Story Ideas

By WhovianJC

382 6 25

These are just my ideas for potential stories in the future If I can they will likely contain a rough draft o... More

What if Naofumi was Captain America
The Return of the Strongest Avenger
The One Punch Hero!
Deku the New Knuckleduster
The Viridian Speedster (Flash Deku)
Ben 10 Deku Pt. 1
Ben 10 Deku Part 2
What if Deku was Karl Ruprecht Kroenen
The Gerudo Hero
Ben 10 Deku Pt. 3
Zonai Deku
My Son of All for One AU.
(MHA x One Piece)

Godzilla Deku Story

16 0 0
By WhovianJC

--- So this is an Idea I have had for a while, I will add an actual chapter here eventually. Anyway in this universe the titans/ Kaiju all return via reincarnation through humans. They only reappear when the worlds Natural balance is out of order, and when the hero Godzillo showed up everyone thought that was a premonition of what may come. They were wrong however the true reincarnation of Godzilla is a small boy that has been dubbed quirkless. Until one day a horrific injure is inflicted on him and his struggle begins. Deku's story follows the same path until his 9 birthday. ---

Deku's POV:

    I was enjoying my birthday as best I could, Mom had called me out of school for the day due to the bullying. I've been bullied for a good part of my life on account of my quirkiness though I've come to realize I was bullied before then as well. See the kids I once called friends always made fun of my lacking abilities. Enough of that today is supposed to be a day to enjoy after all.

     For the first thing we did today Mom took me to see a compilation of All Might's greatest saves at the theater. I loved every second of it, next we went out for lunch we settled for a ramen shop. After that mom took me to a store that specializes in hero merch, I got to pick a few things out. I got a new All Might figure, an All Might themed jacket and an All Might poster. After that we began to walk to the park.

     On the way however we unfortunately got caught in a villain attack. A giant villain was running away and smashed into a building knocking some rubble down on Mom and I. I noticed in time to knock Mom under a covered area but was unable to fully escape myself, leading to my left arm being pinned under. 

     "AHHHH!" I screamed out in pain as I crashed to the ground.

     "Izuku!" Mom shouted rushing over to check on me. "Izuku are you okay?"

     "My arm is pinned," I said. "Mom you need to get the attention of a hero or police somebody who can help get me out from under this stuff."

     "Izuku with something like this you could have a broken arm." She tried to calm me down. "It probably best to wait for someone and leave the rubble there."

     "Mom it wasn't the crash that made me cry out." I explained. "My arm started to hurt before then. It felt like my skin ripped open, my entire arm was on fire. It feels fine now but I need to see what happened. So please Mom, get somebody to help get this off my arm."

"Okay. Okay Izuku, I'll try to find someone to help get you out of here." She said standing up and heading to find someone. It took her maybe two minutes and she was there with what looked like a hero, Eraserhead I think. He used this cloth he had to pull chunks of the rubble off my arm as my Mom grabbed smaller parts.

Once I was freed he reached down and pulled me clear. "I got ya kid." He said. "We should get you to the hospital..." he stopped as we all looked at my arm.

My arm had changed it was reptile like from the point that was under the rubble, ruffly from my elbow down. My arm was covered in scales now and my hand had armor to protect if I were to punch something. Unclenching my fist I had claws now and contrary to the reptilian look was warm a lot warmer. 

     "Is this perhaps a part of his quirk?" Eraser asked my Mom.

     "No he is quirkless has the extra toe joint and everything." She said.

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