The Pirate (a legolas x oc st...

By zahraussy

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shes a pirate elf and hes an elf prince, what a pair right? legolas and maeral have been childhood best fri... More

Part I: The beginning
chapter 1: who's taller?
chapter 2: friends truly are where the home is
chapter 3: rivendell
chapter 4: mae-1 dar-0
chapter 5: the fellowship of the ring
chapter 6: dont do anything stupid until i get back
chapter 7: and off we go to Mordor
chapter 8: spotlight
chapter 9: more than just a simple greeting
chapter 10: forgiveness
chapter 11: as if it would be enough
chapter 12: magic doors
chapter 13: cant believe you'd think about stealing at a time like this
chapter 14: spoke too soon
chapter 15: tis' nothing but a scratch
chapter 16: fly you fools.
chapter 17: the aftermath
chapter 18: past "entanglement"
chapter 19: aye aye cap'n
chapter 20: curse you pippin the hobbit!
chapter 21: for i shall return with haste
chapter 22: "oh"
chapter 23: attaboy
chapter 24: hurry your ass up then kid
chapter 25: Minas tirith it is!
chapter 26: have you truly?
chapter 27: we shall
chapter 28: water war
chapter 29: that could've been me.
Chapter 31: let's hunt some orc.
Part II: We're halfway in it now
chapter 32: what else could I say about that?
chapter 33: aragorn is demented
chapter 34: oh blimey
chapter 35: white blond elf
chapter 36: have you seen that kid before?
chapter 37: visiting an old friend
chapter 38: did you threaten him??
chapter 39: you are actually at a serious advantage here
chapter 40: call me captain
chapter 41: For a while, the world was dark
chapter 42: we will endure
chapter 43: curses? really?
chapter 44: offsprings
chapter 45: It would be a miracle
chapter 46: you look like you've seen a ghost
chapter 47: I didn't have time to run
chapter 48: puffy princessy dress
chapter 49: how can I? You're taking all the stupid with you
chapter 50: I'll gouge your eyes out
chapter 51: was this the moment?
chapter 52: nice haircut
Part III: The end
chapter 53: a pirate's promise
chapter 54: may the best drinker win
Chapter 55: is it important?
chapter 56: you're supposed to be dead.
chapter 57: old ass
chapter 58: a cactus
chapter 59: the kids aren't high yet at least
chapter 60: oh
chapter 61: a bit inappropriate no?
chapter 62: You'll need all the help you can get
Chapter 63: stupid
chapter 64: jack shit
chapter 65: the captain's back
chapter 66: lover instinct
chapter 67: free
chapter 68: I'm gonna put some dirt in your eye
chapter 69: fragments
chapter 70: dark allure
chapter 71: promise me you'll be careful?
chapter 72: fight
chapter 73: glow
chapter 74: Return of the king

chapter 30: you could've been my older sister

235 10 2
By zahraussy

*First person pov*

"orcs" I whisper to Boromir.

He widens his eyes, then looks around in a hurry. He stands up, unsheathing his sword. He extends a hand to me.

"we must help the others." Boromir says as I grasp his hands, pulling me up.

I unsheathe my sword too. "What are we waiting for then?" I smirk at him. Then we ran to where the others were.

I run, my feet kissing the land. The leaves crunching beneath my feet, my long sword in one hand.

My eyes widen as Merry and pippin stood on the bridge, surrounded by orcs around them. "They're trapped!" I shout and Boromir quickens his pace, his eyes focused on the axe that  is aiming for their heads. He grabs hold of the axe, kicking the orc on the legs.

I smirk, "now that's an entrance!" I shout to Boromir as I dodge an orc flinging his sword at me, ducking down then slashing him on the legs.

Merry and Pippin take out their swords, joining in on the fight and killing orc's too.

We take down orc after orc, Boromir and me flinging our daggers towards the orc's path every once in a while. The four of us watching each other's backs.

Countless more orcs come tumbling down every time we successfully take down an orc. Their numbers increasing every time and seeming like we are doing nothing but just killing aimlessly with the amount of orcs coming to us from every direction.

"There's too many!" I shout out.

