067. [dottore x male reader.]

By -ezekielsdarling

123K 4.1K 3.4K

- was written when i didn't have a good writing style, currently has a rewritten version. ❝subject 067, you r... More

.. your long list of trigger warnings.
00. prologue.
01. test subject 067.
02. zandice.
03. dottore's office.
04. beige chamber.
05. blood and hunger.
06. sweet boy in exchange.
07. deal exchanged.
08. collei..
09. dottore.
10. zander's demise.
11. realizations.
12. your reports.
13. white chamber.
14. beloved. 🍋
15. the jester & regrator.
16. phase two.
PHOENIX. (sequel)

17. phase two in remission. [end.]

4.5K 157 193
By -ezekielsdarling

tw ; major character death, gore, violence, fighting a child, murder-suicide - long chapter warning :p ( 3k+ words )
  enjoy the ending of being dottore's little failed experiment. <3

_________ ׂׂૢ་༘࿐

phase two. that's what they, the three, called it. the "fighting phase".

the phase where you were put to the test, entirely. thrown into the deep end, all on your own. it's as if they had you stranded in the middle of a vacant desert with no knowledge.  dottore had taken all your instincts from you. all survival instincts, gone. out the window entirely. not an ounce of them remaining.

he was smart with it too, you had realized. he striped you of every vital nutrient your body needed, then threw them at you in full force. for weeks, and you hadn't noticed.

how would you have noticed? you were too blinded by your so called love for the doctor. it wasn't love, it was a sickly attachment. an illness. he didn't love you, he used you. for all of that data he's so obsessed with.

that's all you've been since the very beginning; a chunk of data.

and now here you are, locked in a dark room with a strange creature in front of you. calling it a creature would be a bit harsh; it looks a lot like collei, whom you helped dottore experiment on so long ago.

her skin had became hardened. you weren't sure when her entire body had developed so poorly, since the last time you saw her, the scales hadn't taken her body completely.

her violet eyes, that were once green, you remember, were ... extremely dilated. as if she were on something, drugs maybe. but she couldn't be sober. they had to have pumped up drugs into her bloodstream. or sometime.

dottore had only convinced you to come out with him towards this place, with a promise of a "reward". though, never said what. he had declared his love for you quite often. he'd talk about how you were the one for him and how he knew in such a short amount of time.

all to keep you from leaving.

he didn't love you. he loves his career. you aren't special, you never had been. you knew that much, now.

it wasn't hard to notice with all of his bullshit lies that you should have seen through earlier. "i love you", "you're special my sweet boy", "i have to hide us from them", yet, he proceeded to document you like an animal. you saw him, everyday you were by his side, jotting things down about you in that stupid fucking clipboard of his.

he really had you believing that he loved you, didn't he? huh, it's quite funny, if you forced yourself to not be angry with yourself over it. once a liar, always a liar.

the first flag was zander. sure, zander had hurt you in unimaginable ways that no person should have to go through, but to call him a loose end? there had to be more to the story. there was more to it, in fact, much, much, more. you went through his office a few days ago, after a dumb argument about how you felt unwanted (you were.) and that's when you stumbled upon it.

the box of files dedicated to zander, neatly hidden behind his bookshelf. each of the folders in there were stamped with a "RUINED" all of them. your folder was in there. it had been a box of every little experiment zander had plagued with his god awful presence.

your folder, however, had multiple pages of dottore's handwriting in them. multiple different accounts of how he had to keep you interested in behaving and how the only way to do so was with, quote-on-quote, "romantic attraction."

he faked being attracted to you, just so his experiment wouldn't go wrong. but here you were, in front of a fucked up collei, with no clue what to do. dottore had mentioned that there'd be "training" to go along with this part of the "phase", yet, you were subjected to no such training.

the only training you received was how to hold a fucking polearm quickly. a fucking child could hold a polearm correctly.

   "ahem," a voice echoed throughout the darkly lit room, where multiple blood stains and weapons had been thrown about, "welcome to phase two!"

the voice was dottore's. you knew that much. his voice had a knack for raising when he's excited, as it did now.

  "i'm sure you have plenty of questions, the both of you, not like i care about those, though," dottore started. his voice echoed throughout the room, as if it's unavoidable to not listen to him, "well, 067 and 024, we, the jester, regrator and i, have come up with am entertaining way to go about this phase. privately discussed of course, sorry 067, couldn't let you in on that."

entertaining for them, maybe. rage moved through your bloodstream as he continued speaking.

