Aelora: The Magnificent

By Shedling49

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King Viserys Targaryen has lost his wife in childbirth and his son Baelon. Now he only has his two daughters... More

The Beginning Of The Historical Legend
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19

Chapter 1

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By Shedling49

In this incredible Targaryen history and lifestyle, we will read and experience about Princess Aelora Targaryen who became the Magnificent and followed her father's path to keep the kingdom peaceful and promising and succeeded in so much more than keeping her home in order and sustainable. Aelora is the first born daughter and second born child in the family and is five years older than Rhaenyra and more mature than her wild little sister and as soft as her dear beloved mother Aemma Arryn. She had also inherited much likeness from her mother and was very fine and beautiful and was as calm in spirit as Aemma too, but from her father she had inherited his loud stance and could tell people off straight. King Viserys has always known how talented his daughter Aelora is and after a time traveling the world around Westeros he noticed how happily Aelora wanted to present herself as an heir in front of everyone and all the lords and ladies liked her immensely and praised the King for succeeding raise a wonderful young woman and give people as much love and interest in everyone as he does and it mentioned several times how enormously talented she behaved as King Jaehaerys I was of old. Which was true and Aelora really liked being who she was.

But this was from a time after Queen Aemma died in childbirth and gave birth to Prince Baelon. That day everyone in the family broke down and Aelora knew how this devastated her father and sister. But Aelora stayed strong and protected them both, encouraging them as much as she could.

But after a while the King had to go on a tour around Westeros to visit his realms and check on everyone. Aelora wanted to come along as support and Viserys thought that was an excellent idea and his daughter could talk to people very well. Then after some time traveling, Viserys had firmly decided what he wanted to do with the right of succession. Viserys gathered the entire council the night he had finally arrived home in King's Landing and decreed that his heir would be Princess Aelora. Everyone was happy at that news but it was hoped to hear more success and sooner or later Viserys had chosen a new future Queen and the chosen one was Lady Alicent Hightower, Otto Hightower's only daughter who was also Viserys hand and councillor. But this shocked both Aelora and Rhaenyra greatly, mostly for Rhaenyra who was so betrayed by her best friend of all. Aelora now had to support her sister now. Aelora knew and looked at Alicent that day that she was quite aware of that subject and that's when she realized that she had been involved in some shenanigans from her father Otto. You make your games so you get your tricks traded for more things made, even how payable things become for people. But Aelora stayed strong and stood on her feet the whole way still.

Aelora managed to get her sister to calm down and she also said that when Alicent gets married they have to be mature and personable when it happens and that their father found a woman who can make him both smile and think ahead even though emotions are high in the way for one. But the friendship was a bit ruined for both of them anyway, even though you have to keep the family together. But as Aelora also knew, Alicent had her own child with Viserys and they had four children together, three sons Aegon, Aemond and Daeron and a daughter Helaena. Now Viserys had the sons he had to have but Viserys stood by his word that Aelora was the chosen one to be his heir and no matter how many times they tried to change the King's interest and mind he was stubborn in keeping Aelora on his side every time price and Aelora kept her word by becoming the heir she and the kingdom needed and did many missions from her father and did travel, political missions, peace disscution and secretly she made some future plans and not only for Westeros but also get people and from other side of the world in Essos. But the future came and became something completely different for Aelora.

There was also her uncle Daemon who always too often made bad choices and behaved more arrogantly towards people, such as dishonoring his brother about lamenting Prince Baelon's passing and only getting to be a Prince for a day and not even thinking about it for a second about how his family was doing after just a couple of days of mourning and people who were more out for the Royal Family than ever. Daemon was sent away and his traveled to Dragonstone with his whore Mysaria. But after a while the guards from the Dragonpit had one of the dragon eggs stolen by Prince Daemon himself who snuck into the Dragonpit and stole his nephew's own eggs. Aelora attended the meeting and decided to travel to Dragonstone and confront her stubborn uncle and after just storming out of the council room and Viserys looking thoughtfully at his daughter and calling for her and trying to stop her but Aelora didn't listen and just went to change into her dragon ride and headed to the Dragonpit and summoned her dragon Vermithor.

