𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐌𝐚𝐲𝐨đĢ 𝐎𝐟 𝐌𝐚đĨ...

נכ×Ēב ×ĸל ידי goldenstar_qp

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𝐇𝐞đĢ 𝐟𝐚𝐧𝐠đŦ đŦ𝐜đĢ𝐚𝐩𝐞𝐝 đĨđĸ𝐠𝐡𝐭đĨ𝐲 đ¨đ¯đžđĢ 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐛đĨ𝐨𝐧𝐝𝐞'đŦ đŦ𝐤đĸ𝐧 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐧, 𝐰īŋŊ... ×ĸוד

𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞đĢ 𝐈
𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞đĢ 𝐈𝐈
𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞đĢ 𝐈𝐈𝐈
𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞đĢ 𝐈𝐕
𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞đĢ 𝐕𝐈
𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞đĢ 𝐕𝐈𝐈
𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞đĢ 𝐕𝐈𝐈𝐈
𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞đĢ 𝐈𝐗
𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞đĢ 𝐗

𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞đĢ 𝐕

272 10 0
נכ×Ēב ×ĸל ידי goldenstar_qp

At some point throughout the night, Emma was abruptly awakened. She overheard noises outside while she was getting her bearings. She was the law enforcement, despite the fact that she had seen numerous scary films and watched enough television to comprehend that it is rarely an effective strategy to go directly to the source of such sounds. It was her legal obligation to look into it.

She retrieved her revolver from the bedside table before hesitantly abandoning the integrity of her own bedroom. She spotted relatively little while aiming into the shadows. She was subconsciously hoping that it was merely a racoon that had managed to find its way into her home's living area. Considering the fact that she didn't see anyone in particular, she became increasingly certain about it. She was struck at that exact moment, sending her flying across the area. She failed to let go of the gun, and her finger was on the trigger when her weapon unintentionally went off. In the tranquility of the midnight, the sound of ammunition was audible and distinct.

The mythical beast growled and Emma anticipated that the bullet found its intended recipient. She gathered herself from the ground's surface and gazed around. She turned on the light after realizing she was close to the switch. Once her vision tailored to the abrupt illumination, she noticed the creature gazing at her from the opposite edge of the room. Undoubtedly she would be confronting yet another vampire. However, a female one this time. She repeatedly pulled the trigger, but she realized it was of no significance since those bullets were unable to injure it.

She searched the area for anything sharp and wooden. Tragically, she failed to notice such a thing. She preserved a few sticks in her chamber although was cognizant that she wouldn't be able to find her way there. Certainly not with that in the vicinity. She braced herself for the wrestle, the vampire closing the distance between them. The malevolent imp apparently desired to engage in play. She was either too juvenile and exuberant or too elderly and blasé. She wouldn't move at human speed if she intended to oust her.

Emma yelled, "Get out of here."

"Hardly. However, I must add that you wrecked all of the fun. Utilizing your weapon. After all, I suppose we're meant to terminate this rapidly," the vampire smirked.

"Bullets cannot harm you," the blonde retorted. Perhaps if she attempted to converse and buy her a bit of time, she would be able to figure out what to do.

"No." Her smirk faltered as she stated, "But everyone apprehended the gunshot." She proceeded swiftly and was forced up against Emma, who had her grasp on the gun loosened. "So there's little time to play," the vampire licked her upper lip and extended her fangs.

Although Emma attempted to defend herself, she stood no chance. not bare-handed. She felt slight terror as memories of her first assault flooded her mind. When the vampire dug her nails into her tender flesh today, she was reminded of the agony and the misery. Upon giving up every hope and closing her eyes, she abruptly heard a screech that compelled her to reopen them just in time to witness the vampire shatter. When she noticed Regina standing directly behind where the beast was previously located, she comprehended what had occurred.

Emma basically fell into Regina's embrace. The brunette soothed her by wrapping her in her grasp securely and in a protective manner. Emma groaned after a while and whispered, "I wish they'd die in a subtler way..."

Regina chuckled in response.

"How did you... how did you know that I was in danger?" Emma enquired.

"I had a feeling in my gut." The mayor retorted into Emma's neck crook, "And I overheard the gunshot." Once she realized Emma must have had quite a lot of faith in her for permitting her to maintain such a position, she comprehended.

Just nodding, Emma made a conscious effort to regulate her inhalation. Finally, she was capable of mumbling, "Thank you."

Graham stormed into the area and shouted: "Emma, are you okay?! A gunshot was heard." Once he realized Emma was secure in the Mayor's embrace, he placed his revolver away.

Emma responded, "Yeah, I'm fine," and then she unwillingly let go of Regina. "Some vampire came over..."

"Wow, Em. You're a trouble magnet, aren't you?" Graham grinned.

Emma did not chuckle. She struggled to laugh.

"I'll prepare some tea for you. Are there any herbs here?" Regina enquired. Additionally, she utilized magic to clean up the wreckage that the vampire left behind after passing.

"Not really," the blonde sighed.

