By TheGeekyBard

308 10 1

One night as Xena, Gabrielle and Joxer sit around the campfire, Xena and Gabrielle tell the chilling story ab... More



24 1 0
By TheGeekyBard

Xena and Gabrielle sat in the cave that they had taken shelter in to try and avoid being found by Typhon again. Gabrielle looked at Xena wondering what she meant by what she just said..

You're gonna make a bet?


With Typhon?

Who else would I be talking about?

What would possibly make you think that he'll even consider the idea?

Oh I have a feeling.

Gabrielle looked at Xena with a blank expression on her face.

A feeling?

Gabrielle sighed. Contemplating for a moment the possibly that Xena might have gotten hit in the head and wasn't thinking straight. But realized that it was just typical xena and that she must've had a plan of some sort in mind.

Okay what's the bet?

Simple. If I can beat him into submission, then we get to go free.


Nothing, that's it.

After hearing Xena's plan Gabrielle was now convinced that Typhon had knocked Xena senseless.

You can't be serious. We just barely made it out of the last encounter. And not to mention the fact that you're injured now. I get that you're capable of holding your own in a fight, but this is different Xena. That thing after us is a monster in every sense of the word. You don't honestly expect to win in a fare fight.

Calm down. Everything's gonna be fine. I might be hurt but I'm still perfectly capable of taking down that over grown garder snake. Besides I never said anything about it being a fair fight.

Xena looked at Gabrielle as she raised an eyebrow driving home the point that she knew what she was doing. Gabrielle breathed a sigh of relief. Realizing that she should've known that Xena would have something up her metaphorical sleeve.

Okay Xena, I trust you.

Xena smiled. Then signed slightly as she stood up. She moved her body around as she tried to relieve some of the pain that Typhon had caused her body. After using a pressure point on her injured arm to dull the pain. She moved it around making sure that she could still actually use it.  After clenching her hand into a fist a couple times, Xena determined that she'd be able to still use that arm if she needed to. It still hurt but it was far more bearable now.

That should take care of that for a while.

Next Xena told Gabrielle to stay put as she went to the cave entrance and peeked out as she hugged the wall and hid in the shadows. After seeing no signs of Typhon around, Xena glanced up at the sky. Calculating how much more time they had before the sun came up.

(Thinking to herself) Damn still have at least a few hours. Looks like we're sticking with this plan.

Xena cautiously but quickly left the cave and gathered an armful of decent sized branches and slipped back into the cave and stood near the entrance.

Okay the coast is clear. Let's go.

Xena nodded towards the entrance. Gabrielle stood up and walked over. Looking at what Xena had gathered.

What's that for.

Making sure that Typhon knows just where to find us. Come on help me set these up.

Gabrielle followed Xena outside. She planted a number of the branches in the ground so they would stand up where Xena instructed her to place them. Xena did the rest and then they finish settling up the rest of Xena's plan. Once they were done Xena told Gabrielle to go and hide near the cave entrance and to wait for her signal. Gabrielle left Xena's side and went to her designated spot. Once Gabrielle was in place, Xena took a torch and began lighting each of the branches on fire. Soon Xena stood in the middle of a ring of fire. She held her sword as she looked up, waiting for her opponent to arrive.

Okay Typhon time to come out and play.

Xena didn't have to stand around waiting for long. She watched as a large shadow came into view over head.

There you are.

As the shadow got closer to the ground the light from the flames chased away the shadow and Typhon came into clear view. He landed inside the circle that Xena and Gabrielle had created.

What's all this now?

I just wanted to make it easier for you to find me. Since you seem to having a difficult time keeping track of your supposed prey.

I see. So I take it that you forfeit and want me to grant you a quick death.

Typhon sighed as he sounded slightly disappointed.

I have to admit I'm a little sad that my game is going to end in such an anticlimactic way.

Xena smirked.

Oh this isn't a surrender. It's an offering.

An offering you say? What could you possibly have to offer me. Other than your life.

Xena drew her sword and rested it confidently on her shoulder.

How 'bout making this game a little more interesting.

Typhon looked down at Xena as he lowered himself down to eye level with her. Intrigued by the thought.

Hmm you have my attention.

I had a feeling you'd like that.

So tell me, just how do you plan on improving on the fun I'm already having.

A challenge to see just how long it'll take for me to beat you.

You mean a race against time to see how long you can survive against me.

Xena gave Typhon a serious look.


Typhon made an irritated growl at Xena's confidence.

Fine I'll play along. After all I still have the other one I can entertain myself with once I'm done with you.

Typhon rose up and stared down at Xena.

Just remember you asked for this. So I hope you're ready.

Xena glared up at the monster that towered over her.

That depends, are you?


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