The Last Burden

By nashlycam23

13.6K 372 61

"I hate you." Was all I could manage to say, given the fact that I was battling my emotions. I just lost all... More

Twenty One
Twenty Two
Twenty Three
Twenty Four
Twenty Five
Twenty Six
Twenty Seven
Twenty Eight
Twenty Nine
Thirty One
Thirty Two
Thirty Three
Thirty Four
Thirty Five
Thirty Six
Thirty Seven
Thirty Eight
Thirty Nine
Forty Two
Forty Three
Forty Four
Forty Five
Forty Six
Forty Seven
Forty Eight
Forty Nine
Fifty One
Fifty Two
Fifty Three
Fifty Four
Fifty Five

Forty One

205 6 1
By nashlycam23


I couldn't help but feel guilty the entire time we drove to the abandon building, knowing exactly what future was set in store for Harry and his friends.

I didn't necessarily care for the other four guys, mainly because they never showed me any mercy and were always ruthless with me. But somehow I was concerned about Harry.

He didn't owe me anything, and technically I didn't owe him anything either. But that didn't stop me from feeling absolutely horrible for what I was doing to them.

I was leading them right to their death, and the worst part was that they were completely oblivious to it. They were very excited to gain more wealth, meanwhile I was swallowing down my honesty and feeding them with more countless lies.

Harry was the only one who was on edge the entire time, mainly because he is very smart and can sense the stress that's forming in my bones. He can somehow sense that there is something on my mind, yet he doesn't ask.

I'm starting to wonder if he wants to trust me on this one, but I have a gut feeling he knows something is up. Does he not want to mention it because he wants to see if I'm trustworthy?

I'm almost glad he didn't push it any further than necessary because I wouldn't be able to keep up with my lies and guilt. I would eventually cave in and say that the plans have changed.

I'm not good at hiding things from others when it bothers my own conscience. But the worst part is I don't know why this is bothering my conscience.

Shouldn't I be happy that these guys will be out of my hair and I'll be safe with my brother? Shouldn't I be ecstatic that my own enemy will die tonight? That revenge will finally pull through?

No I'm not. And I can't find out why no matter how hard I try. It's not because I grew soft on Harry and grew feelings for him. I don't think I could ever grow feelings for such a human being.

So then what is it? Was it his heroic acts and his determination to keep me alive and safe? Was it him handing me his coat when I was soaking wet, risking his own warmth? Was it him giving me his food when he was starving?

I didn't know. And it pained me that it somehow mattered to me in the slightest.

"This is the right place?" Zayn asked as he raised an eyebrow and pulled up to the abandoned house.

It was pitch black outside, almost hard to even see through the headlights.

I swallowed the rock in my throat, feeling an intense amount of pressure as I looked up at the tall dark building.

"Yes this is it." The moment I said those words Harry glanced over at me, staring deeply as if waiting for me to break.

He knows something is up. I just know he does. If so then why is he allowing it to happen? Why isn't he turning us around and saving his own ass?

"This place looks creepy as f***, you sure you're not taking us to some haunted house for revenge?" Louis spoke above a whisper as Zayn killed the engine and we all stared up ahead.

"Since when did you become a wuss puss? This is nothing compared to the stuff you see everyday." I waved off, swallowing another lump as I caught Harry staring at me yet again.

Please stop looking at me like that.

"This better be worth it. Or I'm feeding you to a pack of wolves tonight." Zayn threatened before he pulled out his gun.

"There's no need." I rolled my eyes before everyone got out of the car.

As soon as I stepped out Harry's eyes shifted towards mine, peering deep into my soul as I held my breath and kept my stare firm.

Sh*t why does he look at me like that?! He totally knows something isn't right about this. But why isn't he turning us around?!

His eyes were covered in concern, yet he hid it well with determination to finish the task and move forward.

Even though he was plainly on edge, he didn't show it towards his friends. He remained collected, but quiet. And it made me feel even worse for it.

"Everyone got their weapons?" Liam asked before everyone nodded their heads and hid their guns inside their belts.

