Strawberry Cigarettes | Max M...

By Lunicent

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"You love me" "No I don't" "Yes you do" "I don't" "Max, come on, you know you do. You have thing for me" "You... More

0,75. Prologue
1. on the run
2. the boys
3. the discovery
4. dead boy byers
5. interdimensional phone calls
6. science and studying
7. the kids are not okay
9. tag! you're it!
10. a pool with salt and some goggles
11. claws and a burned door
11,5. Season two Prologue
12. greetings red
13. laying in the grass
14. ghostbusting in the school
15. reeses are the best
16. the slug pet
17. haven't cried since i was seven
18. meat railroads
19. return of a friend
20. road trip to the pumpkins
20.5 season three prologue
21. i dont think suzie is gonna copy
22. weapon in the eyes of another
a bit of serious talk

8. suicidal but not really

318 11 0
By Lunicent

The whole day. The whole entire rest of the evening yesterday was spent on trying to find el. Did they find her? NO. No they didn't. Mike was very beat up about it. No matter how many times his two friends told him that it's not his fault, he still blames himself for it. 

Next day, Mike and Chris were sitting in the basement. Mike was playing with a rubics cube and Chris was once again at the guitar. She was trying to figure out a new chord progression for not a melody but maybe a song. "If you don't mind me asking" mike started and looked over to the girl with the instrument. "How do you even know how to play the guitar?" he asked. Chris stopped for a second. "I went on a mission once when i was about seven, i think, and i found a guitar there. I found it interesting so i took it with me and the doctor that was kind of taking care of me, if you could call it that, let me keep it. He would teach me like 30 minutes a day." she answered simply. 

"You know, you keep saying 'Missions' but what kind of missions?" Mike then asked again. This time chris kept quiet. She didn't want to tell him. In fact, she didn't want to tell anybody. "I'm gonna tell you one day. Just not now, okay?" she just said. Mike nodded and went back to his rubics cube. He looked over to the blanket fort. It was empty. 

Suddenly, rage took him over and he went over to the blanket fort. He started to destroy it. Kicking it with as much power as he could sending one of the pillows flying towards the basement door. 

"damn..." Chris whispered so that only she could hear it. "i guess i am sleeping on the couch." she then said, trying to cheer the black haired boy up. He looked at her with a tiny, tiny smile on his face.

About 20 minutes later, dustin rolled up on his bicycle to the wheelers residence. He came in trough the back door. "Morning Dustin" Chris said the moment he came in, still guitar in her hands. She decided on a chord progression. It will be E minor, B and A minor for the verse. That's it. That's all she has. You didn't expect more did you?

"Morning." he said back he looked around the basement searching for Eleven before realising, she didn't come back. "She didn't come back?" he asked and Mike just shook his head 'no'. "i just.. I can't believe she didn't come back" he said and started pacing back and forth. "She's gotta be close." Dustin tried reassuring his friend. "She said it wasn't safe. She just messed with our compasses because she wanted to protect us. She didn't betray us." he went on. Chris put down the guitar and stood next to Dustin. "Mike, calm down" she said. "I shouldn't have yelled at her. I never should have done that." the wheeler teen continued. "Jesus, do we have to go over this again? This isn't your fault" Chris said. "Yeah, it really isn't." Dustin agreed.

"Yeah, it's lucas'" Mike then said. "It wasn't his fault either." Dustin then said. Mike then stopped in his tracks. "It wasn't his fault?" he asked in disbelief. "No" Chris replied as if it was the most obvious thing in the world. "So you're saying he wasn't way out of line?" Mike then asked. "Totally, but so were you!" "What?" "And so was Eleven" Dustin added. "Oh, give me a break!" "No mike, you give me a break! All three of you were being a bunch of little assholes! Chris and me were the only reasonable once's. But the bottom line is.. you pushed first. And you know the rule, you draw first blood.." 

Mikes eyes widened. "No! No way! I'm not shaking his hand." he replied. "You're shaking his hand." Dustin said. "No, I'm not." "This isn't a discussion. This is the rule of law. Obey or be banished from the party. Do you want to be banished?" Dustin argued and then asked. "No." Mike replied quietly "Good." Dustin said and started heading out of the basement. Chris followed him. "Where are we going?" Mike then asked "Where do you think? We're going to get Lucas. And then we're gonna find eleven." Dustin simply replied. "remind me what are the rules of law again?" she whisper-asked Dustin. "I'll fill you in once everything is over" he said with a little smile. Chris just smiled back and got onto the back of his bike. 


