Always and Forever (sequel to...

By lovemyfilms

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"Are you with me" "Yes baby, Always and Forever" After finding out her sister and best friend were dead Skyl... More

Cast of Characters
Prologue: Changes in Lifestyle
Chapter 1: The Gold
Chapter 2: The Heist
Chapter 3: Prayers
Chapter 4: Homecoming
Chapter 5: The Darkest Hour
Chapter 6: My Druthers
Chapter 7: The Bonfire
Chapter 8: The Cross
Chapter 9: Trapped
Season 3!

Chapter 10: The Coastal Venture

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By lovemyfilms

'Nice work, John B. You know these things lock from the outside, right?'
We've been in the container for a couple of hours now and at this point JJ was getting increasingly annoyed.
'Okay, I was just trying to get us on the boat, JJ. I wasn't thinking that far ahead'
'We're stuck in here like rats. It's hot in this death cage!'
'Okay, JJ, you're not helping' Pope says
'You don't have a lot of room to talk right now. You said you had a plan, but what happened to thinking ahead?' JJ calls him out.
'I find your lack of self-knowledge disturbing' Pope snaps but JJ laughs
'Last I checked, you literally shot an oil container with the gat. Remember that?'
'Oh my God! Shut up. Shut up!' I interrupt the boys, they both go silent and turn to look at me
'Pull it together, geez' I lecture
'Okay. Let's try to find a way out of here' Kie adds and we all start looking.

'Hey, Pope, how do you kill a snake?' JJ asks after 5 minutes of us coming up empty handed
'You go for the head' Pope mumbles
'Exactly. But the head, in this instance, is the bridge. To take the bridge, we need maximum firepower. And I happen to know that there's an armory on this ship in case of pirate attacks'
'"Pirate attacks."' I raise my eyebrow at him
'If we take that--I'm not just talking pistol'
'You lost me' Pope groans
'I'm talking knives'
'killing everybody here is not a plan JJ' Kie says before turning around and walking to a different part of the container.
'Ah, we lost her. I'm serious. If we get to the armory, I'm talking AKs, pistol, knives, double-barrels--'
'JJ!' John b yells
'We gotta get out of here. We can't do anything if we're still stuck in here' Johnny states facts but JJ doesn't seem to listen
'If I get enough pressure, I can Spartan kick that thing open'
'You're not kicking shit down' I tell JJ
'Well then what's your plan Cameron' John b replies and we soon all get into a yelling match over it
'Stop it! Stop it! Stop it!' Pope yells trying to get JJ, John b and I to stop screaming
'Then what do you got, Einstein?' JJ yells
'Guys!' Kie's voice interjects and we all turn around to see her standing front of some light
'Just relax' she says
'Hey. She's got something. Quiet' JJ says as we all move over the boxes to meet her.
'Can we fit though that?' I ask
'Hell yeah. Nice one, Kie' John b cheers
'What was that about a Swiss Army knife not coming in handy?' JJ asks grabbing out his knife
'Just stop it' John b replies before going up to the window and starting to open it up.

'Okay, we raid the armory, get weapons, roll back here, and plot the next move. The armory is on the third deck, aft, near the laundry room. Let's roll' JJ says as he unscrews the final blot of the window
'Hold up. I don't think we should all go out there. It's too risky' pope suddenly says
'Why?' JJ and I ask at the same time.
'I think you should stay here, both of you' John b says
'What?' JJ and I repeat
'I have Sarah that I'm gonna go after. And Pope has...The cross, Kie is moral support, our backup'
'Why do you have to be the Sarah retriever, she's literally my sister'
'well if Rose or Rafe finds you, their just going to try and kidnap you again' John b reminds me and I grumble
'Also, someone needs to watch JJ'
'What? Why do I need to have someone watching me?' JJ interjects
'If you go out there, there's 100% probability that you're gonna do something stupid' John b tells JJ and I chuckle
'Okay, first of all, I think the correct terminology is "ballsy." That is it' JJ says before starting to climb up the crate
'Okay, get down here' Pope grabs the back of JJ's shirt and drags him down
'No. Get off! I'm a field player' he protests
'If we go out there, and we get in a bind, we need somebody to look out for us. That's what we need'
'Okay. I get it. I get it. I get it. I'll be on the B team' JJ mumbled
'I never said "B team."' Johnny says and I roll my eyes
'Sorry. Are you calling me "B team"? I am definitely A team, remember how I got the gun and your fathers recorded message-'
'Didn't mean to offend you' JJ says
'Hang back. Hold down the fort' Pope instructs us
'Great. Looking forward to it. Mm-hmm' JJ mumbles
'I'll babysit I guess' I mumble walking over to stand next to JJ as they all start to climb the crates
'You guys have fun. It's your funeral, your game. We'll be in here, on the bench.....chilling' JJ calls out to them
'Don't get shot. That's all I got' I say
'Um, "Don't get shot." Well, that's disheartening and scary. Positive affirmations, Sky' John b says
'Yep. No problem' I say as Kie jumps out the window, JJ and I are officially the only ones left in the container. For the first few moments JJ and I sit in silence in the corner of the container until JJ sighs and starts talking

