The Great Big House of AEWSEX...

By LoveThatCombatClub

5.5K 83 507

Do you love AEW? Do you love a good one shot? Well you've come to the right place! Doesn't matter If you're h... More

Intro/Requests Open!!!!!
A Whole New Way of Connecting (Blackpool Combat Club x Renee Paquette)
We're Going To The Carnival! (Danhausen X Reader)
Jolene Nash's Big Ass Christmas Bash (WWE x AEW Cross Over) Part 1
Sealed with a Promise (Will Ospreay x OC)
Just Another Trophy (Kenny Omega X OC)
Um...I Think I Love You? (Max/OC X Hangman Adam Page)
Because I'm a Gentleman (Eddie Kingston X Reader)
It's Time I Make Things Right (CM Punk X MJF)
A Leap Of Faith "A Trials Of That Thing We Call Love Companion One Shot"
Not So Black & White "A Trials Of That Thing We Call Love Companion One Shot"
I'm Me and I'm Happy (Hangman Adam Page x Matt Jackson)
To Get The Blood Pumping (Darby Allin x Reader)
No Time For Love (Will Ospreay x OC)
I've Got a Surprise for You (Pac x OC)

What Else Are Friends For? (Liz X Max/OC X OC)

289 4 34
By LoveThatCombatClub

"Ugh!!!" Liz sighed heavily.

"We're just picking something to watch. Don't get all tore up about it," Max laughed as Liz jokingly replied "I'm just so fucking sick of Netflix and sitting on my ass. It's just so boring. I want to do something."

Life in early 2020 had been difficult for everyone, especially for those in the wrestling business. With no shows running, Liz was out of a job and despite AEW continuing to run weekly, only those needed at the tapings were permitted to be there, thus leaving the two women stuck as roommates with no one to see but each other. And as much as Max and Liz loved each other, they, much like the rest of the world, hadn't quite figured out how to handle the situation.

It was a movie and pjs night every night and as amazing as it sounds, at some point you go crazy. They missed wrestling and they missed people. They wanted interactions with someone other than each other and not just for conversation or to hear fans cheering; no, as much as they hated to admit it, they missed human touch as well. You take all that away and you get a little cranky when you're already suffering from cabin fever.

It was a recipe for disaster.

"Trust me, I get it. If it wasn't for my late night chats with Kenny, I'd go insane," Max finally spoke up after Liz's small rant. "Why don't you call someone? Or, you know, find something online to entertain yourself."

"Woah, wait, are you trying to act like I'm just horny?" Liz laughed.

"I mean, yeah. If I didn't find ways to take care of myself I'd go insane," Max replied, leaving the formerly laughing Liz's to turn into an expression of embarrassment.

"Okay, I have to tell you something but you can't laugh at me."

Max, now very intrigued, raised an eyebrow and nodded in the, "I'd never do that" type of way.

"I've... never done anything like that. Like I've been fucked, trust me, but I've never, um... well, done it myself... without help." Liz could barely finish her sentence before Max burst into laughter.

"Wait, you? The chick who I've heard has gotten around as much as Jolene Nash did before she got married has never made herself cum," Max said through her fit of uncontrollable laughter. The bright red color that Liz's face turned told Max all she needed to know. "Holy shit. You're not lying. You've only ever gotten off with the guys you've been with."

A quiet Liz then spoke up softly. "And girls in some cases. It gets lonely on the road."

This made Max laugh even more, but seeing how she was further embarrassing her best friend, she said, "Liz, it's easy if it's some dumbass guy. A girl can do it, too. But you who knows your body better than anyone and can do it twice as good if not better than that? I mean, no one can fuck me like I fuck me."

"So... is it just like being fingered but doing it yourself?" Liz asked.

"It's a lot more than that and a lot more fun, trust me. Maybe try to find some porn or something and see what she does, then try that."

"But they really don't show and tell you what to do, they just do it for people to get off to."

"Fair enough. I guess they don't have classes on how to come for girls. If only it was as simple as jacking off," Max laughed

"So uh.." Liz kept stuttering and Max kept looking at her with the spit it out look before she finally said. "So...Uh.. How do you do it? What works the best for you?"

Max rolled her eyes before hopping up and grabbing something from her room. "This normally does the trick," She joked, showing off her 'magical helper,' as she put it.

"But isn't that like cheating? You're not really doing it yourself."

"That's the best part. I get to control it, but it does all the work and does it anytime I want or need it to," Max replied.

