
By butnotquiteme

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By butnotquiteme

Summer vacation just started few days ago.nothing special happened with y/n in those days.anyway, the sun just raised up indicating it's morning but with no school to go..y/n continued sleeping on his comfy bed.


That is until someone rang his doorbell...he tried to ignore it first but the continues door bell sound forced him to finally get up.

Y/n:....who the hell is here at this time!!.

annoyed he walk straight towards the front door. Grabbing the door handle and slowly opening to reveal a familiar face.

"Took you long enough". For some reason hiratsuka Sensei was standing on his door step.

"....Sensei mind if I ask what are you doing here" y/n asked.

"You weren't weren't you picking your phone "she asked with the usual deadly aura around her.. causing y/n flich slightly.

"You did! My phone must be silent or low on battery" y/n nervously spoke in reality he purposely ignored all of it.

"It's that so....."hiratsuka narrowed her eyes.

"Yea-h it's true..you know I never ignore your massages".

"In that case Pack your stuff were going for a trip." She said taking her s shades off..


"I'm not Taking no for answers."

Y/n blinked few time tilting his head in confusion. one thing he was sure there no point going against her words.

After filling y/n with the idea what's going and where are they heading to,they both is seen waiting for others members to arrive at the destined location.

"So.... how's life been" y/n oddly asked breaking the long silence.

"Huh? Normal I guess"she said rather startled by the question."where did that come from?"

"Just trying to make a conversation"y/n shrugged.

"And here I thought you liked to be alone"

"I do,it's peaceful...but even I no sometimes alone is not enough"

"It kinda hard to believe that hachiman and you are still friends"

"I get that a lot" He chuckled for a moment.

gazing the blue sky filled with pure white different shaped clouds y/n silently enjoyed the beautiful view..taking his phone he clicked the picture in it for him it was one of his hobbies to do so.

"Good morning y/n-san!"

Hearing a familer y/n turn around to none other than komachi.

"you to hiratsuka Sensei".the young hachiman respectfully bowed her head.

"what are you guys doing here?" Arriving from behind her brother hikigiya asked seemingly confused seeing both of them.

"I didn't know your coming too y/n- san" komachi said ignoring her brother.

"Me to komachi...me to"

"Now that your here, care to explain why you never answered your phone,well fine by me atleast your alive" hiratsuka said, hanchiman droped his bags on the ground.. depressed about the situation.

"I had to jump few fences to reach your sister here,but now atleast I can relax."

"So what you want , I'm going to Chiba--"

Hiratsuka cut him off "Chiba yeah...so you haven't read your text yet?"


"Hikky! Your late" from other said they see yui and yukinon walking towards them.

"What you two doing here?"

"What?were here for club, obviously."yui said.

"Yui-san! Yahallo!".

"Komachi-chan! Yahallo!"

"Is that greeting a fed or something" hanchiman thought.

"Using my love for my sister to lure me out?did you knew this" Hanchiman turned at y/n glaring with his dead eye.

"Whoa!I swear that I was in blind of this...well even if I did..you me that well I'd never tell you any way" y/n said with a grin annoying hanchiman even further.

"Busterd!You could have told me!!".

"if I'm going down I'm talking you with me".

"!Stop smiling!"...hanchiman screamed pulling y/n back and forth by his collar..

"Are they always like that" yuigahama asked slightly worried.


Soon totsuke join the crew after that everyone maid their way to the destination in hiratsuka's van.

The traval took few hour to reach Chiba.

Hanchiman gazed the surrounding getting a strong sense of Deja Vu.

"Oh I remember..I went to Chiba for science camp back in middle school" hanchiman said reflecting his past days.

"Here you go" y/n handed his bag.

"Oh!Thanks" hanchiman replied taking the bag.

Suddenly a white van pull over,then  without any known invitation hayame and his crew exit from the  vehicle.

"hayame!? "Hanchiman Spilled his name out in confusion.

"hey there, hikitani-kun..L/n -kun." Hayame greeted in a friendly way.

"what are you guys doing here?"

"Looks like your all here. You guys will be doing some community service for a few days."Hiratsuka Sensei joints in.

"community service?." Hanchiman questioned making Sensei to further reveal to him.

"as part of the service clubs summer camp. You'll be working as counselors for a kids summer camp. "

Everyone went to where the elementary students and teacher are and begin introduced themselves.

