The Idea Of You

بواسطة GracieCakez

6.6K 271 215

Layla Cruise, is the most popular girl in high school with a perfect life, people call her the Golden girl. P... المزيد

Characters 😜😋😆
1| She's The Golden Girl
2| He Belongs To The South Side
3| She's A Prissy Bitch
4| He Doesn't Take Shit
5| She Is Stubborn
6| He Makes Promises
7| He's A Stalker
8| He's A Nerd
9| She's A Damsel In Disguise PT. 1
10| He Is Gentle In Disguise Pt. 2
11| She Has A Boyfriend
12| Twelve
13| Her Face Is Pale
14| Shes His Weakness
15| We both have daddy issue's
16| He Can't Keep His Big Mouth Shut
17| He Broke Her Trust
19| He's Selfish
20| Twenty
21| He Is Worthy Of Love

18| Shes A Liability

168 6 1
بواسطة GracieCakez


"You've been quite."

I glanced up at my father, "And you've been talking non stop." I put down my fork. I can't even eat.

"In order for this deal to work you have to be respectful."

"Oh I'm sorry, Good morning dad, how was your day? Actually how has the last five years been? Oh, mine has been shit ever since mom-"

He banged his fist on the table, "Enough!" He said through gritted teeth. The diner got quiet and everyone stared to stare.

"Killed herself." I finished. "Oh I'm sorry," I cooed, "Did that sting dad?" I questioned with fake concern in my voice.

I stood up from my seat, and threw some money on the table. "Breakfast was a delight. I'll see you later."

I slammed my car door shut and started to bang on the steering. "I fucking hate him!"

I sped out the parking lot and made my way to school. This is the last place I want to be at. But I guess it's better than being alone... and I get to see Layla. Even though she wants nothing to so with me right now, I can still look at her.

After five minutes I finally arrived at school, I parked in my same spot. I took a deep breath, to calm myself.

"You're back!"

I looked out the window to see Layla and her friend hugging. I remember everything from that night, how her skin was baby soft, how she smelt like mangos, how she felt in my hands, the sounds she made and how she taste.

I started to heat up and all the blood from my body rushed to my dick. Fuck.

She even said she loved me, did she mean it or was it just in the moment.

I was cut off from my thoughts when Darrien started knocking on my window. "I need to speak to you, now!" His voice was urgent.

I looked down and it was still up. "J-Just give me a second."

I swear she's going to give me blue balls.




"What's up?" I opened my locker and pulled out some Doritos that I had stored in there.

"Okay, well..." His eye wandered around the hall, almost as if he was stalling.


"Come in the room." He grabbed me by the arm and pulled me into an empty classroom, and shut the door.

He cleared his throat, "This morning Roxy needed a gun."

"What the hell does she need another gun for?" I questioned.

"I don't know. But it doesn't matter Because she couldn't get one."

"What do you mean she couldn't get one?"

"Everything is gone."

"What?" I frowned.

"Someone found it and broke in."

"What the fuck! They break into my warehouse, steal my fucking shit!" I shouted, kicking the table out of anger, sending it flying across the room. It hit the floor with a loud crash.

"Who do they think they are trying to step to me?" I spat.

"There's more..."

I groaned out of frustration, tussling up my curly hair. "What is it?" I growled.

"Remember when you got stabbed."

"Yeah. It's kind of hard to forget. But go on."

"And then we get shot at randomly, and then now the warehouse got broken into, when nobody was there. I've been thinking these situations are not on accident. How did Carter know you would be at Carlos party, the night you got stabbed and how did those guys know we would be on that exact street when they started shooting at us, and now how did they know at this time nobody would be at the warehouse."

"Are you saying...."

"We have a mole." He states.

"You've been distracted, whatever you got going on with that girl, Layla. It needs to stop. Especially now. No more mishaps. She is a liability."

He's right, I've been distracted. I haven't been on my game lately, I've been living like an ordinary person but nothing about my life is ordinary.

"We shoot and go, no more talking, no more letting people go. This stays between us until I figure out who's safe. Until then keep quiet."



I walked into school and all eyes were on me. "I've been shunned already." I mutter.

"Its okay. They weren't your real friends anyway." Iris says and locks arms with me, giving me a good squeeze on my shoulder.

We made it to my locker and I put in my locker combination, "I honestly can't believe you almost went to prison!" She whispered shouted.

