Alpha in Town + TVD / TW

By sophiehealxo

87.9K 1.8K 287

Allye Hale travels to Mystic Falls after a mysterious visit from an old family friend. There she finds Vampir... More

1. Alpha in Town
2. Bad Moon Rising
3. Memory Lane
4. Kill or be Killed
5. Plan B
6. Masquerade
7. Rose
8. Katerina
9. The Sacrifice
10. By the Light of the Moon
11. The Descent
12. Daddy Issues
13. Crying Wolf
14. The Dinner Party
15. The House Guest
16. The Last Dance
17. Klaus
18. As I Lay Dying
19. The Birthday
20. The Hybrid
21. The End of the Affair
22. Disturbing Behaviour
23. The Reckoning
24. Smells Like Teen Spirit
25. Ghost World
26. Ordinary People
27. Homecoming
28. The New Deal and Our Town
29. The Ties That Bind
30. Bringing Out The Dead
31. Dangerous Liaisons
32. All My Children
33. The Journey to Unlinking
34. Heart of Darkness
35. Do Not Go Gentle
36. Before Sunset
37. The Departed
38. Growing Pains
39. Memorial
40. The Rager
41. The Five
42. The Killer
43. We All Go A Little Mad Sometimes
44. My Brother's Keeper
45. O Come, All Ye Faitherful
46. The Original Werewolf
47. Down the Rabbit Hole
48. Stand By Me
49. Bring It On
50. Because the Night
52. Pictures of You

51. American Gothic

717 22 5
By sophiehealxo

I walked out of Bonnie's home and pulled out my cell phone. The sun had risen by now. Stefan was still talking to Bonnie upstairs. I hadn't heard from Nik and it shouldn't have taken that long.

I dialed Nik's phone but kept going to voicemail. I wonder if his phone died. I heard the sound of the front door open. I turned around to see Stefan walking out. He had an amused smile on his face and his phone in hand.

"Ooh, that's a 'Damon screwed up' look you have on right now." I said with a grin.

"Oh yeah." Stefan agreed and stopped right next to me, "Guess who got tricked by Elena, got his neck snapped by Rebekah, then ditched in New York City without his car?" I covered my mouth with my hand as a loud laugh came from me.

"Like I said. Vampire's with the switch off are unpredictable." Stefan nodded in agreement.

"You going to pick him up?" I asked.

"I have to stop by the Sheriff's station first. Liz can track down the car by its plates. Any word from Klaus?" Stefan asked.

I shook my head, "No, I think his phone died while burying the dead." I replied.

"Right. See you later, Al." I nodded and we started to walk our separate ways.

"Oh!" Stefan stopped and turned around, "When you see Damon. Please make sure to tell him I find this highly hilarious." Stefan smiled.

"Will do." I turned back around and headed for the mansion.


I walked into the mansion and it was eerily quiet. The smell of blood then hit my nose.

"Nik?" I called out, now on high alert. I followed the scent of blood that went towards the parlor.

"Go away." I heard Nik gruffly say.

I frowned at that, "What? What do you mean go aw-" I stopped seeing Nik sitting on the ground shirtless, leaning against he piano bench.

"Oh my god. What happened?" I asked and took a step closer.

Nik tensed up and I could feel fear coming off him, "I need more time. Stop hounding me!" He yelled.

"Hounding you? You're the one that's been hounding me. Constantly asking me how I've been feeling ever since the party." I argued.

"Allye. Is it really you?" I furrowed my brows at that. Nik pulled himself on top of the piano bench.

"Prove it to me." Nik demanded.

I put my hands up above my head, "How?" I asked.

"Something about me that only Allye would know." Nik clarified.

"Okay huh, you use to wish on a shooting star every night a thousand years ago to meet someone." Nik let out a sigh of relief.

"It is you. Silas attacked me. He stabbed me with the white oak stake. There's a-a piece stuck inside me." Nik said while breathing heavily and sweating.

"The white oak stake? How did he get a hold of that? Why would Silas even attack you?" I asked and walked over to Nik.