The witch grinned, "Hmm, you wouldn't have the ones I require anyway," and a collection of assorted herbs materialized in the palm of her hand. After that, she entered into the kitchen to prepare the hot beverage. Even though this was her first occasion in Emma's place, she immediately adjusted, and the cup of tea was shortly ready.

In the living room, Emma was asking Graham which reports she ought to file the following morning. The blonde experienced the scent of the heavens when Regina approached them carrying the tea.

"Well, I see that you're fine so I'll go back to sleep and I'll see you in the morning, yeah?" Graham eventually gave his excuses.

"Sure", the blonde replied, having a sip of her tea. Regina joined her on the couch and bid Graham farewell. The vampire was keeping a tight eye on Emma. Her nostrils became slightly irritated by the faint scent of her blood emanating from the wounds. She had a very alluring fragrance.

The witch inquired, "Where do you keep your first aid?"

"In the lavatory. Why?" Emma gazed at Regina as she positioned the vacant teacup on the coffee table.

Regina indicated her injuries and stated, "Because you are bleeding."

Emma murmured, "Oh," and turned towards Regina's direction. In all truthfulness, she didn't even notice, but once she observed the wounds, it began to ache. "Sorry."

"What are you sorry for? It's not your fault, dear. The brunette responded, "I'll be right back. I'm going to obtain the first aid." She had to take care of the blood. Despite her assurances that she would refrain from assaulting Emma, the mere fact that she odored divinely made her desire to drink from her.

Emma's eyelids felt heavy as she was resting on the couch. When Regina knelt beside her once more and began tending to her injuries, she fully widened her eyes. She was hypnotized. She also couldn't comprehend how Regina could wipe her blood as if it were nothing. She began to accept that the brunette was not an ordinary vampire, just as she had claimed. The creatures she was familiar with would never reject fresh blood.

"What was in the tea, Gina?" she was mumbling by now. She was drowsy to the utmost.

Regina grinned at her and declared "Herbs that will help you slumber and repose." When the task was over, the fragrance of blood eventually subsided. "Shall we get you back to the bedroom?"

Emma nodded before standing. She was functioning properly but felt like she might fall asleep even standing.

Regina got up to depart once Emma was put to rest. She was halted by a soothing hand on her wrist. "Please don't leave. I don't want to be left alone myself."

Regina offered her a compassionate smile. "Alright. I'll sleep on the couch."

"What? No. If anyone would sleep on the sofa, it would be me, but if you don't mind, this mattress is big enough". Emma lowered her gaze. She longed Regina would remain.

The brunette inquired, "Are you certain?" She required to hear that Emma wants her in the bed. After all, Emma didn't have an enviable past with vampires, and she was one herself.

"Please...." Emma cried out. She was frightened Regina would abandon her alone in this place. She felt secure around the Mayor. The irony of it all.

"Okay..." Regina exhaled and removed all of her clothing, keeping solely her underwear on. She couldn't help but notice Emma's ravenous demeanor. Once as she had covered herself up, she made the decision that she wasn't going to fall asleep in her lingerie and then utilized magic to get rid of it and replace it with an ordinary T-shirt. She seldom laid in this pattern, but the circumstances required it tonight.

Emma turned over and cuddled up to Regina at this point, possibly unconsciously. She mumbled, "You're so warm," and then was out in an instant.

Regina had trouble exerting control over her impulses as she fixed her gaze on the high surface of the ceiling. She was far superior to those beasts. She was. But Emma was awakening things in her... Never would she harm her. No. But she was so desperate to savor her. Feeling Emma's heart pumping, her blood rushing through her veins... the sensation was more pronounced where their bodies joined. She never thought someone could bring the most evil out of her.

She had little notion that she would ever revert to her animalistic nature. He fangs expanded and she was inhaling into Emma's fragrance profoundly. However, she refrained from causing her any harm. She was there to safeguard her. She had to tame the evil force within her that was howling to obtain obtain obtain. She became aware that she was wet. As a consequence of this, there was a tremendous urge to ravish, suck from, and savor Emma. She had dinner in the evening so she wasn't feeling starving. It was merely a desperate craving and yearning she possessed for the blonde. She was not, however, a monster.

She would hold off until Emma approved of her performing such things. She would merely have to await. Her fangs were vigorously forced back as she kissed Emma's forehead. You shall be mine before you even realize it. She did manage to slow down enough to fall asleep after having such notion.


By the time Emma opened her eyes, Regina was awakened. The vampire didn't require a lot of rest since her metabolism functioned significantly more rapidly than those of a human being. Emma was cradled against Regina's side, one leg crossed over Regina's, head resting in the crook of her neck.

Regina mumbled, "Morning." She had no knowledge if Emma was fully conscious. Considering the manner in which her physique was still sluggish and drowsy, she assumed Emma was not much of a morning person.

Emma simply murmured, "Hmmm," and sank deeper and further into the warm figure next to her. Regina sucked in a profound breath. She was not famished, but the desire...

"We should get up, dear. She gently stated, eager to liberate herself from the luscious temptation, "We have work to do."

"Gina? How come you are warm? Do vampires possess any warmth?" Emma mumbled to her neck.

