When Snow Covers The Fire (TM...

By TrionixPrime

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Miyuki or Miyu is a half Japanese and half French that lives in New York after she finishes college at the ag... More

Character Info
Prologue (Part 1/2): The Day Miyuki and Raphael Meet (3 Months Ago)
Prologue (Part 2/2): The Day Miyuki and Raphael Meet (3 Months Ago)
Chapter 1: The Ghost of the Jungle
Chapter 2: A familiar face and News from New York
Chapter 3: Not the same as before and Unexpected Talks
Chapter 4: Enter Winters and Karai
Chapter 5: Nightwatcher, Kuro Yuki, Casey and a kiss
Chapter 6: Welcome home, Leo
Chapter 7: Miyuki and Leo meets, Miyuki and the Turtles vs Bigfoot
Chapter 8: Boy problems and Busted
Chapter 9: Miyuki's Love Story, Raph, Miyuki and Casey meet the Stone Generals
Chapter 10: Raph Quits, Torn Harmony And Going After Raph
Chapter 12: Confrontation, Identity Reveal, Raph vs Leo and Taken
Chapter 13: Apologies and Planning
Chapter 14: Comforts, Reassurances and Interrupted Kiss
Chapter 15: Time is ticking, Infiltrate Winters Corp

Chapter 11: Raph and Miyuki Vs The Jersey Devil

205 5 5
By TrionixPrime

The same night changes to a lone diner as Miyuki was there to take a break from searching for Raphael. She was waiting for her orange juice that she ordered. The cook arrived and placed the glass of orange juice in front of her.

"Here's your orange juice, miss. Anything else? Burger? Dessert?" The cook asked as Miyuki just shook her head politely.

"No thanks, I'm good." She said as she accepted the glass.

"Okay then, enjoy yourself." The cook shrugs before going to serve another customer.

"Thank you." Miyuki muttered as she took a small sip.

As Miyuki was drinking her orange juice, she looked outside and couldn't help but wonder where Raph was. Somehow she knew he was out there patrolling but still she felt worried about him even after what happened at the apartment.

"Ah, where are you Raph? We're all worried about you." Miyuki whispered softly.

'Me especially...' She solemnly thought.

To try and get her mind off her worries, Miyuki started reading the newspapers. In it, she saw an article about the Nightwatcher and how they were criticizing his vigilante methods which only made her roll her eyes. If only they knew.

"Vigilante huh? The city doesn't know how lucky they are to have someone saving them from dangerous people." Miyuki told herself with a small huff.

Miyuki kept reading the papers. Meanwhile at the radio, the music was playing until it stopped for a report.

"Now that's some music. On to the news, people, recently the city and its people have been experiencing strange and inexplicable sightings. And I don't mean just this vigilante guy known as the Nightwatcher. Word is that there's monsters in the city and people have been going crazy about it. That said Why don't we take one more call about these monster sightings? Southern New Jersey, you're on."

Miyuki sighed discreetly as she couldn't believe how people think the sightings of monsters are somewhat of a scam. She had seen enough to believe that it's true but it's not like she could grab a megaphone and scream in the whole street that the monsters are real. Meanwhile The cook was heading over to a guy reading a newspaper.

"Monster sightings." The guy on the other side of the table scoffs.

The cook pours him another drink then hears something in the freezer room inside the kitchen. He goes to check it out and when he got there to check things out, he was super frightened by what he had just seen. He screamed and yelled as he got out in terror.

"A MONSTER!!! AAAAHHHHHH!!!" The cook screamed in fright and terror.

Miyuki got startled as she was gonna ask the cook why he screamed like that.

"What's happening?!" She asked as she stood up from her seat and went over the counter.

"I-I... In the f-f-freezer! I saw it! A red-a red... monster!" The cook pointed to the doors of the freezer fearfully.

"You too, man? People are going crazy in this town, they believe anything the news says." The man with the newspaper said with a grumble.

Miyuki tune him out as she kneeled down in front of the frightened cook.

"A red monster? What did it look like?" She asked as she needs any info just to be sure.

