Misfit Trials

By owlonmywrist

269 3 0

We all grew up on fairy tales from a variety of cultures, eras, and races. There is the good guy. The dashi... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51

Chapter 17

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By owlonmywrist

Vati drove the wagon to the family's new home, a short way from the cathedral. It was in the opposite direction of Marta's house, which disappointed Rumpelstilzchen. However, he quickly let go of his disappointment when he saw their new home. It was much larger than their old house, which had consisted of only one room. This house had two rooms on the main floor: one was the main room for cooking and daily living and the second was a bedroom for Their parents. There was also a second story loft space for the children to sleep.

No sooner had the family gotten out and started to unload the wagon, that several neighbors came to help. Several women clustered around Mama, cooing over the baby and telling her where to wash clothes, which stalls had the best meats and vegetables, and how to barter for essentials like soap and salt. Some men still home on their lunch break helped Vati to unload the wagon, talking about the foremen at the cathedral and the best bar for after work. Romy and Rumpelstilzchen hung near the wagon as they watched other children play in the spaces between the houses. They yelled for Rumpelstilzchen and Romy to join them and, with a nod from Vati, the two children ran to join the fun.

That night, Rumpelstilzchen lay on his mat and stretched his full length. He sighed in pleasure to have space to himself. It had been a long day, finishing the drive to town, moving in to their new house, and making some new friends. The family had eaten at a neighbor's house that night and were scheduled to eat at a different neighbor's house the next night. Rumpelstilzchen had made quick friends with two brothers named Alaric and Ivo, while Romy was enveloped by a gaggle of five girls.

The day had been full of wonder, change, and amazement, but the last image in Rumpelstilzchen's mind as he fell asleep was Marta's face as she laughed her tinkling bell laugh.

The family quickly settled into a routine. Mama woke early and cooked porridge for the family as they washed and dressed for the day ahead. Vati, Romy, and Rumpelstilzchen ate, then walked toward the cathedral. Vati went to work while the children went to school at the priory next door. As the children had parents in the working class, they were only educated in the basics of mathematics, reading, and writing. But the children had never been in school before and they were placed in classes with younger children to learn letters and numbers. It would have been embarrassing if the children weren't so thirsty to learn.

At noon, Vati met the children outside of the school and walked them back to the house for the mid-day meal. Mama and the baby would be waiting with food for them. After lunch, Vati laid down for the rest of the break, while the children played outside with their friends. Vati then went back to work at the cathedral and the children helped Mama with chores. Rumpelstilzchen collected firewood for the cooking fire, cared for the horses and the newly acquired chickens, and weeded the small garden behind the house. Romy helped with chores in the house, like cleaning, making dinner, and caring for the baby.

After Vati returned home, the family had the evening meal. Romy helped Mama clean up and then the children hurried outside. Romy ran to play with her friends and Rumpelstilzchen found Alaric, Ivo, and Marta.

Marta was the leader of Rumpelstilzchen's little band. The boys adored her and fulfilled whatever demand entered into her head. They explored the forest beyond the town, swam and fished in the river, ran through the market, and helped their fathers at the cathedral. The friends were rarely seen apart.

Rumpelstilzchen loved his time with Alaric and Ivo, but he never stopped thinking about Marta. She was effervescent and beautiful. Rumpelstilzchen knew, even at such a young age, that he loved her. And he thought she might feel the same for him. She held his hand on their excursions, gave him the choicest sweets from her basket, and asked his opinion first. He knew that Marta was the one for him.

As the children grew, they began spending less time together. Alaric and Ivo became stone mason apprentices under their fathers and spent the majority of their time at the cathedral. Marta helped her mother more and more at their bakery. Rumpelstilzchen apprenticed under his father as a carpenter. They spent hours in the workshop making doors, frames, and the main altar for the cathedral. Though the friends saw each other at Sunday service and had at least one meal together throughout the week, they didn't see each other daily anymore.

But Rumpelstilzchen always made time for Marta. He woke early to bring the flour sacks from the mill to the bakery for Marta and lifted the heavy sugar, flour, and salt sacks for her as she made the dough for the morning's bread. Marta cooked breakfast for him before he left for work. He returned for the noon day meal and listened to Marta talk about the customers of the day while he ate. After work was over, Rumpelstilzchen went back to Marta's house to help her clean the bakery and prepare for the next day. With their work done, Rumpelstilzchen and Marta walked through the town and watched as night fell. Rumpelstilzchen spent so much time with Marta that their parents joked about not knowing which house Rumpelstilzchen actually lived in.

On the night of Marta's sixteenth birthday, Rumpelstilzchen came to the bakery early.

"Rum! What are you doing here?" Marta said, a smile brightening her face. Her long blonde hair was pulled back from her face, though several strands had come loose and trailed along the side of her face. She had flour smeared across her forehead and on her right cheek and her hands were caked in flour as she kneaded dough for more bread. Rumpelstilzchen thought that she never looked more beautiful.

He held up a picnic basket. "Happy Birthday!" he said. "I've come to take you on an adventure!"

"That's such a wonderful idea, Rum, but I'm kinda in the middle of something here," she held up her hands, which were covered in dough. "We have a huge order to complete before the morning and my sister can't come to help, so I absolutely have to stay."

