General Lee's Revenge--Karma

By TheHighwayDreamer01

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Someone's comin' back for revenge, and it ain't General Lee, so who could it be? When General gets torn up a... More

Attention Reader!!
Part One, Chapter One: "Spitfire"
Chapter Two: "Under One Roof" (Again)
Chapter Three: "Bird-Dog Central"
Chapter Four: "Tormentoso"
Part Two, Chapter One: "The Belly of the Beast"
Chapter Two: "Tell Hughie to Go to Hell"
Chapter Three: "Devil's Right Hand"
Chapter Four: "The Duke Boys Are Dead"
Chapter Six: "The Ice Isn't Floating"
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight: "It's What's On the Inside That Counts"
Chapter Nine: "Au Revoir"
All Done 😁

Chapter Five: "I Just Want to Talk"

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By TheHighwayDreamer01

A/N: (It's finally here, y'all. I did take a little break from it but I was able to get back on track and bring us into the final stretch of Karma. Here is chapter five, enjoy.)

It was roughly a twenty-minute drive back to the farm, one that normally would take a little over thirty minutes. However, the only time that General ever followed was the one he beat. He reached highway speeds on those backcountry roads, Thunder and Diablo struggling to keep up around bends and curves. Thunder had grown accustomed to General's speed and tricky maneuvers when he was racing off somewhere in a bundle of emotions, but God-forbid he was scared. If General was scared he'd drive like a maniac, and that he was doing.

The Charger veered off the road to take a shortcut and Thunder followed, unaware of where he was going but trying to stay up to speed. Diablo lagged behind, ultimately missing the turn-off and having to backtrack to find where they'd gone. Once he finally found them again, General had jumped the river and ended up back across the county line, headed towards the farm. Thunder, however, hadn't made it across. He was stuck on the rocks on the other side of the bank with a flat tire. Diablo skidded to a stop and sat there a moment, watching his friend sit there, half-submerged in river water.

Thunder noticed him sitting there and honked his horn at the Ranchero. "Go on ahead and catch up to General, I'll call Cooter to get me outta here, don't worry!" the pick-up called.

Diablo glanced up the road anxiously to watch General growing farther and farther away, then back to where Thunder was sitting. He didn't want to leave him, but decided on it and revved his engine, going back for a running start to clear the river and catch up to General.


The General Lee and the Dukes slid up to the farmhouse in record time, the three cousins quickly climbing out, however, stopping in their tracks. It was quiet, and if anyone knew the Dukes, around them, it was never quiet.

Hearing this, Luke felt his way around the car to the front where the other two cousins were, ready to charge inside. "Somethin' ain't right," he said.

"It's too quiet," Bo added.

Daisy shook her head. "Boss Hogg and Rosco ain't never quiet."

That said, the three of them quickly ran inside just as Diablo was pulling up past Hughie's car, completely winded. Both Defects were dirty and spotted with mud. General watched the door intently, ready to spring into action at a moment's notice. Meanwhile, Diablo shook himself, trying to free the twigs stuck in his grill and the vegetation wedged underneath his hood.

General looked around anxiously, trying to see who he all had for backup, however, only to find that Diablo was the only one there. Suddenly getting a feeling of dread, the Charger revved his engine.

"Diablo," General rumbled nervously.

Diablo stopped what he was doing and looked over at him. "What?"

"Where's Thunder?"

Diablo paused for a moment, almost having forgotten about the truck. "Oh yeah, I forgot to tell you, he got a flat and said he was gonna call a Cooter to pick him up."


Diablo shifted on his suspension. "Back at the river."

That was a while ago, and even if Cooter had gotten to him by now, Thunder wouldn't be fast enough to get back to the farm in time. Finally, General sighed and turned to Diablo again.

"Diablo," he said.

The Ranchero lifted himself on his suspension. "Si?"

"I'm countin' on you."

A quiet pause blanketed them as those words sank in, Diablo just simply nodded and watched General turn back around in anticipation.


Bo, Luke, and Daisy stood in the kitchen just inside the door, Daisy pulling the gun from her belt and Bo and Luke advancing forward. Luke kept a hand on the back of Bo's arm to track his movement, listening carefully for any noises that seemed out of place, except for the quiet.

Laying on the kitchen table was a black, pearl-handled pistol, one the Dukes recognized as belonging to the one and only Rosco P. Coltrane. Bo picked it up, finding it to have been emptied of ammunition. Dejected, he set it down on the kitchen counter next to the sink, sharing a glance with Daisy.