She traveled over to the island and met up with her uncle Daemon along with Mysaria and his soldiers all alone and Aelora resolutely and royally approached Daemon looking very disappointed and haughty towards her all. Vermithor and Caraxes looked at each other with angry roars at each other and waited for their riders' commands. Aelora approached and said how Daemon could be so childish and be so persistent in seeking this kind of attention to gain his rights to a crap game that doesn't answer to anything. Daemon assured his niece that he only wanted to get a gift for his future son and for his new wife and Aelora reminded him that he was already married even if the marriage was not consummated. Daemon hinted at how noticed she has become and that his child will be a new member of the family. But Aelora knew even if Daemon did as he wished, no one would want to follow him to ensure he would have a son to the throne instead. Which would mean he could inherit the throne for his son to secure his line after Daemon and Aelora understood that just as well. But Aelora said he should send Mysaria away before the King does anything about it. He already had more things to keep track of than to lecture his brother all the time. Which Aelora reminded Daemon hugely and Daemon then said why doesn't she take her dragon and disappear home to hers and he takes his on Dragonstone. Which put Aelora in a higher position of power over her uncle. She walked her uncle closer and said he had taken over and moved into her quarters that were hers after Prince Baelon's death and said if he could for once be fully human to his brother at least. Viserys has always been with him and thanks to that the Prince just chose to play with his life as nothing and dishonored the entire Dynasty with a lie and a game to get the throne instead. Aelora said she knows Mysaria isn't with child and just took the dragon egg out of her uncle's hands and Daemon next accidentally lost his grip on the egg as she grabbed it. Then she said he should make his choice after she rides home to kill her or do everyone a favor and let things be. She told that no one in the family can take it anymore, Viserys lost his great love with having to fulfill his royal duties, now he has a higher duty to find a new Queen and that day is coming faster than it sounds and Rhaenyra is still young and has no one but her to go to when it comes to women in between or what a mother can provide for one's child. The people fly over the family like hawks waiting for their targets to survive a King like Viserys. And then she mentioned that he wants to live on the island so make sure to clean up after himself before he leaves. Aelora turned with an egg in her hand and went to her Dragon and Daemon looked equally arrogan but he chose to make peace with his niece and let her go without a fight. He noticed that he couldn't overcome her like that and she had proven herself a great leader before him and if he wanted to kill her then Viserys would probably have sent all the dragons to execute him. Daemon has and always will love his nieces and Aelora knows that Daemon can be good in his ways despite all the sarcasm and arrogance. But Daemon understood that Aelora wanted some peace now with the family and let Aelora win again. Aelora is the one who understands him much more even though she knows Rhaenyra is the lovable one in Daemon's view. But it didn't matter to Aelora, she was just happy to have Daemon as her uncle anyway and there had been many good memories with him too, but she would never love him more than that, she knows in her heart. Daemon would never admit his wrongdoings but he makes up for it sooner or later in his ways. But Aelora returned to King's Landing and gave the egg back to the guardians of the Dragonpit in it's urn of fire for their good. Viserys, on the other hand, was disappointed in his daughter who only defied his call and did not even have time to order his heir to stay at home and with his King. But despite how still and quiet Aeora stood in her father's room, she stood tall like an heir who listens to her King. But Aelora took her moment and spoke aloud to her King and Father that she felt absolutely compelled to take a big step to speak up. Aelora told how she did everything to get Daemon to give up and that she understood very easily what Daemon was trying to do and all she did was to get some order and peace in her family society for once. Everyone was still suffering from everything that has happened and Rhaenyra needed a lot of support and love and if she had been in Aelora's position now and was the heir instead her young patience and temper would have been more angry and angry with their father and she needed her father now too and Aelora couldn't be there for her for the rest of Rhaenyra's life and taking a new wife and having new children will still break her.

