Tacenda | Neteyam

By tacxnda_

506K 19.5K 5.4K

Tacenda - Things to be left unsaid; matters to be passed over in silence or Tsa'tvayi gives Neteyam a purpose... More



17.4K 801 248
By tacxnda_




"TSA'TVAYI!" THE SHOUT STARTLED her awake, Tsa'tvayi jerking her head from here it laid on Neteyam's chest and twisting to look at Tsireya. The younger girl grinned down at her as she bounced in place. "The tulkun have returned."

Neteyam let out a small groan as he lifted his head and squinted. "It is very early, Tsireya." He complained.

Tsireya only smiled wider as Kiri let out a whine and cuddled closer to Tsa'tvayi's side. "Eywa have mercy," she mumbled into her shoulder, "Let us sleep, Tsireya."

Tsa'tvayi let her head fall back onto Neteyam's chest, Tuk reaching over throwing an arm over her neck from where she laid on her older brother's other side. Lo'ak was somewhere. She swore she could feel his weight on her legs, but couldn't be bothered to lift her head again to check.

"Come," she insisted. "Our spirit sisters and brothers have returned."

From the corner of her eye, Tsa'tvayi could see Tsireya reaching forward and pulling weight off of her legs, Lo'ak letting out a high-pitched yelp as he was lifted off the ground by an impatient Tsireya. "What?" He mumbled, his eyes blinking drowsily as he looked around in confusion.

Neteyam huffed and placed a hand on her head as he carefully lifted himself, taking Tsa'tvayi along. Tuk's arm fell away from her, the girl turning with a hum and falling back into a deep sleep. She could see Neytiri and Jake walking around the pod, the older woman's hands carrying a jar as Jake followed her.

Tsa'tvayi greeted them once they looked her way, the couple returning the greeting with a soft smile. "You are alright?" Neytiri asked as they stepped closer, concern lacing her voice.

Nodding in response, Tsa'tvayi shifted until she was sitting upright by herself and no loner learning on Neteyam. "I am alright. Thank you."

Then, the woman's eyes changed into a glare. "Why did you leave?" She hissed out. "You are injured."

Tsa'tvayi looked down bashfully, her ears pressed into her head. In the background, she could hear Tsireya rushing Lo'ak to get ready so that they could head off to the tulkun. Neteyam leaned closet to her, his arm brushing hers.

"She felt as if she was intruding," he exposed, Tsa'tvayi looking at him as her mouth dropped open. He wasn't incorrect, but, based on the identical glares on Jake and Neytiri's faces, she had been incorrect.

"Intruding," Jake's eyes narrowed as they reached her, his hand coming out and smoothing over her hair. "Tsa'tvayi," he reprimanded, the girl's head dropping in shame.

It was an odd feeling, she knew. Especially considering that she had spent more days in their pod than in their own, that she was comfortable enough to sleep surrounded by their children, that they were always the first to show concern for her injuries- regardless of how minor they were.

Knowing all of those things did not erase the felling that filled her every time she was with them. A heavy feeling of unworthiness that threatened to drown her every time they showed her any kindness.

"Sorry," she murmured under their eyes, Jake's hand a heavy reassurance on her head.

Tsa'tvayi could feel his eyes on her before he let out a sigh. "We'll talk later," he promised.

Lo'ak threw himself besides her, his arm coming around her neck and pulling her into an awkward hug. "Come on, bro. Tsireya wants to show us the tulkun."

Tsa'tvayi grinned as she looked at him. "Tsireya wants, huh?" She teased, the younger boy dropping his arm from around her as he looked away in embarrassment.

Lo'ak huffed as he crossed his arms over his chest. "Not cool. Anyways, like you can talk." He turned back to her and threw a pointed glance at Neteyam's tail which brushed against her waist. "Don't think we haven't noticed," he fake gagged.

Tilting her head, her brows furrowed in confusion. "What?"

Lo'ak's mouth dropped open as he looked at her before turning to Neteyam, his eyes wide. He waved his hands in the air, "What?" He repeated, his voice high.

Neteyam coughed out a laugh as Neytiri and Jake left, their own shoulders shaking. Tsa'tvayi could only stare after the couple as they left, hands over their mouths as if smothering laughter. "I do not understand."

Neteyam turned to her with a soft smile. "Do not worry, Lo'ak is just being a skxawng."

Tsa'tvayi nodded slowly, her eyes narrowed before pushing herself to her feet carefully, Kiri letting out a petulant huff as she tossed herself on her back with her arms spread wide. "I imagine I can't go yet?"

"That's right," Jake called out, "Not yet. We have to make sure you aren't going to seize again."

Kiri's face fell as she tossed an arm over her eyes. "Just my luck."

Tsa'tvayi watched her for a moment, her lips twisting in thought, before nodding to herself. "I want to take Kiri somewhere," she turned to where the girl's parents sat. "May I? It is not too far, she will be safe."