"What is it?" Luke asked in a low voice.

"Rosco's gun. You think they'd be around here somewhere," Bo said.

"There's no one in the living room?"

Daisy walked out into the other room to inspect it, turning around when she found nothing. "Empty," she reported back.

Luke nodded and let go of Bo's arm. "Daisy, check the hallway. Bo, have the Defects take a look in the barn just to be sure."

Bo nodded and went back to the front door, stepping out onto the porch and leaning out the screen door to gesture to General and Diablo for them to check the barn. The Defects made no noise or any signal that they understood but went to do what they were asked.

By the time he got back in, the kitchen was empty, and even Luke was gone. He went off in search of his two older cousins, sneaking around the house so as not to be heard. The hallway seemed darker than usual, and it was eerily quiet. As he reached for the door to his uncle's bedroom, he suddenly felt a hand grab his arm and he jumped, ready for a fight. Luke reeled his hand back, confused. Surely his cousin had seen him.

As Bo stood, trying to find his heart again, and his breath, he looked up at Luke who stood, leaning around the corner of the hallway with a look of uncertainty.

"Jesus Christ, Luke, don't do that!" Bo exclaimed once he finally caught his breath.

Luke raised an eyebrow.

"How did... how did you get over here?"

"I know my way around the house, Bo, I've lived here my whole life, haven't I?"

"Well I know that, but--"

"I ain't helpless!"

As Luke said this, he disappeared around the corner, Bo following quickly after him. They made it back to Daisy's bedroom where they met her as she was shutting the door behind her.

"Any luck?" she asked them.

Bo shook his head. "No, nothin'."

A collective, despondent sigh gathered in that corner of the dark hallway, which seemed to make it even darker.

"Let's go see if the Defects found anythin'," Bo said.

As the three of them stepped outside, they saw General and Diablo coming back from the barn. Both Defects shook themselves, indicating that their search had come up zero.

"I'm sorry, y'all, but the barn's clear, and I had Diablo check the back forty, couldn't find 'em," General explained as he rolled up.

"They weren't in the house, I don't know where else they could be, though," Luke said.

"El cerdo wouldn't have left with them, would he?" Diablo asked.

General revved his engine. "Caleb and Maiden would've caught 'em, besides, his car's still here."

Bo and Daisy exchanged glances and the Defects grew quiet as a feeling of dread washed over them.

"You wouldn't... you wouldn't suppose Hughie took 'em out to the woods, do ya?" Bo asked worriedly.

"Why, what's back there?" Diablo asked.

Luke folded his arms in front of him. "No witnesses, nice and quiet, can't hear nothin' for a good two miles."

"And moonshiner traps," Bo added, "lots of 'em."

"If Hughie's in there, it's 'cause he knew that'd be the last place we'd look."

"Which I'm willin' to bet he is," Daisy said, casting a glance toward the thick woods behind the farm.

It was then that they heard a deep sound that froze all of them and made them turn around. The agitated barks grew closer and louder and it came to be that they could hear him panting. From the line of trees ran Liberty, fast as he could on those three legs. Upon reaching the Dukes, he didn't stop to let any of them pet him, and instead circled around their legs and paced anxiously. He continued barking, ears set back with his tail hanging between his back legs.

The three of them tried to grab the dog, however, were unable to as he darted away from them, still barking. He was dirty and saliva was frothing on his rubbery lips, making him look rabid. As he turned this way and that, they saw there was blood on the front of his chest and some on the underside of his muzzle.

"Will somebody get the damn dog?" Luke asked.

"Hold on, I've seen 'em do this in movies, we should follow him, he's got blood on him," Bo said, heading back toward where General was.

"He probably just killed a rabbit or somethin', Bo," Daisy said.

Bo looked up at her as he grabbed his bow and arrows from General's trunk. "It's worth a shot, ain't it? C'mon!"

Bo took off towards the woods with Daisy lagging behind.

"It's a waste of time is what it is!" Luke called after them, however, got pulled along by Daisy.

The Defects followed them to the tree line where they couldn't go any further, unable to fit between the trees. Liberty was already trekking through the foliage, running ahead of the Dukes, the three of them turning around to look at the Defects.

General revved his engine at them. "We'll be waitin' right here for ya, don't worry."

Bo waved at him from inside the trees. "If we ain't back in twenty minutes, call Cooter!" he called.