The three teenagers rode their bikes, or well Mike and Dustin rode their bikes, Chris was sitting on the back, to the Sinclairs residence. As they got there, they rung the bell and, as expected, Lucas opened it. He was still pissed about yesterday. You could clearly see that by the look on his face. "What do you want?" he asked blankly. As he scanned the trio with his eyes he sent a little glare towards Chris. Mike kept quiet so Dustin slapped his arm. "I drew first blood, so.." Mike said and reached out his hand. Lucas just looked at it and let them into the house.

He started pacing back and forth, thinking about Mikes offer. 

'damn this dude is a drama queen.'

"Okay, I'll shake." he then said and Mike reached out his hand again for him to shake. "On one condition" he continued. "We forget the weirdos and go straight to the gate." he said. 

'I am still here, i am not invisible'

"Then the deal is off." Mike said and took back his hand. "Fine!" Lucas yelled out. "Fine!" Mike yelled back exactly how he did. "No, no not fine." Chris said and slightly raised her voice. "Yes, not fine. Guys, seriously? Do you even remember what happened on the bloodstone pass?" Dustin agreed and also raised his voice. "I am confused" Fee just mumbled. No one answered his question so he continued "We couldn't agree on what path to take, so we split up the party and those trolls took us out one by one. And it all went to shit. And we were all disabled! So we stick together, no matter what!" Dustin ranted his explanation

'boy, i am gonna need to learn a lot.'

"Yeah, I agree. But this is the party, right here in this room minus weirdo 2." Lucas said. "Okay, first of all, ouch." Chris began "And second, El and Fee are one of us now, or Chris, or whatever." Mike finished off for her. "Um, no they're not. Not even close. Never will be. They are liars, traitors- " "They were just trying to keep us safe!" Mike argued.

Chris went towards Dustin. "Should i be here while they are arguing about el and me?" she asked him. "I mean, it's fine, you can stay." he whispered back and Chris just nodded.

"-And El didn't mean to hurt you. It was an accident. Plus Fee got you out of that knock out pretty fast." Mike went on. "An accident?" Lucas then asked in a 'are-you-serious?' tone. "All right, accident or not.. admit it, it was a little awesome." Dustin then said. He was still very impressed by the girls superpowers. Chris even smiled a little at that.

Although Lucas, didn't find it funny or nice in any way possible "Awesome?" he asked. "Yeah she threw you in the air with her mind!" "I could have been killed" "Okay, just to let it be said: you wouldn't have been killed. Maximum would be a concussion but nothing deadly." Chris chimed in. Lucas send her a glare, again. Mike though, ignored her and went on. "Which is exactly why we need them. They're a weapon" he said.

'a weapon?!'

"a weapon?!" Chris then asked. "Seriously, we are a weapon to you?". Mike turned to her. The face he had, was the face of realisation. The face that says he knows, he fucked up. "Well no-" "So if we wouldn't have these powers you still would let us be in the party?" she cut him off. "You're not in the party!" Lucas said to her. "Shut up! let mike talk" she said with a stern voice.

"Of course we would! I am just saying, that those powers are very helpful in our situation right now and without you we can't make it." he said, choosing his words slowly as to not say something wrong again. "Fine." Chris just said. 

'I am gonna let that one slide'

"And how are they helpful?" Lucas then asked. "Dude, you are fighting interdimensional reptiles with giant claws from another dimension, how are they not useful?" Chris said. "Exactly, Do you seriously wanna fight the Demogorgon with your wrist rocket? That's like R2D2 going to fight Darth Vader. We're no use to Will if we're dead." Mike asked.

"I am even more confused." Chris mumbled again, making Dustin snort quietly. (Yep, if you hadn't seen it coming, those two are becoming besties)

"If you two want to waste your time, looking for a traitor with a traitor, go ahead. Cause I am not spending my time on them anymore. No way! I'm going to the gate. I'm gonna find Will." Lucas then said and stormed out of his house. The two boys were just watching him. 

"You know, we should find El fast and go and get him cause he might get shot if he's not careful enough" Chris just said with her arms crossed. The two boys turned to her, a look of confusion on their face. "Cause you know, the guards have guns. And they shoot anything that moves behind the fence most of the time. I saw them shoot a squirrel once." She tried explaining. Mike just sighed mumbling a quiet "okay" and went ahead to his bike. 