"It looked terrifying! Like some sort of... demon! What are we gonna do?! I know, I should call the cops!" The cook panicked and went to the counter and started pressing the blue button for emergencies while Miyuki shook her head.

Not too far from the dinner, up on a rooftop, Raph was listening to the police scanners used to see if any criminal or any other weird activity was coming up. He was just hearing about a disturbance nearby.

"Reports of a disturbance on 32nd, no units available." This made him grin. 

"They're playing my song." Raph smirked and leaped off to the place.

In the diner, the cook cowers as he repeatedly presses a button.

"Alright, alright. Where are the cops? How come the cops haven't showed up? Just remember what my analyst said. Just go to my happy place." The cook stammered and tried to stay calm.

"Well, at least now I won't have to keep searching." Miyuki said as she knew that he's coming.

Miyuki got up and leaned near the entrance of the freezer, making the cook look at her incredulously.

"Hey, lady! Why aren't you doing anything?!" The cook asked in panic.

"Relax,sir, I'm waiting for a friend. He should show up any second now." Miyuki said before perking up and turned to the door.

Raph lands in the parking lot in front of the diner and enters through the door without even seeing who was there waiting for him to show up.

"You finally showed up." Miyuki suddenly spoke up.

Raph tensed and turned in surprise when he heard Miyuki and sure enough leaning against the entrance of the freezer was Miyuki.

"Miyu? Wha-What are you doing here?" Raph questioned her in confusion.

"Looking for you, jerk, before someone else does. Took a break but then when trouble came, figured it wouldn't be long enough for you to show up. And here you are." Miyuki said as she sent him a small smile and pushed herself off the wall.

"You know me so well. Got any info?" Raph smirked softly behind his helmet.

"Not much I'm afraid, the guy just yelled monster and he started panicking. The only thing he said was that this monster looked like a demon. Think it's one of those creatures on the loose?" Miyuki informed him as she stood in front of him.

"Only one way to find out. Stay here and keep an eye out?" Raph said as Miyuki raised an eyebrow.

"And let you face a monster on your own while having fun without me? Hard pass on that." Miyuki said as she smirked.

"I figure. Let's go." Raph said before glancing at the cook.

"Don't get up. We'll serve ourselves." Raph said as he made way towards the freezer.

"Stay here and whatever you see or hear don't come in. Keep thinking of your happy places." Miyuki said as she followed Raph.

"Happy places? Are you serious?" Raph snickered as Miyuki shrugged with a smile.

"I was just trying to help." She said with a sheepish shrug.

"Mhm, just stick with me. And leave that guy to me." Raph said fondly.

"In your dreams." Miyuki laughs while pushing him playfully.

Raph and Miyuki both enter the kitchen.

"Think it's big? Like that last ones?" Miyuki asked, referring to BigFoot and Succubor.

"If that was the case, that creature would've destroyed the whole place already." Raph pointed out.

"Good point, plus the guy said it was in the freezer. Let's check it out." Miyuki said as she pointed to the freezer.

"Okay, but keep your eyes open. We don't know how strong that thing is." Raph warned her.

As they both walked into the freezer, they found the monster that scared the cook like crazy munching on some frozen chicken and they couldn't help but stare.

"What the freak?" Miyuki muttered in surprise.

Raph and Miyuki expected to see a big and terrible monster and they were very surprised to see that the monster that scared the cook was kind of small.

"Ha! That's the scary monster that scared the cook? You have got to be kidding me." Raph barked out a laugh in amusement. This scared the living daylights out of the chef?

"Careful, I have reasons to believe that's the monster known as the Jersey Devil." Miyuki warned him while eyeing the monster warily.

"Jersey Devil? More like the Jersey Troll." Raph snorted.

"Yeah, I gotta say he doesn't look dangerous. Hey there, little guy, you're so cute." Miyuki cooed while looking at the monster.

The Jersey Devil didn't like being called cute much so he snarled at Miyuki angrily which caused her to take a small step back.

"Still, he's cute. He actually reminds me of you. In a less ugly way." Miyuki jokes.

"Hey, watch it." Raph warned her playfully.

"Kidding, chill out. No pun intended." Miyuki said before turning to the creature.

"So how do you wanna deal with our little friend here?" She asked as she crossed her arms.

