Love me like I love you

By Harper_Lily_Potter_

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Hi, my name is Harper lily potter.... Harry Potter's younger twin sister and this is my life at Hogwarts you... More

Cast ~ 4th year
Goblet of fire 🔥
we didn't do it
Second task info
Second task
truth be told
Dance Class
Yull Ball
Third and final task.
Dreams worth dying for
Ends with us
Home time
Home not so sweet home
Cast ~ 5th year
Order Of The Phoenix
Clubhouse... well Room.
Hagrid's back
getting caught... not fun
The Order
nothing left except pain.

first task

51 1 0
By Harper_Lily_Potter_

Harper's POV~ 

I wake up and look at my phone too see if anyone had messaged me, just a few friends and people at the school wishing me good luck for today... the first task

I look at the time on my phone to see if I can lie in for a bit, I didn't hear my alarm go off so i'm guessing its early... 

"OH SHIT!" I yell, jumping out of my bed,  i'm late, i was supposed to meet at the tent like 10 minutes ago to get started with the first task, I through on some of my close that was left on the chair, draco must of left it out more me, he slept at blaise's room last night, they wanted to play some xbox. 

once I got changed into my clothes, I left my room and i start to walk very fast and left the castle and walked down to the tent where everyone and i once i get there I was slightly out of breath. 

"i'm so sorry i slept in did i miss anything important " i ask everyone in a rush 

"no miss potter i was just telling everyone about how they will choose there dragon and then with the sound of the canon the first person will go in and get the golden egg, the dragon is very protective of it, you challenge is to receive" Barty says like its a normal day 

"CHOOSE!!!" we all yell in shock, umm what this is new 

"Right were gonna start from the first person who got here that will be you Cedric and then Fleur, Victor, Harry and then Last will be you Harper" Dumbledore tells us 

"okay now gather round and i'm going to show you a bag and i want you to put one of your hand in and choose, your dragon" Barty tells us, we all go into order and start pulling out our dragon, like its a fucking pick n mix. 

Cedric was first and he got a Swedish Short-Snout, there not that harsh, quite tame if handled correctly... so I was told 

Fleur was second and got a Welsh Green dragon, snappy buggers, but like to sleep. 

Victor was third and got a Chinese - Fire ball, very smart dragons, but can tricked easily, I personally think there are quite cute.  

Harry was forth and got a Hungarian Horntail, well shit, rude, evil, loving making  people cry... terrifying. 

now it was my turn i'm gonna say it, i'm really scared 

i picked out a Ancalagon the Black, its a 3 headed dragon 

when everyone saw the dragon i picked i looked up and saw all the terrified looks on their faces, not for themselves, for me 

i'm the smallest here and i'm fighting the biggest dragon, at least it will be a cool way to die 

"right well Mr Diggory at the sound of the cano-" Dumbledore gets cut off by the canon 

"Good luck Cedric" I say and he gives me a little nod. 

40 minutes later Fleur was called out, then 50 minutes later Victor was called out then 30 minutes my brother was called then 1hour later it was my turn... never had to wait so long in my life. 

Cora POV~  

this is so funny i just watched harry get thrown against the wall

"YAY GO DRAGON WOOOO" i yell this is fun 

"damn Cora you really hate potter don't you" Pansy asks me, is she thick 

" i hate potter, but i love Harper she is actually worth my time" i reply

"Cora be nice to pan" my boyfriend mattheo tells me 

"sorry" i say with a sarcastic tone 

"do you think Harper is gonna be ok, do we even know what dragon she got" i here my cousin Draco ask, and i know he's just saying what we are all thinking 

"don't worry bro she'll be ok she Harper Lily Potter, she got this" blaise tells Draco 

About an hour later harry come back and he grabs the egg, yay (note the sarcasm) 

it toke about 20 minute for something to happen and all we heard was the loudest Rawr ever

"OH MY GOD, that's a three headed dragon, she gonna die"  Pansy says, please don't say that i cant lose my best friend i need her in my life, i wont lose her

i pretend to not care as much because i don't want people thinking i'm a softie 

"well if she dies, i'm taking her boots, y'know the ones with the heal" i say trying to sound strong 

"Cora, not the time" Mattheo tells me, nodding to a worried Draco, like he is shaking, damn he really loves her 