Jake looked at her for a moment, his brows furrowing. "Is it in water?"

Tsa'tvayi shook her head. "No, but I think she will like it."

Kiri shoved herself up, her eyes wide as she stared at Tsa'tvayi. "Where is it?"

A small smile played on Tsa'tvayi's lips as she looked at the younger girl. "Secret," she grinned.

"You do not wish you see your spirit brother or sister?" Neytiri asked, her head tilted slightly in question.

Shaking her head once again, Tsa'tvayi stood before holding out a hand for Kiri and helping her to her feet. "I do not have my own yet. Eywa has not allowed me to bond with a tulkun."

Neteyam stood close behind her as she waited for a response from his parents, the warmth of his skin surrounding her.

"Be safe." Jake narrowed his eyes on her. "Both of you."

Kiri rolled her eyes and tightened her grip on Tsa'tvayi's hand. "We'll be fine," she drawled. "Can we go now?"

Tsa'tvayi nodded quickly in response to Jake before turning to Kiri. "You will not eat before we go?" Her voice was laced with concern for the girl, memories of her seizing till fresh in Tsa'tvayi's mind.

"No," Kiri declared and Tsa'tvayi could see Neteyam crossing his arms from the corner of her eye. "Will we be gone long? We can eat when we come back."

Neteyam huffed and stepped forward, his tail brushing against the back of her legs. "Kiri."

The girl rolled her eyes, Lo'ak letting out a groan as he reached forward and tugged on his older brother's arm. "Come on," he whined, "Tsireya is waiting."

Neteyam kept his eyes on his sister for another moment before letting out a sigh and conceding. "Be careful."

Lo'ak didn't hesitate before pulling his brother out of the pod, both of the boys rushing after a cheering Tsireya as they jumped out of the pod and straight into the water.

Turning to Kiri, Tsa'tvayi smiled. "Let us go, as well."


THEY WALKED DEEPER INTO the village than Tsa'tvayi knew Kiri had ever been, the two distancing themselves from the water with a steady pace. Kiri seemed to dance through the clan, her eyes wandering over everything and she moved as if Eywa spoke to her.

Tsa'tvayi found it beautiful.

"Come, Kiri," she urged softly as the girl stopped to poke at some flowers. They were common in Metkayina, but Tsa'tvayi couldn't imagine that they were seen in the forest; they were a bright color that resembled the ocean and they tended to have a preference for salt water.

Kiri blinked before smiling bashfully and catching up with Tsa'tvayi, who had already gone a few steps ahead. "Sorry," she sighed, "Everything is so beautiful."

Tsa'tvayi waved off the apology. "Do not apologize, it is nothing." Then she grinned, "I think you will enjoy where I am taking you."

Kiri tilted her head, "Where are you taking me? I've never been here before."

That much, she knew. She was sure that if the girl had noticed the area, she would have been impossible to find anywhere else. Tsa'tvayi smiled at Kiri in response before turning to look ahead and nodding at what stood before them.

The girl stepped besides her carefully, her eyes wide as she stared at the forest in front of them. Large trees towered over them, the tallest that Tsa'tvayi had ever seen. It was darker in there, the thick top of the plants keeping the sun from fully reaching the ground.

It wasn't too often that the people of Metkayina stepped inside of the small forest that surrounded the clan, most preferring to stick to the water and the reef. Tsa'tvayi, she loved climbing through the thick roots of the forest, her skin cooling from the momentary escape of the scorching sun. She didn't prefer it over the water, likely never would, but it was another part of her; a secret one.

"Forest," Kiri gaped, her voice soft as she stared in shock. "That's a forest."

Tsa'tvayi let out a small laugh at the wonder on the girl's face. "It is?" she teased. "I was not too sure."

The girl's head snapped to her, a wide smile on her face as her eyes glittered with delight. "Can we go?"

Tsa'tvayi nodded slowly, hesitantly. "Not too far, though. I do not want your family to worry, so we will stay close today and we can go deeper another day."

Kiri nodded before taking a step forward and grabbing Tsa'tvayi's wrist in her four-fingered hand. "Come." The girl rushed into the small forest of Metkayina, her grip firm as she pulled Tsa'tvayi with her.

They slipped into the shade, Kiri immediately letting out a relieved sigh and throwing her head back. The girl took in a deep breath, her eyes falling shut. "I miss this."

Tsa'tvayi couldn't find what to say, instead pulling her hand out of the girl's grip before grabbing her hand and squeezing it. Kiri squeezed back before continuing further into the forest, her laugh echoing between the trees.

She stared after the forest girl with a small smile. She had not seen Kiri so happy, ever. Tsa'tvayi could only imagine how the others would react between the trees. How Neytiri would feel with the possibility of being closer to her home.

"Kiri," she called out, the girl turning to look at her with question in her eyes. "Do you want to help me prepare a gift for your family? As a thank you."

Kiri furrowed her brows in response before letting out a slow nod, Tsa'tvayi grinning in delight. "Follow me, you will love it too."