"I got this." Raph gestured for her to stay back.

"Hey there, little fella. Oh, look at you. Ain't you cute? You want a butt-kicking, little fella? Yes, you do. You do." Raph said in a baby tone.

Raph gets down on one to get close to the little red creep.

"You should perhaps be more careful with it. Who knows what it can do." Miyuki warned him.

"Please, you really think that small fry could hurt a guy like me? Get real, Miyuki." Raph reassured her as Miyuki rolled her eyes. She warned him.

"Okay, don't be surprised if I give you the ITYS speech." Miyuki told him before Raph gave her a confused look.

"The IT what now?" He asked in confusion.

"ITYS, it's short for I told you so." Miyuki replied.

"You just made that up. Just let me handle this alright?" Raph told her as she shrugged.

"Have it your way. But just to be on the safe side. How are you gonna deal with it?" Miyuki wondered.

"Three words. Watch and learn." Raph simply said before turning back to the monster.

"Come on, little guy. Drop the chicken and I'll give you a bigger snack." Raph told it.

As Raph got close, the Jersey Devil tried to bite his hand as it snarled. He thought Raph was gonna take his food.

"Should I take notes, teach?" Miyuki giggled 

"Hahaha, very funny." Raph said sarcastically.

"Okay, little guy. Don't you ever try to bite me again. So come here. Come on. I'm gonna drop kick you to hurty town. Come on, little guy." Raph told it while reaching his hand out to the monster.

Suddenly, out of the blue, the Jersey Devil bit Raph's finger. Miyuki was shocked at what she was seeing. The little creep was a real fighter despite his small size.

"AAAHHHHHHH!!!!!! Get off of me, you little monster!" Raph yelled in surprise, shock and disbelief as well as pain.

"Hold on, Raph!" Miyuki yelled as she knew that it was time to intervene.

To try and help Raph get rid of the Jersey Devil who's attacking him, Miyuki grabs a frying pan nearby so she can hit the darn thing and make it stop hitting Raph who tried to get the creature off his head as it used its tail to cover his glass visor.

"I got him, Raph!" Miyuki yelled.

Miyuki tried to hit the Jersey devil by aiming at Raph's head but the thing moved quickly and by doing so, Miyuki accidentally hitted Raph on the head.

"Oww!" Raph cried out in surprise.

"Oh, sorry!" Miyuki winced.

"Get it off me!" Raph yelled as he tried to get the monster off him.

"I'm trying but stop moving!" Miyuki told him as she readied to swing the frying pan.

Raph can't stand still since the Jersey Devil is driving him like a wild bull at a rodeo which made it really hard for Miyuki to hit it.

"Tell him that!" Raph yelled in annoyance.

The Jersey Devil made Raph run toward the fridge as it banged his head with the fridge door.

"Agh, you're scratching the helmet!" Raph shouted.

"Hold still!" Miyuki shouted as she tried to aim for the monster.

Miyuki aims for Raph's head again and ends up failing for the second time.

"AGAIN???!!! HIT HIM, NOT ME!!!" Raph yelled in annoyance.

"I'M DOING WHAT I CAN!!!" Miyuki yelled back in equal annoyance. The darn critter is getting on her nerves.

"Why, you little demon! Take this!" Miyuki yelled at it.

Miyuki tries to hit the Jersey Devil with a third strike but fails again.

"And this!" Miyuki attempts for a fourth time only to fail again.

"Drop the frying pan, you're not helping at all!" Raph yelled at her.

Raph gets free for a moment from the Jersey Devil who jumps on him but he throws him out of the kitchen and into the diner.

"You okay?!" Miyuki asked in concern.

"Yeah. Okay, that was different." Raph said as he caught his breath.

Miyuki looked over the door to the diner and her eyes widened as it was charging in.

"Raph! He's coming back for more!" Miyuki yelled as Raph's eyes widened.

"Get out of the way!" Raph stood up quickly.

He pushes Miyuki out of the way as the Jersey Devil comes back and pounds on his helmet and then breathes on it. Raph tries to get it off but gets thrown into the sink.

"Hey! This thing ain't rustproof! Get off of me!" Raph grunted loudly.

