By TheGeekyBard

308 10 1

One night as Xena, Gabrielle and Joxer sit around the campfire, Xena and Gabrielle tell the chilling story ab... More



24 1 0
By TheGeekyBard

Gabrielle watched from a safe distance as Xena stood face to face with Typhon. The monster readied it's claws as he stalked Xena.

So do you wanna make the first move or should I?

(Condescending tone) Ladies first.

(Sarcasm) Now aren't you a gentleman.

Xena took the opportunity and ran in towards Typhon. The monster swiped at her. Xena rolled to the side and swiftly swung her sword, cutting Typhon's side. He roared as he held the wound for a moment, then looked at the blood that now coated his hand because of it. He growled as he swung at her again and missed. Then Typhon quickly followed up with another. Xena blocked with her sword.

What's the matter can't hit me without a cheap shot?

Xena pushed his hand back. Typhon swung again. This time Xena moved to the side and stabbed her blade into Typhon's arm. He roared as he threw Xena off of him. She quickly recovered and stood ready to continue. Typhon looked at new wound. He snarled as he looked at Xena.

Consider that payback for my arm.

If there was any question Typhon was furious before. All doubt went out this window when he let out what sound like the snarle of a rabid animal. He stared at Xena with a burning anger in his eyes.

What's wrong is this not fun for you anymore?

Oh I'll have my fun soon enough. When I'm wringing the life out of you, crushing every bone in your body.

Because you did such a good job with that last time.

Typhon's only response was another rage fueled roar as began rapidly swinging at Xena. Xena easily dodged each attack easily. Typhon's anger was causing him to lose focus, making his attacks predictable. Xena allowed him to get close as she backed towards the circles perimeter. She deflected his strikes. Each failed attack added more fuel to Typhon's rage.

Damn you! Just die!

Typhon threw a powerful swing. Xena tried to dodge but couldn't move in time and was knocked back, landing on the ground. Gabrielle, who was still watching the battle from where Xena had told her to wait, saw that it looked like Xena was in trouble. And began running towards her.


Xena lifted her head and saw Typhon coming right at her. He raised his claws and began swinging down right for her. Quickly realizing her surroundings, Xena reached over, grabbed a torch that she had planted in the ground and yelled as she thrust it forward. Sending the flame into Typhon's chest. The monster roared in pain as he backed away, holding his chest. Gabrielle stopped as she saw Xena stand back up. Typhon charged back in at Xena, who ducked then used the torch again to burn his arm. Letting out another painful noise, Typhon tried to knock Xena away. But was burned again for his efforts. In a rage he flapped his wings, sending a strong gust of wind at Xena as he began to fly off.

Oh no you don't. We're not done here.

Xena grabbed her sword and drove it straight through the end of Typhon's tail and leand down on it, there pinning him to the ground. Typhon roared as he looked down, seeing his tail trapped. Xena looked at him.

Now who's the one trying to run for their lives from a game..

(Talking to herself) She's got 'em now.

Typhon looked over at Gabrielle.

Is that what you think?

The creature hung in the air as his once golden eyes turned pinch black. Xena pulled her sword out and backed up as darkness began to rise from his body. Gabrielle ran up Xena.

What's going on?

I don't know. Stay back.

Xena held her uninjured arm protectively in front of Gabrielle as they both backed away from Typhon. Watching as the darkness began to swirl around him. More and more poured out and soon all Xena and Gabrielle could see was a large vortex of black. They could hear Typhon roaring from within the darkness. His voice gradually becoming deeper and more aggressive as he began laughing from inside. Xena might not have been able to see what was happening, she had a feeling that both Gabrielle and herself were about to be in very serious danger. As the same feeling that she felt before they had encountered Typhon came back. But now it was far worse.

Gabrielle run.

What?! No. I'm not just leaving you Xena.

Don't argue with me about this! You need to get out of here before it's too late.

And what about you?

I'm gonna see what I can do to buy you time to get out of here.

Gabrielle shook her head realizing what Xena was planning.

Xena no.

Xena reached out and held Gabrielle's hand in hers.

Everything will be okay. I won't let anything happen to you. I love you Gabrielle.

Xena lightly squeezed Gabrielle's hand before letting go as she turned her attention back to the vortex and Typhon.

Now go.

Gabrielle stood there and refused to leave.

No I won't let you sacrifice yourself for me.

Xena was about to protest Gabrielle's stubbornness when the dark vortex exploded upwards in the same colored light. Piercing the night sky. Slowly the light faded, leaving Xena and Gabrielle standing there in front of something truly terrifying as they watched what they assumed was Typhon slowly decended back down. Landing only feet away from them. He stood up straight as he towered over Xena and Gabrielle still. But now his appearance was fairly different. His lower snake half was gone. Now Typhon stood on two tree trunk like legs with clawed feet. His head had sprouted a pair of giant horns. He had bulked up significantly. His already large wingspan had only gotten bigger. In total he may have gotten smaller without the length of the snake portion of his body. But he still stood fairly tall as he looked down at Xena and Gabrielle. Typhon huffed as she stretched out a bit, settling into his new form. Gabrielle and Xena looked at the new version of the monster that had turned this night into a living nightmare.

(Whisper) Gods.

Xena didn't take her eyes off Typhon as she took Gabrielle by the arm and began backing away.

We need to go, now.

Xena and Gabrielle turned and began running. But their path was blocked when Typhon jumped and landed in their way.

Hey now what happened to that little challenge we had?

Sorry but it's just been called off due to unforseen circumstances.

Xena quickly grabbed a fistful of dirt and threw it in Typhon's face. Blinding him temporarily. Then she and Gabrielle took off running out of the clearing and back into the cover of the trees and kept going. Typhon roared as he felt the stinging in his eyes. After a few moments his vision cleared and he growled as flapped his wings and rose slightly off the ground. He looked at the ground and saw footprints in the dirt that headed into the thickness of the trees. Once he locked on to his targets direction, the more deadly Typhon weaved between the trees as he flew straight towards the fleeing Xena and Gabrielle. Typhon had now decided that the game that he had been playing was no longer important. Now his sole priority was to kill them. With daybreak quickly approaching the stage was set for the for what would soon be the final showdown.


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