlier, the one from the sorting. It must have been sleeping or something because when I approached it contorted its face in a weird manner similar to the face someone would make when just waking up. "Ah! I see it's you again" spoke the hat. "Uhm, yes hello, sorry to disrupt your rest" I said apologetically, bowing slightly before scurrying off next to Professor Dumbledore, who was currently making tea. "Tea, Dear?" He asked politely. A small smile made its way across my face before I answered. "I would love some, thank you" I sat down in the chair across from his desk as the headmaster placed a cup of tea in front of me. "Thank you, sir" I said graciously. "No problem, Dear" he replied while sitting down at his desk. It's interesting, how I mentioned I don't enjoy eating human foods, but tea is an exception. I'm quite fond of tea, but that's probably due to the fact that He always shared his tea with me. I grabbed the tea cup in my hand, slowly bringing it to my lips and as I did I inhaled the scent. The soothing scent of Earl Grey danced through my senses. Taking a sip from the cup, then placing it back down on the desk, I turned my attention back to the professor sitting in front of me. "So, I have been made aware of your dietary requirements, and wish to confirm the times at which you will receive them" said the headmaster. "Well, it truly depends on what I will be receiving" "I can assure you, our grounds keeper Hagrid, has prepared you a fine variety of the substance you require. Unless you prefer a fresh catch" he said smiling through his half moon glasses. "Personally I prefer a live catch, but it would be more convenient, and less of a mess if it were packaged" I replied. He just nodded as a reply. "As of where and when. Hagrid's hut is most likely safest, as it is away from your classmates. And during the evening sounds best, or rather right after dinner" he concluded. "And what if I require a midnight snack? I get restless during the night" I informed the professor. "Ah, I see, well, best not be caught by your classmates after hours" which was his discreet way of telling me I could wander during the night as long as I didn't get caught. I nodded slightly signaling I understood what he meant. "But, I see it would be best to keep up your act. Being present during dinner is encouraged in order to avoid suspicion" said the headmaster. "What about the other issues?" I asked, kind of curious as to how he was going to deal with those. "As far as I see it, there is no problem. Your abilities are well hidden and only noticeable to yourself, if you choose them to be so. Injury wise it is in our best hope, that you don't experience such" he added. "What about the cravings? They become increasingly stronger when I smell blood" This part actually worried me, because when a vampire smells blood, instincts kick in and sometimes I have no control. "I believe these should help" headmaster said as he handed me a small package of tablets. I recognize these. These are blood tablets they act as a substitute for blood, sort of. They don't contain the nutrients that blood has. They only control cravings, I don't mind using the tablets they have the same taste, so it's satisfying, but because they control cravings, I sometimes forget when I've actually eaten. The tablets are to be added to water. It quickly dissolves into a red wine looking drink or you could say a blood like drink. "Thank you sir, these will help very much" I said to the headmaster. "Now, I believe there is only a dozen there, so I advise to take those only when needed" The headmaster informed me. "And when I run out?" I asked him. "Very few staff know of your situation, this includes our groundskeeper Hagrid, Professor Snape, Professor McGonagall and Myself. When you're in need of replacements, seek out any of those who I just mentioned" Said Professor Dumbledore. "Thank you very much Professor. May I leave now?" I asked him. He simply nodded and waved his hand and dismissal. I thanked him for the tea and got up to leave, but when I did, I remembered something I needed to ask him. "professor..." He replied with a soft "Hmm" Signaling I had his attention. "...My owl has seemed to be miss placed. I can't find him anywhere" I explained to him with a frown evident on my face. He simply chuckled at this. 'Why would he find that funny?' "Dear Child, your owl is not lost. I hope you don't mind but I borrowed him for a small errand. My apologies for not informing you" said the professor. "Oh, that's alright, I guess you were expecting to be meeting with me, so you borrowed him knowing I'd come to pick him up" I concluded. "Yes, thank you dear. He's right over here" The headmaster said, as he led me over to the back portion of his office, where I saw Castiel just hanging out on an owl perch. He was just chilling there, ruffling his feathers's here in there blinking every now and then. I think he got excited when he saw me, because he let out a small squawk, but it didn't sound distressed, so I knew he was fine. "There you are Castiel!" At the sound of his name he tilted his head to the side, like a dog would when they hear something the like. After putting Castiel back in his cage, I turned the headmaster and gave him a small bow before proceeding to leave. It was 20 minutes past curfew, so I had to be careful not to get caught especially by filch and his evil cat Mrs. Norris. And I don't know how, but I somehow managed to make my way back to the common room without getting lost. Upon reaching the common room entrance door I recited the password that was needed in order to enter "Parseltongue" making my way back to my dormitory I take the liberty of making sure I'm quiet. Even Castiel seemed to know not to make a noise. I made it into my dormitory and immediately stepped over to my bed I placed Castiel on top of my wardrobe and opened the cage door, so he was free to do what he pleased during the night. I quietly slipped on my nightwear trying my best not to disturb my dorm mates, and slid into bed. I slowly shut my eyes and instantly slipped into it dreamless sleep.

*Time skip to next morning*

(Draco's POV)

I was rudely awoken by Crabbe and Goyle's irritating snoring. Those idiots. I checked the time to see that it was 7 AM, 'no point in trying to go back to sleep now' I got up and got dressed in my black suit that usually wore for casual attire. It was Sunday so we didn't have class today. It was around breakfast time so I was going to head down to the Great Hall for something to eat. "I wonder if Rachel's up?" I whispered to no one in particular. I knew I wasn't allowed near the girls dormitories, so the only thing to do was sit in the common room and wait for her.

