Scars And Ashes [Discontinued]

By EasyComeEasyGo

53.4K 798 213

A seventeen year old guarded, carefree, and nonchalant girl meets rich boy and player. When Ash Lettermen, s... More

Scars And Ashes - Chapter 1
Scars And Ashes - Chapter 2
Scars And Ashes - Chapter 3
Scars And Ashes - Chapter 4
Scars And Ashes - Chapter 5
Scars And Ashes - Chapter 6
Scars And Ashes - Chapter 7
Scars And Ashes - Chapter 8
Scars And Ashes - Chapter 9
Scars And Ashes - Chapter 10
Scars And Ashes - Chapter 11
Scars And Ashes - Chapter 12
Scars And Ashes - Chapter 13
Scars And Ashes - Chapter 15
Scars And Ashes - Chapter 16
Scars And Ashes - Chapter 17
Scars And Ashes - Chapter 18
Scars And Ashes - Chapter 19
Scars And Ashes - Chapter 20
Scars And Ashes - Chapter 21
Scars And Ashes - Chapter 22
Scars And Ashes - Chapter 23

Scars And Ashes - Chapter 14

1.5K 27 4
By EasyComeEasyGo


My arm was snugly around Damien’s shoulder as we watched Magic Mike. I was watching Channing Tatum strip, with my hot boyfriend beside me. Could this day get any better? Although, something seemed off with Damien.

I had tried to initiate conversation with him all night, but he would just shake his head, dismissing the idea of speaking to one another. He’s had the same expression on all night. His ‘I’m thinking about some really important shit here’ expression. Even now, his eyes weren’t on the screen, he was playing with his thumbs.

“Is something wrong?” I asked worriedly.

“No it’s nothing.” He said sternly. Moving his eyes, back to the TV screen.

“Are you sure? If anything’s wrong you can always talk to me.”I said softly, but with concern.  It’s been about a month now we’ve been together. You would think trust comes along with time, but maybe I’m wrong.

He turned to face me, a scowl upon his face. His next words were indescribably ironic. Although, it made me think things I would never have thought. “I’m sorry; I don’t need to go to a faggot for advice.” With one last look at me, he grabbed his jacket off the couch, and walked out the door, slamming the door behind him.

What he meant by that I wasn’t sure or I just didn’t want to face it. Next thing I knew, I was calling up Scarlett, asking her to come by and stop me from possibly hanging myself. Dramatic? Yes.

When she opened the door with the spare key she makes sure to have of my room, I was in a fetal position on the ground. 


Was he dead? Was the first thought that came to mind, as I saw him curled in a ball, on the hard wood floor. I moved forward crouching down and lifting his arm, then dropping it. His arm fell limply to the ground with a loud thud. I next took my two fingers and tried to find his pulse. Still beating I thought.

I had just come from the ice cream shop I had left Ash and Lauren at, many would think I’m stupid for leaving them two alone, as they were ex's, but oddly I trusted Ash. He would never do anything to hurt me or I hope he wouldn’t… 

“Trent, I know you’re alive!” I moaned to him, as I got seated on the couch.

“No you don’t.” He groaned and shoved his face further into the floor.

“Actually I took your pulse, now get that firm arse of yours off the ground, and tell me what happened.” I said, annoyed, I was about to play the paused movie on his screen, as I saw it was Magic Mike.

“Really, you think its firm? Well, I do try and work out, Damien said-” I quickly cut him off; I didn’t want to know what came next. He finally lifted himself off the ground and came to sit next to me.

“Want to tell me what happened?” I asked, instantly changing into my serious mood.

“Damien called me a faggot.” He said, in the voice of a two year old telling on his friend for stealing his Kit Kat bar. That was when I burst out laughing. This is why he called me here?

“So, you looked like you were about to die, because Damien called you a fagot?” I tried to say gravely, but I couldn’t resist smiling, and letting out a few giggles at the same time.

“It’s more serious than that! He wasn’t talking to me all night, as if something was up. He looked as if he was mad…maybe at me? When I asked him what was wrong, he snapped and said ‘I don’t need advice from a faggot’ and just stormed out!” He hurriedly sobbed and drove his head into my lap. I could feel his tears soaking up my jeans. Why must he be so dramatic?

