Beats of the Heart [MxM]

By Hopestrife

149K 11.8K 3.5K

|| Wattys 2023 Shortlist || Miles grew up struggling, scorned by his father, and taking care of his ailing mo... More

1. Forward Cut
2. Slice
3. Chirp
4. Baby Scratch
5. Flare
6. Crescent Flare
7. Tear
8. Play
9. Long Cut
10. Lazer
11. Ex-Stab
12. 2-Click Orbit
14. Log Stab
15. Rev. Log Stab
16. Zig Zag
17. Push
18. 2-Sound Transform
19. Rev 2 Sound Transform
20. Pullback
21. Triplet Transform
22. 2 Click Tentacles
23. Rev Triplet Transform
24. (-) Skew Rub
25. (+) Skew Rub
26. Jackhammer [M]
27. Autobahn
28. O.G. Flare
29. Ox Flare
30. Boomerang
31. Aquaman
32. Corkscrew [M]
33. Crab Flare
34. 1 Click Stewie
35. Prism Tear
36. 3 Forward 3 Back Tear
37. Unlucky 7's
38. Lucky 7's
39. Boom Flare
40. Tips [M]
41. Fractions
42. Scribble 2-Click
43. See Saw [End]
Epilogue: Missed Connections
Epilogue: A Wedding
Final Round Teaser

13. Rev Ex-Stab

3.3K 287 58
By Hopestrife

Miles had made sure that Danny and the others had calmed down. They were still tense about the kitchen fire despite his constant reminders that it was nothing. Everything he had told them was from experience. He had started many of his own fires and had to put them out.

When his mom got sick, he tried his hardest to care for her—working, cleaning, and cooking. He did everything possible to make her life easier.

She was a teacher at the local elementary school, but it hardly paid the bills, which is why he made the extra effort. He knew she picked up a couple of odd jobs at the diner and convenience store on the corner. She tried to hide her pain and weakness most of the time, but Miles could see it eating away at her.

Miles would buy extra groceries or try to pay the small bills he could find. He would even buy his mom gifts, even moving an old piano into the house. Any money left over, he would give to her. He hoped that she would use it for the other various bills. Every little bit helped. However, when she was out one day, he found the box where she stored his extra earnings. Not a single penny was spent.

Miles remembered how he sat on the cold floor of their tiny apartment, clutching that box to his chest. He wanted to be angry that she never spent the money. He wanted to scream and cry because he felt so helpless.

However, he put the box where he had found it, plastered on a smile, and greeted her warmly when she came home. He never brought it up to her.

When her cancer hit her hard, she was hospitalized with no chance of ever leaving. Still, he didn't dip into those funds. He kept struggling and working tirelessly, trying to care for her. 

He held on to that box but didn't open it until a year after her passing. He found that she had nestled a small journal in the box next to the meager amount of cash. It took him another couple of months to open the journal to find her handwriting. 

She filled it with life lessons, reasons why she had her favorite songs, precious memories, and her hopes for him in the future. She had also explained that she saved his earnings for his wedding when he found his true love. He had never considered getting married, but he still hung on to that box filled with crumpled cash and her journal.

"Miles," Courtney interrupted his train of thought. "My cousin was coming over to pick us up. I can tell him to delay because you worked hard on dinner."

Miles smiled. "If your cousin doesn't mind, I can make an extra portion. He can stay for dinner. I have meant to thank him for helping care for you hellions."

Courtney beamed and jumped on her toes. "Really? I always wanted you two to meet! I'll call him now!"

Miles' brow creased from her enthusiasm but shrugged and continued to cook. He glanced over to Danny, who was watching him curiously.

"What are you looking at?" Miles asked.

Danny gave a sheepish grin. "I'm surprised by how domesticated you act sometimes."

"Domesticated?" Miles was baffled and then tugged on the apron draped over his many tattoos. "It's just cooking."

"You really don't know what father says about you?" Danny then hesitated. "Maybe that's for the best. Sorry. Forget I said anything."

"I'm pretty sure it's along the lines of me being a beast and a thug. A bastard who has succumbed to the gangs of the street and survived by either selling drugs or my body." Miles grinned and winked at Danny. "Is that about right?"

Danny blushed and nodded. "How did you know?"

"Larry isn't shy when it comes to putting me down. He's told me all this to my face plenty of times." Miles shrugged.

Danny frowned. "Why do you endure that?"

Miles raised an eyebrow. "Why do you endure his bullshit?"

"I lived under his roof, dumbass. Where was I supposed to go as a minor?"

Miles chuckled and threw a dish towel at him. "Whatever. I deal with it because his opinion is inconsequential."

"Then why go to his parties and shit?"

Miles turned off the stove as he finished his dish. "Promised my mom that I would give him a chance." His eyes became distant. "I can tolerate his insults as long as I fulfill my promise."

Danny sighed. "He doesn't deserve that level of consideration."

"That's true," he said thoughtfully. 

