The Moment Of Truth

By mismatchedsocks

47.7K 464 33

written in 2011-2012 in all of the teenage angst and utter cringe this world can fill. This is the where it... More

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter Nine
Chapter 10
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve

Chapter 8

937 29 2
By mismatchedsocks

Outside of Bugaboo Creek, the guys waited for Pj, Ashton, Drew, and Rizzo to arrive. They noticed them as Pj's car tires schreeched as he pulled wildly into a parking space and barely even shutting the car off before the guys opened the door and ran over to the group.

"What took you guys soo long?" Cam said

"We found the best patients ever and we lost track of time. Sue us." Drew us

"We definitely got those points in the bag." Rizzo said with a slight fuck yeah fist pump. The guys cheered because luckily that was the only one all three groups had to vote on to see who got the 85 points. 

"Okay so what's the plan?"

"They're clearing space for us. It should be in the middle of in the room since we have a lot of guys. Let's order first, so we don't look sketchy, but do it before we get the food. Everyone orders water so if it spills it's not sticky. We don't wanna cause problems for the waiters and bus people. Sound good." Cam said looking around at everyone they all nodded in agreement.

"Wait! if the cops come Noah and Ryan you guys need to disappear like yesterday because you guys are minors. I don't want you guys getting trouble" Pj says being the voice of reason

"No. We're all in man." Noah

"Nope. We need someone to convince the girls to bail us out of jail and also finish the list because knowing our girlfriends it might take a while to bail us out." Ashton says remebering what Tai said to him before he left.

"Fine." Ryan and Noah agree and Cam handed Ryan his keys and Pj handed Noah his keys.

"Five bucks says they're drunk and we spend a night in jail." Penn says

"You're on." Rizzo laughes taking his bet

They walked in with confidence and readiness. They scanned the room for quickest exits in case they got into a snag but also the crowd of people who would be watching this. All eyes were on them as they walked in. Of course they were. Women who were on dates with their boyfriends turned to watch, teenage girls with their friends and parents turned to watch, even gay men turned to watch the guys walk. They were seated directly in the middle of all the people. They were given 2 waitresses, Megan and Liz, coincidentally. The girls took their drink orders and the safest thing the guys thought to order was pizza. As soon as the girls left the guys huddled together, then Dash, Penn, Danny, and Conan got up and each walked to a corner of the room and pretended they were on the phone but they were actually getting in position to videotape it. As soon as they were ready, the guys started to clap the beat and that got everyone in the room's attention. The guys had by then moved all the cups of water to end on the table then Cam, Ashton, Pj, Alex, and Drew jumped onto the table and started the cheer:

Cam did the first part and it had all the girls giggling and the men faces astonished:

"look at my ass

look at my thighs

i'm catnip to all the guys

they chase my tail

they drool and pant

wanna touch this but they can't

All the boys wanna come and play

snap my fingers and they obey

why do they follow me 'round all day

watch me while i walk away

I bend and snap

feel how hot it's gettin'

bend and snap

then when you got'em sweatin'

Spring the trap

they'll cheer and clap

No tight end can defend 

Against the bend and snap"

Pj was next:

Girl if you wanna make the team

Then fake some self esteem

Ashton now:

The more you jump around and scream

The sexier you seem


Sorry girls that ain't how I play

This wouldn't work if I tried all day

I gotta go get my asthma spray

Watch me while I walk away


But wait before you walk away

Pj, Cam, Ashton, and Drew:

Just bend and snap




Look how good you're gettin

Pj, Cam, Ashton, and Drew:

bend and snap


I bet right now you're sweating



Now's not the time to overthink

Just try it once he'll buy you a drink

Now everyone in the restaurant was cheering and clapping but the manager didn't find it amusing and had secruity come and take them away but not before they saw and sped it up to the part where Alex bends and snaps with enthusiasm for the first time and all the guys pose and yell "Damn!" like they're checking him out. And just as they finished and secruity approaches them; the crowd in the restaurant is applauding and laughing and their pizza arrives including the waiters and waitresses.

Noah and Ryan spot the police and duck under the table and crawl to a table of teenage girls who look to have just come from a basketball game. They surprised the girls and Noah spoke quickly.

"And how are you lovely ladies today" they sat with their backs facing the police as they cuffed the other guys. The girls faces were in shock

"Just play along until they leave. Ooooh shrimp, my favorite." Noah said reaching over and grabbing a shrimp from one of the girls plates.

