Fire Escape

By ThatOneCringeGirl

17.3K 1.2K 685

ever sense Error can remember, hes dedicated his life to giving his dying brother, Geno, a gift. the gift of... More

Prologue: hired
Chapter 1: a new morning
Chapter 2: Puke It Up.
Chapter 3: a rising suspicion
Chapter 4: everything is overthinking
Chapter 5: is it worth something I cant control?
Chapter 6: is this good news?
Chapter 7: once the sunlight is gone
Chapter 8: did you plan for the sun to rise?
Chapter 9: he never came home
Chapter 10: this cruel city
Chapter 11: home sweet home
Chapter 12: hes not home. Yet.
Chapter 13: what does this mean?
Chapter 14: whos better for me..?
Chapter 16: dancing in the rain.
Chapter 17: a reason to cry.
Chapter 18: cold
Chapter 19..
Chapter 20: ..Nothing once more..
Epilogue: a happy ending

Chapter 15: a very sudden change of feeling.

845 57 69
By ThatOneCringeGirl

( WARNING. This chapter is very long compared to my other chapters. This chapter if over 4,500 words long. So be weary. I love you all, and enjoy a little bit of romance~ )

Error POV: I was carefully bandaging my arms, upper and lower arm, seeming how the voices wouldnt shut up for a long while. I had already cleaned up the blood, and was wrapping my arm very slowly, as to not hurt myself to much. My arm throbbed violently and it sent a shiver up to my shoulder.

The house seemed deadly silent besides the living room tv being on. Killer and horror had gone out for groceries, and dust had locked himself in his room cause he wanted to be alone. So, when I heard footsteps approaching my door, I knew who it was, and I was lucky my door was locked.

Nightmare knocks from the other side of the door. I quicken my pace of wrapping my arms, ignoring any pain I receive in the process.

"Hey." Nightmare says from the other side of the door. "can I come in?"

"Yeah! Give me a second-!" I say once I'm done using my teeth and hand to tie the bandages. I quickly make sure their no areas that can bleed through, and pull down my sleeve. I quickly go over to my door and unlock it, opening the door. Night stood their. Giving a small smile once he laid eyes on me.

"Hey night! What's up?" I say.

"Nothing really. I was just wondering if you where doing anything for the rest of the day."

I felt exighted. Probably another movie night with everyone, or a game night like last week. It was hilarious how heated dust got over a simple game of monopoly.

"I dont got any plans. Why? What's up"

"Well... uhhhh.." he seemed paranoid.

That was a first.

Nightmare was always confident in what he did. Or was at least calm about it. So to see him not making eye contact, and not sure in weather to speak or not. It kinda scared me a bit.

Did something happen?

"I was just wondering if you wanted to go to town with me.. I dont know.. maybe go out to eat together..?

I mean. It's been three months and we never actually got some one on one time. Even though we're roommates. Usually everyone is here and being chaotic. And... you know... we havent really been able to chat... just us..

I already talked to dust. Hes fine with being alone in the place, and killer and horror will be back later on.. soo.. what do ya say?" He says. Look at me finally around halfway through that whole little monologue. He seemed nervous. He had his hand in his pocket, and I could see the pocket moving around. Meaning he was probably fidgeting with his hands in order to calm down.

I could help but feel my chest feel tight at the thought.

Me and nightmare. Together at a resturant and exoring the city. Only us. No one else. Whatever we wanna do.

Oh boy-


Is it hot in here..?

"Yeah..! Suuree!!" I say awkwardly. Not sure how to respond.

"Oh! Really?"

"Yep! I'm free..! Uhhh-huh!! Uhh.. let me get ready then! Then we can.. go eat! Just us."


"Yeah..! Okay..!...... okay!" I say.

Theirs a moment of silence.

"I'll.. uh... go get dressed too..?"

"Oh! Yeah. Sure!"

Another moment of silence..

"Okay then!" I say before slamming the door.

Oh god- why did I say that? Why did I just slam the door in his face? I stuttered so much. That's so stupid!! And why did I say yeah and stuff so much!???

'Uhh.. yeah!' Who says that!?!?!

Stupid stupid stupid!! Ugh!!

I fan my face, which was really hot, and took a very deep breath. I walk over to my closet which had all the cloths I had bought from reapers store. Of course their were other cloths as well, but it's mostly stuff from his shop. I have a black Button up that had a white skull with a rose growing out of the eye embroidered on the back, and a small skull embroidered on the right part of the chest on the front. But besides that, I got nothing relatively fancy.