"Lead the way Bishop. This is your thing.... not ours." Zayn pushed as he nodded his head towards the building.

I glanced over at him before I licked my lips and nodded my head, feeling my heart race a million miles an hour.

The guys followed close behind as we made slow footsteps towards the house, careful to be quiet and to not be spotted.

My stomach twisted in tight knots the more I thought about this entire plan that Blake created. It was smart of him to come up with such a thing, yet I didn't want to be involved with it.

I know killing people is part of the gang life, but I never wanted to be blood guilty. Especially over someone who has been decent with me.

I started to feel nauseous as I stood right by the front door, debating if I should lead them inside or not.

I was going over all the reasons why I should while my mind was splitting off into reasons why I shouldn't. It was a battle I couldn't control. A battle I was afraid I was going to loose to.

"You okay?" Harry whispered as he towered over me, his breath fanning my neck.

I glanced over my shoulder and up at his dark green eyes, the moon just barely giving me enough light to see his features.

"Yeah." I let out a shaky breath as I nodded my head, knowing it sounded hard to believe.

Before the boys could question my stalling, I decided it was time to act upon my brother's wishes.

I am a Bishop, daughter of the Rain family. I can't disappoint them. I think I've already done that enough. I cannot side with the Violent Kings over my own blood. It would be shameful of me to do such a thing. They've given me no reason to betray my own kind.

My shaky hand wrapped around the door handle before I opened it slowly, cringing as it creaked against the hinges.

After it opened wide enough, I stepped inside the dusty building, refraining myself from letting a cough out since it was so stuffy in here.

I felt like I could barely breathe as we walked through the old house, wondering when was the last time someone has been in here.

Zayn raised his sleeve to his nose as he tried to shield it from the dusty air, feeling it suffocate him as well.

I kept my eyes forward as we walked past the living room and made our way to the open hallway, refusing to look at Harry as he kept a close eye on me.

My heart was beating so loud I was starting to wonder if Harry could hear it.

The house had many gaping holes in the roof, causing the moonlight to seep through and shine on the marbled floor beneath us. It made it easier to see where I was going.

The room fell silent as we all crowded in the middle of the house, a large staircase to our far left wrapped around the middle, causing it to look like we were in a large circle.

My body shivered from the cold breeze going down my spine, causing my senses to be on high alert for what was to come.

As we all stood there, the only thing I could hear was my own heartbeat pounding in my ears, counting down the seconds until Blake comes in and burns this place to ashes.

I had no idea what he had planned for them, but all I know was that it was going to be ruthless.

Everyone began looking at each other as they realized nothing was happening, and as I waited patiently I looked up and saw Harry narrowing his eyes while he glanced around the room cautiously.

The room was so quiet you could hear it. I began to tremble as I realized I was beginning to regret bringing Harry here.

I know what he did to both me and my brothers was wrong, but he doesn't deserve this. He has a heart somehow deep down inside of him. And it just doesn't feel right to let him die like this. With pure betrayal to our unspoken trust.

Every second felt like an eternity as I waited for the guys to come out and attack the Violet Kings, bringing me to safety.

Sweat was starting to build on my forehead as my hands twitched by my sides, desperate to tell Harry to get the hell out of here.

I had a bad feeling in my gut that something terrible was going to happen, so before anyone had a chance to speak, I glanced up at Harry and parted my lips.

"Harry." I whispered as his eyes met mine, causing guilt to flood inside me before I heard footsteps walking inside the building.

"It's so nice to see you again Principessa. Although I'm not too happy you brought my competition with you." A haunting familiar voice spoke through the darkness as my entire stomach dropped.

What? How the hell did Lino find me? And what the hell is he doing here?

All the boys stiffened as they saw Lino appear out of the darkness and into the light, standing on the second floor while leaning against the rail.

The color started to drain from my face as I looked up at him in horror, completely shocked that he was even here right now.

Blake where the hell are you?! Did he get to you first and kill you?

