.={The Cards Are In Nobody's...

By Uni_Rwarpitch

470 4 13

TW FOR: Gruesome deaths/Some major character death, Stalker behavior, Manipulation, Disturbing Scene/Dialogue... More

[A Rough Start.] {1}
[Hilarious..] {2}
[In The Belly Of The Beast..] {4}
[Old 'friend'?] [5]
Taking a break...

[You're Not Welcome 'Round Here..] {3}

83 0 0
By Uni_Rwarpitch

[TW FOR: Transphobia, Torture, and Detailed death.]

[Y/D/N=Dead Name....]
{You can use any name you want, as long as you are COMFORTABLE with it..}

[Now, into the story, my dear readers..]

It's cold...

I was wrapped in like... two blankets.. so why that fuck am I sorta cold?

I shuffled slightly, finding my sleeping space to be invaded... Slowly my eyes would open, finding myself in a slightly uncomfortable metal box..? A fan made a constant, yet somehow, comfortable whirring. 

"...What..?" I mumbled, shuffled myself to sit up. Suddenly, a voice spoke, FREDDY'S voice spoke. 

"Good morning, [Y/N]! Sleep well..?~" His voice echoed, but it was as if he was still close by. "Alright.. Speak up, why am I in here..?" I huffed in slight annoyance, awaiting an answer. Freddy chuckled awkwardly before he replied, "Well.. It's a long story.. But for once no ill intentions were my reasonings.." He half-mumbled, although he did mean it. "Well, tell me then.- Erm.. Please..." I mumbled, hearing a fan whirr faster then before. 'Weird..' I mentally noted that.. "Well, since you a-asked so nicely!~" He sounded like his voice wavered ever so slightly.. just for a moment. "I don't see why I can't tell you..~" He hummed, making the metal walls vibrate from his voice. 

"Freddy.. First off, Where am I." I interrupted, making the bear quickly start stammering for a brief moment. "You're- UH well you aren't NOT in a stomach hatch." He replied, if he could sweat, he'd be sweating barrels. I began to get ready to yell, however, his next explanation stopped me dead in my tracks.

"Okay okay! It sounds bad.. REALLLY bad, but I have a veeery good reason Shortcake!" He interrupted, causing me to let out a small sigh before replying. 

"Alright... Tell your story."


"I'm not saying please, Freddy.." I groaned in annoyance..

"I'm sorry, WHO is in the stomach hatch right now?" He sassed.

". . . PLEASE tell me your story..." I crossed my arms. Not like I could hide my embarrassed face, I was sorta stuck there.. The fan would whirr faster yet again before Freddy spoke yet again.

"Well, it happened this morning.." He huffed, sounding genuinely angry..


He was pissed off.

[RQ! '{}'=Character talking/actions outside of a flashback! It makes my job here much easier to tell the story.]

[Freddy's POV]
{"It was this morning." I felt Freddy lean back into the couch, his arms now crossed.}

My head would lift up, my systems slowly reactivating yet again. I slowly stood, my eyes moving over towards a passed out [Y/N], his hair was completely ruffled up, his clothing shuffled around from him moving in his sleep.

{"I had JUST turned on, and was going to wander around for a bit.. And then there was a knock on the door." He shuffled a bit, trying to get 'comfortable'.}


{"Then, someone started to yell. In a loud, and v e r y annoying voice..." He mumbled, seeming like if he had fur, it'd be ruffled, or even standing on its end because of this person.}

"[Y/D/N], we need to talk!" A man yelled from outside the door, trying the door knob a few times. 'It's locked.. Good work, Fresh Meat..' I smirked, proud of such a simple thing that this human had accomplished.

{"So, I listened in, since you were asleep. And you needed it to function.." Freddy's voice wavered slightly, as if he was trying to keep himself calm. "And what I heard from this person... How do you say it now? Pissing me off, Making me regret his very existence. . .?" He growled- 'No damn way, he fucking growls?! I am definitely using that against him..' I'd mental note again, holding back a laugh. But I could only imagine... What did they say to piss Freddy off this much..? "Although, I didn't know you still had any form of family..~" He added on, causing me to freeze up in fear.}