"I thought you said you don't know where the gate is." Dustin said while also heading out. "I don't. But i know who it guards." she then said. 


The three teenagers were once again on the road, on their bikes. Chris on the back of Dustins as per usual. "This is weird without Lucas" he then said. "He should have shaken my hand" Mike answered him. "He's probably just jealous" Chris said. "Yeah she's right." Dustin agreed. "What are you two talking about?" "Sometimes, your total obliviousness just blows my mind. He's your best friend, right?" 

"Yeah.. I mean I don't know" 

"It's fine. I get it. I didn't get here until fourth grade. He had the advantage of living next door. But none of that matters. What matters is that he is your best friend. And then those girls start living in your basement, and all you ever want to do is to pay attention to them, no offense Chris, and especially to El. 

"None taken" she answers.

"That's not true" Mike then says

"Yes it is. And you know it. And he knows it. But no one ever says anything until you both start punching and yelling at each other like goblins with intelligence scores of zero. Now everything's weird."

"He's not my best friend"

"Yeah right."

"I mean, he is, but so are you two. And so is Will,"

'I am one of his best friends?'

"Can't have more then one best friend"

"Says who?"

"Says logic"

"Well I call bull on your logic, because you are my best friend, too"


The teenagers stopped at a what looked like grocery store. A bunch of police officers were asking people questions. "Whoa" was everything Chris brought out. "You don't think.." Dustin started "No i don't think i am absolutely certain." Chris answered. The kids started biking past the grocery store, continuing to search for their friend. Little did they know she was right behind them.


The teens collectively gave up on searching in the town, thinking it was useless so they went into the forest. They were walking around screaming el's name. "El!" Dustin shouted. "Eleven!" "El!" "Eleven!". Chris started teleporting herself more to the sides searching over there and also yelling her name. "El!" she shouted. After she got silence as a reply she teleported herself back to the boys, right in front of them "Elev-AHH" Mike screamed. "Dude chill, it's me" Chris said. 

"Sorry it just still scares the shit out of me." he replied. "It's fine". They continued screaming her name as they heard a branch break behind them. "Hey did you guys hear that?" Chris asked. "What?"

Chris listened for a second. "El?" she shouted thinking it was the bald girl. But in fact it was not her, because Troy and James showed up at the bottom of the first seconds after. But Troy had a switchblade. "Hey there, frogface. Toothless" he said as the two idiots walked up to the party. "Oh you bitch" Chris said. "Shit! Run, guys!" Dustin said and ditched his bike. The two others soon followed and started running with him. Troy and James started chasing them You could hear the walsh teen  in the distance asking Chris what she just called him. "You're dead wheeler" he shouted as well.

The teens ran as fast as they could and they soon reached the hill over the quarry. "Ahh! Cramp!" Dustin started complaining and slowed down. "Just ignore it. Come on!" Chris shouted. She was at the very front. She abruptly stopped when she saw James in front of her. 

'Oh no, they circled us'

"Shit!" Dustin shouted once again and the other two teens of the party stopped as well. They quickly picked up rocks and sticks to defend themselves. Chris of course could use her powers but those were too dangerous for two 12 year old pricks, so she used her training with that she had with basically every weapon ever created. That being said she picked up a stick that was shaped like a boomerang.

'good enough' 

She threw the stick the way that it passed James. But when it flew back it hit him directly in the back of his head. "Ow you bitch!" he cursed. "Stay back" Mike said raising a stone. "Don't come any closer!" Dustin joined in. But when they didn't listen Mike threw the stone at James. Although he did miss james by good 6 feet. 

"Nice throw numb nuts." he said. Dustin then went at Troy with his stick and a battle cry but it didn't do much because now Dustin was in Troys grip and with a switchblade at his throat. "Get off! Get off of me!" Dustin yelled. 

"Troy, drop the blade. Now" Chris said. "Or what?" "Or you don't even want to know what happens" she answered "HAh, nice try" he said and put the switchblade even closer to his throat. "Let him go! Let him go!" Mike now yelled. "Stay back, or i cut him!" Troy threatened. "What do you want?" Chris then asked. "I wanna know how wheeler boy did it!" "How i did what?" Mike asked.

"I know you did something to me. Some nerdy science shit to make me do that" Troy continued. "You mean piss your pants?" Chris asked. "Our friend has superpowers and she squeezed your tiny bladder with her mind." Dustin said. "Shut up! I think I should save Toothless her a trip to the dentist. Help him loose the rest of his baby teeth." 