Staff:Now, say hello to the nice boys and girls who'll be helping us out!.

Teacher or the guide whoever it is handed hayame the Megaphone.


Hayame:If you ever need anything. Just tell us. Let's make as many fun memories as we can during summer camp! Its gonna be a blast!.

All the kinds cheered in Joy as hayame finished..

"excuse me, but why are they here too?." Yukino spoke up a gloomy look on her face.

"I said it'd look good on their records to bait people into volunteering. It's a good opportunity for you guys. You should learn how to live with people from other cliques."

"For what--to be friends with them-" y/n spoke while folding his arms.

"yeah, not happening. We'll never be friends with people like them."

"No, you don't need to make friends with them.I said to learn how to live with them. Learn to deal with them smoothly Without fighting or ignoring them. That's what it means to adjust to society.."


Hiratsuka:okay.your first job is to help out with the race. Accompany the kids and watch over them to make sure nothing bad happen..

The students fell in to few group for the activities for camp to find the cheak point on the forest area.

"Dude , elementary school are,like,so little,dude doesn't being High school,like,make you feel like an old man" tobe said as the highschooler move forward.

"Hey quite it, your making me sound like some old hag"miura shot him a warning glare.

"But when I was in elementary school high schoolers looked so grown-up"totsoke brought up.

'high scholars look really grown-up to me too" komachi said" except my brother of course".she added looking back at him.

"Hey,im like a super grown up" hanchiman said.

"Have you looked in the mirror" y/n said causing few chuckle from others.

"Haha real funny....."

"Hey!! what are those girls doing"They halted on the spot.

"I'll go check out" well of course he does hayame the kind person he is didn't waste any time to run towards the elementary students. It was group of four or five if you count the one girl trailing few steps behind other.

"Wow, onii-san! Your amazing!" One of the girl said to hayame.

"How can you touch it?"

"It's fine. They don't bite , and they're not poisonous"hayame calmly explained.

"I still wouldn't touch though"


As the four girl surrounded hayame, y/n attention went to that other girl..she was not throwing questions or was listening to hayame. in fact she was looking in different direction from the group while holding on to her camara.

Hanchiman shot a glance at y/n who understood what he meant.

Y/n nods his head..just as stand user attract other stand users loners tends to pick up other loners quickly..

"Did you find the cheak point" hayame asked the girl.

"No"she replied with uneasy smile.

"I see let's look for it together ok...what your name"

"Tsurumi Rumi"

"I'm hayame hayato, nice to meet you.it might be hidden over there" hayame patted her shoulder taking her with him rejoining the group.

"Did you see that,he invited her so naturally." y/n said to his companions.

"Its giving me the creeps" hanchiman added addressing the event they so." He casually got her name too"

"Something you both never manage to do if you practiced your whole life." Yokino Said.."but I wouldn't call it a very good thing to do"

"There,just like that"hiratsuke Sensei said for successfully starting  fire as all the kids stood around her watching.

"Your insanely good at it" hanchiman said.

Hiratsuke formed a proud smirk"I used to throw barbecues with my club a lot back in college while I got the pit ready.the couple's flirt like-Damn now  I'm in a bad mood" her mood completely changed telling the last part.

"Someone please Marry her" y/n and hanchiman thought simultaneously.

"Boys, get the fires ready.Girls go get the ingredients."All the kind obeyed her instruction and they parted away.

"it's obvious choice for a sixth-grade summer camp". Yukino said while she cutting vegetables in to small pieces.

"Everyone's family makes curry a little differently. My mom's curry's got a ton of stuff in it,like fried tofu."hanchiman said while he keep the fire up.

"Dude yeah!! Mine fish cakes in too!"Tobe shout out.

"I-i see... Don't just start talking like that.I nearly thought you were a friend"

"Yeah, my mom does stuff like that too,this one time , she put these weird leaves in it. Some thimes she makes some crazy mistake!". .Yuigahama spoke.

"I personally keep it simple,few vegetables,meat and a little chilly powder for the extra spacyness.." y/n said to the group."simple yet tasty".

"Wow!! N/n I didn't know you had talent for cooking" yuigahama eyes wide in amazement as see observed y/n.

"A little hobby I picked up" y/n said while continue cutting through vegetables.