Harper's POV ~ 

i hear the canon go off and i double check to make sure i have my wand and a plan

i really hope i don't die, as i walk out i see all the crowd yelling and cheering for me 

and then i see, a very hard to miss three headed dragon, oh i wish it was fluffy 

i pull out my wand just so i have it at the ready  and is soon as i walk into the open i get thrown against the a big rock and my god it hurt like a bitch 

 i yell in pain and now everything is blurry, i hide behind the rock to get my vision back and thankfully i did 

"CALL A BROOM" i hear someone yell 


"HARPER USE MINES" i hear my boyfriend yell at me 

"Accio Nimbus 2000!" i yell pointing my at the sky 

as i'm about to move that fucking dragon blows fire at me 

i can hear Draco's broom fly in and i and manage to jump on it and i'm very happy i'm good at flying, i jump onto the broom and i start to fly about the pit to try and get the dragon dizzy it was working until mr 3 face brakes out of his chains 

"of course they only used one fucking chain" i say and i start to fly faster and faster, until i'm no longer in the pit and i start to fly towards the Castle and then the fucking dragon thought it would be nice to burn my boyfriend's broom, damn gonna have to get him one for his Christmas. 

i can feel the heat from the flame and i fall off the broom from the shock and i land on the roof of the castle and i manage to grab onto the ledge of the window that is on the side of the castle 

i can see that the broom was just on top but it was stuck, i look over to my left to see the dragon coming towards me but it was slower as it was trying to get to me while 'crawling' on the slanted roof 

as it gets closer to me i can feel my hands slipping, one of my hands slip and i'm holding on by one hand ONE! 

"i'm gonna die" i say to myself, i mean it would be a cool way to die i guess, cause of death three headed dragon. 

i can feel my other hand slipping and as it slips the dragon manages to shove one of its claws into my waist,

I let out a blood curdling scream due to the pain. 

it pulled his claw out of me but the nail stayed inside me. 

it tries to bite me so i do the only thing i can think off...

"CRUCIO!!!" i yell pointing my wand at the dragon and i can see it tense up in pain and i watch it fall off the roof and fall into the void under one of the many bridges the school has, i watch the dragon fall, tears just start to flow out of eyes

I look up and see the broom above me, so I reached up and pulled it off the roof.

as i pull it hard and we both fall from the castle but i manage to get onto the broom and fly back and let me tell you it was a fucking bumpy ride which didn't feel nice on my waist 

as i fly back into the pit i can hear everyone cheering and chanting my name 

"HARPER!, HARPER!, HARPER!, HARPER, WOOOOO" the noise was muffled, like all the sound of the room started to be puled out, it felt weird. 

i grab onto the egg and i fall off the broom holding the egg tight to my chest, i roll onto my back and i grip the claw and pull it out with a loud and long cry 

"Ahhh!" i yell with tears pulling out my eye, after that everything got  more blurry and all i can remember  is 3 people running towards me but before they managed to reach me i pass out... and I all I saw was black. 


When i woke up everything was dark i think its night now, i look over and i see my phone on the table, someone must of put it there so i grab it to look at the time 7pm, dinner started 30 minutes ago

 i see the nurse that was looking after me and she walks over to make sure i'm okay  

"ahh wonderful your awake, you've been in and out of consciousness for the last  week" Madam Pomfrey tells me 

"A FULL WEEK" i yell in shock, oh fuck, good to know that everything still fucking hurts 

"yes a full week, your friends and brother are very worried for you, let me take a look at your waist again and if its good you to leave, oh also i've been told to tell you that Dumbledore wants to speak with you either this night or tomorrow morning as you wont be a loud to go to classes until your waist has fully healed" she tells me, fun no classes 

"okay, i'll try and see him tonight" i tell her and i lift up my top to let her see my injury, it still hurt like fuck.

she takes a look at the injury on my waist and nods her head

"yes, it looks better well, healing somewhat better then a few days ago, am going to put a bandage over it just come back in about 5 days and i take a look at it and put a spell to fully heal it, it's just a bit too deep for the spell to take it place, at this moment of time, you're  free to leave, but please Harper take it easy " Madam Pomfrey tell me, giving me a look  

i get out of the hospital bed and see the fresh clothes left at the bottom of m bed, so I go behind the part where I can get changed and put them on. 