I made him turn his back to me as I sat down on the piano bench next to him. He had a gaping wound on his back. It looked like he had been picking at it for a while.

"Nik, I don't see anything." I said looking at the wound. I didn't see any pieces of wood stuck in the wound.

"It's there. I can feel the splinters moving towards my heart." Nik gritted through his teeth in pain.

"Nik, there is nothing here. I don't see anything that looks like wood. Only your flesh and blood." I reiterated.

"If there's nothing there then how am I currently in agony?!" He yelled, losing his temper.

I let out a sigh and placed my palm on top of his bloody wound.

"What are you doing?" He asked, craning his head to try and see.

"I want to try something. Just relax. I'm going to take away the pain." My veins began to turn black and moved under my skin. Nik's breathing began to lighten and his muscles began to relax.

"It's gone." He whispered.

I took my hand away and flexed it as my veins started to turn back to their normal color.

"Looks like my theory was right. There was never any white oak in you, Nik. It was all in your head. All I did was take away the pain your mind was creating." I told him. I watched the wound on his back begin to heal back up. It even stalled with his body's healing power.

Nik turned around on the bench and took the hand I had used in his, "How did you do that?" He asked, looking at me.

"It's called Pain Absorption. It's something only the Venomless species can do. I can take away someone else's pain." Nik let out a heavy sigh in relief.

"This is serious, Nik. If Silas can make you of all people believe you're dying. What can he do to the rest of us?" Nik shook his head.

"I don't know." I took my hand and gently moved his messy and sweaty hair.

"Why don't we take a hot shower? I think you need that right now." I offered and stood up. I offered my hand to Nik. He gently took it and we both headed for the stairs to our bedroom.


My bare feet padded along the hardwood floors as I walked into the living room. We had finished our shower and Nik was already dressed again. I had gotten into my pajamas and was still ringing out my hair with my towel.

I found Nik sitting on the coffee table. He was gazing at the roaring fire in the fireplace.

"So, are you going to tell me why Silas attacked you in the first place?" I asked.

I walked further into the living room and let my towel rest around my shoulders. Nik didn't move his gaze from the fire.

"He wants me to get him the cure. He knows that I know who currently has it." Nik answered.

"Katherine." I responded and Nik nodded his head.

"I refused and tried to attack him. He's faster and stronger than me. I didn't even see the attack coming. He might have faked having the white oak stake, but that means he knows the location of it. He threatened to kill me if I didn't get the cure for him." I said nothing and sat down next to Nik.

"He saw me again but he looked like you. That's why I acted the way I did when you came. I thought you were Silas, back to torture me more." Nik added and finally turned his head to look at me.

"Silas has us at a check mate then. If we give him the cure then he'll take down the veil and every supernatural creature that has died will be back. If we don't give it to him then he'll just kill us. Damned if we do and damned if we don't." I quoted at the end. That's when it hit me. Every supernatural being.



I gave him a wide eyed look, "If Silas succeeds there is one person on the Other Side right now that I know we do not want coming back." Nik furrowed his brows in thought.

"The one person you truly fear." I added. Nik's eyes widened and his jaw went slack.

"Mikael." I nodded solemnly.

"We can't give the cure to him." I said as I shaked my head.

"How? How can we possibly do that with Silas on my back?" Nik asked.

"Callista." I answered as soon as the idea popped in my head.

"How would she help?" Nik asked skeptically.

"Because she's Silas' sister." Nik's eyebrows raised at that.

"Now that's an interesting development. You really think Callista would help us?" I nodded.

"She said if I needed her help; I just needed to reach out to her. I think a family reunion is very long overdue for them." Nik smirked.

"Always the cunning one, my love." I smiled and stood up.

"I'll go contact her." I said and was about to leave when Nik's phone went off.

Nik checked his phone before answering, "Rebekah, how goes the search for the elusive cure?" I tuned my hearing to listen to Rebekah.

"Let's just say that things have gotten complicated. In fact, why don't you speak to one of those complications? Here." I furrowed my brows in confusion. Complication?

"Complication speaking." Nik grew a smile on his face while my eyes went wide. That's Elijah's voice. What are the chances of Rebekah running into Elijah while chasing the cure?