It was then that Viserys began to wake up a little and became more than ever proud of his daughter and could feel more confident that Aelora would make a great regent and Queen who will take good care of the Targaryen Dynasty and even better than he succeeds in and Aelora said it couldn't be true. But Viserys assured her that she might as well have become the son he wanted too, even if Rhaenyra was too. But Viserys admitted that Aelora was right that he couldn't take care of Daemon all the time and he needs to let go more about his brother's behavior and that he is very proud of her and it has warmed him a lot for all she has done for him and Rhaenyra and it's time to let Aelora have some free time. But it was then that Aelora admitted that she had seen from her father expressions that he was not so convinced about marrying Lady Laena Velaryon and it was then that Viserys completely pleaded back that he did not want her and had someone else in mind and he didn't say it then but Aelora promised not to get mad at him for who will be the next Queen. But that's when all of a sudden Viserys came up with an agreement to find a marriage candidate instead and she had a guess at first but let her father say. And Viserys said he still wanted an alliance with Corlys Velaryon and suggested to his daughter that she should marry Laenor Velaryon and she knew exactly what he wanted and he wanted for both houses again as the Targaryen and Velaryon families have done since before Aegon's conquest. Aelora approved of her future marriage, hoping that Laenor could make good on her as her husband and give her children to the Royal Family. But there was a complication and many knew that Laenor liked men more than women and she hoped that she didn't have to oppress him or force him too much in order for him to fulfill his duty as Queen consort. Viserys told everyone and announced Aelora's marriage after he told Alicent Hightower and although Corlys was a little confused at first, he was still happy with the changing news and accepted it. The engagement was now in between Princess Aelora and Lord Laenor was now decided and the wedding would take place within a short time. And Viserys and his daughters paid a visit to the Driftmark and Aelora and Laenor did social moments together to get to know each other a little more and even though Laenor didn't make much of an admission about her interests she did instead and said he can do his interests how he wants, but she was hoping to at least have two to three kids if possible and she definitely didn't want him to just leave her or the family anyway because she knows how much he will want to get away from all of this. But she said that she hopes that her own future love that will grow with him will be enough as his future wife and Queen, because she will definitely not be a quiet person waiting for her husband all the time and she knew that he would rather travel and fights a lot because he preferred soldiers to quiet homes and that she may come and need her soldier for a husband. Which made Laenor become calm and comfortable about Aelora more and smile happily at her concern and he promised her big to do all the services he will and can do for her and that gave Aelora much comfort in return and thanks.

Then before long Aelora got a proposal from her father to make a royal journey to The Vale to pay a family visit to the Arryn family and she did so with joy and took Vermithor and her companions, her own soldiers followed and rode away and with the Princess accessories. In the meantime, things at home had begun to go away with time and all was at peace although the family had a few problems now and then and Rhaenyra missed having her sister around but felt sorry that she would have to marry so soon and like Aelora still knew that Rhaenyra did not want to marry, not so soon anyway. But during the visit Aelora had a terrible event in front of her and it happened on the third night during her family's castle and that it started with Aelora discovering that in the hall on the way to her room her servants had been murdered and felt that the intruder was still nearby and tried to turn to seek out several guards nearby and that's when the assassin spotted her and tried to shoot an arrow at her just as Aelora had turned around and immediately ran to seek help. But she couldn't find it and kept screaming for help and at least she managed to run for her life. But the horror had not yet come to her and after several attempts to call out for someone Aelora tried to make her own defense and she managed to hide away and when the killer had arrived to look for where the Princess had gone or listen for her footsteps but Aelora took in something hard and sneaked up behind the man and hit him hard on the head and the man fell down and Aelora thought he was unconscious and just out of nowhere Aelora screamed for the guards in the castle and screamed damn loud and surprisingly Daemon was in the castle and he had seen Vermithor while he himself was in the Vale doing some errands and he had snuck into the castle himself to surprise Aelora. But to his surprise he heard her cry for help and hurried and the murderer had not become unconscious at all but he waited for his moment and he attacked the Princess from behind and took her down and injured her face and burned her skin on her face and breast and arms, Aelora screamed in an echo as she saw the fire right in front of her eyes. But luckily, Daemon arrived in the nick of time and saved his niece in need. Daemon cut the man open but let him suffer to find out if he had reason to kill the Princess. It turned out that the man was a madman who fell in love with Lady Aemma Arryn a long time ago. But Aemma Arryn had never met him before but he was determined that she could have loved him and wanted revenge on the family that killed her. Daemon took the man himself and threw him out the moon door and he fell face down to his death. Aelora, however, was badly injured and could not travel home for quite some time. Daemon stayed for a while for Aelora's sake and it took a long time for her body injuries to heal. When the King was told about the incident, he became very despondent and angry about it, and when he heard about the mad man who attacked the Princess, he didn't know what to say. But everyone in the family became worried about Aelora's health and hoped that she would come soon. But what Daemon did in the Vale no one really knew but it wasn't until she and many others heard of Lady Rhae Royce's death after a hunting accident with her horse and hit her head hard on a rock and died. But during her recovery in the Vale, Aelora wondered if Daemon himself had caused his wife's death in order to be free again for good and maybe even make another attempt to find a better wife and a better alliance for his rights. But Aelora didn't say anything about the matter, she could hardly at that point care too much about the matter even though she knows that people can still start talking about Daemon and other things and make rumors about them. But Aelora decided to cut it short and say that if need be Daemon had his way around which he always did and just say that the gods send him to her end of the discussion. She wanted to come home sometime and after a couple of months Aelora decided to travel home but she still needed care and absolutely could not fly home so she had to travel in a carriage. Daemon took his dragon and allowed Vermithor to accompany the flock home which he did obediently, understanding that his rider had departed for home.