"Your showing your not useless as I first intended L/n-san"Yokino said with a little impress tune.

"Hm hm" replying with a hum. though he tried to maintain a straight face he easily get flustered when others compliment him.

"Did you like the curry" hayame called out Rumi.A mistake from him.There a unspoken rule that When you approach a lonar ,you do it private,where no one can see you.

Now she become the centre of attention, literally.

"Not really...I don't care for the curry"Rumi said as she walked away escaping from the spotlight,she stood meter's away from hanchiman who was accompanied by y/n and yukino.

Hayame eyed rumi for a moment before turning to join other elementary students.

Thankfully this halted the glare's others were throwing at rumi.

"What an idiot" hachiman blurred out.

"Honestly...what a bunch of fools" the young girl picked up where hanchiman left off.

"Well, majority of people are like that, I glad you picked up quickly "hachiman said.

Rumi with puzzled expression looked at him..soon yukinoshita interject

"Your part of the majority too"

"Don't underestimate me, I have the amazing talent of being loner even when I'm part of it".

“How like you to brag about something like that to such an extent. You've exceeded my expectations
You deserve scorn, not bafflement.” yukinoshita countered further annoying him.

"Don't you normally respect who exceed you expectation?"

They go on back and forth rumi and y/n watched the exchange.

"There is some fun seeing this in a verbal fight...more like a couple quarrel" y/n said cracking a smile.

"WE'RE NOT A COUPLE!!" The pair yelled at y/n in unison. The idea them being together just didn't fit for them.


Sliding towards them rumi called out"Name"

"Huh? What about name " hachiman said not understanding her.Forcing rumi to repeat the question with contest.

"I'm asking for your name,that how normally people interpret it."

"Introduce yourself before you ask others name" yukinoshita said her gaze dangerously scary.Rumi turn around in unease.

"Tune the cold gaze down yukinoshita..she's a kid after..your making her uncomfortable." Y/n pointed out.

Yukinoshita picked this up... understanding his words she soften her face before letting a sigh..

"Tsurumi Rumi" her soft words reached everyone..yukinoshita nodded her head before start introducing.

"I'm yukino yukinoshita.."she said first ,then pointed towards y/n."that's y/n l/n"

"And this is hi--hiki--hikigay-kun"

"Hey!!!how do you know my fourth grade name!!!Did you told her"hachiman asked y/n.

"I swear  I didn't tell anyone that your fourth grade nickname was hikigaya"y/n said acting dumb putting more petrol on flame.

"Don't say it loud it damnit!!"

"I'm hikigaya hachiman...and this is yui yuigahama" hachiman said seeing yui drawing closer towards them.

"What!?you called..."she run towards them"

"Hi!! Im yui yuigahama..tsurumi Rumi was it"

Her greeting mearly got a nod from the you girl she didn't even bother to look at her.

"Somehow ,I think those three are different, different from those guys " rumi's words were vague they couldn't really understood what she ment.

"I'm different too from them " Rumi said.

"What you mean by different "yuigahama face turn to grave.

"Everyone around me is a fool,well not like I was any better playing along with it.so I quit all that pointless stuff with them.im better of alone "

"But.. think your elementary friends and memories are important"yui seems have lost words

Rumi shifted her head gazing the now setting sun in the  blue sky.

"I don't need stuff like that memories..when I enter middle school,I can make new friends  with people that came from different schools "

Y/n seems to be surprise but not by  whole..judging by rumi's previous encounter and observing her relationship plus attitude towards her classmates and how lonely she oftenly is seen.y/n already came to a similar conclusion..

"Sorry not happening" like a knife cutting through paper yukinoshita spoke up bluntly.

Rumi return her eyes towards black hair they're gaze met.

"The people you go to elementary school with now will progress to the same middle school as you.in that case , history will only repeat itself..next time ,those people who come in from other schools will merely join in" yukinoshita said Coldy giving Remi the reality check.

Others where speechless.y/n just listened leaning his back against a tree.

"Maybe your right..I was just so stupid" Rumi said clinging her fist.

"What happened?"

"This isn't the first time they've shunned someone.but it usually ends pretty quick.and they start talking to them again... someone always makes the suggestion,and everyone kind of just goes with it.id go along with it top
But before I knew it,this time I'm the one getting shunned I didn't do anything wrong, either...is this how it's going to be in middle school too?"

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