Leaves of Autumn

By amcka30

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Cecelia Bloom has just moved to Lake Gloria, a town no one really knows about, all because of her unblanced s... More

Leaves of Autumn
[1] Leaves of Autumn
[2] Leaves of Autumn
[3] Leaves of Autumn
[5] Leaves of Autumn
[6] Leaves of Autumn
[7] Leaves of Autumn
[8] Leaves of Autumn
[9] Leaves of Autumn
[10] Leaves of Autumn
[11] Leaves of Autumn
[12] Leaves of Autumn
[13] Leaves of Autumn
[14] Leaves of Autumn
[15] Leaves of Autumn
[16] Leaves of Autumn
[17] Leaves of Autumn
[18] Leaves of Autumn

[4] Leaves of Autumn

379 14 5
By amcka30



I love this story, it's so easy to write....

Well enjoy,


I wanna know who's reading it!!

even if you comment "(:"

I'd be fine with that!

Just this chapter too, because like, I just want to see how many people are reading it.

Cheeeeers :D


Chapter Four

“Hey there Cece,” a familiar voice said from behind me.

            I turned around to see Jordan walking my way.  “Hey,” I replied.

            “Where are you heading?” he asked me.

            “Home,” I answered.

            “Oh, you sure you don’t want to hang out with us for a while?”

            “Yeah, I’m just going to head on home.”

            “Want me to take you home?”

            “Oh, no, it’s fine.”

            “No, I insist.  I’ll walk you home.”

            “Really, Jordan, it’s okay.”

            “Why would I let a pretty young lady like you walk home alone?  Here, let me carry your bag.”  He reached over and took my bag from me.  I didn’t object.

            The whole way home my mind was racing, trying to find ways to get rid of him quickly.

            Once we reached my home he said, “Can I come in for a while?”  Those were the exact words I had been dreading the whole time.

            I bit my lip.  “Not a good idea.”

            “Why is that?”

            Think of a lie!  He’s got to go before Oliver gets here!  “My step father doesn’t like having people over.”

            “Oh... are you sure?”

            “Yeah, I’m sure... I really have to go, before he gets mad...”

            “Okay, I’ll see you tomorrow then.”

            I nodded vigorously.  “See you Jordan.”

            And that’s when Jordan did something I didn’t expect.  He picked up my hand and kissed it softly.  “Bye,” he whispered and walked away.

            I stood there staring after him with wide eyes.  Did that just happen?

            As soon as Jordan was out of sight, Oliver’s truck came around the corner.  I climbed into his car and sighed in relief.

            “What?” Oliver questioned.

            “Jordan decided to walk me home.  Then he wanted to go inside... It was so hard to get rid of him.”

            Oliver chuckled.  “Okay, once we get to the spot I have in mind you have to tell me why he so dearly doesn’t want you around me.”

            I nodded in agreement.

            Oliver’s chosen hang out really was remarkable.  On the other side of the lake that Jordan took me to on my first day at school was a little clearing of what was once a park.

            Tied to an oak tree near the water was a tire swing.  And over under the shade of other trees were a table and a barbeque.  Then near the lake was a bench which I assumed was to feed ducks from.

            It was quite peaceful here. 

            We walked over to the oak tree with the tire swing and sat down near the base of the tree.

            “I used to come here a lot when I was younger with my family.  My great grandparents actually built up this little sanctuary.  Then as the fights started about me and my dreams we stopped coming out here.  Then one day I moved out of home.  Now I come here a lot to clear my mind,” he told me, staring at one spot of the ground.

            I bit my lip and contemplated how to reply to that but he beat me to it.

            “I see all the parties at the other side of the lake.  I see everyone hanging out there.  I saw you sitting with Eve and Abigail there until Jordan took you away.”

            I nodded as if it as something to think about.  “Are Eve and Abigail...” how do I put it?

            “Eve and Abigail are angels.  They’re such lovely people.  But they often doubt their selves and their dreams.  They’re really good friends of mine.  Eve’s grandfather runs the farm next door so she often comes my way a lot.  And Abigail’s parents are really close to Eve’s so she’d often go with them.  They’d come over for some of my Nan’s special jam.”

            It felt odd hearing this.  I was so used to everything not having much significance.  In the city, jam was jam.  Nothing special about it.  Most of them were factory made.  But here, there were always something special to everything.  In some small way it made me want to smile.  No matter how boring Lake Gloria is, I have to admit, some of the people here are really genuine. 

            “So why does Jordan not want you around me?”

            And that killed the moment.  “Well...” I pondered the best way to put it.  “When I asked him his answer was that he’s afraid you’d take me away from him.”

            “I’m not a friend stealer!” Oliver defended.

            I bit my lip.  “No, I mean like... Jordan wants to claim me as ‘his’,” I stated.

            “Oh...  And he’s afraid I’m going to be a girlfriend stealer?”

            I shrugged.  “It’s pretty stupid really.  Of all the girls to like why me?  His dream is to be here forever and I’m leaving the first chance I get.”

            “Maybe he hopes you’ll fall in love with him.”

            “Love can’t ruin my dreams.”

            “Maybe he hopes that love can blind you from what you want to do.  Or perhaps if love was enough for you to stay there.”