The pair delved slightly deeper into the forest, Tsa'tvayi keeping her eye out for what she needed.

This, she thought, would make them happy.


KIRI WAS CHOKING BACK delighted giggles as they approached her family's pod, the voices of the members ringing from inside. Tsa'tvayi nudged her softly, a smile painted on her face.

"Quiet, Kiri," she hushed, "You will give us away."

Kiri covered her mouth with her hand and coughed to avoid laughing. She took a couple of breaths before nodding. "Alright. I'm good."

The pair stepped into the pod, Tsa'tvayi's eyes scanning over the family as they sat around on the ground. Tuk sat comfortably on Neteyam's lap, Lo'ak besides him as he poked at the younger boy. Across from them, Jake and Neytiri sat side by side, the man wrapping an arm tightly around his mate.

"You're back," Jake greeted. "Everything alright?"

Tsa'tvayi exchanged a quick glance with Kiri, the younger girl smiling brightly. "You have to come see this, it's awesome."

Her words caught the rest of the family's attention, Neteyam tilting his head as he looked up at them. "Where did you go?"

Kiri shook her head, "You have to come, I'm not telling."

Lo'ak shoved himself to his feet with a bounce. "Now?" His voice was excited, as if the mere idea of going somewhere, anywhere, was the best thing that had happened to him all day.

"Now." Kiri nodded as she urged her parents to stand. "Come, come."

The couple exchanged quick glances before giving in and standing, Neytiri looking down at her daughter softly. "You will not tell us where we are going?"

Tsa'tvayi shook her head as Kiri let out a resounding, "No."

Neteyam stood carefully and placed Tuk on his hip, the younger girl wrapping her arms around his neck. "Alright, let's go."

It didn't take long for them to arrive at the edge of the forest again, Neytiri freezing in her spot as she stared at the towering trees. "What?" She tilted her head before turning to Kiri and then Tsa'tvayi. "Forest?"

Tsa'tvayi smiled at her, "That is not the surprise, not really."

Neteyam stood closely besides her, his tail brushing her leg and back as Kiri gasped on his hip. Jake was standing besides his mate, his eyes soft as Lo'ak bounced in his spot. "What are we waiting for, bro?" He ushed. "Let's go in."

Tsa'tvayi stepped forward as she lead them through the trees. "I spoke to Olo'eyktan," she began. "And he said that it would be alright."

Jake let out a questioning sound form behind her. "What would be alright?"

"You're going to love this," Kiri exclaimed from where she stood next to Lo'ak.

Tsa'tvayi's tail flickered nervously as they approached the spot. "It is not much yet," she apologized, "But everything was very short notice and I did not want Kiri to strain herself."

Neytiri stepped forward, "What?" She asked, curiosity lacing her tone as she glanced around the trees.

Tsa'tvayi hesitated for another moment before letting out a breath and stepping aside. "This," she waved.

She could see the moment that the older woman noticed the hammocks tied high on the trees- similar the ones they had back in their home, Kiri had taught her how to make them. Neytiri stepped forward, her eyes watering as she lifted a hand to her mouth. "What is this?"

Tsa'tvayi shuffled in her spot as Jake stepped forward, the man stumbling as he noted the same thing his mate had. "Kiri taught me to make them." her tail curled around her leg nervously. "I thought you might prefer to stay here than next to the water."

A moment of silence followed her declaration as Lo'ak and Neteyam stepped forward, the younger boy freezing in place as Neteyam's eyes widened. Tsa'tvayi threw Kiri a quick glance, her hands shaking with nerves.

"You do not have to," she rushed. "I just thought you might like the option."

Tsa'tvayi was interrupted as Neytiri threw her arms around her tightly, the woman laying her cheek on the girl's head. "Thank you," she sighed out. "Thank you, Tsa'tvayi."

The girl returned the hug tightly and swallowed down the knot in her throat.

Neytiri stepped away and pulled Jake and Lo'ak behind her, Kiri picking Tuk from Neteyam's arms and chasing after them as they climbed the trees with an ease that Tsa'tvayi admired.

She stared after them, warmth filling her chest.

Tsa'tvayi was startled out of her thinking by Neteyam wrapping a hand around her wrist and pulling her into an embrace. He laid his head between her shoulder and neck, the tip of his nose running over skin and sending a shiver through her body. His tail was wrapped around her thigh, her own wrapping around his until she wasn't sure where she began and he ended.

"Thank you, Tsa'tvayi," he mumbled against her skin, his lips brushing softly over her neck. Tsa'tvayi didn't say anything, instead tightening her arms around him.

They stayed like that for a while, until Neteyam pulled back and tugged her to where his family laid in their perspective hammocks. There was one left, Neteyam's, and he pulled Tsa'tvayi along as he climbed to it before tugging her down to lay besides him.

Like that they all slept, lulled to rest by the sounds of the forest. 

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