Although, I sincerely didn’t understand why Damien would say that to him. Unless… he wasn’t gay? But who knows what Trent has done with Damien so far, he just can’t lie about his sexuality, while he’s with Trent. Trust me; I don’t think it’s possible.

“Trent it’s alright, when he’s ready to talk he’ll talk. But I’m sure it has nothing to do with you. I’m sure you’re being a rocking boyfriend” I said, patting his shoulder.

He looked at me with his big round blue eyes. A smile finally formed on his lips.

“Thank you Scarlett.”

“Anytime, Trey.” I said, using an old nickname I thought of a long time ago.  Once we were both finally settled down, I went into his cabinet and brought out a bag of Doritos. I sat him down, and we started to watch Magic Mike, from where he had left off as an attempt to cheer him up.

It was in the middle of the movie, when I felt my phone buzz. Thinking it was probably Ash, asking how I was doing I checked it.  Although it turned out to be a number I did not recognize. I opened the message.

I felt my heart leap into my throat, and that I would have puked it out, and stomped on it, again and again. I felt it break into to two pieces. None of the fragments wanting to remain in my body.

The words were in a pretty italics font. It said the words that were painfully true at the moment.

It’s your fault for falling… Now who’s here to catch you?

Beneath it was a picture of Ash, and Lauren. Lip to lip. Her coat was forgotten her button up on the ground, and with Ash clearly responding to her actions. Heck maybe it was Lauren, responding to what Ash had started. Her palms pressed flat on his stomach, and his arms around her. Both their eyes closed.

I dropped my phone, in complete awe. I felt a tear escape my eye. I left him for half an hour and he found someone knew. Was my past just too much for him? Were all those things he said about not caring about what I’ve been through a lie? I knew I shouldn’t have trusted him. All guys are the same. I KNEW IT. More tears came rushing down my face, and I couldn’t even stop them. I knew it.

Scarlett why did you get in so deep? Why did you have to like him? Why didn’t you just leave when you could have?

I sat there, dazed, confused, and most importantly heartbroken. I felt Trent’s hands on my shoulder, shaking me out of my trance.

“What happened, why are you crying, Scar-” Was all he got done of his sentence, before he glanced down at my phone, and the open text message.

“I will, sack him so hard he won’t even know the definition of pregnancy.” Trent said fists in tightly clenched balls. I would have laughed at his comment but at that moment nothing seemed funny, or real…

I trusted Ash. I opened up. I told him, about my past.

I couldn’t even think anymore, I got up, and grabbed my jacket. Closing the door behind me, Trent’s words of asking me where the hell I was going, were left behind. I knew where I was going, and no one was going to stop me either.

I came into the vast field that joins with the forest. That’s when I started running. Ripping my coat off in the process, it was a nuisance that was slowing me down. The cold wasn’t an asset that affected me anymore. When I was in deep, and no longer in the shallows of the forest; I took off my sweater, and left myself in my tank top. I inched the neck line a little lower, just for a good measure.

I started to scout around, waiting for a person to come. Anyone to come. Hoping this wasn’t going to be one of those nights, where there’s just nobody out. I heard a twig snap. And my heart raced in my chest. I stood there waiting for whatever it was to come closer.

I started to make an outline of the figure; a broad chest, a shitload of facial hair, a good build, and major biceps.  This would be fun. I waited for the man to approach, hoping that he was a rapist, and not some sort of nice guy, as they weren’t what I was looking for. I was looking for a good fight. Anything, to beat the crap out of the male population.

I could feel that resent rising in me again. That resent I used to carry whenever I saw men. Savage beasts, they are.

I started to walk forward, aiming my steps to the man. As he came closer; I saw a nasty scowl on his face. This was great, the pissed off guys are always the best. I started to walk a little faster, as the anticipation was killing me. I finally made contact with the man, and faked my usual fall; landing on my ass.

“Watch where you’re going, bitch.” The guy replied, angrily. Well, that was polite of him to say.

“I could say the same for you, asswhole.” I deadpanned, helping myself up.

“Don’t talk to me like that!” He shouted, his anger rising.

“Oh please forgive me sir; I’m sorry I have disturbed you. I wouldn’t want to make the desperate douche bag mad.” I said, while looking at my nails.