Surprisingly to no one, the awkward conversation went back and forth for longer than poor Liz could take as Max explained to her each and every way she pleased herself and took the stress off, and how it helped her feel less lazy and enjoy the movie nights with Liz. Unfortunately, Liz didn't fully grasp the appeal of doing that sort of thing alone and how it would help the stress until she could physically be with someone in that way again. Max, however, was persistent, which led to an awkward situation somehow being made worse.

"Okay, it's obvious that you're not getting it on your own. What if I just show you?" Max said, turning Liz the absolute brightest shade of red. "Listen, it's not like we're fucking. You'd just be watching me fuck myself to learn how to fuck yourself," Max laughed, making Liz cover her face with her hands.

This just made Max laugh harder at how much her firecracker, free spirited friend had become flustered. "Elizabeth Wells, listen to me, you've seen me naked plenty of times before. You've walked in on me doing various different acts. What is so different about this?"

Liz's reply was low voiced and defensive. "It's different because I've never thought of it that way and, umm... god-fucking-dammit, how do I say this..." After stumbling all over her words time after time, Liz finally said, "Ugh, what if I like what I see? Are you happy? I said it. I already know you're hot and what if, even though I haven't before, I see you doing that yourself and want to do it for you, huh? What then? What would I do? Just fuck up everything we've got going?"

A very awkward silence fell over the two before Max let out the most ungodly cackle and fell over in a fit of laughter. "You're embarrassed because you're afraid you'll ruin our friendship over seeing me masturbate. Because if you watch me get myself off, you might all of a sudden want to be the one who takes care of me?" She laughed again. "So what if you do? Do you know how many people in my life have liked me and wanted to do worse to me, and we're still friends to this very day? Plus, you're stuck with me, like it or not. Besides, what if that was my master plan all along?"

Liz genuinely didn't know if she was joking on the last part. She was right, though; Max did have a few friends that had at one time or another said in their own words they'd do anything to "absolutely wreck her." Max being the bubbly personality she was, and a lowkey troublemaker when she thought it was funny and could get away with it, even sent one of the guys a rather tasteful risky picture with the friend-zoned message attached, coming off as the implied you can't have me but here's inspiration to think of me while you do it to yourself.

So with all that, Liz decided she was going to call her bluff and so she did. "Okay then, if you really think it'd help and it won't mess up our friendship, then sure. Why not? I mean who is gonna know? We're stuck in this place alone with just us anyways. But our phones go off so there's no cameras, calls, accidents, jokes or anything of the sort."

"Finally you're talking sense, but there's just one thing... I'm just not in the mood," Max shrugged and laughed.

Liz rolled her eyes  "So I guess we just wait until you are, then. You know, if you weren't joking and I didn't just call your bluff."

A smirk came over Max's face as her expression changed from laughing and playful to smug and kind of bitchy. "Or we could just get me in the mood and get this show on the road like I had planned."

Taken aback by the comment, Liz replied "So how do you figure we do that? Do you want to watch porn together? Or go call Kenny or maybe even Hangman to, umm, warm yourself up?"

The smug look on Max's face turned flirty. Liz noticed this and sunk into herself.

"No, those won't be necessary. We can figure it out just by ourselves."

Liz opened her mouth with a stutter. "Uh, what do you mean by that?"

"I mean we can use each other to turn me on."

"Uh, that wasn't a part of this whole agreement."

"I told you, maybe this was my master plan?" Max joked. "I'm kidding. Well, kidding about it being some big plan, but the easiest way to do this is to, well, do this. Once I get to that point, I'll take over and show you and we will never even have to think about this again. You know, unless you want to because that's what helps you." Max laughed.

Liz, completely mortified, still thought this was a joke. But, it was put up or shut up time. She once again had to call the bluff. "So, if this is what we are really going to do, where do we start?"

"It's simple, my bestest of friends, just like when we're with anyone else, we kiss and feel things out and go from there." 

Once again silence washed over the room. Max nudged Liz, raising an eyebrow and waiting to take action but she kept waiting and waiting until she spoke up. "So are you game? Are we doing this or not?"

The awkwardness persisted. Max knew this was a bust. At this point, the final bluff had been called...

Or so the two had thought.

"Ah, bloody hell, fuck it!" Liz exclaimed as she sprang into action.

It happened. It finally happened. In all this build up, she kissed her. Liz kissed Max and she put her soul into it, too. She gave it hell. To say Max was taken back would be the understatement of the century. She couldn't form a full sentence; all Max could say is, "Wow."