I guess I'll wear that.

I threw on that shirt and some blue jeans and Doc Martin's, with a black leather belt with a silver buckle.

I really need more fancy cloths.

I throw on a few rings and a silver chain necklace. And look at myself in the mirror that I got a while back for my room.

God why do I look horrible in everything I wear? Should i change? I should change-

"Error. You fixing to be ready?" Nightmare says from the other side of the door, knocking.


I quickly wipe any dust off me and try and straighten out any wrinkles in my shirt. I grab my wallet, phone, and stick a pocket knife in the back pocket of my pants.

I open the door, and nightmare was leaned up against the wall on his phone. He looks up at me and gives a smile.

He seemed confident again.

That was fast.

He was wearing a navy blue thin turtleneck with black dress pants and dress shoes. He had some black sunglasses in his hand, and a small bag that was hanging on his arm. he had a very thin gold necklace with a small circle on it. Inside the circle was a picture of him and dream. They looked young in the picture, around 12 or so, and looked very happy.

I'm guessing dream had given him the necklace as a gift probably. I dont know. It was nice tho.

"You look nice" he says to me, before I get the chance to compliment him.

"Yeah. Thanks. You do too." I say with a small smile. he smiles back.

"You ready to go?"

"Yep! Totally!"




I watched as nightmare walks over to the door and grabs his keys that where hanging on a small hook on the wall. He opens the door and holds it open. It takes me a second to realize hes opening it for me, and then I rush out so hes not just standing their.

He closes the door and locks it before shoving his keys into the small bag he had. We chat awkwardly for a long while as we walk downstairs. We get to nightmares car, which I had seen a few times, but never actually ridden in. Due to the fact that killer lived his car and wanted to drive it all the time.

Nightmare owned a dark grey Tesla car with brown leather seats and a beautiful interior. Best. Thing. Ever.

We got in the car and nightmare turned on the heat warmer. It was the perfect temperature. Not too dull, and not scorching hot. Just right.

"So. Any place you wanna go first?" Nightmare asks as he starts his car with the click of a button.

"I'm not sure. What options do I have?"

"Well. Theirs that stretch of small shops on 14th street. Theirs the boardwalk down by the water. And while we're their, we could go to the nearby park. And of course we should go eat. I dont really care where we eat. That parts up to you. Along with anything else you wanna do."

"I thought the park got turned into a dog park."

"It did?"

"I dont know. I thought it did."

"Huh.. well i guess we'll find out when we head that way."

I give a small chuckle. "Well. Then let's go to the boardwalk. And while we're over their we could check it out. And then if we're hungry, we can head to a nearby resturant. If not, then we can go shopping, then go eat."

"Sounds like a plan" nightmare says as he starts driving. He leaves the parking garage and we start driving. He hands me his phone once it connects to bluetooth and allows me to pick a song to play. I turn on some AJR music.

We drive for around 12 minutes before the nearby ocean get to veiw.

The ocean was a dark blue, and splashed up against a storefront of large rocks. People on boats where seen far off In the distance, and seagulls flew high up below the clouds.

The seashore had wooden ports for boats to dock, and for people to walk around a veiw the sea. It wasnt like a vast sea. I could see another part of land in tge distant. But it was still nice. Sadly their wasnt a beach tho.

Well. Their is one. It's just a long ways away, so we dont really have time to go visit it.

But anyway.

We got out of the car and walked over to the deck, walking along the wooden walkways that showed the water swaying back and forth. The sound of the waves was calming.

We talked occasionally, but mainly enjoyed the silence as we listened to the water. We passed a few people. Random monsters going on jogs, couples holding hands while watching the waves, families trying to calm down screaming toddlers. People walking their dogs. Everything.

We spend around 50-or-so minutes walking alongside the water. And eventually, we stumbled in front of a fenched off park.

A dog park.

"Told you!"

"Hey! Not my fualt I didnt know."

I simply role my eyes and laugh at him. He chuckles as well.

We did, however, notice that their where a few trails going into a small forest on the opposite side of the park.

We found the entrance to the park, and walked across a large field to the edge of the forest. We totally walked straight to the forest and didnt stop to play with random dogs that came up to us.

Once we got to the hiking trails, we walked along the forest and eventually got off the trails. We walked through the forest before eventually finding a trail again. We followed it and it lead us to another park. But this one was a regular park. Not a dog one.