"We miss you, we all do! And we wanna celebrate with you tomorrow.." The mans' voice was 'sad'.. 'Manipulation..? Caught you right in the act didn't I..?~' My grin faltered into a scowl, my fans whirring slightly. 'Celebrate...? Is he talking about a reunion maybe..? No that can't be it..' I thought for a moment, thinking of another option. "Mom and dad want to spend your birthday with you this year, [Y/D/N].. They really mi-" The mans' voice was deafen, 'Shortcakes' birthday is tomorrow!? Seems like I have a birthday boy on my hands!' My grin immediately came back, although it had widened considerably. However, I couldn't help but piece together that he had said 'THIS year'... is his family a 'cut contact'..?
{"After listening in for a while, I learned a few things.. Birthday boy.~" I could FEEL his smirk, letting out a groan of frustration. "It turns out.. You cut contact didn't you, BB?" He mumbled, although where I was in, he was very hearable. "But I learned more then that.. I learned the reason you cut contact, Sugar cube!~" His voice meant to sound cheery and happy... But he still sounded pissed off. "An-And what's that?" My voice was shaking, 'HE KNOWS.. HE KNOWS.. HE KNOWS..' I was completely panicking, at the verge of tears even... "Because, they lack braincells.." His voice turned fully angered now.. 'HE KNo..- He's... Okay with it?' My anxiety eased, I was no longer tensed up in fear.. Instead, a new feeling was there.. Overwhelming joy..}
'Come to think of it... That isn't his name... Could it be that... perhaps [Y/N] had cut contact for a good reason..' The thought began to piss me off, so I focused back into his voice, only to realize he was now yelling and beating on the door..

"[Y/D/N], YOU CAN'T JUST ABANDON YOUR FAMILY! YOU CAN BE FUCKING SERIOUS, ARE YOU STILL PISSED OFF ABOUT THE 'transgender coming out' THING BEING DISGUSTING!?" He yelled at the door, hitting it. 'Okay... Now I'm pissed off.. And before his birthday of all days!?' I snarled, wandering over to [Y/N] and gently putting him into my stomach hatch.. Where he'd be safe... Safe from the disgusting manipulating garage his brother spewed..

'And now to deal with Y O U..' I looked up at the door, enraged.

Thankfully, I had the element of surprise... Gently I grabbed his keys, unlocking the door and hiding behind it.

{"Freddy.. What'd you do with Eric..?" I muttered, realizing that an angry sadistic animatronic had been the one there to deal with my brother. "I did what I do best...~" His tone turned dark, his fans whirring at the memory.. "He went down so easy... I placed you into the stomach hatch, for your safety, of course.. And then I unlocked the door and hid behind it once it opened." His grin twitched as he could feel my heart beating faster..}

[Y/N]'s brother ran in, blind with anger, he didn't even see me at all. 'Moron. . .' I glared at him, waiting calmly for my chance to gut him while he was still breathing. . . He began to search around for Shortcake, seething with anger. 

[OKAY READERS! This is where the REAL GORE in this book begins! If you go any further..]
[You will be venturing into some seriously dark stuff, my dear readers..]
[I would tell you that there is no torture, mental torture, or gore here... But I'd be LYING.]
[I don't control the characters after all.. I only tell their stories..~]

[If you wish to skip this scene, you may want to leave this book all together. This is CTW Freddy..]
[A machine made to kill people in brutal ways..]


 Slowly I grew closer, throwing a hand over his mouth and restraining him with my other arm. "MPFH!?" He cried out, beginning to struggle against me. But.. It was all in vein.
[Timeskip/Place shift!]

Slowly, his eyes opened. I grinned at this, waiting for his fear to truly sink in. He began to scream and struggle, however, his screams only met his ears.. and mine. "Sleep well...?~" I purred out, making sure not to be too loud, after all, [Y/N] was still carefully tucked into the hatch. It was sound proof, yes, but if I were to yell.. It'd be quite loud for him, and then he'd wake up! Couldn't have that happen now, or the fun would have to stop.. The man continued to yell and struggle as I began to walk over to him. "Now.. Tell me.. Why come such a looong way to insult a no contact sibling.. hmmm?~" My eyes glowed slightly in the dark room, only seeming to add onto his fear. I ripped the cloth from his mouth, allowing him to speak once again. "W-What the fuck are you!? Actually no, why the FUCK were you inside my sist-" He froze as I quickly put a knife to his throat, blood slowly dripping from how quick I had put it to his neck. "Your BROTHER.. You know, I think I'm starting to not like that disgusting mouth of yours.." I growled out, giving him a small warning before pulling my knife away. "Now.. Answer the question..- Or actually, would you rather.. play a small game with me? If you win, you get to continue your pathetic life.." I hummed, sharpening my knife as his brothers' mind tried to think of anyway he use this to help him escape. "...W-What kind of game..?" He cautiously asked, his eyes focused onto the knife.