Aelora was still upset about the injuries but really didn't try to take her anger out on it. But it felt so incredibly horrible to experience the sorrows of a crazy man and take it out on her just like that. But what else could she do without moving on. When Aelora finally arrived in King's Landing everyone was so eagerly waiting for her arrival and when she stepped out of her chariot many saw her face had become and Aelora didn't want to hide her face from anyone but the scars from the beatings she got from the assassin had started to heal and the scars from the fire had started to fade away too but it needed to be continued to be cared for and hope that everything will disappear before the wedding. Viserys received his daughter with open arms and welcomed her home and Rhaenyra did exactly the same and Aelora said she will be better soon. Shortly there Viserys thanked his brother Daemon who was right there and saved his child and Aelora said how lucky the gods were to send him right to her in time and Daemon got a little pensive about it but let it be and Viserys threw a big dinner to celebrate that Aelora was finally home and everyone was there and Aelora sat there with her scars on her face and no one brought up the subject. But luckily all the wounds healed well finally and all the wounds and scars were completely gone but all of a sudden Aelora had noticed her father had been getting sicker and sicker lately and he insisted it was nothing serious but the Maesters had come to The King for several days to be able to heal his body until she took with her own hand and asked the Maesters about the King's health and they told that his body has come with several different wounds and injuries that need immediate healing and have had to use means to get sedation in his body and has been more and more excessive in using leashes to remove certain decays affecting his body all of a sudden. Aelora didn't know what to think but she knows her father thinks he can handle himself and hope for an improvement so she lets him be but she has to deal with this too maybe.