"Well well well.." nightmare says. Looking at me with a smug look. Knowing he was right about there being a regular park nearby.

"Yeah yeah. I get it. Though technically I was still right."

"We were both right."

"That's no fun tho."

"Hehe. Sore loser huh?"

"Only when it comes to you."


He laughs and we decide to walk around and explore. Enjoying the scenery and the sound of birds chirping loudly in the nearby trees that we would occasionally pass. The day passed suprisingly fast. We sat on a park bench and chatted for hours. Talking like-

"Remember the time when this happened?" Nightmare would say. Explaining a funny memory.

"Yeah! And killer did this?"

"Yeah. Hehe. Hes so stupid sometimes."

"Agreed. But you gotta admit you love him."

"I love all of them. I've known them for forever. Their my best friends."


"Oh shut up."

And him talking about stories with him in dream.

"Their was one time when me and dream where around 5 years old. dream woke me up early one morning, being super upset. He was crying, because for some reason he had sharpie drawings all over his face. I laughed at him and he just screamed- 'you do too!' And I didnt belive him, but one u went to our bathroom, I saw that their was drawings all over my face as well. Turns out our mom had drew on our face to mess with us, and had to calm us down because she didnt think it would cause dream to be so upset."

"She sounds like a fun mom. How did you react?"

"Yeah. She was. And I was so grumpy. First I got woken up, then I found out I had sharpie all over my face? Oh boy. I was pissed. I sat in a corner with my arms crossed and didnt talk to my mom. I only let de wipe off the marker, because I wasnt letting mom touch me. She apologized, and dream forgave her. But I was mad all day at her. If course, being the child I was, I forgave her once she gave me a bowl of ice cream-"


"Hey- I dont regret a thing. That strawberry ice cream was the best."

"Clearly. Hehe. Oh! Hey. Speaking of dream, now that we're on the topic. Did he give you your necklace? The one your wearing with the picture of you two?"

"No actually. Our mom did. Dream has a matching one. It's just silver Instead of gold. It just so happens that Me and dream got into a fight one day, and we forgave eachother in a matter of minutes. Mom saw how close we were. And gave us matching necklaces." He says as he turns the small necklace around and shows it to me. On the back- in small letters, it wrote 'never forget these moments. Love mom'."

"Aw. That's so sweet."

"Yeah... she was awsome."

"Was? What happened to her..?"

"She died. Trying to protect one of the things she loved most."

Damn. That's sad and poetic at the same time.


"Her garden...... she had a beautiful backyard garden. We would go out their, where she had this apple tree that she grew from a seed all by herself. We would all sit under the tree and she would read to us. It's part of the reason why I love to read so much. And dream would chase any butterflies or mockingbirds that came to visit the flowers. It was a HUGE garden, but she prided herself of the tree. It was huge...! But.... one day, the house that lived behind us caught of fire. The flame lead to their outdoor tree and then spread to their Fence. The fence that we shared. The fire spread to the garden, and caught on the flowers.. I dont remember much.. but I remember being around 6 1/2 years old. Me and dream were standing at the back door, looking at the fames and crying. Mom yelled something about how she had to stop the fire. How we needed to stay inside and how she was going to go outside and run to the water hose. Try and put out the flames. She ran out into the back yard and ran through the flames. ..I couldnt see her through the smoke... eventually, not long after, the fire started to spread to our house. Aparently our screams were heard by a nearby firefighter, because a man in a thick firefighter outfit can and took both of us out of the house. Not long after, the house was engulfed in flames and it collapsed. She never came out. It was kinda stupid to risk her life for that.. but she lived her garden. And she loved that tree.

....aparently more than she loved us......"

"Night.. I'm sorry.."

"Eh... it's alright. She was a good mom.. and besides. Me and dream helped eachother get over it. We're alright. That's all that matters anymore..... But enough about me. What about you error? You have a family.."



"No.. not anymore. I use to.. I had a two brothers and a mom, but I dont anymore.."

"Do you..-"

"No. I dont wanna talk about it."


Theirs silence before he speaks up again, changing the subject.

"So. You said you were new to the city when we met. Where did you live before..?"

"A small town named Baneville. Around two hours from here. In a raggedy old apartment."

"Hm. Why'd you leave?"


" fired... so I couldnt afford my apartment.. so i moved here hoping for better jobs and stuff.."