"Good choice." My grin twitched slightly bigger as I watched him shift slightly to gain some form of distance. "We are going to play '10 questions'! I will ask you different questions, and you will have to answer them correctly!" I began, twirling my knife in my grip. "What happens if I answer wrong..?" His voice was a bit more confident now, a sense of hope in his eyes.. 'It's almost too P E R F E C T..' My smile turned a bit more sadistic, my gaze never leaving him for a second. "You get three wrong answers and then you lose! Simple right?~" My eyes shifted to show joy, mislead him into being more hopeful..

"Yeah.." He smirked, now believing in himself completely. "Good good! Now, your first question is. . . What is my eye color?" My grin calmed, starting off with the easy stuff.. "Blue!" He answered quickly, waiting for the next question. "Correct! Your next question is. . . What color is the chair you're in? Should be easy right?" I smirked, raising an eyebrow. The man struggled for a moment to look at the chair, which was a a dark stained wooden chair. "Dark brown!" He finally answered. "Correct again! Next question, what am I?" I contained my grin, waiting calmly for his answer. "A.. bear! You're a bear!" He answered, acting as if he was going to actually win this.. "Wrong, you're half right.. However, you forgot a word! The right answer was, an 'Animatronic' Bear!" My stoic expression twitched slightly at his look of disbelief. "Next question! Who made the game 'Storm Chaser'?" I watched carefully, though, I was sure he knew this one. "I-It was Issac Hutchman!" He stated without a second thought. "Correct! Next question! What did Issac Hutchman do to be fired from the company entirely?~" My smirk returned, seeing the hope in his eyes falter slightly into anger. "Nothing, it was false accusations.." He seemed slightly angered at this question. "Wrong again, how upsetting! He was seen being openly abusive towards his child, was fired, and later on was arrested for the abuse of his daughter. . ." My eyes narrowed, sending a message easily. One that sent fear into his very bones.

[Both Issac Hutchman and the 'game' Storm Chaser are FAKE! I made both up, and would like for nobody to harrass anyone with that name. . .]

"Next question... What time of day is it?"



"Next question, how is monophobia spelt..?"

"M o n o p h o b i a!"


"Next question, what happened in the end of the movie 'Saw'?"

"U-Um.. Detective Tapp gets shot by Zep, and ended up being alive in the video game!"


"Next question, who plays the 'Mad Hatter' in the live action movie of 'Alice in Wonderland'?"

"Johnny Depp!"

"Correct again! I'd actually be almost impressed, if I didn't hate you so much." I growled, rolling my eyes.

"Last question, bear." He'd ask, a large smirk across his face.

". . . Last question..." My mouth contorted into a sinister grin.

"Who is in my stomach hatch...?" The mans' eyes widened in absolute horror. "W-What?" His voice trembled out, all that hope he had, was replaced with f e a r. "Come oon, kid, it's an easy answer!~" I tilted my head before repeating the question. "Who's. In. The. Hatch?" My eyes would glow brighter as I looked down at him, my fans whirring intensely. However, I made sure that they weren't set to cold or boiling hot. If I didn't, then who's birthday would I be celebrating tomorrow!? "...I-It's [Y/D/N]!" He answered... 

"Wrong, ooo, and you were sooo close! The right answer, was [Y/N]!~" I moved closer, readying my knife. "But lucky for you, there is a bonus round!" I cheered, watching the absolute horror in his expression shift. "What's the question..?" His voice shakingly asked.

"Is the person in the hatch breathing . . .?" His eyes instantly began to tear up, refusing to think of the fact that [Y/N] could be alive in there after all my threats... And his possible execution, which I was very much looking forward to.. "You sick fucking bastard!" He yelled, his voice breaking. "Tick tock... What's your answer?" I growled out, his fear fueling me. "N-...No." He began to silently cry, staring at the hatch blankly...

[slight tw ahead for faking someones 'sewer slide'.. you get the point.]

"Wrong again!" I spoke up finally, causing his gaze to quickly turn to my eyes. "...W-What?" His voice trembled for the fifteenth time, like geez, pull yourself together! "Sadly enough for you, if you had answered that right, you would've gotten a quick and painless way out! However.. You answered sooo far off that you get quite the opposite.." I began to approach, watching him begin to scream and cry. I would shove the cloth back into his mouth, muffling his potential pleas and screams for help. "Nobody is coming for you. . . After all, I'm going to make this look like YOU did this!" I began to laugh intensely, the muffled cries of the pathetic bastard in front of me only making this so much better. . . 