Lately, his only motivation to attend those god-forbidden events was because of his grandparents and Danny. He feared that if he cut Larry off entirely, he would lose the only remaining family that mattered. However, Nan made it evident that she would never turn on him, and Danny now lived with him. Saying goodbye to that part of his life seemed feasible now. 

Still, he hesitated after learning how Danny was treated in that house. Miles never wanted Danny to have to face Larry alone. He would tolerate it a little longer.

He smiled at Danny. "I'll stop going when you do."

Danny flinched. "I don't think it will be that easy for me."

"I can help," Miles offered.

"Which means you'll probably start another argument with him." Danny rolled his eyes.

"You know me so well." Miles grinned. "But you're pretty independent right now, so you no longer have to rely on Larry. Stop using the credit card he gave you, and don't spend a dime of his allowance. You're getting paid enough to handle your daily needs, and if you need more, tell me."

"I think you're paying me too generously. I haven't spent my allowance since I moved in," Danny chuckled. "I also don't know many people my age with a 401K, but somehow Dirge set me up with one on top of health insurance."

"I take care of my own," Miles said with a laugh. "But I'm serious. The moment you want to walk away from Larry, I will be right by your side."

"I know," Danny smiled happily.

Courtney was talking on the phone with an ecstatic look. "My cousin is here! I'm letting him in!"

Miles tilted his head when she took off to the door. "Why is she so excited?"

Rob chuckled while he was setting down dishes on the table. "She wants to set you up with him."

Miles blanched. "What?!"

Danny grimace. "She doesn't know there may be an issue with that."

"Please don't tell me she is trying to hook me up with a straight man." Miles groaned. "Been there, done that."

"It's a bit more complicated than that." Danny blushed and picked up a plate but nearly dropped it because he forgot the burn on his hand.

Miles quickly took the plate and grabbed Danny's hand to inspect it. "Shit, I should have bandaged this."

He grabbed the first aid kit from a cabinet and made Danny sit on the counter as he put some ointment on it and wrapped it up.

"Miles! Should we just find a place at the table?"  She called out from the entryway.

Miles' back was turned towards her, but he could hear heavy footsteps accompanying hers. "That'll be great, Court. I'm almost done here."

He finished the wrap and noticed that Danny looked nervous. "What's wrong," he asked quietly.

"I didn't really mean to hide it from you, and I swear I didn't say anything about you," Danny whispered as he avoided eye contact. "I know you like being lowkey."

Miles raised an eyebrow, and curiosity compelled him to turn around. A tall, muscular older man stood in his parlor. His dark eyes revealed a hint of amusement.

"Shawn?" Miles finally spoke up. His voice almost cracked from shock or excitement.

In every picture featured in the media and magazines, Shawn wore a tailored suit with meticulously styled hair. But now, he dressed in casual jeans that hugged his hips and a sweater that wrapped tightly around his chest. His hair was a little disheveled, as if he ran his fingers through it too many times. Miles didn't know if he preferred the suit or this look. Either way, he was simply mouthwatering.

A smile pulled at Shawn's lips. "Miles. It's good to see you again." His eyes wandered down Miles' body, making him flush a little.

Miles could tell that the others were aptly watching them with curiosity, but Miles couldn't process it.

Shawn was in his home.

Shawn was right in front of him.

And he was in an apron... just an apron and sweatpants. Miles felt heat rising to his face, and he quickly looked down at his outfit.

His tattoos that covered his upper body were exposed, and his pants were sitting low on his hips. It was obvious that the tattoos sunk lower, hidden beneath the waist of his pants. He suddenly worried if he looked like a delinquent—like the hooligan Larry had painted him to be.

He ran his hand over his short hair nervously. "I... uh... should get a shirt on." He looked back at Danny, who had a bewildered look. "You good, kiddo?"

"What? Oh. I'm fine." He held up his bandaged hand. "We'll help set everything on the table."

Miles patted his shoulder and looked back at Shawn for a moment before he took off the apron and escaped downstairs.

"Fuck. Fuck. Fuck." Miles repeated as he rushed to his room. He collapsed against a wall and covered his face with his hands.

"It's okay," he told himself. "He's Courtney's cousin and just here for dinner. Nothing else. He doesn't remember me from all those years ago. He just knows me from The Apple."

He took a long calming breath and grabbed a loose long-sleeved shirt from his closet, pulling it over his head. He hesitated in front of the mirror because the collar was wide, exposing his tattoos and collar bones. 

"Shit. What if he links my tattoos with Requiem?" He muttered. He was about to pull the shirt over his head, to change but stopped. Danny was a fan, so Miles' tattoos made it easier for him to connect his identities. If you dig deep enough on the internet, you will find articles speculating the meanings of his tattoos accompanied by grainy pictures of his body.

However, Shawn had never personally reached out about Requiem. He probably wasn't a fan and was more interested in a business deal. There's a good chance that he never looked at the man behind the turntables.