"I know, I was so scared! And my dad was SO mad."

"And Alejandro? What did your dad say to him?"

Just like a genie he popped out a room, he was tense and it was evident on his face that he was pissed. He was coming our way, at first I thought he would try to talk to me but instead he walked right passed me.

"Talk about Nate and Casey." Iris says.

I felt my stomach do back flips and not the good kinds. "I-I did tell him that we needed a break but its Alejandro he doesn't listen to anyone... the one time I didn't want him to listen, he listens." I grabbed my books and shut it close.

I watched him walk down the hall, "I told him I loved him."

The bell ringed.

Her eyes went wide and she squealed, and playfully hit me a couple of times. "Oh my God! Did he say it back? Wait what about Jason?!"

"No he didn't and Jason... I'm breaking up with him." I let out. "Once he comes back from camp, it's over."

I'm ending this once and for all.

"Wow! Did he do something to you? Cause yall have been together for a good year now." She opened the door for me and I walked through.

He's done so much to me. "I think it's just time to end it."

"That makes sense, we are graduating soon and I guess it's time for new beginnings." We turned the corner and we headed towards Johnsons class, why do I always forget we have the same morning class.

We entered the class and Alejandro was already seated, I placed my hand on my beating heart and butterflies formed in my stomach. I pulled Iris by the arm and leaned into her ear, "And... I think I really love Alejandro." I whispered.

She started to smile showing her teeth and started to wiggle her brows at me.

"Stop that!" I hit her lightly on the shoulder.

"You love Alejandro." She singed.

"Shh! He's going to hear!"

"Alright everyone please take your seats."

"We have a new student joining us." Really? Isn't this class crowded enough. I didn't care I just wanted to sit next to Alejandro. I hurried to my seat but before I could get to it, a girl with red curly hair sat down.

"Excuse you."

She raised a brow at me. "What?"

"You're in my seat." I crossed my arms.

"Oh right... you weren't here yesterday. There are no more assigned seats. The project is over." She stated.

"Alejandro and I didn't finish our project yet."

"Estoy tratando de pensar y tú estás haciendo mucho ruido. Termina el proyecto solo o no lo entregues en absoluto." Alejandro says in Spanish.

"He says-"

"No," I held up my hand, stopping her from speaking. "He can speak English."

His friends started to snicker, except Liandro he was quiet. Surprisingly.

"Is there a problem?" Mr. Johnson ask.

"Yes. She won't leave me alone," he faced me, his gaze cold and haunting. "I said, why don't you take your suicidal ass elsewhere and go cling onto the next guy you see."

I clenched hold onto my bag as I looked around the room, all eyes on me. How could he say that out loud? I felt my eyes start to water, I couldn't stand here any longer but I also couldn't move.

Iris walked up to us, "You are a dick Alejandro!" She spat. "Come on." Iris whispered, guiding me out of the room.

As we were leaving the room, I caught wind of the new guy he was eyeing me down but I didn't think anything of it because the whole class was looking at me. I broke my gaze from his brown eyes and exited the classroom.

We walked into the girls bathroom and I just broke down. "How could he say that." I cried.

"Is it true?"

I looked up at her with watery eyes and nodded my head. "Yes." I buried my face into her shoulder and she hugged me tight.

"Layla... I had no idea." She softly whispered. "I'm so sorry."

Why is he being so mean?




The whole day I felt like I was shunned, everything was different with Alejandro and his group of friends. They were more serious and back to there old ways it seemed.

All day everyone has been talking about how I am suicidal and mentally unwell. For such a big school rumors sure spread fast.

I exited my third block class, I walked down the hall, all eyes were on me and whispers filled the hall.

What a slut did she actually cheat on Jason.

Poor dude he was only going to be gone for a week. She had to spread her legs that bad.

What are they talking about.

People were surrounding my locker, once they saw me they backed up. My eyes went wide, in black marker the words SLUT was written across it.

I can't believe she slept with Alejandro

"What is going on?" Roxy pushed through the crowed of people and she quickly read what was on my locker.

"Who did this?" She yelled.

"I don't need you sticking up for me." I spat.

"Yes, Because you have so many people behind your back." She said sarcastically.

I stared down at the ground, not wanting to face anyone. The sound of heels could be heard from a distance and a pair of black high heels came into vision. I slowly look up only to come face to face with Jasmine.

