Sorry (ON HOLD)

By cuddlymxndes

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Being best friends with William Singe can be hard when he becomes famous, but what will happen when Maddy mee... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
chapter 22
chapter 23
chapter 24
chapter 25
chapter 26
chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31

Chapter 15

481 12 3
By cuddlymxndes

We woke up to the sound of Will and Zach bursting through the door. They started screaming and attacking us with Nerf Guns.

Julian and I quickly ducked under the blanket.

‘Wake up sleepy heads! Gotta get ready for school Moo!’ Will yelled out.

I pulled the blanket off my head and sat up.

I saw a pen on Julian’s desk and threw it at Will. I got his shoulder, too bad it wasn’t his face.

‘Get out!’ Will and Zach ran out laughing. Julian sat up as well, rubbing his eyes.

‘They’re right. We’ll miss the bus if we don’t get up soon,’ Julian yawned.

‘I know,’ I groaned. I hated the thought of leaving Julian’s warm comfy bed.

I bounded down the stairs. Everyone looked half dead. I saw Sammi as I walked into the kitchen. She looked the worst.

‘Does it really take that much energy out of you?’ I asked Sammi.

‘You have no idea! Then after we stay up replying to all the tweets,’ she yawned.

‘That’s so sweet of you guys, replying to all the fans.’ I grabbed a bowl out of the cupboard and poured some cereal that was sitting on the counter.

As I sat down at the table, Zach joined me.

‘You two seemed pretty comfortable this morning,’ he teased. I slapped his chest as he started laughing.

‘Shut up!’ I gargled with my mouth full of cereal, keeping my head over my bowl, ‘you’re just jealous that all you’ve got at night is your hand and a laptop screen,’ I sneered.

Angel, who had just walked in the room, burst out in laughter.

‘You tell him Maddy.’

‘Actually I do have someone,’ Zach said, being all serious, ‘her name’s Keeda and she is the most amazing girlfriend in the whole entire world.'

‘Aww how cute, you’ll have to introduce me to her one time.’

Julian took a seat next to me with a plate of toast covered in Vegemite.

‘What’s this we’re talking about now?’ He asked.

‘We were just saying how we should double date,’ I told him.

‘Or triple date?’ Julian suggested.

‘Triple? Who else has a girlfriend?’ I asked. I didn’t even know Zach had a girlfriend, now apparently someone else did as well? What else are they hiding from me?

‘Jayden,’ Zach said.

‘What about me?’ Jayden chirped up. He had his head buried in his laptop until he heard his name.

‘You have a girlfriend?’ I asked.

‘Yes! Why do you sound so surprised?’ A few chuckles were exchanged.

‘Her name’s Libby and she is perfect. My everything,’ he smiled goofly to himself.

‘Aww, you guys never told me you guys had girlfriends!’

‘We never had the reason to, it didn’t come up in any of our conversations,’ Zach shrugged, stuffing his face with a toasted cheese sandwich stolen from Bella’s plate.

‘Thanks Bells.’ Bella slapped Zach’s chest and he laughed.

I finished my cereal and put my bowl in the dish washer. I walked into the laundry where my dress was hanging on a clothes horse.

I had a chance to chuck it in the wash yesterday before we left for the concert.

I grabbed it off and ran up to Julian’s room to get changed. I locked the door after me, remembering what had happened yesterday when Julian had forgotten to.

I had a feeling that if that happened again this time, it may be a bit more awkward than last time.

I quickly got changed and grabbed my toothbrush and hairbrush from my bag.

I couldn’t be bothered with make up today.

‘Alright bye guys, be back in at least an hour,’ Julian called out as he closed the door.

As we walked across the street and waited for a bus, we started up a game of truth.

‘Alright, I’ll start. First pet?’ I asked.

‘A fish called Jerry, how about you?’

‘A dog named Baily. He actually saved my life. There was a snake in my backyard and he killed it but unfortunately it also killed him.’

‘First crush?’

‘A guy that lived two doors down when I was 5.’

‘Aww that’s so cute! Did things turn out well?’

‘Nah he moved away. How about you?’

‘Hmmm, my FIRST crush. That’s a hard one… it would have to be the blonde girl from my favourite cartoon when I was six. I can’t even remember what it was called or her name.’

The bus pulled up and opened it's doors and we got on.

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