The Charger revved his engine again to indicate he understood, and watched them disappear into the darkness of the forest. The Duke cousins steadily navigated through the trees, trying not to lose the dog. The sound of Liberty's pants were growing farther and farther away as they struggled to keep up, either one of the boys occasionally tripping and slowing them down.

As they made it deeper into the woods, closer to the foothills of the large mountains that ran through the northern part of the county, riddled with moonshiners among other things, Liberty led them up the steep grade of one of the foothills, then back down the other side. The dog stopped at the muddy bottom of a dry creekbed where Brutus and Flash were stationed, both dogs dirty as well. Once the Dukes finally caught up to him, they were already tired from the long trek through the woods. Carefully making their way down, completely winded, the three of them settled at the bottom of the creekbed.

Luke settled on the bank of the creek, catching his breath while Daisy stood, regaining her bearings. Bo let out an asthmatic cough, chest having grown tight from the strain on his lungs. Twenty yards away, the dogs were digging at the ground, slinging even more mud up onto themselves. When they weren't digging, they were pacing and whining. Flash bayed loudly whilst looking down at something, catching the Dukes' attention.

Daisy immediately rushed over to where they were, Bo following a moment later with Luke, leading him to her. It was then that they noticed that she'd stopped dead in her tracks, and what Bo saw left him speechless.

"What is it?" Luke asked.

It was a hot minute before either one of them responded, and it was none too collected.

Daisy drew in a shaky breath and uttered. "Moonshiner trap."

"How bad is it?" Luke asked, grabbing for Bo's arm again.

Daisy got closer to peer down into the gaping hole in the ground. Her breath hitched in her throat as three frightened gazes turned upward toward her.

"Daisy!" Jesse exclaimed.

"Is it what I think it is?" Luke asked.

Daisy looked back down at her uncle and the politicians. Boss Hogg was sitting on the ground, holding a hand to his bloodied side and Rosco was crouched next to him, clutching his bleeding arm. Neither of the injuries seemed life-threatening, but Daisy knew she couldn't be too careful.

"Whatever you're thinkin', it's probably better than this," Daisy said, kneeling down in the mud.

"Oh God, they ain't dead, are they?" Luke asked fearfully.

"We ain't dead!" Rosco called up from the pit.

"Yet!" Boss Hogg added curtly.

Daisy sighed and ushered the boys over. "Hold on, we're gonna get y'all outta there."

"Y'all alright?" Bo asked.

Jesse, the only one standing, shrugged. "For the most part, we'll be better once we get outta this blamed hole. How'd you kids find us anyway?"

"Liberty led us to ya," Bo said, "just one of those miracles I guess."

They heard Rosco scoff. "Some miracle, you know how long we've been down here?"

Jesse hit him in the shin with his steel-toe. Rosco yelped and fell back against the dirt wall of the pit. Boss Hogg sighed and winced as he stood, clutching his side, blood staining his white suit.

"Can you get us out?" he asked.

"Yeah, we'll get ya out, just hold on," Luke replied, bringing his cousins into a huddle.

Once inside the huddle, the three of them all talked in hushed voices so as not to worry the older men.

"They're all too heavy to lift outta there, how're we gonna do this?" Bo asked.

"Do you think any of the Defects could get in here?" Daisy asked.

"I've got an idea, it's simple physics. Daisy, I'll have you up here to help 'em out, and me and Bo are gonna push from the bottom."

Daisy shrugged. "I don't rightly know about this, but I'll try my best."

"You with us Bo?"

The young blonde nodded. "Hey, where you go, I go."

"Alright," Luke snapped his fingers, "let's get to work."


Before long, both Duke boys had climbed down into the muddy pit, and Daisy readied herself at the top to haul the men up one by one. First was Boss Hogg, Bo making a step with his hands, and Luke pushing him up to Daisy. The short, fat man struggled up the side of the wall, and Daisy was almost pulled in by his weight, however, one final push from Luke got him over the side. Daisy pulled him out, both of them falling into the mud on the creekbed. Boss Hogg stayed there, panting against the pain in his side while Daisy scrambled back to her feet and readied herself for the next recipient.

Jesse was next, the boys performing the same procedure as with Boss Hogg, however, this time the motions going more smoothly as Jesse wasn't injured, was taller, and slightly less heavy than Boss Hogg. Daisy pulled him up no problem and managed to keep both of them on their feet. Once at the top, Jesse thanked her and patted her arm before she ran back to get Rosco.

