Hiding The Billionaire Mafia'...

By YourPsychodreams

196K 6.3K 196

After a drunken one-night stand with the Sicilian billionaire tycoon and mafia don, Tito Denero, Fiorella fin... More

Authors Declaimers
Chapter 1: The Messy Begining
Chapter 2: The Re-engagement
Chapter 3: The Mute explanation
Chapter 4: The Job offer
Chapter 5: The Courage!
Chapter 6: The Unpermitted Kiss
Chapter 7: Fired
Chapter 8: A slap in the face
Chapter 9: Punishment
Chapter 10: Payback
Chapter 11: A deadly Call
Chapter 12: The Exchange
Chapter 13: Molested
Chapter 14: Love at first sight
Chapter 15: Guardian Angel
Chapter 16: Heartbeats
Chapter 17: More close to you
Chapter 18: Jealousy
Chapter 19: Bad move!
Chapter 20: Mood for Sex
Chapter 21: Love triangle
Chapter 22: The unplanned.
Chapter 23: Entrapped
Chapter 24: Unravelled past.
Chapter 26: Sex and scheme
Chapter 27: Poisoned chocolates (1)
Chapter 28: Poisoned chocolates (2)
Chapter 29: Bombshell
Chapter 30: Tears & Death
Chapter 31: Miscarriage
Chapter 32: Forgiven
Chapter 33: Brokenhearted
Chapter 34: Under the rain of love
Chapter 35: Gunshot
Chapter 36: A trip to New York
Chapter 37: Unpleasant meeting.
Chapter 38: Drowned
Chapter 39: Magical night (1)
Chapter 40: Magical night (2)
Chapter 41: Ruined Day
Chapter 42: Pains & Scars
Chapter 43: Bullets
Chapter 44: Deaths Venom
Chapter 45: Papa's Death
Chapter 46: Bitter Reveal
Chapter 47: Nightmare
Chapter 48: Deep hatred
Chapter 49: Revenge plans
Chapter 50: Seduction
Chapter 51: Backstabber
Chapter 52: Humiliated
Chapter 53: Playing with fire (1)
Chapter 54: Playing with fire (2)
Chapter 55: Diagnosed
Chapter 56: New Fiancee
Chapter 57: Damages
Chapter 58: A hell of a dinner
Chapter 59: Fatal accident
Chapter 60: Lost you forever
Chapter 61: Brain dead
Chapter 62: Symptoms
Chapter 63: Friends, Lovers to enemies
Chapter 64: History repeats
Chapter 65: pretense
Chapter 66: Blood splash
Chapter 67: Conspiracy
Chapter 68: Justice at last
Chapter 69: Plane Crash
Chapter 70: Guilty or acquitted
Chapter 71: Beautiful moments
Chapter 72: Abducted
Chapter 73: Pleasure in her pain.
Chapter 74: Mercilessly Raped
Chapter 75: Like A Dream
Chapter 76: Humpty Dumpty
Chapter 77: Time flies
Chapter 78: Tito or Segio
Chapter 79: Claiming his territory
Chapter 80: Dangerous glances
Chapter 81: Mysterious voice
Chapter 82: After the devil
Chapter 83: Sinister cards
Chapter 84: The unforeseen
Chapter 85: Black widow
Chapter 86: Rush of emotions
Chapter 87: Taste you
Chapter 88: Tough woman
Chapter 89: EPILOGUE
Reasons: Must read

Chapter 25: Lies

2.3K 80 7
By YourPsychodreams

Fiorella's POV

I was shocked to see him and now more agitated that he's staring at my son, the resemblance is explicable, it was obvious that these two are related. This might be why I found everything about his familiar from kiss to his touches, he's the bastard that ruined my relationship with Dante, I finally the stranger I had a one night stand with.

"Boss!" I said still with a shocked expression on my face.

Tito faced me, his eyes visibly asking me questions, such a quizzical gaze from his eyes.

"Who are you to Mamma?" Noelle asked and hugged my legs.

"I'm your mom's boss, she works for me," Tito replied.

"I know you are among those king pins, and dangerous people" Noello said fearlessly.

Tito was stunned for a few seconds but quickly recovered.

"You are such a smart and daring kid but you should watch what you say sometimes" Tito cautioned.

I didn't like the way he said those words, it sounded like an advice and also like a threat.

"You are right, I'm daring and you don't scare me because it should be the other way round," Noello replied coldly.

"Erm... welcome sir, do you need anything, you should have your sit," Signora Ginvera said and my heart fell.

I faced her with pleading eyes not to insist if he refuses but Tito gladly accepted the invitation.

"Yes, I would like have a seat," Tito said and I gritted my teeth.

Signora Ginvera went inside to bring out two chairs, she gave Tito one and he sat down.  "Mamma," I grimaced.

Tito gazed at Noelle who didn't let go of my legs. "My name is Tito,What's your name?" Tito asked, his voice not any nicer or less cold.

He doesn't know anything about children or how to treat them.

"Stop being flirty with my sister!" Noello challenged with a pout.