A slight shuffling inside the hatch made me freeze everything I was doing, staying silent for a moment. After a second the shuffling stopped, now replaced with the feeling of someone bunkering down comfortably. "Oops, almost woke him up..-" I mumbled, double checking to see if he was fully asleep now.. There laid [Y/N], sleeping completely peacefully inside the hatch. After I had confirmed that he wasn't going to be an issue, I turned my attention back onto his brother while twisting my knife into a better angle. "Let's be honest.. It was not a pleasure to meet you." I hissed in disgust, gripping the knife a bit tighter. He struggled harder, causing me to stab into his shoulder with a nail to keep him still, effectively nailing him into the chair. I grabbed his hair, ripping the cloth out of his mouth roughly, causing him to break a few front teeth... "You're a fucking sadist, what about [Y/D/N]!?" He tried to negotiate, but I full aware of what he would do.. Or well.. what I HOPED would happen...~

//[Y/N] would stab his other shoulder, a look of pure anger on his face as he yelled. "I. Don't. Start. Fights. But I'll handle you just.. FINE!" His eyes pierced into his brothers' while he twisted the knife. "Usually I'm very kind to others..~" He gave his brother a kind look, smiling gently as he put his hand into his hair. "BUT, I won't think TWICE, if you step to me or m i n e.." He grabbed his hair, pulling his head slightly angled up. "You're a slimly little motherFUCKERRRRR!" He'd slit his mouth, "UH OH, DON'TCHA KNOW!?" His expression was deranged and so angered. "YOU'RE NOT WELCOME 'ROUND HERE!" He let go, leaving the man to make a gurgled scream. "I THINK YOU SHOULD G O,'FORE YOU CAUSE SOME DRAMA!~" [Y/N] wandered over to me, my fans whirring at the sight of his bloodied form and crazed expression. "UH OH, DONTCHA KNOW?" He pulled me down to his height by my bowtie, careful not to rip it off or undo it entirely. He'd let go, returning to his brother. "That I'M THE ONE YOU SHOULD F E A R!" He shouted, grabbing his throat with his free hand. "Talk to ME if you got a problem..." His eyes burned holes into the others', who was still screaming in pain and fear. "I can't BELIEVE you used to truly scare me... You were like a ghost story they told to keep me weary! No, I never listened, though, they seeked out to warn me! And when our pathes finally crossed, I didn't heed the warning." He ranted, his eyes tracking him as he circled around. "Then, push push Push PUSH! Yeah, you pushed me to the.. EDGE!" He suddenly stabbed into his shoulder, making him let out a struggled cry. "I used to dread the thought of falling quickly!~" He leaned on the back of the chair, his brother struggling to distance himself. "But now, I kinda wish that would send me off that.. ledge..~" He ripped the knife out, moving in front of him. "SO I CAN FINALLY FUCKING TAKE YOU WITH ME!" He pushed the chair over, falling over right beside it with a loud and chaotic laughter.//
Suddenly I snapped out of my small... trance. Maybe [Y/N] had a better grip on me then I believed... My fans whirred so fast that I almost thought I could hear them. . . "I feel like your outcome would not change if BB was here.. In fact, for once, I am glad that he isn't here to give me any sassy remarks.." I added a tone of fondness to my words unawaringly. "You LIKE her..." The man smirked, almost like he had some leverage against me as a token to live. "...Perhaps... Maybe I do like him.~" I hummed, slitting his mouth to get at his tongue. I began to work on the muscle, cutting it slowly and forcing him to spit out the blood. I began stabbing into his arms and legs, however, I felt nothing towards his screams of agony. Instead, all I could think of was his three simple words... 

'What a strange situation I have made myself here...~'

S T A B..
SPLUT. . .

'I don't think I really mind it though... Hm..~ [Y/N], you never cease to puzzle me...'

Soon enough, the man was barely alive, twitching slightly as a sign of his struggle. He couldn't scream anymore, all that came out now was a raspy wheeze. "Well then... I believe you've learned your lesson!" I admitted, his lifeless eyes slowly looking over towards me. "I think it's time I let you go now..." I sighed dramatically, untying him slowly. His eyes lit up with hope, almost giving his lifeless stare a small spark of life. "Goodbye.." I grinned, causing him to finally realize the meaning of my words..


S L A S H!


My heart pounded as my breath hitch to see a familiar blue light shining down onto me.. I looked up quickly, finding Freddy's eyes piercing into mine.

"Hello, [Y/N]..~"


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