 "Madam Pomfrey" i call her name, stepping out from behind the 'wall' 

"yes my dear" she replies with a soft smile   

"thank you, for looking after me" i tell her with a smile then i leave to head to the great hall 

the great hall was only down two flights a stairs so i got their very fast, as i walk in i look over to the Gryffindor table and see, Ron, Ginny, Hermione and my brother, then i look over to my house, Slytherin and see, Cora, Mattheo, Pansy, Blaise and my boyfriend Draco 

i hear someone shout my name "Hey guys harper's back!" And as someone said this both of my friend group look at me and run up to me, Draco got her first and kissed me very hard

"Im guessing you missed me?" i ask with a giggle at the end and he nods and kisses my head and pulls me into a a hug and pulls away and walks behind me, making sure i don't fall as this is the first time i've been up and walking in a full week

i see Cora and Mattheo and they both pull me into a hug "thank god your ok little one, i've missed you, I had no one to annoy" Theo tells me, with a smirk 

 "yeah he's been complaining all week" Cora tells me with a smile

next was pansy and blaise and they both gave me a big hug a pansy kissed my cheek "thank god your okay" blaise tells me 

then i see Ron and Ginny, Ron came over and hugged me then Ginny pushed him out the way and Hugged me tightly "oh Ginny i'm still a little sore" i tell her,

 "sorry harp, its just i though you died" she tells me

 "okay Gin come with me" Ron tells his little sister 

"God Harper i though you died you cant do this to us okay, never and i mean EVER again okay" Hermione tells me "yes Mother" i reply sarcastically last was harry

"Hey lil sis, how you feeling" my brother ask me, kissing my head 

"like hell it hurts when i breath, and i'm not joking, like at all" i tell him and everyone laughs 

"look i need to go as Dumbledore wants to talk to me i'll see use tomorrow and ill see you later baby, bye guys" i tell them and then give draco a kiss. 

 they all say their good byes and i leave the great hall and i head up to Dumbledore office 

as i'm walking up the stairs i get that sore head again, what the hell is happing to me my god it feels like my scar is gonna burn off my forehead 


Once i got to the entrance of his office i say the password to get it to show the stairs.

"Sherbet Lemon" I say, the stairs start to move up to his office, i walk up them and enter the room and i see him on his chair with his phenix beside him 

"ahh Miss Potter thank you for meeting with me at this time" Dumbledore tells me 

"its okay i'm glad i'm up anyway but may i ask, why i'm i here?" i ask him very confused as I sit down on the  chair. 

"your here for two things, the first one, do you still want to compete in the tournament" he asks me, yes 

"umm, yes i would still like to compete, i'm not the type of person to pull away and lose" i tell him with a smile 

"Oh i know, ok i shall inform Barty about your choice, now this question will have to stay between us if thats okay with you miss potter" he asks me.... ok this is weird, and i'm used to weird.  

"umm sure headmaster" I say  

"i ask the teachers to keep an eye out on you and your brother and i've be informed, that you have been getting very sore heads and your scar has been looking more reddish then usual, now is their something you would like to tell me" he ask me, i need to tell him 

i've not told anybody this really, didn't want people to be worry about me, I don't like being a burden 

"it started a week before the start of term and i've been getting these really odd dreams that are keeping me awake, i'm in a grave yard and i hear people talking. but all i feel is death, and i feel like i can't breath, like something is pressed against my chest, and when i look down their is, it looks like a handle of something that is stone and then i feel this massive pain on my arm but  then i wake up" i tell him, with a nervous tone in my voice 

"ah yes this is exactly what i though would happen, has this happened to harry" he asks me 

"i'm sorry what is happening, yeah it happens to harry to but his are different, though i cant remember what his are on" i ask him very confused and concerned for myself and harry 

"ill explain one day miss potter, now your free to leave and try and get some rest" he tells me and i stand up and walk out his door and walk down his stairs 

i head to the common room to get to my bedroom, i just want to sleep and rest and tomorrow i'll deal with the 2nd challenge with the group. 

when i get their i just get go straight to my room, and i look too see Draco on my bed  he was asleep, he looks so peace full, i start to undress and put on my PJ, which are a pare of Draco's boxers and one of his tops, his boxer are a bit baggy but they fit, they just rest on my hips, and his top is just a dress on me, it really funny, i normally wear Dracos Clothes to bed as its more comfortable. 

i get into the bed and lie down and i face Draco and play with his hair and kiss him on his forehead and turn away so my back is facing him and i feel his arm wrap around my waist and then i fall into my sleep, it was a bit sore but he didn't put as much weight onto it. 