Rosco was a bit easier than the last two, however, struggled with his injured arm. Ultimately, Daisy just grabbed him and pulled him up, dragging him back towards Boss Hogg. This left only the Duke boys inside the pit for them to climb out themselves. Bo gave Luke a step just as he did for the others, letting Luke up to grab the edge of the ground to pull himself up. Once up, he reached down, letting Bo grab his arm, and pulled his younger cousin up.

All six of them stood in the creekbed next to the pit, Jesse wrapping Daisy up in a hug and Boss Hogg and Rosco helping each other up. After Jesse parted from Daisy, he moved to hug the boys, embracing them each tightly, happier than anything to see all three of his kids safe.

"I can't tell y'all how glad I am to see you're okay... but if you ever scare me like that again, I'll whoop ya to kingdom come!" Jesse exclaimed, looking at each of them.

"Good to see you too Uncle Jesse," Bo said.

Jesse threatened to knock him upside the head but lost the motivation to as his youngest ducked out of the way. Finally, Jesse sighed and turned to Luke.

"What all happened to you three anyway? First, I hear y'all have a plan to deal with Hughie, then he shows up here tellin' us that y'all are dead and he killed ya, and now you're here. You mind explainin' that?" he asked.

Luke grinned. "It's a long story but we'd be happy to tell you all about it at the house."

Jesse looked between Bo and Daisy skeptically, then back to Luke. "You also mind tellin' me why you won't look at me when I talk to you?"

Luke fell silent and Bo and Daisy each shared an uneasy glance.

"About that... I can't really look at anythin'," Luke said, scratching at the back of his head.

"He got whacked in the head, Uncle Jesse," Daisy added.

"What're you sayin'?" Jesse asked, giving them a skeptical look.

"Luke's blind... temporarily," Bo explained, "I think..."

"What?" Jesse exclaimed, his voice riddled with worry.

"I'm fine, Uncle Jesse. Like Bo said, it's probably just temporary. Look, with any luck I'll be good as new by the end of the week!" Luke said reassuringly.

"What? No, I'm callin' Doc Appleby the minute we get back to the house! How long ago did this happen; why didn't y'all come home sooner?"

"Look, we'll explain everythin' when we get back but for right now, let's focus on gettin' outta here."

"Let's go, I'm cold," Boss Hogg complained, waddling away up the rear slope of the foothill.

Rosco followed in time to catch him as he tripped and fell struggling up the steep slope. That simple action baited the rest of them to follow to make sure neither of them hurt themselves on the way back to the farm.


When the Dukes finally emerged from the woods, they discovered a shocking surprise. Cooter had returned with Thunder, and the rest of the Defects were in the yard, staring up at something in Thunder's claw. His arm was stretched upward, a flailing, dangling form twisting in his grasp. Underneath him on the ground, the Defects were revving their engines, hooting and hollering.

"Squeal, piggy! Say oink!" Diablo rumbled.

"I wanna use him as a pinata!" Tank exclaimed, getting close, only to get swung at with a cane. "Hey, I'm supposed to do that! That ain't how a pinata works!"

Caleb and Grant laughed at the spectacle while General revved his engine.

"Looks like we caught ourselves a weasel!" he exclaimed.

As the Dukes were walking back towards the farm, having heard the upheaval from afar, they all gathered around to see what it was, much to their surprise.

"Is that..." Luke's voice trailed off, recognizing the familiar cries.

"Hughie Hogg!" Daisy exclaimed, running the rest of the way to the Defects.

The boys followed her, the three of them meeting Cooter next to General.

"Hey, y'all!" Cooter said with a smile, "Y'all like the party decorations?" He smirked and pointed a thumb over his shoulder to Hughie dangling in the air.

Bo laughed. "It's great!"

Luke shook his head. "How did y'all pull this off?"

General revved his engine. "Thunder caught him on his way out, turns out Caleb and Maiden did miss him."

Just then, Hughie twisted himself around and yelled, "What're you doin'? Put me down!"

Thunder laughed. "What d'you suppose we do with him now?"

Daisy crossed her arms. "I've got a few ideas."

Bo smirked, driving his fist into his hand and walking towards Hughie. "Huh, fancy that, I do too."

Hughie squirmed some more, trying desperately to get free. "Wait, no! Stop! I can make you a deal!" he yelled, holding his hands out in front of him as if they alone were going to stop the Duke boy.

"It's a little late for that, Hughie," Bo said.

"And after everythin' you did to us? Not on your life!" Luke exclaimed.

"You ain't really in a position to negotiate either," Daisy pointed out.

All three Duke cousins looked ready to pounce on Hughie before he cried out, "Listen to me, I-I'll make it worth your while!"