  "think of it ... as a blood royale. first to not die, wins. and what do you win, you're most likely thinking? nothing but your life. though, 024, if you win, we will allow you to go home to that pathetic village, your time here's at an end, hence your presence here. 067, i am terrible sorry for everything, my dove, it's just business."

just business? that's all you are? not even a botched fucking experiment? a fucking videos business preposition? how ironic.

you thought you met something to him. you truly did, and archons, were you stupid. all of the signs and flags were laid out in front of you, right in front of you, but you never noticed them. you could blame it on the fact that you had been mentally deficient for so long, but you were just stupid to believe you meant something.

  "a small dosage of a gas, made from experiment 056 - you helped with that one, i believe, my dove. will be released shortly. it's unavoidable that you inhale it, so don't bother trying to. that's all! i will take great pleasure in watching."

of course he'd take great "pleasure" in your misery.

after a few moments, true to his words, a small vapor emitted from the corners of the room. the gas is thick and smelt absolutely rancid, yet it's a pretty color. though, of course it's something you worked on. he wouldn't you have one thing, would he?

he fucked you so you'd obey him. he held you so you'd obey him. he "loved" you so you'd obey him.

everything was for the sake of obeying.

the vapor entered your lungs, shortly, after your first breathed it in. it's like an invasive species with how swiftly it moves, instantly taking place in your lungs after travelling through your airways.

collei ... collei seemed to have the biggest reaction to the gas. tear streamed down her face as she held it in her palms, gasping and croaking for air. was she ... already dying?

surely not, you hadn't even began to do anything. there's no way they'd allow her to just drop dead before they could see the quote-on-quote "battle."

you highly doubted that you'd contribute much to the fight. she's a child, you weren't one to hit a small fucking kid. maybe, just maybe, that's why she was really chosen.

maybe she was really chosen just to fuck with you. to ruin your morals and morale. maybe everything dottore had just admitted was bullshit. surely, they believed you'd come out alive, right? you're a grown man and yet ... she's a kid. the bets had to have been on you.

collei took a few steps forward. her back is slouched towards the hard ground as she walked forward.

  "hey, kid, i don't want to do this. i really don't want to do this," you pleaded as you took steps back. if collei were to react so violently to the vapor, then you'd put distance between the two. that'd work, right?

you refuse to hit a kid, after all.

  "i ... want my family... to go home..." collei mumbled as she drew closer towards, closing the distance between the two of you slowly but surely.

   "that's great kid, back up."

   "i... want to go home.."

and then lunged forward.

her arms clung around your neck as her weight, mixed with the shock of her lunging, caused to collapse onto the rough floor. pain shot through your body as the back of your head, where most of the motor and chemical segments of the mind resided, collided against the hard floor. a groan escaped your lips as collei brought her fist towards your cheek.

the blow isn't the worst that you've experienced. you did get hit by dottore himself, once or twice. zander, too. so compared to them? these blows were nothing but sores.

a sigh drew from your lips as you shoved her fraile body off of your chest, pushing yourself up with your palms.

it wasn't long, however, before she lunged for you again. her fingers shot themselves straight for your eyes, yet, your reflexes refused to allow the girl to land the blow. getting hit in the eyes is ... not ideal, even from a small child. various of things could happen as a result, and you were prepared for absolutely none of them.

your right hand held her wrists together, tightly. she squirms as she tried to wiggle her way out of her grasp, yet it didn't work. again, you're an adult going against a child.

   "i don't want to do this, collei, quit."

   "home... family."

god, she really is on drugs. her foot landed itself against your crotch, causing you to let go of her wrists and huddle over yourself in pain. she used this moment to bring her knee towards your forehead, which hurt more than you might expect.

the pain in your head, mixed along with the pain in your groin, weren't the best combination. it's as if your entire body was aching just from those two areas being hit.

she loomed over you, clearly proud of herself. she turned her back to you as she looked up towards the ceiling of the room ... where glass was.

they're watching. pierro, most likely, and dottore definitely were watching. you couldn't grasp at how many other people are watching you get your ass beat by a child, but you're sure there's more. with how excited dottore seemed, there was had to be quite the audience.

with the mix of the vapor plaguing your lungs, the anger from dottore, humiliation from being watched, and the pain from collei, pure adrenaline was actively pumping through your veins. you weren't going to let everyone see you lose to a child. yet, you also didn't want to harm a child.

but, these circumstances are ... different, aren't they?

your hand tightly balled itself up and landed against collei's back, quickly. the hardness of her withering skin made your knuckles ache, and cut, yet a loud gasp left collei's lips. she fell onto her hands in front of you as you slowly got yourself up.

you placed your bare foot onto her back and pressed down, causing more sounds of pain to leave her lips. this is cruel and deranged, you knew it. yet, this is probably all some big social experiment or experiment generally.

  "i told you, i didn't want to do this, collei," you sighed as you kicked her side, causing her to fall onto the opposite one.