He released a long breath, convincing himself that he was okay.  Then he splashed water on his face to break him from his panicked stupor. 

"You're going to be fine. You're going to have a nice dinner and conversation with Shawn," he told his reflection. He wanted it to be true. 

He was worried and embarrassed, but elation also bloomed in his chest. 

Shawn was here.

Everything that stopped him from dialing Shawn's number over the years faded away. He was now faced with the opportunity to have a conversation with Shawn. He could learn more about him. He could create a connection with him on a personal level. He could be more than just a memory.

He made his way back upstairs. Before he joined the others at the table, he looked longingly over to the old record player. Music was magic, and if he wanted to remain calm during this interaction, he needed a powerful spell of a song.

His fingers brushed the record covers until they landed on one of his favorites. He smiled as he pulled out his selection and admired the old cover. He could use his phone or computer for his music, but vinyl was special. Perhaps his precious memories made him biased, but he believed it made the music richer.

He placed the needle on the record, and Billie Holiday's vocals softly came over the sound system in his home. He released a slow breath and hummed lightly with the song, feeling any remaining anxiety melt away.

However, a jolt of electricity shot up his spine as a hand pressed against his lower back.

"How nostalgic," Shawn commented, his breath brushing against his ear.

Miles controlled the shudder threatening to run rampant from Shawn's touch. "I'm still a little old school."

Shawn chuckled. "So am I."

Miles turned back toward him and was caught in his gaze. They were inches apart, Shawn practically pressed against him.

Miles felt the heat rush to his cheeks. "Should we sit for dinner?"

Shawn didn't miss Miles' reaction. His eyes seemed to light up, and he smiled. "Of course."

He stepped back, giving Miles some room, and they joined the others in the kitchen. Courtney was grinning from ear to ear. "So you two know each other."

"We've met before," Miles answered as he opened a cabinet and pulled out a bottle of whiskey. He gave Shawn a look. "Would you like a glass?"

Shawn smiled, but there was something more in his eyes. A spark of recognition that Miles felt was missing from their meeting at The Apple. 

"I'll gladly take that drink," Shawn said quietly.

Miles' hands trembled momentarily from the huskiness of his voice. However, he felt Shawn was watching him, so he quickly pulled himself together, grabbed two glasses, and poured generously.

Miles handed him the glass, savoring the moment their fingers brushed. They sat down at the table with the others and started their meal. Courtney and Rob raved about Miles' cooking, but Danny was oddly silent.

Miles gave him a questioning look, but Danny shook his head slightly.

"How's the business?" Shawn asked, and Danny jolted when he heard this. 

Miles caught the movement and realized Danny was on edge because of Shawn's association with Aura. Danny had interacted with Shawn without telling Miles about it, so he may have been worried that Miles would perceive it as an act of betrayal.

What Danny had whispered earlier in the kitchen made more sense. He tried to assure Miles that he would never betray him; however, Miles trusted him completely. 

Miles smiled, trying to reassure Danny. "Busy. Phase has a new album coming out, but it was delayed a little since he started gigging at The Apple. Quake is finishing his tour, and Flux is getting ready to start hers. Trickshot has been in a lull, though. I have no idea how to push him."

Shawn whistled. "That's a lot going on, especially when it's just you at Dirge."

"I got a little help now," he smirked and nodded toward Danny. "This kid's got a lot of skills, and now I have the opportunity to have a breather here and there."

"Wait... he knows about you and Dirge?" Danny suddenly asked.

"Dirge Records? What about Dirge?" Courtney stood up in surprise.

Shawn laughed, capturing Miles' attention. "You kept it close to your chest."

Miles returned the smile. "It's easier that way."

Courtney was still reeling from the information and pointed toward Shawn. "But haven't you wanted to work with Dirge for years?"

Shawn swirled the alcohol in his glass. "Now more than ever. However, I believe I have been annoyingly persistent with my inquiries."

Miles chuckled and shook his head. "Compared to others, Aura has been tactful."

"Should I tell Scott to refrain from our annual proposition? I can receive my rejection now if you would like." It was a joke, but Miles couldn't help but hesitate.

He had considered it countless times this year. Aura could relieve the overwhelming pressure he was facing. Aura could protect his DJs and give them more resources. Then he could have more time to do what he loves. He could just make music. He had imagined what it would be to shed the anonymity and reveal who was under Requiem's mask. He could do it with Aura. He wouldn't have to worry about Eclipse or Larry constantly.

"Miles?" Danny's voice cut through Miles' thoughts. "Are you okay?"

Miles nodded numbly. "An offer from Aura is never something I take lightly. I welcome anything you send over."

Shawn placed his glass on the table and leaned on his elbows, giving Miles a curious look. "Well, I'm not here as Aura tonight. We can put that all aside for now if you don't mind."

Miles liked that idea. All personas could be put away for the night, and they could simply be Miles and Shawn. 

"That would be great," Miles said with a smile.

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