They all paused for a moment, exchanging glances, looking over to Jesse for advice, however, he just shrugged and shook his head, indicating that it was their decision to make.

Finally, Luke crossed his arms and tried his best to position his blind gaze toward where he thought Hughie was. "Alright, we're listenin'."

"A-a little to your left, Luke," Hughie said.

"I don't... I don't need you to tell me where you are, I just need you to get your point across."

"I'm sorry, I can't focus on what I'm sayin' if you ain't lookin' at me 'cause then I think you ain't listenin'."

"Hughie--" Luke cut himself off with a frustrated sigh and pinched the bridge of his nose. He took a deep breath to calm himself before turning back to the conversation. "Okay, I can't look anywhere, in case you've forgotten already, so what d'you want me to do?"

"Just look where you hear my voice comin' from, it ain't that hard."

"That's what I've been doin'."

"I'm sorry, are you hard of hearin'?"

"I don't know, I mean, I've been up-close and personal with grenades and heavy artillery.... Of course I'm hard of hearin'!"

Hughie crossed his arms curtly. "Alright, then I don't see an easy solution to this problem."

"Just look at Bo if you have to look at somebody!"

"No, don't do that! That makes me uncomfortable!" Bo butted in.

"Can you suck it up for maybe two minutes?"

"Wrong side, cousin."

Hughie clicked his tongue, drawing attention back onto him. "Oh, now that I think about it, not danglin' upside-down in the air seems a bit more compellin'."

The Dukes looked at him, unamused.

"Thunder?" General rumbled.

"On it," the pick-up replied, swinging his arm up and flinging Hughie into the air.

Hughie screamed as he flew up into an arc, coming back down a few feet away into the mule's water trough with a large splash! The Defects howled with laughter

Hughie coughed and sputtered, trying to pull himself out of the trough, but only managing to trip over the side of it and land face-first into the mud. The Defects laughed at him even harder, if possible that is.

The Duke boys helped Hughie up and the little man brushed himself off, fanning out his coat to help it dry, though most of him was still sopping wet.

Hughie cleared his throat. "Thank you," he said, words laced with embarrassment.

Luke folded his arms again and Bo and Daisy looked Hughie up and down.

"You've got five minutes," Luke said.

Hughie quickly glanced at each of them, seemingly trying to determine whether they were serious or not, and straightened his coat as soon as he realized they were. "Right, ah, I'm ready to propose a deal, a truce if you will."

"Alright, we're listenin'," Luke said.

"I'm prepared to call off the bounty, you'll all be able to go back to your normal lives, and I'll make sure nobody ever bothers you again, from my end at least."

Hearing that, the Duke cousins immediately berated him with questions, all nearly at the same time.

"On what conditions?" Luke asked skeptically.

"Sounds nice, what's the catch?" Daisy said.

"Yeah, what's this gonna cost us? Our souls?" Bo butted in.

"No! No, no, nothin' like that! Just one condition: the three of you join me for dinner so we can... talk some things out."

The Dukes exchanged glances skeptically.

"Like what?" Luke asked.

Hughie sighed, choosing his next words carefully. "In regards to what happened in April, I want to make peace with you boys, I think we can work out a deal."

All of them immediately grew quiet, the boys too stunned to speak, minds racing. The only thing still legible at that moment was the feeling of the earth's vibrations from the Defects' engines still collectively running.

After what seemed like hours, someone finally made a noise. Cooter scoffed, "Sure Hughie, they ain't hardly talked to nobody about what went down there."

"Yeah, and besides that, in what non-existent plane of reality would we ever have reason to trust the likes of you?" Daisy asked accusingly.

"You're right, you don't. I for one want the chance to put our differences aside and call for a truce. Please, I just want to talk."

A few more uneasy glances were exchanged before Luke spoke up.

"We'll have to think about it," he said, voice devoid of emotion.

Hughie bowed slightly as if giving him permission. "Take all the time you need, I'll wait here with the uh... Defects."

Luke nodded and quickly gathered everyone in the house, leaving the Defects to guard the enemy. Within seconds, everyone was gathered around the kitchen table, and they could all tell by the look on Luke's face, which immediately sparked an argument.

"Luke... you can't be serious now, I mean, after everythin' you're ready to just... let him go?" Bo asked.

"I don't see what other choice we have," Luke replied.

"I do, we keep fightin' like we always have. We've got the Defects, anythin's possible!" Daisy argued.