Raph throws it off him. The Jersey Devil landed in front of the fridge door which fell on top of it.

"Is that it?" She asked, hoping that it was.

Both Raph and Miyuki had thought that the little monster had been knocked out by the fridge but it got out through the back of it.

"I'd say no." Raph told her in annoyance. The darn thing is seriously getting on his nerves.

The little creature is running towards Raph to once again give him a good beating. Miyuki saw another frying pan and since she was holding one, she quickly had an idea.

"Raph! Catch!" Miyuki shouted as Raph turned towards her.

Miyuki uses her right foot to kick the frying pan at Raph's hand. After doing so, she throws the one she was holding at his other hand as he smiles under his helmet.

"Thanks, Miyuki. Alright, you little creep! Come on!" Raph taunted the critter.

Raph starts fighting the Jersey Devil with the frying pans Miyuki gave him. It started jumping on his back but Raph was able to hit it twice knocking it across the room as the little creature snarled.

"Tough little sucker. Come close and I'll be giving you a taste of a freezing Cherry sundae. Kunoichi style." Miyuki taunted it as she saw something that might help.

Miyuki had grabbed a fire extinguisher that was nearby and was getting ready to give the Jersey Devil a good butt kicking.

"Cherry sundae huh? You just gave me an idea. But instead of ice cream, I'll go with something with more kick." Raph grinned as took out three smoke pellets.

"How about a snack, little fella?" Raph asked.

Hearing the word snack, the Jersey Devil started running toward Raph to get his snack with its mouth wide open.

"Catch!" Raph shouted.

Raph throws the pellets straight to the Jersey Devil who caught them in his open mouth and swallowed them whole. Suddenly some smoke started to come out and suddenly the smoke got bigger and started coming out of his mouth. The little creature started running round the kitchen like crazy. Eating the smoke bomb pellets was a bad idea for him.

"Alright come here, you little creep." Raph grinned as he grabbed the panicking monster before turning to Miyuki.

"How about we give him a good hurt?" Raph suggested.

"You read my mind. Ready to throw?" Miyuki smirked as she got ready.

"Always." Raph smirked back.

"Alright, ladies and gentlemen, the famous pitcher is getting ready for his big throw. One burning baseball coming up!" Raph said like a commentator in a baseball game.

Raph throws the Jersey Devil at Miyuki who was in batting position.

"Batter up!" Miyuki shouted.

She swings the fire extinguisher like a baseball bat and hits the Jersey Devil in the face so hard it got out through the glass window in the dinner. The pain in his mouth was really hurting him as he couldn't stop screaming and running around to try and put it out.

"Keep on running, you filthy little hermit crab! That's spicy meatballs in the house!" Raph shouted after it as he and Miyuki came out of the kitchen.

"What a shame, he didn't even stay for dessert. Cherry sundae is the best." Miyuki laughed.

"Gah! Big guy! Please don't hurt me." The cook stammered and backed away.

"What? I'm not robbing you, I'm helping you." Raph said in confusion as they both came in front of the counter.

"We're both helping you. That monster won't bother you anymore." Miyuki told the cook.

"Okay, whatever you say, sir and miss. Please. I've got kids. In college. Community college." The cook said fearfully.

Raph picks up the till of money while sighing in annoyance.

"Here you go, pal. Make sure this is safe." Raph offered it back but the cook just shook his head.

"Take... take... take everything! I'm not even looking! Go!" The cook told them.

"Oh, why has everybody had such a hard time believing I am a good guy? I just saved your life!" Raph told him in annoyance.

Suddenly, a dart lands in the till. Raph and Miyuki were surprised as they wondered where it came from.

"A dart? But from where?" Miyuki looked at it in confusion but a bad feeling was settling in her gut.

Raph glanced out and gritted his teeth after seeing who threw it.

"Look!" He motioned his head.

Raph and Miyuki started looking outside. What they saw surprised them. It was Leo who was looking down at the dinner from a rooftop and at them

"The night just keeps getting better and better." Raph sighed with a grumble.

"This is bad. We gotta run. Come on!" Miyuki told him worriedly.


New version of the chapter, guys!

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