Her wedding was coming soon and the wedding was held in the Septan and then people arrived at the castle again to celebrate with a huge party and Aelora did her best to keep up with all the dancing and drinking and many people took her out for a dance even Daemon took a dance with his niece and then he turned to Rhaenyra and during that dance she could see how close he wanted to get to her sister and knew they could have become something and she quickly looked at her father who was looking out over the court and she wondered if her father still wanted to let the two become a couple in the future. But she hoped that nothing problematic would happen again. She became more worried about her father. Until it was time to commit for the night and even though Aelora and Laenor were not together at the time they both became uncomfortable and Aelora waited until he turned around and she could see his lover Joffrey comforting him and Laenor gathered her courage and watched pride to take his bride to bed. But that night became very uncomfortable for both of them and it became more and more difficult for Laenor to consummate the marriage. Aelora wanted to consummate her marriage and Laenor forgot himself a bit and accidentally hurt Aelora but she managed to get him to consummate it and hoped she got pregnant that night. Laenor had left their room during the night but Aelora understood why and let him be. Aelora and Laenor were completely pissed off about this marriage without being angry at each other. But after a couple of years in this marriage, Aelora tried in her own power to get Laenor to give her a child this time and then just leave each other alone for a long time, as if they had had a big fight between them and Aelora did everything and even hit him to anger Laenor and it helped and he took Aelora and did his job and slept with her hard until he got his men out of him and then left the room and Aelora stayed in bed making sure to keep into the legs to make sure of a hope of a pregnancy. It had been a while since Laenor had done her job again and Rhaenyra went to see her sister and see how she was and that's when she saw Laenor rush out of the room and go in to check on her sister and there she stood and leaned against her bed in pain and Rhaenyra wondered if Laenor had hurt her but Aelora screamed and wanted to be left alone but Rhaenyra refused and wanted an answer stubbornly enough and said she would call father but Aelora stopped her and told that Laenor accidentally hurt her by trying to complete all the way but couldn't and just let go again and it hurt her bottom a little. Rhaenyra didn't know what she wanted to do but Aelora wanted to reassure her that everything was okay and there was nothing to worry about and Rhaenyra happened to talk about it with Daemon and that was the day he seduced her to make her stop worrying about things and issues. But Daemon didn't go all the way even though Rhaenyra wanted him to but he said he would try to reciprocate but it made Rhaenyra more hurt and confused and later that day she went to seek company with Ser Criston Cole.

A rumor hit the air and Rhaenyra and Daemon and both Viserys and Aelora got angry at this madness and Viserys took matters into his own hands with his stupid brother in the throne room and even though Alicent took matters up with Rhaenyra Aelora took a little while with them both single and Aelora just wanted to let things be so that they would be on her side until she took the throne. And now Alicent is also having children and Aelora wanted to make sure that Alicent and the children will be safe and accepted Alicent a little more too and she was invited to dinner by the Queen and ate with her children. But Daemon wanted Rhaenyra and Viserys totally refused him and he refused his daughter too. Aelora knew nothing could stop Daemon but she took a moment alone with him and said quite honestly that maybe he needs to realize that even if both defy Viserys like that with or without permission he might send them both away. She could admit that she knew the two belonged together and wanted each other but now it is what it is and Daemon went into a rage and gave her a look before leaving her. But Daemon was later called to a meeting alone with Corlys Velaryon and he wanted his help in bringing down the Crab King at the Stepstones who had on many occasions taken his pirate fleet down with several of his ships and men and plunder kept everything going down and they may even take over more of the continent. Daemon agreed to join this battle and took his dragon Caraxes and flew to ash away the Crab King. And Corlys had proposed his daughter Laena to Daemon and he could admit she was a pretty girl with some interests and he accepted her as his new wife.

But during that time a miracle had happened to Aelora and she had discovered that she was pregnant and she was expecting her first child and at that time Laenor had decided to join his father's war and Aelora hadn't even had time to talk to him about that and it was already too late to mention anything. But several months passed and Aelora gave birth to her child without her husband's support and she had twins, a boy and a girl and named them Aegor and Maegelle and both were healthy little babies and the birth was quite okay and easy despite all the pain and everyone in the family were overjoyed at Aelora's happiness and congratulated her greatly. Aelora was equally overjoyed with her little beloved children and was a great mother. The war was finally over at the Stepstones and the Crab King was butchered to death and all was well for the Corlys, one hopes. And Daemon and Laenor got a royal welcome and Laenor was very happy about his surprise children Aegor and Maegelle. But there was one who wasn't too happy about this and that was Joffrey Laenor's lover and became too jealous of all the attention Aelora asked for and now she had sullied more of his time by having children and making him the father of her children. He never wanted to hurt Laenor but there were several times he begged or suggested that they should move to Pentos and live their own lives instead, but Laenor couldn't abandon his wife and at least now he couldn't abandon his own child. He must do his duty as a husband to the future Queen. But Joffrey couldn't help but get so angry at Aelora and her presence around Laenor and their ugly children.

