MaNan || Unconditional Love✅

By RandomThoughts07

171K 6.7K 1.6K

A Secret Love Story Of MaNan No Mystery a Simple Cute Love story of our very Own MaNan where a rude arrogant... More

Murthy/Malhotra Mansion and MaNan Paradise
1.MaNan First Meet
2.Their Lives
3.Insecurities & Some Family Time
4.The Proposal💞
5.Evil Plan😈
6.Much Needed
Engagement Decor and Dresses
8. Engagement💞
9.Pampering Her Baby💞
Wedding Decorations.
10.Some lessons&Hot Romance💞
11.Wedding Bells
Island Pics
12.In Their Own world💞🌎
13.Wet Romance💞
14.Friends/Family Talk
Character Sketch 2
Strip War intro and their dressing
17.No Means No
18.Family Sunday
19.Routine Check-up💉
New Stories.
20.Monster Manik
New Story
Mountain House🏡
25.Good/Bad News
27.Happy Days✨
28.Little Angels💕
29.Possessive Dadda💕
30.Happy beginings✨
tree House/Kiaan Anya
Your Views
Give a try

15. Strip War😉

3.6K 126 53
By RandomThoughts07

All of them settled In MaNan's Room Nandu Half Laying on the bed and Manik laying on her his head on her breast while she ruffles his hairs as even for the game he is not leaving her despite in opposite teams and Jigar is laying having asha laying completely on him they have place deck between Nandu and Jigar.

Ma(excited): So Lets Start the game.

Ash(attitude): Bhai why are you so excited you know na We girls wins every time in this huh.

And she High-five with Nandu

Jig: Oh You guyz don't win we let you guyz win we don't want to make you sad na so we lose for you.

Ma: Exactly.

Nan: Oh really.

Jig: Yeah Play with someone else you will see how lenient we are with you guyz huh.

Ash: And Yeah You both will let us play this game with any other person in this world what a joke huh.

And Jigar and Manik smile sheepishly.

Ma: Ofcourse No one has a right to what's Ours Na.

Nan: Absolutely Right and We are also not going to play with anyone else so Let's start and see who wins this.

Asha shuffle the deck and everyone pick their card.

Ash: Show Your cards.

Ma: No first you show.

And they starts their fight.

Nan: The cards won't change it doesn't matter who show first Baby Show na.

Asha show her tongue to manik.

Ma( Grumpily):Jaan you are supporting her.

Ash( Smirks): Yeah becoz she is my babe she will support me

Ma(annoyingly): No she is mine only mine hush hush.

Before they start the new round of bickering. nandu cup Manik face.

Nan: Baby I am your Only yours and she is just teasing you My Cute Bacha.

And she peck his lips hard making him smile to the fullest.

Jig: You know you guys are supper cute My Bachas. And Its okay i will show first.

Jig: 3

Ma: 6

Ash: 8

Nan: Queen

Asha in happiness jump on jigar making him shout in pain

Ash: Yayyyyyyyyy.

Jig: Ahhhhhhhhhh Shonaaa.

Ash: Jiguuu sorry sorry happiness main dehan nahi raha solllyyyy are you okay na

Jig: I am okay shona don't worry.

Nan: So remove your one clothing

Jigar and Manik remove their shoes.

Ma: So what's the task.

Ash: Ufff its so bad we are on and island and only we four are here if we were in Mumbai i would tell you guyz to go on street and howl like a wolf it would be so funn na.

Nan: Exactly But we Can do fun from here also.

Jigar and Manik share a look of sympathy.

Nan: So you both will upload a video on your Instagram.

Jig: Of which.

Ash: One of you will howl like a wolf and will write a caption I am Mental and I have ran from Mental hospital and I am very serious about this.

Ma: What's the other one do

Nan: he will upload a video of scratch himself with the caption I am a male monkey And I need a female monkey right Now and take it seriously its life and death matter contact on my gmail.

Jigar and Manik are beyond shock becoz they have millions of following and they have a macho personality. seeing their shocked face.

Nan: Its okay you can delete it after some time.

Jig: How much time

Ash: after an hour or so.

And then they both did what they have told but in few mins it was getting huge so they deleted it.

Jig: You both has ruin my image hayeeeee.

Ma: Mine toooo.

Ash: Oh drama king stop this drama i know you guyz didn't just upload it like that No one was able to save or download it in any way i know so after your delete its not on insta anywhere.

