Unicorn in the Stables: Findi...

By watttpad4life

39 0 4


It's Just Peachy, innit?
A Unicorn, the Hospital, and a Man.
Anger does not suit me
Chapter 5
Mission: Get Sparkle Scallywag
When Life Takes its Tumble
Quick, the Hospital!
The Final Battle
At Peace

New Year, New Me

8 0 2
By watttpad4life

It's been a year already. I lost Lizzy one year ago today. It hasn't been easy for me, but Linda has been getting me through it. Every night before I go to bed I look out into the night and find the first star I can see. I wish Lizzy to return... but she doesn't. She never does. I just want my best friend back.

School hasn't been easy for me either. Since Linda and I became friends, she stopped bullying me. Linda is one of my closest friends besides Marlina. Marlina recently moved to my town about six months ago. I don't know too much about Marlina, but what I know is that she lost her dad to a bad horse accident a few years back. Marlina's dad was riding a horse, but something provoked the horse to go crazy. Her dad fell off the horse onto the ground. The horse was jumping around going bananas and stepped on her dad's chest making her dad's bones pierce through his heart causing him to die. Any time Marlina comes to my house I make sure to keep Sparkle Scallywag in her stables, so Marlina doesn't get any PTSD.

Linda's birthday was coming up so me, Marlina, and Linda had to plan something to do. I suggested swimming but Marlina shot my answer down because it was December, and it was super cold outside. Marlina then suggested we keep it chill and have it at Linda's place, but Linda didn't want to because her dad would be coming over. No matter what Linda would be seeing her dad, but if she could go somewhere besides home, she would have a less chance of seeing her dad. We kept throwing plans back and forth until I had the best idea. I looked at Linda a quickly grabbed her hands. I made sure Linda was looking at me and said what if we went golfing? Linda's jaw dropped. She loved it! Yes, it would be cold outside, but that's why we have jackets.

When Linda's birthday rolled around, we were totes excited. We still had to go to school on her birthday since it was on a Friday. When we arrived at school, I gave Linda her present. I got her some Lululemon and Gucci slides and she loved them! Marlina got her a gift card to McDonalds. Linda wasn't too stoked about Marlina's gift. School that day felt so long because all me, Linda, and Marlina could think about was the golfing fun we would have later.

Finally, the final bell rang for school. The party was going to start at 6 so we had time to get ready. I went to my home and Linda and Marlina went to theirs. We were all going to meet up at the golfing place. I was wearing the prettiest pink outfit I once wore on the red-carpet premier to the movie M3GAN. I was in a group chat with Linda and Marlina, and they were sending what they were also wearing. Marlina was wearing an odd fit that kind of made her look like Hans from Frozen and Linda was wearing this super cute white dress that I totally needed to get sometime soon.

I was the first to arrive at the golfing place. I texted in the group chat seeing where everyone was because I was getting lonely. Linda said she was five minutes away and Marlina said the same thing. I was getting super cold and wanted to leave. I thought nothing could get worse. Then it started raining. Thanks a lot universe. I didn't bring an umbrella and my dad didn't stay at the golf course with me so I couldn't go anywhere. Plus, there was no inside area to keep me dry and warm. I realized it had been a while and checked the time. It was twenty minutes since they last texted me. Before I could text my dad to come and pick me up, I got a text from Marlina. I dropped my phone in shock. Marlina hit a car... even worse... it was Linda's car... 

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