"Big brother. At last you join the fray." Nik said.

"Somebody had to take charge. And now that I have, I've got the cure and I'm bringing it back to Mystic Falls." Elijah stated. I heard the muffled sound of a car door being closed.

"With a long list of demands, I assume." Nik added.

"Not that long." Elijah retorted.

"Come home, brother. We'll settle this like family." Nik said and then hung up the phone.

"Well...that was surprising." I stated.

"Indeed. That solves one problem but creates a new one. Silas will still get the cure now that it's on its way to Mystic Falls." Nik stated and put his phone back in his pocket.

"Let me see what Callista can do." I said and walked out of the living room.

No One's POV

Silas, disguised as Atticus Shane, walked through the dark forest that surrounded Mystic Falls. His plan was almost to fruition. All he needed now was the cure. Then one spell from Bonnie to bring the veil and he could die and be reunited with his lost love.

The fear he instilled into the Original Hybrid should do the trick to get his cure back from the doppelganger known as Katerina Petrova.

The sound of crunching leaves and twigs brought him out of his thoughts. He turned around, curious to see who was stupid enough to be out here alone and makes themselves known to him of all people.

A smirk graced Silas' lips as a brunette and hazel eyed woman came into view.

"Well, well. I never thought I would run into you again...sister." Silas said as Callista stopped just before him.

"You took the words right out of my mouth, brother." Callista said coldly. Her hazel eyes narrowed her older half-brother in front of her.

Silas rolled his eyes, "Are you still on this? Talk about holding a grudge. I cured you of your illness. You could be a little bit more grateful." Silas said snidely.

A snarl escaped Callista's mouth as her eyes glowed a golden yellow. "Grateful? You ruined my life, brother! I may not be plagued anymore from my illness but now I am plagued with eternal life. I never wanted to live this long. Everyone I have cared about. Our parents, our friends, my mate, and my children. I stood on the sidelines and watched as they aged and took their final breath. You have no idea how that feels. You've been stone since Qetsiyah punished you two thousand years ago." Callista ranted at her brother.

"You had a mate?" Silas asked with interest.

Callista scoffed, "Is that really all you heard? Yes, Silas. I fell in love with a human in the 5th Century. He was my mate. I tried to cure myself of what I am with magic but it didn't work. We had children to carry on his legacy. You've already pretended to be one of my descendants." She stated.

Silas tilted his head, "Allye? I had a hunch you had something to do with her. That ring on her finger was all too familiar looking." Silas then let out a smirk.

"She sent you. Didn't she? Because I threatened her mate." Callista said nothing.

Silas let out a laugh, "Exactly what do you think you could do to me, sister?" Silas taunted.

"I can take the cure from you." Silas' smirk dropped and was replaced by a deathly serious cold gaze.

"Don't think that won't stop me from getting the cure. Even if you take it, Callista, I will drain you of every drop of your blood to get it." Now it was Callista's turn to smirk.

"Who said anything about me actually taking the cure? Let me clarify. I will take the cure and dump it into the darkest depths of the ocean. Where no one will ever find it again. You damned me to an eternal life. I'm just returning the favor, brother." Callista said. She turned her back as she started to walk away. Silas' jaw tightened and his hands clenched into fists.

"Oh, and one more thing." Callista added and turned her head over her shoulder, "If you dare try your little stunt again with Allye or her mate. I will personally drain you of blood again and stick you right back on that island to rot for another two thousand years." Callista then vanished into the darkness. Leaving Silas standing there stewing in his anger. He needed to find the cure now more than ever. His sister always meant what she said and followed through. She was not bluffing, that he knew.


Silas is here and he wants the cure and doesn't care how he gets it. Allye is able to convince Klaus it's really her and not Silas. Elijah and Rebekah are on their way to Mystic Falls with the Cure in hand. We also finally get to see Callista and Silas interact. As expected, Callista is still very bitter towards her half-brother. Enough so, to take away the cure away from Silas for good and doom him to an eternal life.

Hope your loving this so far! It's getting interesting and intense so keep your eyes peeled for the next part!

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