But still time went on and Aelora lived and worked harder and harder with her father who by this time happened to get even sicker and sooner or later got so bad that his whole left arm had rotted away and had his whole arm rotted so much that had to amputate the crippled arm and poor man had to walk with one arm and had not so good a chance for a refreshment in his health. He became more and more fragile and he got tired easily and Alicent did her job as a wife to take care of her husband and king and Alicent had so much fun being Queen, wife and mother. Viserys had given her four beautiful children and they are all growing big. Everyone is different and usually argue like siblings do about everything and anything else. Aelora's little children were growing a lot and she was having children again in fact and she was due to give birth any day now. Her young twins were 3 years old and brought much joy to both Aelora and Laenor. Rhaenyra wasn't married yet but from what Aelora's spies had seen and heard, she had been warmly welcomed in the company of Daemon and Laena and she probably knew what that meant and left them alone because she couldn't bear to care about anything else.

But for a certain time later her sister Rhaenyra got a man in her life and she found comfort to Lord Lyonel Strong's eldest son Harwin Strong and they had no love but they had a certain admiration for each other that felt absolutely incredible between them and that the couple had three fine dark haired sons Jacaerys, Lucerys and Joffrey and according to the law between the families, Rhaenyra's sons were heirs to Harrelhal and not to the Iron Throne. But the children are illegitimate and no one knows except Aelora who had found out herself who the father of Rhaenyra's sons was. And how could she protect both Harwin and Rhaenyra about this? Aelora was just happy enough that just at that time in the family everything was calm and lovely but sometimes quite incredibly there was still more drama in the family and mostly between Rhaenyra and Alicent and it also affected their children and sometimes it was difficult to get along or get along. But as often succeeded and had Aelora come in and calm the moods for the women. She also helped take care of Alicent's children if she needed to take a break or work overtime and then Aelora chose to have dinner with her children or something so they wouldn't feel lonely enough with their own nannies. And she talked to them a lot too, and Aegon and the others liked to talk back sometimes. Mostly it was Helaena speaking her words and Aelora having fun with her little sister. She needed a sister too and Rhaenyra understood that, even if she hasn't had time to go and take her chance with her new sister but otherwise, Rhaenyra has been the one who has had a rather difficult time entering her siblings' lives in any way. But it has turned out as it has turned out. But her birth came and there was another little boy and he was named Majaerys which was an ancient name of the Velaryon house. From a Velaryon folktale from Valyrian times. A volcano warrior of sorts who rescued a dragon from distress from a lava volcano, and Laenor was equally happy with another son and welcomed their new child. But Joffrey was not happy and wanted to get rid of Aelora for good. And there was a night when Laenor was hanging out with Joffrey and he asked for another try at running away with him far away and Laenor insisted once again that he didn't want to and couldn't just leave everything anyway. But much later in time Joffrey chose to make another attempt and one night Joffrey got Laenor so drunk that he couldn't even wake up after a single scream and that night Joffrey chose to kidnap all three of Aelora's children and the next early morning Aelora became horrified and the King awoke and warned that the children were not in their beds, and Aelora was even more frightened that her little baby was not in its crib in her room. She felt such guilt to think that she should have realized something. Aelora panicked and couldn't calm down. Alicent and Rhaenyra was with her the whole time but nothing worked and Aelora passed out from panic and anxiety. But Daemon and his men and the king's guards looked for the children and after a short time in the royal garden they received a terrible sight all three were found in a water fountain and all three little children had been drowned with their faces in the water and the baby was in the water. Even when Aelora wanted to get some fresh air and went out on the balcony and noticed several guards in the garden gathered Aelora began to wonder if it meant anything and feared the worst and ran out of her chamber and Alicent and Rhaneyra tried to catch up with her to understand what it meant and Aelora ran and ran like she never ran befor and didn't even have time to step properly on the steps or walk on people anyway and just ran over people. Even Rhaenyra shouted on the run after her sister wondering if she had heard anything and continued with Alicent.