"No, they do not. But as I previously stated, I am not a regular vampire. I am a witch. It functions differently. I am also able to indulge in ordinary stuff."

"However, you require blood, right?"


"Human blood? Can't you drink animal fluids?" Emma was wondering.

"I am able to, but I choose not to. It's like eating soya rather than beef, Emma. And I wouldn't probably endure long. I require blood in order to recuperate, heal, and perform. Animal blood does not have such tremendous and rapid impacts. Plus it's not that appetizing."

"Oh," Emma replied. "So you ingest liquid from blood bags?"

"No. I have a handful of containers at home in case of emergency but no. A live source and fresh blood is the most desirable. It's the most rapid and most efficient."

"So, do you hunt?" Emma stood up and peered intensively into Regina's gaze. The brunette noticed the flutter of nervousness and terror.

"No, dear. I haven't gone hunting in quite a while. I have no need to. The Mayor attempted to alter the matter by adding, "We should really get up, Emma." She was reluctant to become involved at this point in time.

She became perplexed and commented, "But how... "

Regina let out a sigh. "I have an agreement with someone. That's how it ought to work. You have your human being who is willing to offer you blood in exchange for, let's say, protection."

Prior to restraining herself, Emma spoke the word "Ruby."

"Yes. Ruby. She joined us the other day for that specific purpose. I had to keep an eye on her. She does, however, possess exceptional tracking abilities."

"Regina?" Emma lowered her head to the crook of her neck and asked tremulously.

The vampire, who was not certain what Emma was frightened to inquire about, urged her, "Yes?"

"Uhm... why would someone allow a vampire to feed on them? I mean... isn't it an enormous cost to incur merely for safety?"

"I comprehend the reason why you don't get it, but Emma, there are plenty of things you are unaware of. Humans occasionally experience acute bite cravings. When executed properly, it is genuinely rather pleasant. The most effective approach for both parties frequently arises from the development of a bond. However, those who solely crave getting bitten are referred to as vampire whores. Furthermore, they are not very much appreciated by us. There are numerous instances of those individuals becoming afflicted. One infrequent ailment can be catastrophic to us yet has no effect on people. There were a great deal of cases in previous decades. We considered it to be a government initiative to lessen vampire populations. At that point, many things spiraled out of control. The most significant factor, though, is that some individuals are willing to allow us feasting on them."

"So you're implying that some people seek out traumatic experiences in order to get bitten by a monster? That is absurd! To persuade those helpless humans, vampires must possess some sort of sorcery."

Regina was able to comprehend Emma's approach. Despite the fact that she had a complicated and traumatizing experience, she hoped the blonde would come to realize that things didn't have to be that way.

"Emma, I understand your perspective. You shared with me what happened, and I am able to sense your dread whenever a vampire comes into view. Undoubtedly, the attack last night wasn't helpful either. But please believe me when I say it doesn't have to be traumatic and horrendous. Of course there is a little discomfort as the fangs pierce your flesh, but it transpires rather rapidly. What happens after is the most pleasurable aspect. Not merely for me, either. I always make sure not to harm anyone. It's truly intimate, Em. That's precisely why a lot of times relationship blossoms between the two."

"So, you and Ruby..." Emma commenced and managed to liberate herself from Regina. She knew she wasn't able to be close to the brunette if she was already taken, despite her longing to do so. And it stung.

"No. We only have the agreement of providing protection. I haven't been in a committed relationship for a very long time. Perhaps far too long." Regina reassured Emma, who began to calm down, "But there is nothing between me and Ruby of that sort." That just reinforced her presumption - Emma would be hers. Emma yearned for her.

"So, what arose in the last relationship? that you're not interested in having another?" Emma pondered as she prepared for the day's events. She frankly merely desired to get back to bed and cuddle with the vampire but she understood she was not prepared for that. Regina was a vampire after all and they spend the night together solely because Emma was terrified.

"I'd rather not say. Not now anyway." Regina sighed and clothed herself magically. "We must go to work."

"What is your magic capable of? What else is there besides dressing up, applying cosmetics, and summoning objects?" Emma inquired inquisitively after observing Regina utilize magic to alter her apparel.

The Mayor winked and stated, "Basically whatever I please." before departing.

꧁༺ 𝐓𝐨 𝐁𝐞 𝐂𝐨𝐧𝐭𝐢𝐧𝐮𝐞𝐝 ༻꧂

𝐒𝐡𝐞𝐃𝐞𝐯𝐢𝐥 || 𝐑𝐞𝐠𝐢𝐧𝐚 𝐌𝐢𝐥𝐥𝐬

➳ 𝐕𝐞𝐧𝐢, 𝐯𝐢𝐝𝐢, 𝐯𝐢𝐜𝐢 ~ 𝐒𝐡𝐞 𝐢𝐬 𝐚 𝐜𝐚𝐠𝐞, 𝐢𝐧 𝐬𝐞𝐚𝐫𝐜𝐡 𝐨𝐟 𝐚 𝐛𝐢𝐫𝐝 ♕


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