"it feel's like we're just killing the same people over and over again." I say and Boromir breathed heavily, having just stabbed an orc.

"You're right. We would never win in this condition. We must retreat before more of them come." He says then takes out his horn, blowing on it.

I nod at him, hurtling my sword at an orc coming toward's Boromir's way. Cutting off it's head completely. The head rolls down to Pippin and Merry's feet, the both of them standing besides each other closely. Looking terrified for their lives and even more horrified as the head falls to their feet right in front of them.

I grit my teeth, hissing between my teeth right as iIsee their eyes fall to the head.

"uh...sorry bout that." I say over my shoulder, my eyes looking sincerely apologetic.

They nod, eyes still on the head.

Boromir finishes blowing on his horn, his eyes looking around everywhere. "Run!" he says.

Pippin and merry start running. I jog after them with my head still looking over my shoulder in case there's any orcs chasing after us.

An orc appears besides merry and Pippin, his back hunched as his sword aim's for the hobbits head. I rush after them, my feet going as fast as I can and letting my momentum carry me further as I leap and punch the orc right in the face.

The orc tumbles down to the ground, confused as to what hit him on the face so hard that wasn't something sharp. He gasps as my sword finds it's way stabbing the orc's chest. 

Another orc appears from Boromir's side. Interrupting Boromir from blowing on his horn. He parries the orc's attack. The orc's sword now on the ground giving boromir an opportunity to stab him right in his heart, if they even have one.

An orc creeps up behind me, Pippin and Merry sees the orc and tackles it to the ground. The both of them stabbing it to death.

"oh thanks g-" I start to thank them when suddenly an orc appears beside me, also to Boromir too.

I parry the orc's attack, cutting off it's arm then stab it dead. Boromir on the other hand tripping over the orc he was attacking then stabbing it.

I look up to the hill and see that a swarm of orcs were making their way towards our direction. More than we could possibly attempt to defeat successfully.

"oh legolas, aragorn and gimli, wherever you people are please hurry your ass here." I thought as I grip my sword tighter, already feeling like this will be where my freedom and life ends. "Run! Run!" Boromir shouts, ushering for merry, pippin and me to escape this fight. I gesture for the both of them to run, my feet still planting firmly on boromir's side.

"what are you doing? Go with them!" Boromir says as he sees me still here with him, not moving away from the orc's one bit.

I side step from the orc that was attacking me, my feet kicking his knees making him all wobbly and unbalanced. perfect opportunity for me to stab him dead.

"You think I'm gonna leave you here to die mate? obviously not. If you have to stab these orc's dead for you to escape too then im helping your ass with it." I shout over to him, the both of tangled in trying to defeat the orc's attacking us.

The orc in front of Boromir falls to it's knees, dead and limping on the dirt. he looks at me, then gives me a curt and grateful nod. "Thank you." he says before having to face another orc again. I smirk back at him "just part of the job." 

An orc runs to my way, his body lanky and smaller than me but he has big arms and a huge sword, meaning that his arm strength is not to be laughed about. I raise my sword, my feet practically bouncing up and down, ready to step out of the way as he gets nearer to me and his momentum will make him lose footing and fall down. That way i wouldn't have to do anything but just merely stab him.

And it happened precisely as I predicted, except instead of me having to step out of the way he trips on a root and falls face plant on the floor, directly in front of me.

My mouth widens in laughter, laughter escaping my lips before I had to shut my mouth up since he looked up with fiery red rage in his eyes, I stab him on his head before he could do anything. but imagine dying like that??? I would be so so mad!

I chuckle a bit before moving on to the next orc, parrying his attacks and stabbing him as usual.

When suddenly the sound of an arrow being released in the air snapped my attention from killing the orc's around me. Smirking a bit as I could think of exactly who would be the one releasing that arrow.

I look in front of me, gasping loudly as I see who that arrow was intended for and not from who I thought it would be. Boromir falls down to the floor, breathing loudly but quickly going back up on his feet and slashing the orc coming to his way.

I release my breath slowly, thinking that maybe it will be fine since he was hit near the shoulder and nowhere vital. And looking like he could still defend himself well.