Aelora ran and ran like the wind and finally found the end with all the soldiers and Viserys and Daemon discovered Aelora tried to stop her to see the event but she was too hard to take and catch and failed to stop her. But then when Aelora saw all the bodies that had been picked up from the fountain, Aelora became completely numb and devastated and felt completely empty and blamed herself for her beloved children who lay completely lifeless and pale right in front of her. The soldiers were about to cover the children but Aelora ordered to let it be and not touch them and wanted them to back away from them and she advanced slowly and no one else was allowed to touch their bodies right now. The cry burned like a wild fire in her throat and began to cry and sank down to her children to touch it and then she exclaimed several times about the death of her child, an unexpected event and this was so damnable to see Aelora and sank in such deep sadness and heartbreak. Viserys felt as a failure as a father and King when he sees his daughter going completely crazy over the passing of her three beloved children and that's when Aelora let out a roar all over the place and it echoed so loud you'd think the whole city could hear her. Viserys mourned his loved ones his grandchildren and his beloved daughter and after all she had endured. Everyone felt sorry for Aelora and didn't know what to do. But Aelora became completely silent for a moment and stood up and what no one could see was that Aelora began to lose her sense for life and began to faint and fell completely back to the ground hard and unconscious and soldiers rushed towards the Princess and everyone else in the family became worried about Aelora.

After that day, people started preparing for a royal funeral and the whole court and even the whole capital mourned the murder of their beloved Princess's her children and presented several flower wreaths of various kinds, statues of the gods and many children had acquired several dragon flags and dragon figurines and placed all that over and around the grave to be burned off Vermithor who was waiting on the other side of the fire place. Aelora stood silent for a long moment, not even thinking of preparing Vermithor to set fire to the tomb. Everyone waited patiently but everyone was slightly worried if Aelora was even aware of where she was or if she had accepted her child's death. She hadn't spoken or done anything since she passed out from grief and devastation. But something told Aelora wouldn't be able to go through with this at all. Something in the Princess's eyes had something else growing in her. Rhaenyra tried to get to her dear older sister and try to wake her up but Vermithor woke her instead who was stretching her wings after a long stiffness in the sun. Aelora then looked at her children's bodies which were wrapped and she took a hard breath to be able to speak and then she went forward herself for a while to say goodbye to her children again and stood by the wooden slab and placed her hand on it and looked lovingly over her children Aelor, Maegelle and Majaerys. She bowed her head in heavy weeping in silence, and then took her leave and backed away well enough to light the fire. Aelora got a certain angry look with sadness on her face and finally ordered Vermithor to set fire to the tomb. Vermithor listened and got into a better position and set the grave on fire in a great flame and even that made Aelora lose her mind even more and wanted so badly to join the fire with her children, they still needed their mother. Everyone felt sorry for Aelora and no one really knew how to get her to move on after this either.

