Dotson and Harrington |Steve...

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|Stranger Things| (Book 1, Season one) One boy. One girl. One monster. "King" Steve Harrington, meeting h... Daha Fazla

✨ Trailer ✨
Another Beginning |chapter 1|
First Day Jitters |chapter 2|
Boy in the Hallway |chapter 3|
Rich Boy = Steve H. |chapter 4|
Brownies |chapter 5|
Truly Sorry |chapter 6|
Party Girl |chapter 7|
Silent Ride |chapter 8|
Strange Figure |chapter 9|
A Little Blood |chapter 10|
Poor J... |chapter 11|
Yellow and White Roses |chapter 13|
"Nancy!" |chapter 14|
Beat Up Girl |chapter 15|
Monster |chapter 16|
Jonathan... No Jackylen |chapter 17|
Interrogated |chapter 18|
Bullshit Language |chapter 19|
Will... A Flea |chapter 20|
Heroes Blood |chapter 21|
Don't Give a Damn |chapter 22|
Drew Blood |chapter 23|
Liquid Death |chapter 24|
Sinclair |chapter 25|
Red and Black |chapter 26|
Scotch |chapter 27|
Orange Hair Ball |chapter 28|
Idiot |chapter 29|

No Face |chapter 12|

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"Can you just give us a second?" Jonathan asked the funeral director.

"Of course," the man quickly responded. As Jackylen looked over at Jonathan, she could see his sad eyes begin to take shape.

His blank expression began to take form more and more as they stayed in the room. Jackylen put her neutral warm hand to Johnathan. As he took it, she led him to Nancy where she was standing. As the two teens approached the girl, she started to have sorrowful eyes as well.

"Hey," Jonathan quickly said.

"Hey guys," Nancy said, looking at the girl. "Your mom um... said you'd be here," Nancy told the boy. "I just... Can we talk for a second?"

Nancy led Jonathan and Jackylen to a birch wooden bench only a few feet away from the door. Once the teens sat down, Nancy took out a picture that had seemed to be tripped up and taped back together. She handed it over to Jonathan who seemed to examine the picture very closely as Jackylen looked over his shoulders.

"It looks like it could be some kind of perspective distortion but I wasn't using the wide angle. I don't know. It's weird," Jonathan said, handing her back the pictures.

"And you're sure you didn't see anyone else out there?" Nancy asked.

"No. And she was there one second and then um..." he tried to find the right word. "Gone. I figured she bolted."

"The cops think that she ran away," Nancy explained. "But they don't know Barb. And when Jackylen and I went back to Steve's..." Jonathan looked up at his new friend in disbelief.

"I thought I saw something," she said, hee stomach sinking to her toes, remembering the horrifying figure she saw. "It was like a weird man or something or... I don't know, maybe an odd bear? I have no idea what it was."

Once Nancy realized the whole situation she tried to explain, she started to realize that it was a bad time and she shouldn't have come.

"I'm sorry," she quickly said, getting her bag off the carpet floor. "I... I shouldn't have come here today. I'm... I'm so sorry." Before Nancy left the building, Jonathan spoke up. "What'd he look like?" He asked, looking back and forth from the two girls.

"What?" Nancy turned around.

"This man you saw," Jonathan began looking up at the girl with the pink tips. "In the woods. What's he look like?"

"I don't know," Jackylen started to stammer. "It was almost like he..."

"Didn't have a face." Jonathan finished.

"How did you know that?" Nancy asked, starting to get a bit freaked out.

"We need to go," Jonathan quickly said, grabbing his things. As the boy started to walk, Jackylen light trailed behind him trying to figure out where he was going. Nancy and Jackylen followed Jonathan to his car and got in. Nancy in the passenger seat as Jackylen sat in the back, kicking her feet up her thr cup holders.

"So where exactly are we going?" Jackylen said, started to flick open her lighter on and off.

"The school," he said, pumping on the gas.

"Why the school?" Nancy asked, turning her body towards him.

"My mom said she saw something. A figure coming out from the wall," he explained. "She said the figure had no face... and she said that Will was alive... that the body they found at the quarry wasn't his. If I'm right then she's in denial if I'm wrong..."

"We don't know who's right or wrong," Nancy reasherded him, holding the boy's free hand. Jackylen moved her shoes to the side to watch the show unfold.

The loner Jonathan Byers was holding hands with Nancy Wheeler who was in a relationship with King Harrington. But by the looks of the two hands, it was more than a girl trying to comfort a grieving friend. She started to snicker at his sight as the two teens scrambled to take their hands away.

"Having fun up there?" The girl mocked.

"Jackylen," Nancy said, clenching your teeth. "Shut up."

"Gladly," Jackylen cheerfully responded, having a fake smile. "But first we have to focus on the task at hand. What are we going to do once we figure out what this... thing even is?"

"Shouldn't we just capture it like any other animal?" Nancy asked.

"Well that depends what it is and what we find," Jonathan answered.

"If it's something like a bear that we can just trap it, right?" Nancy let out a big sigh.

"Oh Jackylen," Jonathan said, looking at the girl through the rear view mirror. "Whatever happened to your face?" Jackylen's heart slowly started to stop by this question. She stopped flicking her lighter and put it back in the pocket of her hoodie.

"I got into a fight at school. No big deal," she quickly brushed off.

"But the girl barely even touched you?" Nancy commented a bit confused.

"We're here," Jackylen quickly said, taking her feet off the arm rest. The three teens quickly got out of the car and started to go through the busy hallway of Hawkins High School.

After squirming through the student body, the teens finally made it to the Red Room. The room that was kept for photography. Once Jonathan got to his process of enlarging the picture, Jackylen started to get anxious, waiting.

"Hey guys I'm going to take a smoke I'll be right back," she said, leaving the two teens alone. As she started to walk through the hallways, still filled with teenagers, she bumped into someone without even looking.

"Hey! Watch it!" The person said. As Jackylen looked back, she saw someone she didn't want to see that day. "Dotson... what the hell happened to your face?!" Jackylen's breath started to get slow, everything she heard started to muffle together.

"I have to go, Harrington..." she stammered, quickly walking away and out the double doors. Once she hit the fresh air, she started to feel a bit relieved.

She took the cigarettes out from her pocket and lighter. She started to light the cigarette and stared at the school's parking lot full of cars. She huffed out a cloud of smoke as she gazed at the clouds. The white fluff filled the skies, wild making shapes. As she gazed, she heard the two metal doors open from behind her, but didn't bother to turn around.

"What happened to your face?" The boy said again. Jackylen turned around and saw the hazel eyed boy, looking pissed and considered.

"What's it to you, King Harrington? Why do you care?" But before Steve could respond. The two teens burst out from the school, holding a picture.

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