Nan: Yeah or Jisne dekh li usk ab hum kya karain.

Both of them burst laughing but seeing their boys grumpy face they composed themselves.

Nan: Its okay baby nothing happen its just fun people will forget in some time leave it.

Ash: Yeah jigu leave this grumpy face No one will comment on this So cheer up.

They both smile listening them and they countine their game.

Ma: King

Jig: Joker

Nan: 5

Ash: 4

Ma: Yayyyy Now its your turn.

Nandu and Asha Also remove their shoes.

Nan: Now tell us what you want us to do.

Jig: Let us think behna.

Ma: Okay Jaan you will apply makeup on Asha.

Ash: Its very easy.

Jig: Let him complete shona.

Ma: Okay But Blindfolded and makeup will be yours Doll.

Jig: Shona your eyes will also be closed you will not see anything until.its finished.

Listening this both boys burst laughing seeing the shocked and afraid face of both of them.(Asha loves her makeup and so she is shock and Nandu Knows this and she is afraid like who will save her from this Devil after this😂)

Nan/Ash: Nooooooooo

Jig: You Can't say No😉

Ash: Ughhhhhhh Youuuuuuu I won't leave you guyz just let me win.

Ma: We will see that Come on.

Nan(scaredly): Ashu See This is for task okay i am not doing it willingly so I will buy you same things okay.

Ash(whining): But This one is specialll naaa.

Ma: Stop being so childish come on.

Manik blindfold Nandu and Asha closed her eyes and Jigar and Manik give Nandu Asha's most Special and loved Makeup products and mist of them end up breaking Nandu don't like to do much makeup and she also don't know most of the products with open eyes and Asha's face has become a Makeup Disaster.(Her lipstick was all out of her lips from everywhere in different directions her eyes was of different colors mixture and her cheeks was all black)

Ma: okay its all done just wait you both will see at the same time okay.

Manik remove Nandu's blindfold.Bith boys close their ears then jigar said

Jig: Okay open your eyes.

After opening their eyes.

Nan/Ash: Ahhhhhhhh Bhooooottt Bachaaooo Maniiii/Jiguuuuu

While both boys were rolling on the floor laughing hard. Seeing them they both realized what happened give them some light kicks and hard angry glares due to which they stopped laughing with lots of difficulty.

Jig( Controlling his laugh): Shona we didn't do anything its all your sweet babe.

Again they start laughing but stop listening to Asha's loud sob when she see her makeup And now she is wailing like a kid.

Ash(wailing):Mera Makeup Bhaiiiiiii Mera Makeup

She went and hug Manik and starts crying( No matter he is a cause of her make-up being like this but when she feels low and she needs something and specially crying he handle her the best)
Manik hug her tight. While Nandu feels bad and guilty so her Bhaii hug her tightly and say.

Jig: Bacha Its not your fault na she is fine just wait Manu will handle her Stop being sad My Bacha look breathtaking with her smile.

And Nandu Smile.

Ma: Doll You know your all the products will come Tommorow to you promise.

Ash(childishly): Shame To Shame

Ma(chuckle): Same to Same Promise

Ash: Promishhh.

Manik Nods and she just smile to the fullest So jigar and Nandu also hug both of them.

Ash: Okay I will wash my Face its horrible.

Everyone laugh on Nandu's piece of art Asha wash her face and the gane countine.

Nan: Okay so You know this time it will two clothing.

Jig: Yes We know with every turn number of clothing we remove will increase but just stop this game before our Boxers.

Nandu and Asha Laugh

Nan: Don't worry bhaii Ap dono ki izzat safe hi rahe gi hahah.

Okay so deck got shuffle and everyone take their card.

Ma: 4

Jig: 2

Nan: King

Ash: 10

Nan/Ash: Yayyyyyyyy

Ash: So remove fast.

Jigar and Manik remove their jacket and shirt sexily giving them a sexy show and Nandu and Asha Drool over their Men.

Manik and jigar snap their fingers bringing them out of their drooling session.

Jig: We are only your don't look at us like hungry lion looks at his meat.

Ash: as you are mine I can watch you like anything.

Nan: Yeah and just come and lay baby.

They got up from bed for removing their clothes giving their girls an amazing show.

Manik and Jigar went back to their place.

Ash: So Coming to task You were looking so sezy jiguu.

Nan: Yeah My Manii Give such a good show So

Ma: Soo.