And the purest fury was that everyone wondered where the fanciful Laenor could be and people searched like crazy and people began to wonder if he had escaped his way maybe. But the fact is this is what happened to Laenor Velaryon that when Joffrey lied and said he had been looking for him and after when Laenor started to commit home then Joffrey told about the death of his children and Laenor didn't believe it at first but after how he saw how serious Joffrey looked so did Laenor himself and he lied about saying he was seen as a suspect because no one had seen him all day and there was no other suspect who could take a life on a royal family. Laenor didn't know what to think and should he try to go and meet his married family and comfort his wife and mourn his children or should he leave everything perhaps. But Joffrey tried to persuade Laenor again and hurry before people expect to give Aelora more children to have and that's when Laenor became completely heavy in his mind and chose to leave everything and ran away that night with Joffrey and that night Aelora became all herself and became inconsolable. She didn't even want to sleep that night and Laenor felt guilty for leaving Aelora but he couldn't face her. No one else was allowed access to them and everyone mourned Aelora's loss and she was completely uncontactable to people. Even the Corlys and Rhaenys joined in grieving their grandchildren as well and they couldn't believe their son left everything and believe more that he may have been killed himself by the killer and left his body in the sea or something. But nothing could be proven and even though Viserys wanted more answers, Aelora couldn't bear to care anymore. King Viserys had organized a mourning buffet for the court but Aelora wanted to order not to have one but Viserys was adamant because she was not the only one in the family who needed to mourn. But Aelora then chose not to go at all. She needed to be left alone and to calm down and stayed with Vermithor. And she stayed until night came and Rhaenyra chose to go and look for her sister and she wasn't in her room and realized she was still down by the grass patch and hurried over there but then just as she had just gone out of the gates she saw Vermithor fly over the castle and she flew up towards the east hoping that she will come back soon and wept for her sister. Aelora had traveled to her castle on Dragonstone and was standing all by herself doing nothing. Aelora came back after 16 days and came back a new person in sight but she was still angry but not as angry, when they saw her, Aelora was very narrow and thin in body. She hadn't eaten or drunk at all. It was as if she had fasted, but she had only gone through a broken time to mourn the injustice that had happened to her and the children. From the very beginning when she left the capital. But everyone had been so damn worried about her and Viserys said how worried he had been and that he understood how sad she was and everything but Viserys then said that otherwise he was just glad to have her back home and unharmed and hugged her and Aelora hugged her father back and apologized for her disappearance.

Aelora chose to organize a gratitude to her people in the city and also to the court that had taxed themselves for the funeral and gave 200 coins in a sack to each person and it was also enough for the children. To say thank you for all the support and help for healing her health a little more and everyone cheered a godsend to Crown Princess Aelora for an enormous gift and greeting.

But Viserys understood how she had felt going through and they let it all be and moved on with everything. Rhaenyra was overjoyed to see her dear sister return home and they talked all day long and she told her that everyone in the family had been talking and wondering when she would come home again. Even Aegon asked a few times. And after that day Aelora chose to hang out more with her younger siblings and support them as much as possible and she spent a lot of time in the council several times with her father and came up with several proposals but now it was also Viserys who was King and he decided over what he thought sounded right and good and let him decide a lot. Over the next few years there had been more events and first it was Laena Velaryon who died in childbirth as well and had a stillborn son and had a blood loss and disappeared right then and there and Aemond got too excited about finding a dragon for himself and took over Laena's dragon Vhagar and amazingly he managed to tame the old ancient dragon and there was a fight between Aemond and Baela and Rhaena who blamed for stealing their mother's dragon and he said that their mother was dead and now Vhagar has a new rider and Baela and Rhaena became angry and the three fought. But the children were discovered and prevented and that's how when the family feud had started Rhaenyra and Alicent had started to bring up several topics that bothered them for far too long and couldn't stop each other anymore and even how much Viserys ordered both of them to stop and leave each other alone then nothing helped and that's when Aelora took over silenced the whole hall of people and everyone was shocked and heard her. But then Aelora said loud and clear that for several years the family has witnessed horrible and unfair events and yet many want to continue their quarrels and continue to create so much chaos for nothing. Aelora blew it all off and ordered everyone to go their separate ways and move on and continue perhaps when calmer minds could meet again. And Aelora went to her room all tired and disappointed and that this family will always come up with something and never have peace.

But then people should have realized who Aelora had become and would perhaps be more determined about her family going forward. But as said everyone moved on and Aelora went by herself and thought to herself and rode out more on Vermithor. It wasn't like she was ignoring her family. But over the coming bad years King Viserys had started to get sicker and frailer and had lost so much body and good health and had started losing body parts here and there and could hardly walk or be conscious of much in his life and lived with such an evil pain in life. But it was during that time that Aelora took over a lot of duties to keep the kingdom up and Alicent said as Queen she could sit on the council as she always does and Aelora thanked her anyway and said that if anything happened she would let her know right away and Alicent promised. Daemon and Rhaenyra had traveled to Dragonstone and married as they had wanted to do for a long time and settled there by Aelora's approval and they had had some lovely children too. Aelora had by this time been far away from home, making a tour of Westeros to keep the realm as she did for, traveling on dragon back with her councillors, soldiers and servants riding on horses.

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