
By lxvelxce

480K 12.6K 8.4K

The Sully family had been on the run. The sky people have returned and they can't afford to endanger the Omat... More

01|| The Offering
03|| Healing and Ilu's
04|| Fights and amends
05||Darkness and Light
06|| Delivery
07|| Bonfire
08|| Ma Eywa
09|| Away from him
10|| The Final Stretch
011|| The Last Night
12|| Bonded
13|| A New Home
14|| Seizures
15|| Surprises
16|| Family Visitation
17|| The Beginning Of The End
18|| The Final Battle
19|| A Brother
20|| Two Pieces of the Same Broken Shell

02|| Hi'itsamsiyu

27.6K 709 522
By lxvelxce


Skakoan truly was a great fighter. His form was immaculate, his eyes predatory. The one thing he lacked: Agility. He was muscular to a fault, he was big and brutal, however, his massive swings where slow. 

He plunged the spear towards me as I held mine to my face, stopping it in it's tracks. I was waiting for a perfect moment to strike, and as we fought harder and longer he would eventually give me one. I evaded his attacks quickly. A sheen of sweat was layered on his foreheat as he tiredly swung the head of his spear. In a last ditch attempt he jumped and hurled the spear at my stomach. 

I heard the Tsahìk and Olo'ekytan gasp as he threw a spear at a teenager at full throttle. I nimbly dodged the attack as the blade lodged itself in the rock on an angle. I ran up his spear and kicked him in the stomach, sending him flying. I tugged on his spear and held it to his heart, mine to his neck. He was sprawled on the ground as he desperately tried to move. I stayed silent as I softly pushed the blade to his skin, not to the extent of drawing blood.

Skakoan held his arms up in defeat while I withdrew the weapons aimed at him. I was thrown onto a large mans shoulder as the people begun to chant, it started quiet, then got louder and louder.

"hi'itsamsiyu! hi'itsamsiyu! hi'itsamsiyu!" they yelled at the top of their lungs. I laughed at their antics as I held the winning spear above my head. They only got louder at my action, some of them let out war cries. For the first time since we left home I allowed myself to enjoy this moment. I knew most of my time would be spent here, where people respected my talents. Even though he lost, Skakoan held his spear in the air and chanted along with the crowd. I looked over to the Olo'ekytan and he smiled, nodding along with his people. I was set down as a wave of tall men surrounded me.

"I wanna duel her next! back off!"

"Tonowari!" one of them complained as the chief gently led me back to the side of the stone slab. They deflated sadly as they got back to their normal training partners. The clashes of spears soon again erupted from the area as Tonowari turned to look at me once again.

"Your fighting is impressive, I may get you to teach Aonung you're style." My smile soured at the mention of his eldest son. He noticed my change in expression as he continued.

"My son is not as bad as he seems. He cannot accept change, and that holds him back. He may be rash, he may be mean, but he will change. Keep an open mind"

I nodded my head along with his words, Tonowari was a wise man, I could only hope he was correct.

"Ronal would like to officially meet you tonight, after dinner. You are welcome to enter our marui. However, before then, your time is free. I must teach your father how to ride a Tsurak, you may choose to battle until dinner if you wish." He smiled making his way down to the beach. Skakoan sharpened his blade as I approached him. He seemed friendly once you had gained his respect. He smiled up at me.

"Anything I can do for you hi'itsamsiyu" He asked. I nodded and smiled back.

"Could you teach me to fight like the Metkayina? The Omaticaya way can only go so far when surrounded by water." I asked. I hadn't really expected much to happen, but he stood up and called a few friends over.

"hi'itsamsiyu want's to learn the way of Metkayina! It is our job to teach!" He said excitedly. They smiled and gathered a few weapons. The warriors where more welcoming than I could've imagined. They each took their time to show me how the weapons work as well as which movements give the most explosive power.

"See, you need to use you're hips, legs, and torso, it gives momentum and adds to the power of the arm" One of his friends said showing the form without actually throwing the spear in his hand. I did the same, however I let go. I felt a lot more power as I threw this time.

"There we go!" The friend cheered. I looked up and eclipse had started. I said my goodbyes to the warriors as they all gave me playful slaps on the back and ruffles of my hair. I saw Tsireya in the distance and jogged to catch up to her.

"Tsireya!" I yelled. Catching her attention quickly, she was startled but smiled as soon as she recognized who it was.

"A'nityra, are you ready for the communal dinner?" I must've looked confused as she giggled to herself.

"We have a communal dinner twice every week to meet with friends and eat with other families. It creates a bond throughout the tribe" She explained.

I nodded my head as I understood.

"I'll walk you down and we can sit together if you'd like?" She asked warily, afraid of rejection.

"I'd like that, thank you" I said. Nodding to her. She grabbed my wrist and ran along the sand, with me in tow. My siblings sat together in a circle with some village kids as they laughed.

"A'nityra!" Tuk yelled, getting up and throwing herself in my arms.

"Were where you?!" She said against my chest as she hugged me tight.

"I was with Tonowari and the warriors" I say as Tsireya's ears twitch.

"You where with my father?" She asks.

"Only for a while" I say sitting down while Tuk climbed into my lap. She put extra food on her plate for me as I began eating. I ate quickly and neatly, needing to refuel my body after fighting all afternoon.