"Flirty? you've got a turn of phrase boy" Tito said and I cleared my throat.

"Your name is Tito, I really like your name, my name is Noelle and I'm Noello's twin sister," Noelle replied cutely.

"Did he ask you about your genetics? He just asked for your name, why can't you ever speak for only yourself?" Noello thundered.

My face palmed, this kids love to disgrace me.

"I don't remember, mentioning your name" Noelle ranted and eyed her brother.

"You are twins" Tito muttered, his expression didn't show any surprise.

"Kids, come into the shop, and have a piece of the cake left last night" Signora Ginvera intervened.

Noello scoffed at his grandma and stormed into the shop.  "Don't do that to you Grandma like that, learn some manners, Noello" I yelled, not pleased by his behavior.

"Grandma, I'm your best grandchild so give me the remaining cake" Noelle said cutely and went to hold her grandma's hand.

She smiled and took Noelle inside leaving Tito and I alone.  My eyes twitched and I adjusted my glasses.

"Your bag" Tito said and stretched out the bag to me.

"Thank you" I forced a smile and took the bag from him.

I swallowed hard and took a chair and sat beside him.  "Do you want anything? I'm sorry for troubling you and making you bring my bag, oh, I can be so forgetful" I uttered and slapped her forehead.

"I want to ask a question" Tito said and furrowed his eyebrows.

I hate his pride and arrogance, he's not asking for permission to ask the question, he just has to be rude about everything, I'm disliking him more everyday but I don't understand why my heart just starts beating unusually fast when I'm around him.

"Go ahead" I smiled, a smile that didn't go beyond my lips and disappeared almost immediately as it came.

"Are they my kids?" Tito asked, staring at me.

I adjusted my glasses nervously, I was expecting that question from him.

"Of course not, why would you be the father of my kids, I  never met you before working for you, Boss and do you even know me?" I asked with the intention of confusing him.

"I don't know, I think we've met before but I can't remember where?" He said getting pissed off.

"Well boss, I've never met you in my life and I would never sleep with a man as indescent and turbulent as you" I ranted insultively.

"Well, I won't sleep with a ugly wretch like you either but why does the boy look like me? I saw him and saw myself when I was a child," Tito felled.

I had to think of a lie fast. I can't allow him to know that he's the father of my kids. I don't want a murderer as my children's father.

"Well, you are not the father of my children, they had a father but unfortunately he's dead" I muttered and faked a sad countenance.

"What?" Tito gasped.

I started drawing tears into my eyes, I faced him and nodded in positive.

"Yes, he died in a car accident, we dated for two years after my first break up, Fernandez was such a sweet man, he had beautiful honey eyes, he was just like an angel but then he died and I discovered that I was pregnant, we had so much wonderful plans" I explained and burst into fresh tears.

I can't believe I'm so good at acting, I think I should have gone for acting in school, I look so pathetic right now.

"Oh, that's awful," He commented.

I wiped my tears and faced him. "Yes it is, taking care of these kids wasn't easy at all and it's hard" I sniffed.

He sighed and brought out a pocket knife first, I nearly ran from his side but then he brought out a handkerchief and gave it to me.

"Thank you" I sniffed and collected it.

I blew my runny nose in it and giggled.


"Oh my world!" Laura screamed after I narrated everything to her.

She's my friend. I need her advice.

"He's the stranger I had sex with, but I think because of his flirty lifestyle he can't remember me," I sighed.

"You should tell him the truth" Laura repeated like she did earlier.

"Tito is dangerous, I don't want my kids to be in danger, I won't tell him anything" I opposed.

"I think he might take the kids away from me, I don't have the money for any court issues, I don't want to lose my kids" I said and sighed again..

"I will never tell him the truth, it's better if he believes a lie" I added and swept my hair backwards.

"Fiorella, do you feel anything for Enzo?" Laura asked suddenly.

I squinted at her.  "Feel what exactly" I inquired, confused.

"Do you love him?" She asked if she was angry about something.

"No, not exactly"

"Meaning you've got feelings for him" Laura fired.

"I like-"

"You shouldn't like him because I like him, I'm just making it clear to you. I don't want a nasty love triangle" Laura added.

I was stunned by her approach.

"You should stay away from him from now on, I liked Dante but he always had eyes for you but now I'm telling you to stay away from Enzo, you are my best friend, I am sure you won't want to hurt my feelings" Laura said teary eyed. "Promise that you will never be with Enzo or reciprocate his feelings" she urged and held my hands.

She just put me between a rock and a hard place, I never knew she liked Dante and now it's Enzo.

"I...can't promise anything," I said and she released my hands.

"Don't let our friendship end like this," She muttered.

"I am sorry, Laura but this is absurd, Enzo and I are friends, I can't just stay away from him" I said trying to make her reason with me. He's also my only hope in finding those whom killed my father.

"Fiorella, if you stay close to Enzo or love him back , you can consider me an enemy from now onwards!" Laura said, her eyes shooting daggers at me.

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