I looked to her right to see some blonde girl. "Replaced me already?" I scoffed.

She placed her hands on her hips. "Like it was hard. You're really nothing special. I don't even know what Jason sees in you." She said bitter.

"Nice locker." The blonde chuckled.

"Did you do this?" Roxy questioned, getting all up in her face. But Jasmine doesn't back down, she takes a step forward, "And what if I did?" She smirked.

Roxy laughed loudly before wearing a serious face again. "Oh, so the north sider has some spunk. Let's see how good you can fight." She started taking off her earing and I immediately stopped her and pulled her back

My eyes spotted Alejandro in the crowed and we locked eyes. This is his fault, he did this shit. I frowned and continued to walk Roxy and I out of the hall.

We opened the door to the schools garden, luckily nobody was out here, I spotted a bench and I sat down. I needed to sit down for at least a second, I was so tired. I let out a deep breath I didn't even know I was holding and burry my face into my hands.

"Jason is going to find out." I sniffed.

"Its going to be ok-" she reached for my hand but I swatted it away, "No! It's not going to be okay! He's going to kill me." I stood up, I couldn't sit down anymore I needed to walk around.

I grabbed a hold of my trembling hands, hoping they would just stop. The blood pounded in my ears, I let out groan and hold onto my heart, it hurt so bad. "N-No it's happening again." I freaked.

"Layla." Roxy approached me with caution, "Layla breath."

"I-I...." That's all I could let out at the moment. I shook my head and squatted down, it was really hard to breath. "I'm going to touch you now Layla, okay?" Roxy softly says and I nod my head. She grabbed my hand and placed it on her chest, the warmth of her hand and her chest sandwiching my hand felt oddly comforting. I could feel her heart beating and her chest rising and falling ever so slightly.

"Just feel me, okay? Don't think about anything else but this moment. Think about you being here with me." I looked up at her and saw no sign of a joke, she was genuine. She sent me a soft smile, "You're going to be okay." She whispered. Has she always been this sweet?

The tears were still pouring down my face but the shaking stopped and shortly after my heart beat went back to its normal pace. I sniffled a bit and suddenly felt a bit embarrassed to be crying in front of Roxy.

"I-I-I'm sorry, This is so embarrassing." I wiped my tears.

"No, you have nothing to be embarrassed about."

"How did you learn how to do that?" I asked.

"Alejandro," She paused, thinking if she should tell me or not. "He has panic attacks too."

"What's going on here?" At the door stood Liandro and Casey. What are they doing together, I specifically told her not to hang out with him.

"Nothing." Roxy held out her hand and helped me up.

"See I told you it was nothing." Casey rolled her eyes.

"Cas, what are you doing outside of class?" I questioned.

"I could say the same thing to you sis, classes started five minutes ago."

I didn't hear the bell ring.

"Just get to class. We will talk about this later." I eyed the both of them.

"Okay!" She hurried down the hall

"Roxy, Alejandro wanted to speak to you, its serious." Linadro says no sign of a smile. Usually he's all laughing and telling jokes but today he's been stone.

"O-Okay." She grabbed her bags off of the grass, "I'll see you around Layla."

"Oh! Um, Roxy." I called out, "I wanna help you and Diana..." And I guess my self as well.

"Okay. I'll text you."

It was just Liandro and I in the garden and I was just going to leave but he looked liked he had something to say. I gave him a side eye as I grabbed my stuff off the bench. "L-Layla," He stuttered. He nervously wiped his hands on his jeans and approached me, "I like Casey, like I really, really, like her. Some might even say, love."

I crossed my arms, "Love is a serious thing Liandro. Are you sure you're actually in love with her or do you just like to have fun with her. Because if you loved her, if you really, really loved her, you wouldn't skip class and ruin her education or go behind my back and meet up with her when I specifically told you not to."

He threw his hands up in frustration, "The only reason why we snuck around is because you said we couldn't hang together."

"That's the point Liandro, if you really loved her you would stay away from her. I know what you guys do, what your in. I-I witnessed it first hand, its not safe for her!" I shouted.

"You know what!" He sucked his teeth and walked away. I let out a deep sigh, maybe I should take my own advice and stop chasing after a man who is a danger to me. We should just go back to how it use to be, the south side does their thing and the north does ours.

That's How it should be.

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