  "...home.." was the only word she said in response. it's as if her mind had almost shut off completely, minus the aspect of longing to go home.

though, you doubted she really wanted to go home. it's probably just better than this hell hole. yeah, you read her file too. you read a lot majority of them. she had been abused most her life, due to her condition. rocks were thrown at her small body constantly and her parents were too poor to afford a proper home, so she lived on the streets. in the desert.

poor collei.

oh well. she started it and the vapor isn't making it exactly easy to follow your morals.

collei soon pushed herself onto her hands and knees and made a bolt for it. she sprinted, with her tiny legs, towards one of the weapons on the floor. at first, you thought she was going to run towards the door to avoid more pain, but that's when you realized it's bolted shut. and ... smelted?

her hands shakily grabbed one of the swords on the floor. the thing had to have been made out of iron as collei's arms shook when she held it up. the point of the shiny weapon pointed itself as you, while light reflected from it.

she took long strides towards you. you took long strides backwards. if she wants to play cat and mouse, you can play cat and mouse. it's not like she could hold that large piece of metal on her own, anyways.

however, you backed yourself into a corner quite quickly. fuck dottore for having such a small room for a fight. collei came close to you, poking the blade of the knife into your thigh. the weapon hadn't yet pierced through the skin, but your breath hitched the same.

your arms instantly raised themselves as you looked down at the short girl, "hey.. no, don't... collei, no."

you tried pleading with you, but only one thing seemed to be on her mind - going home. you couldn't blame her, you'd want to go home too ..

if your family hadn't sold you for a quick buck. that's right, the whole situation was in your file. you had cried for hours once you found out thr news, but it's not like you could completely blame them. you all were poor, after all.

she moved one of her small hands to rest on the back of the back of the sword's handle. she used all of her weight and might to push the dull blade through the skin of your body, and it worked.

the wound burned. on top of everything else, it burned. it burned like how werewolves react to silver. it's a sharp type of burn, a "being lit on fire" type of sensation. blood trinkled down your thigh as she twisted the blade, causing loud strengths of cursed to slip out of your mouth like a sailor. you could feel your muscles being ripped apart by the blade as she twisted it around.

and then she yanked it out. with all of her tiny might, she pulled the sword out and watched as blood squirts out of your thigh like a broken faucet. some of the drops even got onto her body.

she most likely hit an artery, didn't she? the blood wouldn't stop pouring out of your wound as you continued moaning out in pain. not in a sensual way, kind of moaning, like the kind of moaning you'd hear on television from dead zombies.

god, this shit hurt so fucking bad.

you reached down and grabbed the sharp part of the blade with your hand,  causing yet another wound on your body. the slice on your hand wasn't nearly as deep as the bleeding wound on your thigh, yet it still stung nevertheless.

blood dripped from the blade onto the floor as you yanked the sword out of her hands. your elbow slammed against the rough walls in response, yet you could care less of that.

tears fell down your face as you turned the sword around, pointing the blade directly at collei. the look on her face ... you hated it. she looks so terrified.

her body trembled in front of you as tears came from her eyes down her face, causing the rest of her face to go red. her breathing picked up in pace and heaved loudly as loud sounds came from her mouth.

she's like a crying baby. you felt for her, truly. but hey, as dottore said, it's just business.

you quickly forced the blade through her chest, causing a few ribs to crack in the process. you could hear the loud sounds as the blade slammed through her ribcage. her eyes widened, incredibly, as she looked down at the blade in front of her.


blood rapidly poured around the blade and down her white clothing, staining it more than it already was. the tip of the blade had escaped through collei's back, and it's as if collei had just realized her fate.

her fate of death, dying by your hands.

you slowly slid the sword out of her chest as you violently sobbed. she had moved her hands to try and get the blade, but to no avail. shortly after, she fell onto her back, lifeless.

you killed a child. oh gods. you're no better than him. you killed a kid who only wanted to go home. and you're slowly on your way to joining her in the afterlife. it isn't hard to tell, as your thigh had continued to bleed and you could feel yourself going light headed.

blood loss.

  "how expected of you, 067! i knew this would happen," dottore's voice spoke from that stupid fucking glass room above you, "you get to live, isn't that amazing? i can't wait to see what-"

you cut him off. not with your words, but with your actions. you had brought the edge of the blade towards your s/t neck and pressed it against your skin. your eyes never once left that room of his.

you wanted him to watch you do it. you can't live, you knew it. the gult from murdering a child would be too much for you, especially on top of all those stupid experiments of dottore's.

you moved the sword quickly across your neck, causing a large incision to form on your body. your life flashed before your eyes. you truly were a ... useless specimen. sold to the fatui, experimented on for a majority of your life, and now murdered a child.

blood squirted from your neck and onto the walls as your lifeless body collapsed on top of collei's.

   "oh my..." dottore spoke quietly, "another failed."

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