            I shook my head.  “But that’s not the point, he knows I could leave anytime.  Why risk trying to get involved with me?”

            “Because you are a really lovely girl, Cecelia.”

            “I don’t see it,” I stated.

            Oliver chuckled.  “Of course not, you’re a girl.  It’s in your nature to down yourself.”

            I rolled my eyes.  “But I’m a sassy, stubborn, thinks-she-knows-everything kind of girl.  And Jordan... Jordan has his life mapped out for him.  He’s going to finish school then take over the farm.  Harvesting fruits, keeping cattle alive... all that.  Then he’s going to get married and have as many children as he can so they can take over.  I don’t want to be stuck there wasting my life like that!  Who wants to be a house wife who has to respect her husband’s needs?  I’m not a farm type of person.  I’m a city girl.”

            Oliver nodded.  “But perhaps, since you’re here, you should at least have your fun.”

             My fun... Was fun really worth it?  If I have to leave anyway?  Get someone’s hopes up and have them crash down when I have to leave?

            Oliver could see me fretting about it so he said, “Cece, you just have to live in the moment.  Don’t worry about the future, or how you could be hurt... Just follow your heart.”

            What did my heart want?  As I looked at Jordan and he smiled at me, a really kind-hearted smile.  His eyes piercing into mine with nothing but consideration and sincerity.

            That’s when I had to ask myself.  Is it really Jordan I want?

            “Hey Cece, are we still on for Friday?” Jordan asked me at lunch.

            I nodded and smiled.  “Of course.”


            “Where are we going?”

            “It’s a secret.”

            I grimaced.  I really hate secrets.

            He chuckled and said, “You’re too cute.”

            His compliment made my blush a deep red and I ducked my head.

            “Catch you later, some mates are playing some football out on the oval this break.”

            I nodded.  “Bye.”

            A few minutes later Eve and Abigail sat down with me. 

            “So you and Jordan, huh?” Eve asked me.

            I shrugged.  “There isn’t anything going on yet.  But he does want me to go on a date with him Friday.”

            Abigail gasped.  “Oh my god, Jordan is falling for you!”

            “Ah... we just met...?”

            “Oh but Jordan definitely fancies you!”  

            I didn’t answer to that.

            “Hey, we were going to go sit with Oliver this lunch and watch him play guitar.  Did you want to join us?” Eve asked me.

            “She needs some new pictures for her collage she is working on,” Abigail explained.

            “Yeah, we all know Oliver leaves at the end of this year, so I want to make him two collages.  One collage of him and his music, all his hopes and dreams he grew here.  And another one of the people who meant something to him,” Eve explained.

            “We don’t want him to forget us,” Abigail mumbled.

            “Aw, girls!  Oliver would never forget you two!  He always talks so highly of you both!”

            “He does?” Even enthused.

            I nodded with a smile.

            This caused both of the girls to grin.

            “Anyhoo, so how about it?” Eve asked me.

            “Okay,” I said and picked up my bag.

            We walked around the corner and over to the music block.  At a set of benches there sat Oliver, playing his guitar.

            He casually looked up at us and smiled.  When he looked at us I felt as if he was looking at me in particular. 

            “Ladies, what can I do for you?” he asked us.

            Abigail giggled and Eve asked, “I was wondering if I could take some pictures of you playing the guitar for my new collage.”

            “Of course,” Oliver replied and continued playing.

            Eve dug around in her bag, pulling out her camera.

            She started to take pictures.

            Oliver glanced up at me and nodded to the spot next to him, indicating I should sit down.

            So I sat down next to him and watched him play.

            He immediately changed songs.

            “Baby, I love you I never want to let you go.  The more I think about the more I want let you know, that everything you do, is super duper cute and I can’t stand it.  I’ve been search for a girl that’s just like you.  Cause I know, that your heart is true....”

            He continued to sing as Eve snapped away, taking pictures.

            Then Oliver got to the bridge of the song and he looked up from his guitar and into my eyes as he sang, “You, you got me where you want me cause I’ll do anything to please you.  Just to make it through another year.  You, I saw you across the room and I knew that this was gonna blossom into something beautiful.  You’re beautiful...”

            I knew these weren’t his words but my heart started to pound crazily and I blushed deeply. 

            Oliver looked back down at his guitar and continued playing the song.            

            When he finished Eve and Abigail clapped. 

            “What was that song?” Abigail asked.

            “Can’t stand it by Never Shout Never.  I love that band hey, so many words so relevant to me,” Oliver explained.

            “Is Never Shout Never the same band where you sung that song called... Big City Dreams I think it was?” Eve pondered.

            He nodded.  “Yeah, that’s them too.”

            “You’re right... the lyrics are meaningful to you.”

            Oliver smiled.  “Yeah, they are.”

            “Did those lyrics mean anything to you?” Abigail asked him.

            Oliver smirked.  “They could...”

            “Ooo, Oliver has his eyes on a girl!” Abigail teased.

            Oliver rolled his eyes.  “I’m not going to do anything about it though.”

            “Why?” Eve asked.

            “She’s... taken.”

            “Aww,” Abigail said.  “Do you need a hug?”

            Oliver shook his head.  “Nah, I’m strong.”

            Who was this girl?  And why did the feeling of jealous start to rise in my stomach?

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