"We don't mean to startle you. I'm Ryan and the guy who just stole your shrimp is Noah." the girls giggled when Noah waved and smiled while mid choving more shrimp into his mouth. 

The girls introduced themselves and they all chatted like they knew each other. Playing along while the scene behind them played through.

Secruity came with management and some other police and cuff them and they notice the guys taping and a random officer says:

"Are you guys recording this?" the guys quickly stop recording and quickly post it on facebook into the group before the officers come and take their phones away and cuff them as well. Lucky for them technology was everywhere these days and almost every teenage girl in the place had their phones out during the performance. The crowd booed the police as they took them away. 


As soon as they were gone Noah and Ryan looked over their shoulders to see if the coast was clear. Luckily Noah had Pj's emergency credit card so they could pay for the food.


As the guys were being brought to the awaiting cop cars Rizzo spoke up to the cops:

"Excuse me sir but  could you possibly do us one favor?"

"We're not loosening your cuffs." the male cop said without even looking at him

"Oh no, sir we were just wondering if you guys could take pictures of us in the back of the cruiser. " he said now batting his big eyelashes at the female cop

"Do you think this is a joke?"

"No sir. We just need proof so our girlfriends will bail us out of jail." the cops laughed and said 

"Sure." because that had to have been the funniest response they had ever heard. 

"Sweet. My phone is in my side pocket."

"Mine also sir." Ashton said politely

First the cops took pictures of all the guys cuffed and laying face down on the ground and then when they were placed into the awaiting cruisers.


"Since you ladies were such good sports and helped us out. Your meal is on us." Noah said with a smile and a wink. 

"Were you thinking of grabbing dessert?" Ryan asked them and they all blushed and nodded their heads. The waitress came and took their orders for dessert. It was Megan and she smiled when she realized that those two boys had managed to get away. When she came back with their ice cream she spoke

"That was a nice show you guys put on for us. Definitely made this dull night not so dull. Thanks. And don't worry I won't tell." she said the last part after she noticed their faces turn to those of people who had been caught then they visibly relaxed into a smile.

"Thanks so much Meg. Do you mind if I call you Meg?" Noah flirted

"Really thank you. Someone's gotta bail them out of jail." Ryan said sweetly

"Also could we please pay the bill for the untouched food. And we'd also like to pay for these lovely ladies." Meg smiled and the girls swooned

"Of course." she took the card from Noah's hand and when she came back, he wrote down a hefty tip for Meg and Liz. Meg smiled when she walked away with the restaurant's copy of the receipt but not before saying:

"Thank you so much!"

Ryan looked at Noah then said wait to Meg and she came back:

"Do you think we could get you and Liz's numbers. See we're doing a scavenger hunt and that's why we did that whole cheer thing and now that they've been arrested we have to finish while they're girlfriends bail them out of jail. " he said nervously all in one breath. She laughed and called Liz over.

"Of course." 

"Do you mind if we take a picture with you guys as well?"

"Everything has to be picture documented." Noah stated as he pulled out his phone. Ryan looked at the girls at the table

"Could we also get yous guys numbers too." the girls were more than eager to. All the girls each wrote their numbers on a napkin with a marker and they all stood with Ryan and Noah and Meg called over one of the male waiters to take the picture.

"Thanks again so much. Have a nice rest of the night ladies." Ryan said and then they were off to continuing the scavenger hunt. When they got outside before they got into their cars Ryan spoke:

"Since we're in watertown maybe we should drop off one of the cars at Tai's house while we finish. And then we pick it up when we're done. We just have to see if we can find everything else close by."

"Good idea." then they were off.


As they drove to the station the cops asked them some questions

"What were you guys doing?" the male cop said

"Do you want the long version or the short version?"

"Short version please" the female cop said

"Okay, so we are racing against two other teams in scavenger hunt. Perform a cheer from Legally blonde in front of a large crowd of people either in a supermarket or restaurant. It's worth 50 points and now there's no way they can beat us"

"But you're going to jail." the female cop stated as a matter of fact.

"Totally worth it, with the night we've had" they all nodded in agreement smiling.

"How? Isn't this your entire team?" the male cop asked confused

"No sir." drew said while shaking his head

"And where were they?" the female cop asked

"Doing what we need them to be doing" Ashton said with a slight shrug

"And that would be?" the male cop asked

"Finishing." Technically they weren't lying; they were just omitting. The cops laughed because these kids were definitely a trip. They continued to talk and laugh and by the time they got to the station they knew the cops on first name basis. 

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