".....where you homeless..?"


"Its okay if you where. Dust use to be."

" he was..?"

" yep.. horror found him one day and we took him in basically."


"Yup. Horror lived with killer at the time. I had met killer in college and when I moved into the apartment, he was looking for place. So I let him be my roomate. Later on, one day, we where walking the town and killer was joking round when he bumped into horror. Horror was bringing home a box of donuts and ended up dropping it when killer bumped into him. We felt bad for the guy and offered to pay for another box for him. Seeming how all the donuts he had at first spilled onto the floor. We ate at a pastry shop and became close. As the year went by he eventually moved in. And one day-

Horror stumbled across dust.

He was searching through the trash and horror approached him. Dust was very weary. Horror offered him a cupcake. Seeming how horror was coming home from the pastry shop. Dust didnt trust him but ended up taking it. After a lot of convincing, dust agreed to go stay with horror. Seeming how horror had a roomate already. Aka killer. And I didnt have one, we thought it would be best dust stayed with me. But he didnt want to leave horror."

"So that's why dust is closest to horror..?"


"Huh.. that makes a lot of sense.."

"Yeah.. so dont worry.. I'm not the type to judge. I got lucky in my life. Me and dream are very blessed to be able to own the business we do. I have no right to judge people that arent as lucky as us."

"You are so understanding for no reason."

"I was taught to be kind. It's what I do."


The day went by and we walked to the stretch of small shops on 14th street. Small shops selling handmade cloths, jewelry, knitted items, small shops that sold kids items, shops selling food. All kinds of stuff.

Nightmare bought everything that I wanted, despite me arguing against it. And we chatted, about lively topics this time.

"That shop was really nice"

"Yeah. And the lady working the counter was really sweet. It was nice of her to give us that discount."

"Especially sense the items are handmade. She didnt have to do that. She made all this stuff and then ended up letting us buy it for less money? That's so sweet."

"Gotta love people like that."

"People like that are rare these days."

"Its kinda sad that your right."

"Eh. At least people like that still exist. I guess the world isnt totally doomed yet."


The sound of metal clanking on the ground is heard behind us, and my back pocket suddenly feels a lot lighter.


We turn around, and sure enough, my pocket knife is laying on the floor. It was folded in, so luckily night couldnt see the slightly bloody and used blade, but still. I quickly pick it up.

"Why do you have a pocket knife?" Nightmare asks, confused.

S###! God damn it- think error think!

"I.. I always have one on me. Just in case. You know?"

Nightmare looked at me. The silence echoed for what felt like forever before he finally responds.

"Yeah. Makes sense. Killer does that too. He actually has a knife collection. He never uses them, yet polishes them all the time."

Oh my god. Thank god. Night- I love you- but it kinda stupid sometimes.

"Oh..! Cool!" I say as I stuff the pocket knife back into my pocket.

We continue walking. After a while- nightmare suddenly stops, and looks directly up. I stop and look back at him.

"You alright?"

"Yeah but....I think it gonna rain.."

I look up at the clouds to see that dark clouds had covered the sky. Blocking the evening sunset.

I felt a small drop of water hit my skull.

"Uh oh.."

Suddenly, it starts to rain. And after a few seconds, its pouring.

I cover my head and rush to the nearest awning. Nightmare follows me as well.

He wipes off any water from his face and looks out at the rain. "Well. So much for dinner. We should probably get to the car.."

I look around and look at the building we where standing in front of.



"Or.. we could go to dinner after all..!"


Nightmare turns around to look at the same building I was looking at. The awning we where standing under was the entrance to 'Potente: modern Italian cuisine plus wine and cocktails' resturant. The exterior was a white marble color and the awning was a bright red. It was very fancy.

"Oh! Well. Isnt that convenient."

"We can eat, and then hopefully the rain will be gone. Then we can go home."

"Sounds like a plan."

We walk inside and we are seated. And

H o l y C r a p.

Its fancy. The floors where marble and the tables where very fancy with flowers in the center. Their where golden chandeliers, and it was a very open concept. Everyone was in suits, and the chefs where in those fancy white chefs outfits.

You know what I'm talking about right? Those white outfits with the black buttons-? You know what? Never mind. You get the point.

We where seated, and I'll be honest.. I felt kinda out of place. I was wearing a simple button up while everyone else was in beautiful dressed and freshly cleaned tuxedos and suits.

