𝕆𝕔 π•“π• π• π•œ

By Demopup

297 21 13

π•‹π•™π•šπ•€ π•šπ•€ π•žπ•ͺ 𝕠𝕔 π•“π• π• π•œ 𝕨𝕙𝕖𝕣𝕖 π•š π•¨π•šπ•π• 𝕑𝕠𝕀π•₯ π•žπ•ͺ 𝕔𝕙𝕒𝕣𝕒𝕔π•₯𝕖𝕣𝕀 π•€π• π•žπ•– π•¨π•šπ•π•... More

Lucia Sylvia


34 4 1
By Demopup

Full Name: Casey Munoz
Nicknames: Cas, Baba Yaga, Hunter of devils, death
Age: 28
Gender: male
Sexuality: pansexual
Species: human

FaceClaim: Adam Driver

Height: 6'2
Clothing Style: polo formal clothes
Piercings/Tattoos/Distinguishing Features:

Personality: He is a man full of mystery one moment he's full on displaying his anger the next he is calm and calculated. He is a man of sheer will when given a task he doesn't give up until it's completed. It's very rare to see him ever upset or angry but when he is it's like a bomb went off he goes onto a killing rampage until@his thirst for blood is settled. In very rare moments if he grows close to you he will display a very kind soft side. He will treasure every moment spent together and will fight to kept what he treasures safe.
Likes: dogs, peace and quiet, smoking, completing his tasks, reading, protecting everything he holds dear to him,  finding and killing rhe people responsible for the death of his wife
Dislikes: most people, assholes, animal abusers, pushing his buttons, when something gets in the way of his task, being alone
Strengths: an expert marksmen, he was able to be put in any situation and come up with a full proof plan, has an arsenal of weapons,  mastered in hand to hand combat, he's a natural born leader but chooses not to be a leader
Weaknesses: stubborn as hell, can be difficult to calm down once you piss him off, he tends to use his head more than his heart, is terrible at socializing especially in social gatherings
Fears: being alone, losing everything he holds dear, needles, thunder
Hobbies: cooking, tinkering with electronics, drawing, reading
Habits/Mannerisms:  fidgets with his hands and his hair when he is shy

__**Home Life**__
Living Arrangements: he lives in a small apartment with a decently sized living room, a main bedroom and a guest Bedroom
Occupation: assassin
Notable Family Members: none
Pets: a golden retriever he call Ruby

Powers: none
Allergies/Intolerances: none
Other Dietary Restrictions: none
Health Issues: mentally not that stable but physically he's perfectly healthy

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