I search the crowd for the person who fired at him, wanting to throw a dagger at it so that it couldn't hurt anyone else. I take out my dagger as i see who shot at Boromir, it's hair tied to a ponytail with a white hand pattern on its face. Before I could shoot at the orc, he shoots back again to Boromir with another arrow.

I screamed out Boromir's name as he gets pierced the second time. Now on his stomach. If he doesn't get any help soon he might face something severe and not be able to heal at all. Boromir kneels to the ground yet again, he faces the two hobbits. The ones he's grown attached to.

Then he switches his gaze to me, he breathes out in rugged breaths, his shoulders going up every time he breaths. He nods at me, then turns to the hobbits one last time, before crying out and swinging his sword at an orc near him.

My eyes start to tear up, my feet inches to his direction. Not knowing if I should help him or if I should hunt down that orc who shot him and actually kill him before he could hurt Pippin or Merry. Or do something cruel like shoot at Boromir again.

I walk towards Boromir as I see that he was swinging his sword a bit aimlessly but still enough to harm the orcs. Knowing that I should help him kill them more quickly.

I yelp as a hand goes around my neck, its dirty hands lifting me off the floor and suffocating me. I gasp for breath as the hand squeezes my neck tighter and tighter. Dropping my sword and clawing at the huge hands holding me hostage. Cutting off my oxygen and making me difficult to breath every minute. My eyes start to tear up, my feet kicking aimlessly in the air. 

Right in front of me i could see Boromir successfully killing an orc, taking in a deep breath and standing up straight. I look to the orc that had the arrows, and I could see it aiming for boromir again. I widen my eyes, kicking my feet more aggressively and scraping my nails at the orc's hands. But still it didn't release me.

And there the arrow goes. Right into Boromir's chest.

I gasp loudly, tears spilling from my eyes. "b-bo-boromir." I whispered out. Attempting to make him hear me. But all he did was kneel down, eyes on the floor. Breathing heavily in pain.

merry and pippin pick up their sword, rising it high up in the air. Screaming out loud at the orcs and charing at them. The determination strong on their face.

I look back at the orc, feeling a sense of determination and rage for the orcs. I swing my feet backward, pushing it forward with all the strength I have into the orc's chest. Making it finally release my throat and grasping for air.

I take out my dagger, the one that I brought with me from my kingdom. Then plunging it into the orc's head. Twisting it around to make sure he knows how painful it is.

I take in a deep breath, putting my hands around my neck. Glad that the sensation of suffocating and choking is now over. I pick up my sword, then see that Merry and Pippin got scooped up off their feet by the orcs, not realising that they called over my name just now, along with Boromir's. But I was busy trying to escape from getting choked out by that orc that was laying on the ground with its head out.

My heart dropped as I realized that they were too far for me to save them, much less surrounded by orcs all around them. I was outnumbered. I couldn't save everyone.

My eyes fall on a kneeling Boromir on the ground, the orc's passing by him and that orc with the face hand pattern aiming at Boromir with it's arrow aimed at Boromir's heart.

"Boromir!" I shout out as I run towards the both of them. The orc raises his head, looking up to me. Now aiming the arrow at my direction. But i didn't flinch, hid nor do anything. All I wanted was for that orc to be dead. And I want to do it with my sword, not from a distance with a dagger.

The orc pulls the arrow back as he aims at me, but right just as he releases it, Aragorn comes hurtling at him causing him to release the arrow late and fall down to the floor.

I release a deep breath, relieved that my fate won't be sealed today and that I might live to sail another day.

Although Boromir wouldn't

I rush to Boromir's side, dropping my sword to the floor as I kneel down beside him and examine the places he's been struck at.

"Th-they took them. They...took- t-them both-" he starts to ramble about but I just shush at him.

"shh it's fine, we'll save them I promise." I reassure him, my hands right above his wounds. Unsure of what I should do to fix this. "Look what I need you to do right now is to just keep talking alright? don't close your eyes for more than 1 second. Fight to keep them alive." I tell him sternly and he chuckles.