'I've been thinking. When all this is over, and we're just rolling in the dough, I'm gonna get a new board.
I'm gonna deck it out, and I'm gonna go on a surf trip. I don't know where, but, like, the world's calling. I don't know. Name a place' JJ tells me and I sigh
'Then after Spain, South America or South Africa'
'You'll go to South Africa?' I laugh
'One of the South places. Then Micronesia maybe,
and then... and just ride. Wherever the wave takes you, you know?'
As JJ tells me his dream I can't help but let my heart swell. Despite it being a dream I couldn't help but love the plan he had, it sounded like paradise. It made me miss him even more
'So that's the plan if we were to get a ton of cash That's the dream? Surf trip?' I ask him
'Ripping jungle break all day long. Bamboo hut, cooking a fish on a fire, and after that, you go back out and just hit the waves again. That's the dream'
'Sounds perfect' I breath looking up at the roof, imagining that future in my head. There's a moment before JJ speaks and I look over at him to see him staring at me.

'But, it would get pretty boring by myself you know' he says
'Probably' I chuckle
'Do you want to do it with me?' JJ asks and my eyes widen in shock
'Yeah, I mean, your really important to me Sky and if I got the chance to travel the world with someone, I would want it to be you-' he paused for a moment before continuing
'As my best friend OR something more' when he finishes I couldn't help but smile at him. I never stopped loving JJ. He was my rock and I couldn't believe how stupid I was dumping him. Yes JJ was a lot to take on sometimes but thats just his flaws, everyone has them and if I had just communicated to him about everything we probably wouldn't be single right now. The breakup was equally both of our faults and I wanted to fix that.

'You got your passport?' I joke even though I knew he didn't.
'Hell no, I don't got a passport. Kookiest thing ever' JJ laughs and I start to laugh with him. Then when I turn to face him JJ he's looking back at me with a serious look on his face. Subconsciously I start to lean in and so does JJ. Just as our foreheads are about to touch
'Hey. Hey. Open it' Pope voice echoing through the window causes JJ and I to jump away from each other. JJ clears his throat and I can see his face his beat red.
'Okay. Here' J groans as he opens the window
'Thank God' Pope gasps as he climbs through the window, he's quickly followed by Kie.
'You need help?' I ask my friend
'I'm good' Kie says
'I thought Rafe got you guys for sure' I tell them
'No. We're chill' Pope says as John b climbs in behind him
'All right. Okay, let's put the grate back on'
'No, wait. Hold it' Pope interrupts me and another head pops up. She has dark skin and a hat on her head

'Jesus Christ! I kill you, John B!' She says with a thick accent
'Who is this?' I ask getting worried, we can't trust this girl
'Just relax. Just relax, okay? I told you I had a surprise'
'Who is she? What's going on? John B!' I protests but he just grabs me
'Hey, hey. Sky, relax. Relax. Remember I told you about the girl we met in the Bahamas that saved us?'
'Uh... Cleo, yeah?'
'Cleo. She's gonna help us, all right?' He says and I turn around to look at the girl
'Next time, ask me' she says and I share a look with Kie.

'You seriously didn't grab nothing, not one single gun?' JJ groans as Pope and Kie tell us what happened on the boat
'We tried, okay? I got attacked' pope says
'This is why we should've gone with' JJ says
'Let me get this straight. You five, with no weapon, decided you were gonna hijack this tramp steamer on your own?' Cleo says, clearly thinking this plan was stupid
'Do you have any idea who these people are?' Eberhimi, if he catch you, he's gonna kill you. Dead. Cut off your fingers'
'You don't think we know that, you clearly don't know John b at all, the thing about us Pouges is it's ride or die' I snap at Cleo, a little frustrated that she thinks we're stupid

'Okay......What about waiting until we get to port?At least then, if something goes wrong, we have a place to run' Kie changes the subject, clearly sensing the tension I was creating in the room.