Everyone pulled out their guns except for Harry, causing Lino to chuckle as he waved his hand.

"There's no need for that." He spoke darkly as Harry took a slow step towards me, towering over my body before he wrapped his hand around my waist.

He gave me a reassuring squeeze as I felt all types of loss flood my emotions. I knew something tragic was going to happen, but not this. Not Lino and his sex trafficking men.

"Here's what's going to happen. You're going to release my Principessa and drop all your weapons before handing her over to me. Then you're going to do exactly what I say or else there will be consequences." Lino said before he pulled out a cigarette and lit it.

"Why the f*** would we listen to you?!" Zayn spat as he kept his gun aimed at him.

"Have you checked your shirt lately? It has an awful red stain on it." Lino spoke casually as a wide wicked smile spread across his lips.

All the boys looked over at Zayn and gasped as they saw a red dot beaming at his chest.

Laser pointer guns.

I swallowed tightly as my hands curled into fists, feeling frightened for both me and the guys.

"Looks like you all got red stains... except for my prized possession of course." He grinned evilly as he held his cigarette between his fingers.

We all looked at each other instantly, feeling absolutely defeated once I realized there was a gun pointed at each of them.


"I'm not letting you take her." Harry spoke up courageously as he kept his grip firm on my waist.

"Doesn't look like you have a choice." Lino seemed unbothered as he peered down at us.

"Over my dead body." Harry growled so deeply I could feel his chest vibrate.

"That can be arranged." Lino grinned before I gasped and stood in front of Harry.

"No! I won't let you kill him." I shouted, shielding him with my arms.

"You're making me jealous Bambina. I don't think that's wise to do. You know you're mine right?" He grinned as he looked into my eyes.

"He's not yours to kill. You have to kill me first to get to him." I hissed as I suddenly grew fearsome.

In the corner of my eye I saw the guys look over at me, completely shocked I was defending their friend.

"Oh Principessa.... We both know that's not gonna happen." Lino shook his head before he inhaled his cigarette.

"Drop your weapons." Lino warned as he dropped his smile and darkened his features.

The boys held their guns so tight their hands began to tremble, causing me to cringe with guilt.

I did this to them. I brought them here. Even though this was suppose to be Blake's plan, this feels much worse.

Suddenly Niall was shot in the shoulder, causing him to drop his gun as I gasped aloud at the scene.

The shot echoed through the entire house as all of our eyes grew wide, fearing for Niall's life.

"Niall!" Louis shouted as he groaned and held onto his now bleeding wound.

"I'm gonna burn you in hell for that!" Zayn screamed as he tightened his grip even more on the deadly weapon.

"Do you want to be next? Drop your f***ing guns now!" Lino demanded aggressively, causing me to tremble.

"Harry." I whispered as I turned to stare at him.

His guard went down the second his eyes met mine, showing an immense amount of concern while he tried to figure out how to get out of this one.

"Eyes on me Bambina. You should know I'm a very jealous guy and I get very angry when my girl shares her affection towards someone else. I'm not one to mess with." Lino announced as I glanced back up at him.

"Drop your weapons before the next bullet goes through Harry's skull." Lino spoke causally before blowing out smoke.

The guys all glanced at each other before they slowly dropped their guns, feeling defeated by his continuous threats.

"What good boys. I told you they'd listen to me better." Lino said as he looked down on the first floor, but it wasn't at us.

I narrowed my eyebrows in confusion before I saw a shadow walk out of the darkness, causing my eyes to grow wide the minute I saw his blue eyes.

"Yeah yeah, you don't need to rub it in." Blake said as he walked over towards us, causing all the guys' mouths to drop.

"He's alive?" Liam whispered as my heart stopped.

Wait.... what the hell is this.

"Of course I'm alive. You didn't kill me fast enough." Blake chuckled darkly as he stared at all of them intensely before meeting my eyes.

"Hello Neena." Blake smiled warmly to me as my heart sunk.

Even though I was face to face with my brother, the last thing on my mind was to welcome him back, let alone smile.

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