"you know what mae?" He says and I look at him, tears pooling in my eyes. Overwhelmed by what I should do to keep him alive and not bleed out.

he takes in a deep breath, panting for a few moments. My heart skipping in beats out of fear that this will be the last words he will ever mutter. "you know...i-if I ever had an older would be it." he slowly chokes out. The tears start to spill out of my eyes, this time with no ways of stopping it. I slowly start to sob. My heart feeling like it was breaking in pieces.

"hey....don't cry so hard. Would it truly be that horrible if you had to be my older sister?" he softly says with a smirk.

A laugh escapes my lips. "no! course not. In another life I would have loved to be yours and faramir's older sister." I say between the sobs.

"Ah Faramir..." he says with a faraway look on his face. "Can I ask you a favour Mae?" he softly asks me.

"of course." I breathed out.

"When you get to go to Gondor...tell faramir of all the things I've seen." He says with a soft smile on his face. I shake my head at his request.

before i could open my mouth, Boromir continues. "Tell him the answers to all the thing's I asked you. Everything about elven culture. From Lothlorien to rivendell to your kingdom." My heart drops at the mention of my kingdom, never have I uttered a word to the fellowship about it except for legolas who has went there before.

"Tell him about your tales, your adventures, your robberies. And especially how Robin hood was actually inspired by you. Faramir absolutely loves and adores Robin hood." He chuckles softly. More and more tears come out of my eyes. My eyes were like a waterfall. And I couldn't stop it, making me look pathetic and vulnerable.

Aragorn rushes to where the both of us were. Gasping softly as he sees the severe state of Boromir's injuries.

"make sure that Faramir gets a chance to see the world as I did." Boromir concludes to me and I shake my head at him

"no, absolutely not you are going to tell him yourself that. We are going to heal you from your wounds and you'll tell the tales of your great adventures to your brother yourself. And he will love every bit of it." I say and Boromir just looks at me with a sad smile then turns to Aragorn.

"They took the little ones." Boromir painfully gasps

Aragorn tries to staunch the blood flow from Boromir's shoulder. Looking at Boromir with a sad gaze for he knows that there might be no hope to save him.

Boromir starts to ask Aragorn where Frodo was. I stopped really paying attention to what he was saying, busy trying to think of solutions to save him.

"come on think Maeral. If Astrid was here she could save him. You've seen her save people countless of times before, healing them and making them good as new. You can save Boromir too if you could just think of something. Think!" I thought to myself, locking my jaw. My heart beating faster out of fear that time will run out and he'll be gone.

Boromir stretched his fingers beside me, yearning to hold his sword one last time.

My hand grasps the hilt of the sword, handing it to Boromir gently. Boromir tightens his hands around the hilt, putting it to his chest with a proud smile. I could hear footsteps coming over. But these were familiar, they weren't angry or stompy like the orc's steps was. It was Legolas.

"I would have followed you, my brother" He says to Aragorn. Boromir turns to me "my captain." I chuckle at him. For once, someone that knows my past calls me captain. The tears in my eyes start to pool over, already making my view foggy.

Boromir turns to Aragorn "my king." He chokes out.

Aragorn's eyes start to water too. He parts his lips as Boromir says my king, never has anyone really called him that and believed in him like that. Boromir's eyes falls on Aragorn, his body stops to shake in pain.

He stops to breath and his heart dies out.

"no....." I whispered out. Hot tears rolls down my cheeks, my throat feeling like closing up. I put a hand to my mouth, trying to stiffle the sobs coming out.

Aragorn sighs, closing his eyes in hopes that his tears won't stream down his face like mine already did. 

He leans forward, brushing away Boromir's hair "Be at peace, son of Gondor." Aragorn kisses Boromir's forehead, saying goodbye.

A/n: so yeah.....Boromir unfortunately dies.........but anyways yall my geography exams today went well and i might have a chance to get a b or c  #slayerism and I can't believe imma get a good grade for geography compared to history lmfao. Our history exams was so damn hard for no reason man. Also this might be my last update until like tuesday or wednesday since after the weekends we'll have science and maths on monday and tuesday which i will need to do a ton of studying for 💀💀 but not to worry cause i will upload again on tuesday or wednesday :)))

but anyways hope yall like this chapter and voted for it if you think it was good!!

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