I start to drift off into a sleep I have been longing for. 

all of a sudden i wake up covered in sweat and i'm breathing very deeply

"god i hate nightmares" i whisper to myself, i stand up from my bed and i grab my phone to look at the time '3:37am' i says, i put on my shoes and i go for a walk

i find myself in astronomy tower and i look up into the sky and i see all the stars and a big full moon

"i hope Remus took his potion" i say to myself 

"don't worry he did" i hear from behind me and i turn to see my god father 

"Sirius!" i say running over and hugging him  

"what are you doing here, its like nearly 4 in the morning" i ask him 

"what are you doing up, you should be resting" he asks me 

"i asked first" i tell him

"i'm older" he tells me... really thats a kids response 

"i had a nightmare and i couldn't sleep, so i came up here to look at the stars, no why are you here " i tell him, with a soft voice 

"I had a meeting with Dumbledore, he wanted to inform me on some... interesting information" he tells me, a meeting

"you were having a meeting a 3 in the morning, and what information?" I ask him folding my arms. 

"none of you business Harper... and i'm also not aloud to tell you just yet" he says. 

"did he tell you about the nightmares?" I say looking at the moon 

 "he did, and i'm worried for you and your brother, first the nightmares and now use are in the tournament" my god father tells me with worry in his tone 

"i'll be fine Sirius, i promise" i tell him 

"i know that harper but i just feel like i have to look after use for James and lily sake, if anything were to happen, id blame myself" he tells me 

"i can protect myself" i tell him, i really don't want to worry him anymore 

"right well then i should be going, and harper get some sleep, you look like you've not slept in a month" he tells me with a chuckle at the end and before i can reply he's gone, i probably should head back to my bed

the walk back was very peaceful, the sounds of the birds in the nigh sky was nice and the waves from the lake just down the hill was very calming once i got back to my room i just got back to my bed but i still cant fall asleep, i think ill ask madam pomfrey later fore something to help me sleep 


i was wake since i got back i cant sleep, i was just sat staring at the wall for a long time

"your awake, normally i have to wake you up or your phone does" Dracos tells me with his morning voice... sexy 

"ummm, yeah i just woke about 20 minutes ago" i lie to him, i hate lying to him i just feel really bad about it... truthfully i've not slept since I last woke up. 

 "i need to go and see madam pomfrey, my waist is killing me." i tell him and i grab some clothes and go into my bathroom to get changed and then i leave 

once i leave i start to walk to the hospital wing, it took me about 10 minutes to get their as i cant walk fast, love being a slow walker, note the sarcasm 

"ahh miss potter what are you doing here your meant to be In for another couple of days" madam pomfrey tells me 

"oh yeah, but i was wondering, do you have anything you can give me to help me sleep, i cant seem to fall asleep and if i do i wake up and cant go back. last night i was up from like half three  onwards until this morning, i had to lie to Draco about why i was up" i ask her, she takes a look at me for a moment and then asks me to take a sit on the bed so she can just do a normal checkup on me 

"may i ask why you cant sleep" she asks me while looking though her cabinets for something for me

"umm i keep getting getting nightmares, Dumbledore knows about it that was one of the reasons he wanted to talk to me 

"ah well i wont ask anymore questions, here take this, its sleeping drowt, only take one per day anymore and you could become very ill, but it would ware off but you would be in a lot of pain, anyways while your here may i take at your waist" she tells me, with a smile while handing me the medication, and i put that in my tote bag i brought with me 

"um yes sure, let me just lift my top up" i tell her lifting up one of my tops 

she pulls back the bandage and she nods her head 

"ah yes that healing just the way i tough it would, just come back in a couple of days and ill put the spell on it 

"thank you Madam Pomfrey" i tell her walking away, okay take one before I fall I sleep. 

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