She gathered herself slightly more before continuing, " No I mean that, um, wow! I, uh, didn't think you uh had it in you."

Max was now the one who was the brightest of reds and couldn't get her words or thoughts out. The tides had changed completely.

"So, was that enough? Are you good to go? I don't want to draw this out and make it more awkward than we have to," Liz, now seemingly level-headed, spoke out.

"Uh, um, yeah, almost. Can you maybe try that one more time? Maybe stick with it? Be a little more, uh, hands on?"

"If that's what you need and what helps us here then I'll do anything," The now level-headed Liz said, almost overly excited without trying to show emotion either way. She pulled Max in to kiss again, this time letting nothing hold her back from treating Max how she liked to be treated. Long, aggressive yet passionate kisses starting with the mouth as Liz slowly moved down her neck, not only kissing but biting ever so slightly. She placed a hand on Max's upper thigh and only ever so gently tracing her breast after moving on from holding her face. The subtle, or what tried to be subtle moans from Max who had never experienced anything like this before. Max, who was also somewhat frozen in fear by just how much she enjoyed this as well as the thought that crossed her mind that she not only wanted but needed this. She couldn't help it as the gasps and moans became louder.

Liz pulled back off her. "You seem like you're good to go now. Do you want me to stop?"

"Uh, no, actually... Can you maybe keep it up just a bit longer? Maybe try a bit more, so it won't take long when I start?"

This made Liz's expression change. Now she had the smug and flirty look; she didn't expect this from her friend. Only someone who, let us say, was enjoying it would be this squeamish. So, Liz decided she'd give her the time of her life. If it was the first and last time, she would remember it forever and the two would get it out of their systems. It could be something they could joke about forever and not let it hurt their relationship. Or, the thought briefly crossed her mind, this could even lead to it being revisited in the future.

Liz removed Max's shirt and the kissing resumed. It had now moved on further from just the neck, onto the collar bone and on down to her covered chest which wouldn't be covered for long. Noticing where Liz was beginning to kiss, Max quickly removed the bra that she only was still wearing from an earlier trip to the store. When Liz began to kiss her nipples, which seemingly had become extra sensitive at that moment, Max rolled her eyes back in her head and bit her lip hard enough to make it slightly bleed. She'd been made to feel this way before but never exactly like this. She had never once expected this to be like this.

Max let her mind take over, if that's even what she used to think at that moment. "Uh, could you take your shirt off, too? It might help with what's, uh, going on."

Liz didn't have to be asked twice. She stripped down to almost nothing and gave Max all the built up, starved for human touch passion she had in her. But, she was careful to not go any further and to take off Max's pants. Kissing, heavy rubbing, and everything she could to warm her up was fair, though – as if there could be any more warming up without starting an actual fire. At least with this activity, they would be able to put out the fire with the unexpected free flow.

"I can't take it anymore. I'm about to come, just finish me off," Max begged.

"No, that's not part of the deal. You're supposed to do that and teach me."

"I don't know if I can. I need to know what you can do to me."

"Not this time, Max. You have to be a good girl and do as promised, okay?" Liz said as she grabbed Max's magic wand and set it to what she thought would be most intense before handing it to her. Begrudgingly, and wanting Liz to do it for her, Max took it and struggled to finish getting undressed and take care of herself. To teach Liz.

Finishing the job that was started wasn't even a very long process. She couldn't hold back. Max, after less than three minutes, was done. She was absolutely killed but absolutely satisfied.

Liz, being the good friend she was, helped Max clean up the mess that was made. It made Liz happy because she knew that no one had ever caused her to explode like that, or as far as she knew. She was fairly confident and content and now she knew how to take care of herself the right way if she needed to, which she did need to do several more times before things got slightly back to normal in the world.

But, that's another story for another day.

The night ended with the two friends eating a big bowl of ice cream and watching the movie like they had planned on all along while shopping online for a fancy new toy for Liz. Not that it was used all that often, because after that night, the girls entered into an agreement to help each other when they really needed human touch and couldn't get it. It led to many nights just like this, including one where an unaware Kenny was on a three way call and he knew nothing.

A lesson was learned and Liz could now take care of herself when she was alone and really needy. But, a friendship also grew stronger that day because what are best friends for other than helping each other out and taking the secrets between them to the grave?

Here you guys go. Here's this where they're happy in this time when the world was bad. This is also for the internet, who would've shipped these two anyway. 🖤 goodgawddallas theboyhooddream

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