"Let him go Troy or i swear i am gonna break every single on of your bones in one move!" Chris said, tired of this shit. "I'll let him go, sure. But first, it's your turn." "My turn to do what now exactly?" Chris asked "Wet yourself" he just said. 

"What?" the wheeler teen asked. "Honestly, you should be grateful frogface. I wanted to reserve that for you but i now have found a new target. Your new friend over there. Let's teach her a lesson shall we? A lesson not to mess with me so you, i am gonna call you dyke, jump or toothless here gets an early trip to the dentist" he said and pointed the knife at Chris. 

Chris looked at the cliff. She slowly started walking towards it. "Stop! NO!" Dustin started shouting. "Don't do this Chris get back here!" Mike yelled out. "I'll cut him right now!" 

Chris was staring down the cliff, calculating if she would be able to survive or teleport herself back up. "No Chris don't do this i don't need my baby teeth, Chris!" Dustin tried reasoning her. "Chris please seriously!" Mike now shouted. 

"Chris get back! Don't do this! Seriously!" Dustin tried again. Tears started slowly forming in his eyes. "Troy, i don't think this is a good idea" James then said but Troy quickly shut him up. "Dentist office opens in five

"Chris don't"


Chris turned around so that she was facing the quarry with her back. I slight smirk on her face.


she gave a salute to the boys and spread her arms out


"Chris no!"


And with that, Chris let herself fall backwards into the quarry.

Now what she didn't expect is that shortly after Mike would jump after her. Chris' eyes widened and she had time to teleport herself to a branch that was sticking out of the mountain, and catch Mike from falling any further. The branch was thick enough to hold the two of them. "Michael! JEsus Christ man! Why in the hell would you do that?!" she yelled at him. The two were just dangling at the side of the mountain, on the branch about 12 feet under the path while the other teens were just watching. Fun.

Mike was panting and the teens above couldn't believe their eyes. Well Dustin could but he still didn't expect Mike to jump after her. Slowly but surely, mikes hand started slipping out of Chris' grip. "Oh no, no Mike you're slipping" Chris started saying but then suddenly, all of Mikes weight disappeared. As if someone was carrying him for her. Slowly he started levitating up to the path and he looked at me. "I am not doing that" 

As he levitated to the path, Chris was still hanging on the branch so she teleported herself up to the path. "WHOa Shit!" Troy yelled. "Didn't see that coming huh?" i just smirked and wiped her nose. Her eyes were glowing with a red-orange hue. Mike looked to his left to see Eleven walking up to the teens. Her clothes were covered in dirt, her face as well. A lonely little stream of blood was rolling down her nose. A look of rage and anger on her face. Oh they pissed her off.

A smile appeared on both Chris' and Dustins faces. "Eleven" Chris whispered. El pushed James to the ground and just with a swift motion with her head she broke Troys arm. He screamed in pain. "She broke my arm" he kept repeating and to just make them even more scared Chris cracked her neck and lit her hand on fire. 

'if we are going to scare them, we have to scare them good'

at the sight of Chris' arm the walshs boys eyes widened. "Go." El said. "Yeah piss of" Chris agreed. James and Troy started running away "Let's get out of here. Let's go!" Troy said. "Yeah that's right! You better run! They are our friends an they're crazy! You come back here and they'll kill you! You hear me? They'll kill you, you sons of bitches!" Dustin yelled after them. Chris smiled at him. 

'Oh he is having fun.'

Suddenly, El fell to the ground. 

'Shit, she's weak'

Chris immediately dropped next to El to check if she's okay. "El are you okay?" Mike asked. "El, you good?" Chris asked as well. She started tearing up. "Mike... I'm sorry" she said. "Sorry? What are you sorry for?" the wheeler teen asked. "The gate. I opened it. I'm the monster" she cried. "No. No, El you're not the monster. You saved me. You and Chris both saved me. Do you understand? You saved me." he said. He went in for a hug. Dustin and Chris then joined them. 

"And chris, don't you dare pull something like that again" Dustin mumbled.

Chris just laughed at that for a second. "I won't" she said.


Oh my god. It's been a while. I did not mean for this to take so long i thought it would take less. Anyhow this was so fun to write i just can't describe it. 

Also please tell me the chapter name is funny cause when i came up with this i cackled for about 2 minutes. Or maybe it's just me and my broken humor.

This one is actually way longer than the rest of the chapters i am kinda proud of myself.

Hope you enjoyed it!

Buh bye

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