By TheGeekyBard

308 10 1

One night as Xena, Gabrielle and Joxer sit around the campfire, Xena and Gabrielle tell the chilling story ab... More



30 1 0
By TheGeekyBard

Crickets could be heard chirpping in the cool night air as Xena and Gabrielle sat on a log after finding that they were being held captive for some unknown enemy's sadistic game of cat and mouse. Xena looked up at the sky as she sighed. Realizing that this was going to be a very long night. Gabrielle looked at Xena.

So what's the plan?

Xena looked at Gabrielle.

Well first we need to move. Just staying out in the open like this only makes us easy targets. So finding shelter or at least someplace more secluded is our safest option.

Xena stood up.

Next we need to figure out who's behind this twisted game. Then we stop them.

You make it sound so simple.

Hey I never said it was gonna be easy.

(Sarcasm) Is it ever?

Our lives would sure be far less interesting if it was, wouldn't it?

That's definitely one way to put it.

Xena turned to start walking.

Come on, we should get moving. Staying here much longer probably isn't a good idea.

Gabrielle got up as she, Xena and Argo walked away from the clearing in search of shelter. As they walked Xena was sure to keep a lookout for any sign of their unkown predator. Gabrielle thought to herself as she noticed that most of the anxiousness she had felt earlier was gone.

Hey Xena I noticed something strange.


Most of that uneasiness I've had since we got here is gone. I wonder why. Especially now that we know that something IS out here.

It was probably your basic instincts kicking in to warn you of something that we weren't continously aware of yet. And now that we know about the danger it's not as bad because alot of the time it's the fear of the unknown that really gets us.

I guess that makes sense.

They continued along until Xena heard a low growl. She quickly stopped as she held her arm in front of Gabrielle stopping her as well.

(Whisper) Who or whatever is after us is close.

Xena motioned for Gabrielle to get on Argo as she drew her sword and looked around. Gabrielle climbed on the horse as Xena slowly backed towards Gabrielle. There was a rustling sound in a group of trees. Xena quickly looked towards the sound and saw a large shadow lurking in the midst of the darkness. She kept her sword ready.

I know you're there. Why don’t you just come out and we can do this face to face.

The shadow laughed.

Oh do I not scare you?

(Sarcasm) I wouldn't know I haven't seen you. But I'm sure you're face can't be that bad.

Ah yes humor. A fine tactic to try and mask your true emotions.

Who said I was masking anything?

You can lie to yourself but you can't fool me. I can smell your fear. Especially from that one sitting behind you. And it's exquisite.

Xena glanced back at Gabrielle, then looked back at the shadow.

Don't even think about trying anything.

But that is the whole point to all this. As I've told you this is a game of survival.

If you insist.

Xena grabbed her chakrum.

I guess it's game on.

She threw her chakrum into the trees towards the shadow. The shadow quickly dodged as Xena's weapon began to ricochet off the trees and bounce around. The shadow roared as it got hit. Then it knocked Xena's chakrum away, sending it back at her. Xena easily caught it and returned the weapon to it's place on her hip. The shadow growled.

I'll be sure to kill you first.

You can try.

Oh I'll do far more than that.

the shadow began to run towards Xena. Unintimidated, Xena stood ready. Her sword poised to strike. Before Xena could see what was coming, the shadow abruptly changed direction. Xena turned to watch as it stayed in the cover of the trees. It didn't take long for her to realize what the shadows true target was.


Wasting no time Xena whistled for Argo. Gabrielle quickly held on as the horse suddenly ran towards Xena. As Argo got to her, Xena hopped on in front of Gabrielle. She turned to glare back at where the shadow now was.

Aren't you the smart one. Now the real fun starts.

Xena knew that fighting there wasn't going work. She needed to get Gabrielle somewhere relatively safe. They had to find a good spot to regroup, and figure out just what they were actually up against. She got Argo running and they sped off into the night.

Yes, run. That makes things far more interesting.

The shadow took off running after them. And so the mystery hunter's game truly began. Gabrielle held on tight, as Xena looked behind them seeing the shadow close behind. The darkness and the trees still made it impossible for Xena to see their pursuer's identity. All she knew was that based off of what she could see, they were farely big and obviously not human. Though that didn't really help all that much at the moment. Right then all she could do was try and get Gabrielle and herself away from whatever the thing after them was. And find someplace safe. Then she could think of what they were going to do next. Because if they were going to be forced into a game where her and Gabrielle's lives were on the line. This was going to be one game that Xena was not going to lose.


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