Nan: So Give us full show do a pol dance doing sexy moves my sexy baby.

Jig: But there is no pole here.

Ash: So what just imagine it.

Ma: Okay Come jig.

Both of them stand infront of the bed and dance doing sexy moves while their girls feeling wet seeing their boys like that not being able to control Nandu and asha both went towards their boys and take their lips for a passionate kiss Nandu chew his lips hungrily sucking blood out of them
While he responding fully.his hands roaming on her bare waist inside her top and her hand in his hairs After 15 mins they leave each other.

Nan: Baby You are so temptating

Ma: Jaan you are making it hard for me to control.

Jigar Asha comes out Their world and see MaNan still lost in each other's eyes

Ash: Come On Lover Boy leave My Babe.

Ma: For you kind information she is not yours and she came to me you Know I am Irresistible.

Ash: Self obsessed huh.

Jig: Okay times up continue

Deck get shuffle and they take their cars out.

Nan: 7

Ash: 10

Jig: 6

Ma: 4

Ash: Okayyyy Now Come Boys. lets Have some fun.

Nan: ashu Don't be hard Na they give you your makeup back Na.

Ash: Okay not hard happy.

Ash: So You both love food so you will eat food but without using hands.

Jig/Ma: That's so easy.

Ash: Huh.

Ma: Yeah I don't use hands while eating My Jaan feeds me every time.

Jig: Yeah and Sometimes you also feed me so its very easy I love you Shona.

Ash: wait wait no one will feed you guyz you both will eat themselves Without your hands .

Jig: Hain.

Nan: Okay but first remove your three clothing.

Jigar and Manik remove their hats and their two rings and then nandu gave them a piece of pizza so they can eat easily much to Asha's annoyance she wanted to have some fun with boys. Manik and Jigar eat pizza with their mouths.

Ma: Don't make such face Doll you know na My Jaan can't let her baby have any difficulty even for a task also

And he shows tongue to her.and she make an angry face.

Ash: Huh I wanted to have fun.

Nan: Stop this drama you also can't give any difficulty to your jigu also

And she smile sheepishly.

Jig: This is last if we lose.

Ash: Why

Ma: Becoz doll after that we will have nothing to remove na.

Ash: But we will have Na okay let's do this if you lose this and then we win the next round so you both will do double task okay

Ma: Okayy.

Deck get shuffle and this time boys lose and they remove their last 4 things and now they both are in their boxers. asha and Nandu Whistle loud teasing them.

Ma: What's there in store.

Ash: Something Funny Bhaii.

Nan: So try to fit your fist in your mouth.

Jig: But it will not fit see our fist.

He fist and show her .

Ash: That's why she said to try not to fit.

Ma: Oh Okay you guyz will have fun while we do this.

Ash: Yeah.

They both try fitting their fist in their mouth while asha and Nandu click their pics. After few mins Nandu stops them.

Ma: So last round then we will have food.

Nan: Okay My Baby is hungry shuffle the deck and come to kitchen we will warm the food while having this last round come on.

They went to kitchen while manik shuffling deck on the way. Reaching kitchen everyone take the card out and girls also take food out to warm it.

And this time boys win.

Ma: Yayyyyy Thank God.

Jig: yeah Bach Gaye.

Nandu and Asha remove their jewelry leaving only jeans and their shirts.

Ash: And Wait before you guyz tries to give us some task so we will use our Ultimate winner Power and we won't do the task.

Ma(Grumpily): This is not fair.

Ash: What not fair I kearn this from you only Bhaiii Remember you did the same when you both won.

Ma: So You can't copy us.

Ash: We can

Ma: You can't

And they starts their bickering while Nandu and Jigar set the table.

Jig: Stop you both kids. Come have food.

They both move toward the table giving each other glares. Manik Sit on the chair and Nandu sit on his lap and feeds him his food when he shows her his eyes.

Nan: Baby Eat a little more we are going.

She feeds him little more and manik feeds her until she is full.

Four of them went to their rooms.

MaNan's Room

Nan: Mani Baby Come Lets freshnup and then you will get your feedy.

Manik and Nandini Freshnup Manik in his boxers only and Nandu in her shorts.She lay on the bed and Manik comes and lay on her she peck his lips and put her nipple in his mouth and ruffles his hairs. He hold her tight and close his eyes drinking his fav drink.Like this Both of them slept.

Hope you guyz like this❤️

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