"It ain't that simple, Daisy. Look at Boss and Rosco, people are gettin' hurt over this. The longer we let this go on, the more people are gonna get hurt, or worse, we don't want that!"

Bo sighed. "As much as I hate to say it, Luke's right. If we've got any chance at endin' things with Hughie, we oughta take it before he hurts anyone else."

"No, I ain't gonna let you boys go and get yourselves killed over somethin' as arrogant as Hughie Hogg!" Jesse argued.

"Aw, c'mon now, Uncle Jesse, not you too," Cooter whined.

"I'm sorry, but nothin' y'all say can change my mind, and I ain't your Uncle Jesse! Besides that, the point I'm after is that we all know we can't trust Hughie. With any luck, it's most likely a trap, and I don't wanna lose you boys. For the past six months, I've been puttin' all my faith in the Lord that he'd bring y'all home safe, and He has every time without fail, but... I just don't think I can go through with it this time, my heart can't take it."

A despondent look crossed Luke's face and his chin tilted downward. After a moment, he said, "I'm sorry, Uncle Jesse, but this's bigger than just me and Bo, if we can end this here, now, we won't have to risk losin' anybody else."

"And you two?" Daisy asked.

Both Duke boys got quiet.

Daisy nodded, tears springing to her eyes. "That's what I thought."

"I know how bad you boys want this, but sacrificin' yourselves to do it... it just ain't worth it," Jesse said.

"And if we don't? Uncle Jesse, I just don't think I could live with myself knowin' I coulda prevented somethin' bad from happenin'."

Jesse became quiet, steadily realizing he was losing this argument.

"So y'all are leavin'? Just like that?" Daisy asked, teardrops rolling down her cheeks.

"It ain't like we're gonna be gone forever, Daisy," Luke said.

"Yeah, we'll be back, promise," Bo added.

Daisy shook her head. "No you won't. Dukes don't lie to other Dukes, Bo."

"Look, I'm confident that we'll come outta there, but in the case that we don't, y'all know who to call, and you've got a whole regime of Defects out there to take care of ya. I can't guarantee that we'll be back, but I'm sure we will be. Now, we can either go with your blessin' or go without it."

The words hung in the air for a moment, all four Dukes silent. Slowly, Daisy stepped forward, reaching out to Luke's hand to let him know how close she was.

"For what it's worth," she said, "you boys are two of the most stubborn, persistent, and selfless people I know, and I love you for it."

Luke smiled and pulled her in, kissing her on the cheek and giving her a tight hug. After he pulled away, Daisy gave him a small smile and let go of his hand.

"Go on and get Hughie outta our hair, make me proud," she said.

Both Duke boys nodded and Jesse came over. He wrapped them both up in a hug in an attempt to hold on to them just a little while longer, but eventually, the time came, and his beloved nephews pulled away. Without another word, they walked out the door, and Jesse could have sworn that the house felt ten times colder the second they left. Not even a moment later, Cooter walked across the kitchen.

"Where're you goin'?" Boss Hogg asked him.

"Call Autumn, see what she's up to," Cooter replied nonchalantly, picking up the phone.


Outside, Hughie looked up at the sound of the screen door banging shut to see the Duke boys walking out of the house. He quickly stood, clasping his hands together and putting on a sinister sneer.

"Ah, there you are, I's startin' to get fidgety you know," he said, meeting them as they walked up. Hughie rounded on them and put an arm around each of their shoulders. "Don't worry, boys, y'all made the right decision."

Luke pushed away from him, brushing himself off. "Alright, ground rules, you ain't allowed to touch us, and secondly, we're bringin' a couple of Defects with us."

Hughie looked from Bo to Luke and took his arm off of Bo's shoulders, holding his hands up in compliance. "Fair enough, bring as many Defects as you want."

With that, Hughie started walking on ahead towards the road. Luke motioned over his shoulder, General and Thunder rolling up, ready for instruction.

"General, we'll ride with you. Thunder, you hang back in case things get hairy, got that?" he asked.

Both Defects revved their engines to signify they understood and Thunder rolled away.

"In the case that it does get bad out there, I want y'all to know that it's been an honor to fight alongside you boys," General rumbled.

Both Duke boys nodded. "Same for you, General," Bo said.

General revved his engine. "C'mon, let's go before we lose sight of Hughie, then we'll have a whole new thing to deal with."

Nothing more had to be said for them to climb through General's windows, Bo in the driver's seat, and Luke riding shotgun. General revved his engine some more and took off up the driveway, catching sight of Hughie's car and following it down the road.

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