"We learnt to ride these things called Ilu's today! They're so cute and Lo'ak flew off when he first tried to ride it!" Tuk giggled talking to me. Lo'ak threw a piece of food at her as he got scolded by Tsireya. I went to take off my bow when I realised it wasn't there. I began to panic, my heart beat increasing as I continued to pat along my shoulders, feeling desperately for the material of my aunts bow.

"What's wrong?" Neteyam asked, putting a hand on my shoulder.

"I left my bow somewhere, I'll be right back..." I mumbled quickly lifting Tuk and putting her in Neteyam's arms. I ran swifty back to the stone slab that laid along the sand. I hoisted myself up and ushered to the weapons rack.

"Please be here, please be here, please be here" I mutter. Below the rack was barren as I clenched my hand,my knuckles turning light blue in frustration.

"Hey demon blood!" I hear a boy laugh, I turn to find one of Aonung's friends, not the one that follows him all the time, the other one, with long hair.

"This yours?" He taunts holding my bow above water, about to drop it in. He twirls it in his hand. Slowly letting go of his fingers until only two are stopping it from falling into the ocean.

"May I please have it back?" I ask kindly, trying to stop him from dropping it to the depths of the sea.

"I don't know...I kinda want to drop it" He hums menacingly as he rests the string on one finger, he starts to retract and let the bow go, but just as he's about to Aonung walks towards him from the sand.

"What are you doing Payntoran?" He asks, tilting his head to the side.

"Showing this demon blood that she doesn't belong here" He huffs, looking straight at me. Aonung's eyes widen, seeing me with my brows furrowed.

"Give her her bow back"

"Why she's a freak-"

"Give it back Payntoran!" He hisses. When he doesn't move he snatches the bow out of his hands and gently places it in mine. He still looked pretty annoyed as the other boy scoffed, diving into the sea.

"Thank you" I whispered bowing my head. I held the sacred weapon to my chest as I began to walk away.

"Hey!" He grabs my arm and twirls me around. He passes me the quiver that I had completely forgotten about as I once again bow my head in gratitude, quickly walking back to the communal dinner.

The bonfire burned even brighter than before as children ran around and caused a ruckus. Adults made casual conversation as teenagers sat in groups, laughing and talking about whatever had happened that day.

I knelt beside Lo'ak and began to re-braid some of his hair that had come undone. He swatted me away in embarrassment as I hissed at him. He blushed thinking about the girl he's interested in watching as his older sister did his hair. My fingers went quick to work, twisting and knotting the hair in various ways. He was reckless and often needed it re-braided. I pat his head softly telling him my work was done. He huffed, annoyed at me as I walked around and ruffled Tuk's hair. Tonowari's words ran through my head as I began to walk away again. The hut was fairly easy to locate, it was large, larger than the rest. I let out a deep breath preparing myself of what was yet to come. The Tsahìk sat on the floor cross legged, breathing in and out slowly, she noticed my presence as her eyes flew open.

"Come, sit." She said, showing no emotion.

"You do not know the way of water. This training will be harsh and demanding. You have to be strong willed. If not, you will fail." She declared, staring at me.

I recoiled slightly at her bluntness, but nodded in agreement.

"In the morning's you will be here, training to become the next Tsahìk, in the afternoon's, you will become accustomed with your future mate. He will teach you the way of water." I kept a bland face. But inside I was screaming. Today he had showed both of what he was capable of, I just hoped he grew into the same boy who helped me retrieve my bow.

"We will have a short lesson right now, I need to know what the Tsahìk of the Omaticaya had taught you before you left"

I nodded once again.

"In this space you are free to ask questions, nothing will be judged, it is all about the path of learning"

"Yes Tsahìk" I say.

"You may call me Ronal, however, that is a privilege, not a right." She said.

"I understand Ronal" I say, slightly nodding once again.

"Now, say I have fallen unconscious, what is the first thing you do?" She asks, testing my knowledge.

"Check that you are breathing" I respond quickly.

She lets out a hum of approval as we continue. When I answered in the way of the trees, she told me the way of the water. When I got something wrong, she would, correct me. When our lesson was coming to an end she handed me a small container of herbs we had discussed.

"These are for practice. For our lesson tomorrow morning we will tend the wounds of the hunters."

"Thank you Ronal" I say. Nodding my head in respect, on my way out I brush shoulders with Aonung, he gives me a small irritated hiss as our shoulders connect and he continues walking inside.

I bit my cheek in frustration. One moment he was doing the right thing...the nice thing. The next he becomes this mean persona. I saw a large rock up ahead and hid behind it. I let stray tears fall from my eyes as my body wracked with sobs. I wanted to go home, find someone who truly loved me as I loved them. I wanted a normal life. I didn't want to be betrothed to someone who hissed or scowled at me. I just wanted a loving mate. Was it so much to ask Eywa? Lo'ak and Tsireya get along well, they don't hiss at one another, they smile and laugh. Why can't he just be nice. I wipe my tears that continue to fall as slowed my heart, taking deep shaky breaths. I hadn't even noticed a wave of tiredness wash over me as my head slowly slumped against the rock. My eyes fluttered closed as I fell into my slumber. The last thing I felt before falling completely unconscious where two strong arms wrapping around me. 

[Word Meanings]

Hi'itsamsiyu = Little warrior

Words: 2133

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