This place was fancy! Maybe we could find somewhere else to eat. This place might be too expensive-

"Well. If it isnt our favorite loyal customer. How are you nightmare?"

W h a t . . .

The waiter, where wore a nice outfit and a flower sticking out of his chest pocket, welcomed nightmare, and nightmare quickly responded. "Hello lewin. Nice to see you again."

I notice the nametags of the waiter was titled 'lewin'. Yet nightmare never looked at the name tag. He knows the waiters name??

"What would you fine gentlemen like to drink"

"Same thing as always." Nightare says.

"Alright. One Graham's six grapes reserve douro valley port wine comming up."

What does that even mean!?!?

"And you sir?" The waiter say, looking at me.

"Uh.. I'll just have water...?"

"Alright. One water, comming right up. Any appetizers?"

I simply slowly shake my head. And nightmare thanks him before he takes the order to the kitchen.

I immediately speak up.

"You know them? How many times have you come here!???"

"Yes. I know almost everyone here. Even the cooks, and I've come here every Saturday sense I moved to this city."


"Yep. This is my favorite resturant"

"It is? I thought saltgrass was your favorite restaurant!????? You know. The place killer took us on your birthday? He said it was your favorite place.."

"That place is good, but it's not my favorite. I only told them it was my favorite because I knew they would want to take me here on days like my birthday. And this place can get expensive. So I lied. Besides. I wanted a place that I can visit alone at times.."

"Then why invite me?"

"I.. dont know.. I guess I trust you. Or because I like your company." He says with a smile.

I feel my face heat up again. I quickly look away, but to no avail.

"Your blushing error."

"No I'm not."

"Hehe. Flustered already? It's only our first date."

"Yeah I know.."








HOLY S###-

"your drinks gentlemen."


"Thank you" I say. As I get handed a glass of water with circle ice cubes. I grab it with shakey hands. Nightmare gets a fancy glass of wine.

"Any idea on what you two would like to eat." The waiter says looking at me.

"Uh." I say, picking up the menu and looking at it. The first thing my eyes land on is "The Spaghetti Al Tartufo Nero please"

"Great choice!"

That is a spaghetti right?

"And you nightmare?"

"The regular- as always."

" a salmone with extra shrimp comming up."

What is that?

I look at the menu and look for it. My eyes land on it.



My god. I feel lightheaded..

The waiter walks away.

The night continues on like this. Full of surprises. And my face continues to stay burning hot. Along with the fact that my soul wouldnt stop pounding. We eat our meals and I pull out my wallet only for nightmare to take it away from me and pay with his own money. Once it was paid for, he gave me my wallet back.

He simply smiled at me, and I just eye rolled with a smile. Once he said goodbye to the waiter, we walked out under the awning again, only to find it was still pouring with rain.

"Well.. crap.. what do we do now?" I ask.

By now the sun had already set and it was dark out. Most of the stores had shut down for the night and the only thing that illuminated the street was a streetlight that was right across from the restaurant.

Nightmare was silent for a second. I look over at him and he smiles.

"Well.." he says.

"A little rain never hurt nobody. Sooooo... let's have some fun with it!"


Before he says anything else. He suddenly walks out into the rain and goes under the streetlight.

"What are you doing!??? Your gonna get soaked!!" I yell.

"Yeah! But at least I can have fun while doing it." He days as he jumps into a puddle.

This grown a## man is jumping in puddles. God I hate how that's so hot for no reason.

"Come on Error! you scared of some rain?"

"No! But I'm not going out there!"

"What do I have to do to convince you?"

"Your gonna have to use a lot of your charms to be able to convince me to do something as crazy as that. So it's not gonna happen." I say with a laugh.

But I go silent in a matter if seconds as I feel my chest explode with exightment and my face start to burn.

I watch as nightmare bows down and extends his hands towards me.

"If its charms you want, then Its charms you'll get.


May I have this dance~?"

( congratulations! You made it through! And because of that, ik gonna let you guys help me figure out the next part of the story!! I have a few ideas in mind- but I cant choose! So- I'm going to give you a few options. You wont know what they mean, but you'll figure out sooner or later. Just simply choose one of the options!

1: nightmare and geno at the burned down house.

2: nightmare and geno at the party with the newspaper. ( more dramatic option )

Those are the only two I have. I was leaning torwards the newspaper option, but idk! These options will happen later on in the story, but will be very important to the storyline! Thanks guys! And have a great weekend!! ❤❤ )

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