'No. No, we can't do that' Pope says
'Why?' Kie asks
'Because I've run the scenario over, times in my head, and our best chances are on this ship. There's crew members and five of us. Three-to-one odds. Best it'll get. We wait till we get there, they'll trap us' Pope states the facts and I lean to my left causing me to land on someone shoulder instead of the crate I thought was there. I look up and see JJ looking down at me. He smiles, telling me I can stay where I am.
'We have no chance' kie surrenders
'No, Kie, there's something else' John b says before turning to look at me. I cross my eyebrows as he takes a breath before continuing.
'Ward's alive. He's alive, and he's on this boat'
My mouth drops open and I feel my heartbeat quicken. I feel angry, happy, guilty all in one but above it all I feel dizzy
'You gotta be kidding me'
'Are you serious?'
'It was all a setup, blowing up the boat, the confession to Shoupe. Think about it. That was to clear Rafe's name.bAnd he does what? Goes to the Druthers. And what's on the Druthers?'

Suddenly I feel my legs go weak and I fall backwards but I don't fall as JJ's reflexes kick in and he catches me. This couldn't be real, I couldn't believe this, after all that pain he caused me, all the guilt I felt about killing me dad was not worth it, because he was just alive.
'Sky!' The Pouges call out to me as I try to gain my footing with JJ's help
'You ok?' Kie asks
'Ye-ah, I just, I can't believe it, my dads alive and he has the gold and the cross and my sister' I just mange to get out before a few tears slip down my cheek. Kie comes towards me and brings me into a hug causing JJ to let go of me.

'So he's just gonna get away with everything again, huh? Not happening. We're not watching this movie again,
right, Pope? You said we need the win. And with her, we're going to the bridge, and we're gonna take it right now. You with me?' JJ asks everyone
'Let's do it' John b says
'I'm with you, and I wanna be the one to take that bridge' Pope volunteers
'That's what I'm talking about' JJ says but Cleo chuckles
'He's gonna take the bridge? He couldn't even take me' cleo says and even though I wasn't surprised I still let a small laugh slip.
'First of all, I was going easy on you' Pope defends himself
'Seriously? I went easy on you-'
'Shhhhhh. Shut up. Both of you' I interrupt the two
'She didn't even--'
'Relax, all of you. If you're really with us, if we use that knife, we can go up into the bridge, hold it up against the captain's neck, then we go on the intercom and make him tell the rest of the crew to meet up in the forward hull. Once they're in the same place, bam, we lock them in there, and we take back what's ours' JJ tells Cleo
'I like it. It could work' Pope says
'Are you with us, then?' I ask Cleo but by the look on her face I could guess her response
'No. This is stupid' Cleo tells us, we'll mostly John b

"All right, let's open these things up!'

We all jump at the sound of voices outside the container
'They're checking the containers' Kie realises
'Uh-oh' Pope says and I suddenly get an idea when I look at Cleo. Despite me wanting to help my friends, I knew I was more likely to save Sarah then John b and I wanted to see my dad, I NEEDED to see him one last time before we got the cross back.

'Wait. Cleo, take me out there and say you found me in the container, I'll take care of the rest' I suggest to Cleo as she suddenly makes her way to the window at the sound of the voices, clearly having her own plan in her head.

'Alright white girl, I'm just not gonna ask' Cleo says before jumping out the window
'Sky! What are you doing?' JJ asks and I start to climb up after her
'If they find out I was the stowaway then they won't keep looking'
'But why you? What are you going to do?' John b asks
'Ward and my sister are on the ship, They are going to be tracking me down on OBX anyway, I trust you guys to come find me'
'But you won't be able to find us' Kie says
'Don't worry, I'll find you guys, when I have let you down'
'Hurry up ain't got all day' Cleo calls from the outside. I climb up further and grab onto the window but I stop when I feel a hand on my other wrist. I turn around to see JJ looking up at me
'Be careful ok' he says and I smile at him
'Aren't I always'
I then swing myself threw the window and onto the side of the container.
'Ok grab onto my arm' I say. Cleo complies and starts to drag me in front towards the container.
'Pass me off as a stowaway, I'll take care of the rest' I whisper to Cleo
'Hold up! I found a stowaway' Cleo calls out to the men and they turn around to see me pretending to try and break away from Cleo
'Your quite pretty' one man says making me feel physically ill
'You picked the wrong boat sweetheart' the other says

'Wanna talk about what you're doing here before we throw you overboard' Cleo nudges me acting as well and I pull myself out of her grasp.
'My family is on this boat and they kidnapped my sister, I managed to get away in your container and once the boat docked I was going to find them and-' I start to tell them my whole life story hopefully it will get me out of being thrown off the boat
'We don't need your whole life story miss, whose your family' one of the men rolls his eyes
'Rose Cameron' I say and it seems that both men know who I'm talking about
'Were there any others that came with you' the other says and I shake my head
'Alright let's go'
They grab me and Cleo moves back to the window and out of the corner of my eyes I see Pope jump out. Looks like this plan was working so far.