(Rachel's POV)

It was currently 8:45 a.m. The only girls awake in our dormitory were me and Daphne. Thankfully pain in the ass Parkinson wasn't up yet, just maybe I could have a pest free day. I was already dressed in a pair navy blue sweat pants, and my favourite black HDYNATION hoody (A.N: pronounced Hoodie nation) I also had on my red Converse, and wore my rosary as always, which was only slightly visible under my hoodie. I brushed my long raven black hair and put it into a neat side braid that hung gently over my shoulder. I was allowed to wear casual clothes because it was Sunday and class didn't start till tomorrow. I decided I was going to head down for breakfast not before grabbing my gloves, for safety. I invited Daphne of course, but she wanted to wait for the other girls including Parkinson. Pansy thought she had the other girls all ganged up against me but secretly they were actually really kind to me. anytime they actually made rude comments or stuck with Parkinson, they always apologized afterwards when she wasn't around. Frankly I was okay with that because I knew they didn't mean it they were just scared of her which I can't blame them, if it wasn't for the fact that I'm not intimidated by those kinds of people I would've been scared of her too. So I made my way down the common room by myself, only to notice that Draco is already down there he was also alone. 'I guess Vincent and Gregory haven't woken up yet'. surprisingly he was reading a book so he hadn't noticed presence yet, and I decided to make myself known by greeting him. "Good morning Draco" I said, hoping that he was a morning person so I didn't sound too cheery. Which to my relief he didn't seem to be upset he just put down his book stood up and smiled brightly. "Good morning Rachel, would you like to go down to breakfast with me?" I didn't really have to think before I answered. it was simply a 'yes' or a 'no' and why on earth would I say 'no'. "Of course, but aren't you waiting for Vincent or Gregory?" I asked wondering why his closest buddies went with them already. but I guess guys don't always travel in groups like girls do. "Naw, they're still sleeping" He replied nonchalantly. Draco then approached me offering me an arm which I graciously took. And we made our way to the great Hall for breakfast. so far things are going pretty well.

*Time skip to the great Hall*

It was now the middle of breakfast, and most if not all students were already here enjoying the delicious food. I was sitting at the Slytherin table with Draco, eating and conversing with some of his friends, which he introduced to me as, Blaise Zabini, A dark skinned boy with chocolate brown eyes and dark hair. He was actually quite handsome. He also introduced me to Marcus Flint, he was a 6th year, and was quite tall and relatively muscular. The biggest feature on him what's his crooked teeth which gave him a sort of sinister smile, he also had coarse black hair, and shifty Grey eyes. When I say shifty I mean he constantly kept averting his attention from the conversation at hand to glance at me. I caught his gaze at one point, and he gave me a sly smirk that sent shivers up my spine. I already knew Vincent and Gregory, but to my dismay he also introduced me the one and only Pansy Parkinson. My only response to that introduction was to munch on a piece of bacon and yes I was actually eating breakfast this morning, I wanted to seem as normal as possible, and bacon was one of those human foods that I didn't seem to mind. Although the entire time our group conversed, anytime I offered input and has something to say, Pansy would stick her nose up in a disapproving attitude. And shoot daggers at me with her eyes when Draco wasn't looking. At this point it occurred to me that she was jealous of how much attention Draco gave to me. It's not my fault that he liked to talk to me. She's just going to have to get used to it. "Hey Rachel we're gonna head back to the common room are you coming?" Blaise ask questioningly. I looked over my shoulder to the Gryffindor table to see that Harry, Ron, and Hermione were all sitting there chatting and laughing. "Naw, you guys go ahead I'll catch up" I told them with a smile. After saying their 'goodbyes' and 'see you later's' and they turned to exit the great Hall, but not before Pansy latched onto Draco's arm like the little leech she is, giggling annoyingly. And just to prove her point she turned back around to glare at me, before tightening her grip around Draco's arm and sticking her nose up. It was actually quite funny because while she was doing this, she didn't notice the face Draco was making, and his attempts to shake her off of him. Anyway I made my way over to my three new friends, sitting down next to Hermione and across from Ron and Harry. I noticed a few looks that I got for some other students at the table obviously for the fact that I was Slytherin student, but I paid no mind to that. "Hello Rachel" was the first greeting I received from an overly cheery Hermione. ""Hi/Hey"" mumbled the seemingly shy Harry and Ron in unison. A slight blush tinted both their cheeks. Though Harry wasn't as quick to recover from it as Ron was. "Someone seems to be pretty good friends Malfoy" Ron spat lacing every word with venom and distaste. "I'm sorry, but how can you stand him?" Exclaimed Harry. I glanced over at Hermione see if she felt the same way. She slowly nodded her head confirming that she did. I sighed before replying, "He's not as bad as you think he is" Harry and Ron gave each other these looks that suggested they didn't believe me, before shrugging it off, and going back to their breakfast. "Anyways Rachel, I'm going to spend the day in the library, I want to know more about the school subjects before tomorrow. Care to join me?" Hermione asked happily. That actually sounded like a good idea, I didn't know much about the school or it's subjects, and at the rate that I got lost I probably should know more about it. "Sure, sounds fun to me" and with that I was lugged off to the library with Hermione, after saying a quick goodbye to Ron and Harry.

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