“Oh you little…” He screeched as his fist was hurdling towards my stomach. Nice move, but too predictable. I grabbed his fist just before it landed in me, and painfully twisted it; I was satisfied when I heard a crack. A guttural sound escaped his throat.

 He brought out his other hand, I was thinking he was going to go for the hand around my neck so that he can choke me move. Although, his hands moved in the direction of his back pocket.

He brought out a gleaming sharp bladed knife. Oh not this again. I was still recovering from the large gash on my stomach. The man went wild and started slashing everywhere. A cut on my forehead, arms and even my jeans were tattered as he aimlessly shot at me.

I needed to knock him out somehow, but every time I came an inch closer to him, his knife would skim me. I was already showered in my own blood. Painful yes, but I’ve been through worse. I was finally, done with this. If I didn’t end this soon, I would end up dead.

Making sure I reacted at the right time, I caught his wrist. The blade in his hand stopped moving. I pulled his wrist forward moving his whole body towards me with such force; he was so shocked his grip on the knife handle loosened. That was all it took for me, to yank it out and throw it far, far away from us. His head turned to the direction of the knife, and I brought my fist up, luckily I just so happened to be wearing a ring.

With all my rage and fury, all my hatred I had for this gender my fist collided with the side of his head. No I did not kill him. I knew for a fact, because I didn’t hit anything vital, I made sure of that. I was not going to jail. His eyes rolled to the back of his head, and he fell to the ground. His chest was still rising up and down, and I had an urge just to finish him, but I stopped myself.

I left the scene quickly, grabbing my jacket and sweater from where I had dropped it. I felt a little better, but just not enough. The adrenaline that was pulsing in my veins was slowing down, and the heat it was producing for me was fading away, and I was suddenly really cold; cold and lonely.

I couldn’t even wear my clothes, as they would get blood all over them. Once the fabric made contact with a cut, my skin would sizzle, and the burn was just unbearable. So here I was, walking the streets in November at 10 at night, nothing to shelter me from cold. My life is just great. I guess the world does hate me.

As I passed a few people, their eyes almost came out of their sockets, I didn’t exactly know how bad I looked but from one look at my arm’s I knew it wasn’t pretty. Finally after the almost an hour walk back to my room I was there.

Opening my door, I realized my room was still a mess, from the earlier encounter of the black clothed mysteries. I didn’t even both to go to my room.

I stepped into the bathroom, stripped myself of my clothes, and just stood there underneath the water. Watching as the water turned from transparent to red. I let the heat of the water sting my skin, just wanting the physical pain to overrule the emotional pain, but it just wouldn’t I didn’t think anything could.

I finally stepped out, wrapping a towel around my body. One look at myself in the mirror, and I was scared of my own reflection. I had bruises everywhere on my face; blood was still seeping through, and dripping onto the floor, I didn’t bother to clean any of it up. The water had not healed me. I would probably have to take a bath in some cut disinfectant. But fatigue got to me.

I slipped on my P.J’s and dragged myself to the couch, and plopped on. Wanting to sleep and just erase today’s events from my mind.

I was just beginning to fall into a slumber, until I heard a loud knocking on my door, and a deep voice that was all too familiar.

“Scarlett! I’m sorry. I made a mistake.” I heard Ash’s voice call out to me outside my door. It was followed by more knocking. But at that moment, I wasn’t going to answer him; I was not going to give in. I was walls up Scarlett now, no more tearing them down. Not for anybody, not anymore. 

I heard his voice fade away, as my eyelids began to get heavy. The last thing I heard from him before I fell in deep was;

“Scarlett…I love you.” 


Hey guys! How are my gorgeous/handsome/amazing readers doing? More drama...shocker there? yeah I think not. ehehe, cliffhangers are just awesome aren't they? Yeah I think so. Okayyy, soo hoped you guys liked this chapter, I felt like crying myself when i wrote it. But, it was worth it. And i updated on time, so i think i deserve a pat on the back.

Comment and tell me what you think i'd love to here your opinions. Love you guys, and thank you <3

Oh and check out my my friend story.

PattyChuChu: Too Far Away

There is a new girl that will be living in the house down the street and the boys are really excited--until they see her face. Rylen and Ron, and their best friends, see her differently though, but little do they what is yet to come.

It's really good so, give it a chance (: 



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