"You mean me?" Marta's sister, Agnes, walked in behind Rumpelstilzchen.

Marta's mother shooed her out from behind the counter. "Go, Schatzi. We worked it all out."

"But, Mama! What about the order? You won't be able to do this with only the two of you!"

"Who says it's just the two of us?" Agnes held the door open and Marta's father and brother-in-law walked in. "We've got all the help we need."

"Go clean up, liebling. I will wait for you here." Rumpelstilzchen shooed her out of the bakery and into the house proper.

Still bewildered, Marta hurries into the house, wiping her hands on her apron as she went. Approximately ten minutes later, she reappeared in a new dress, her face and hands clean and her hair combed.

"Don't be too late, Schatzi!" her father called. Agnes and her husband giggled.

"What is with everyone?" Marta wondered aloud.

"No idea," Rumpelstilzchen responded, though a wide grin spread across his face. "Come, liebling. Your adventure awaits."

"Rum! Why do I have to wear this blindfold? It's night time. Not like I can see much anway," Marta complained.

"We'll be there soon, hase, just...humor me? Bitte?"

"Fine. Only because it's you, Rum." She snuggled into Rumpelstilzchen's side as he drove the cart into a clearing.

He guided a horse to a tree and hopped down to tie it off. "Stay in the cart, liebling. I'll be a few minutes."

She nods and pulls her shawl closer to her.

Rumpelstilzchen hurries around the clearing and lights the lanterns hung in the trees. He had spent all day preparing the area: clearing the ground, hanging streamers and flowers, and setting up the lanterns. Rumpelstilzchen wanted this to be perfect for his intended purpose. With one last glance around, he nodded his head and went back to Marta.

"Hase, are you ready for your adventure?" he whispered to her.

"Yes! Hurry, Rum!" Marta's voice filled with excitement. She held out her arms in the direction of his voice.

Chuckling, Rumpelstilzchen grabs her by the waist and pulls her down from the cart. Walking behind her, he untied her blindfold and pulled it off with a flourish. It took a few seconds for Marta's eyes to adjust after having the blindfold on. Then her hands flew to her face and she gasped. "Rum! It's beautiful!" Twirling around, she pulled Rumpelstilzchen into a fierce hug. "You did this all for me?"

"I would do anything for you, liebling." Rumpelstilzchen smiled into her hair as he held her tight.

Squealing, Marta walked around the perimeter of the clearing, inspecting all of the preparations and decorations. While she did that, Rumpelstilzchen pulled the picnic basket, a blanket, and two bottles of beer out of the cart. He began to set up the picnic and surreptitiously checked his breast pocket to ensure that it was still there. Marta noticed and asked, "Rum, why do you keep feeling in your pocket?"

"Oh, no reason. Vati gave me something for the priest, but I forgot to give it to him earlier. I just don't want to lose."

Marta gave him a suspicious look, but let it go. "So, what do we have for our picnic?"

"Chicken, vegetables from our garden, bread, and Romy made your favorite blackberry pie."

"Yum!" Marta started to scoop food onto the two plates that Rumpelstilzchen produced.

"What do you think you are doing?" Rumpelstilzchen asked with mock severity.

"Preparing our plates," Marta answered confused.

"No, hase. It is your birthday. I am here to serve you." Rumpelstilzchen handed her a bottle of beer and took the plate from her hands.

"Careful, Rum. I could get used to this." Marta's smile was radiant in the lantern light.

Laughing, Rumpelstilzchen filled a plate for Marta and then his own. The two ate, joked, and talked about trivial things while they ate. Every few minutes, Rumpelstilzchen checked his breast pocket, feeling for something.

"Rum! That's the fifth time that you've checked your pocket. I don't believe that it is a letter for a priest. What is in your pocket? Is it a present for me?" Marta reached for Rumpelstilzchen's pocket.

"No! No! It's the letter for the priest." Rumpelstilzchen pushed her hands away, but she immediately began tickling him. Rumpelstilzchen was extremely ticklish. He fell over and Marta easily swiped what was in his pocket. "Marta, please give it back."

Instead, Marta opened her hand. Lying there was a wooden ring. Carved with intricate vines and flowers along the sides, service of the ring showcased the edelweiss which grew around Marta's house. Paint colored the edelweiss white and the rest was shellacked to a deep amber color. It was beautiful.

Marta looked up at Rumpelstilzchen. "Rum...what is this? Is this..."

Taking her hand in his, Rumpelstilzchen peered into Marta's eyes. "Marta, liebling, I have loved you since the first day that I met you. You are the last person I think of when I go to bed, and the first when I wake in the morning. I can't imagine life without you. I don't want to. I have already asked your father and mother and they have agreed. That is, if you want to. Will you be my wife?"

Marta's eyes filled with tears. They flowed down her cheeks, as she nodded her head.

"Marta? Hase, are you ok?" Rumpelstilzchen's face filled with concern.

"Schatz! Of course! Of course I will marry you!" Marta threw her arms around Rumpelstilzchen, continuing to cry.

"Liebling! Oh, I am so happy! But, hase, why are you crying?" Rumpelstilzchen chuckled.

"I'm just so happy!" Marta covered Rumpelstilzchen's face with kisses. He chuckled and reciprocated.

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