The men drag me down a few floors and eventually we arrive at a door and I can hear Rafes voice from behind the door.
'She's never gonna be on our side, Rose!' I hear Rafe yell and I start to try and get out of the men's grasp.
'Thank you, I can find my sister now' I try to act call but the men don't let go
'Your brother warned us about you when they got on, your not going anywhere' one of them sneered and I mentally curse. Rafe outsmarted me

They knock on the door and a moment later Rafe opens the door.
'She was hiding in the container' one says and Rafe smirks down at me.
'Put her in our lounge space' Rafe says and I see Rose appear behind me
'ROSE! PLEASE, DON'T DO THIS' I scream at my step mother but she just mouths a 'im sorry' before the men start to drag me down the hall. I squirm and start trying anything to get me out of here but instead of letting go the men just pick me up and start to carry me like a coffin to the room. Once I reach the room they throw me in and I make a run for the door but I just smack into it as it's closed and locked.

'Fuck!' I curse before sinking to the ground. I promised everyone that they didn't need to come looking for me, that I would find them again but now that I was stuck in here I had no idea if I would actually make it.

'Attention, all passengers and crew. Report to the tween forward hull. Attention, all passengers, all crew, report to the tween forward hull. That's an order. Repeat. All hands and all passengers report to the tween forward hull immediately'

I listen to the announcement and smile knowing that JJs plan was working so far but I needed to do my part in finding my sister, despite knowing that John b was going to look for her anyway. So I start looking around for a way out. I start to pull on each of the windows but unlucky for me, they were all bolted shut.
My eyes then fall to a suitcase that was sitting in the corner of the room. I then look back at the window, an idea coming to me. I pick up the suitcase and walk as far from the window as I could get. I then send the suitcase towards the window.


The window smashes and I quickly climb through it, landing on the deck. Now, new plan, find my sister. I don't have any clue where to start so I just run around the dock, looking for any sort of clue. After one run around the deck I hear the sound of a crane being lowered. I hear the faint sound of voices, that must be my friends but they didn't need me, I needed to find my sister first

'Sarah! Sarah! Sarah' I start yelling as I run around the boat and down some stairs
'Sarah! S! Where are you!'
'Sky!' a voice suddenly appears behind me and I turn around to hear it coming from the deck. I run up the stairs and go left and I round the corner to see Sarah standing by a ladder. We stare at each other for a moment before I run forward and pull her into a hug.
'Oh thank god' Sarah cries and I feel her tears wet my shirt causing my own tears to fall.
'Sarah' I cry and after a moment we let go
'What are you doing?'
'I'm trying to get back home, to John b' Sarah tells me
'Sarah...he's on the ship, we all are, we came to save you and get the cross back' I tell her and I see her eyes shine at the mention of Johnny
'Oh well, do you guys have a way off this ship cause I literally just let the lifeboat go'
'Just keep it there cause that's what we were going to use' I tell her
'No' Sarah says and I raise an eyebrow
'Huh? What do you mean-'
'No! You get the hell away from me!' Sarah yells and I widen my eyes in surprise and concern but I see that Sarah is looking behind me. I turn around and I freeze as I see Ward standing in front of me.
'Sky..' he gasps as he sees me and I feel tears build up in my eyes and I clench my jaw as my anger builds up
'I'm not doing this shit anymore! You lied to all of us' I yell
'I know honey'
'We are not going anywhere with you!' Sarah yells
'I know. I get it. I mean, it took a while 'cause I didn't wanna believe, but...I finally understand what everybody was trying to tell me since you started hanging out with those boys, You're not one of us. Right? Not anymore. And you never will be. You're one of them. But now the problem is this...what do I do now?' Ward monologues and I take a deep breath
'You let us go'
'Let you go? How am I supposed to let you go after I already lost you to those two useless Pouges you both think are so amazing' Ward chuckles
'You didn't loose us, you lost us when you framed John b for murder' I say sternly
'Wait no, you know what Sky, I should let you go back and tell everybody that I'm alive and tell them where we are and tell them what we've done? Come on now Sky You know I can't do that' Ward says as he gets increasingly close to me
'You're scaring me. Don't. No' I gasp as he pushes me against the metal pole
'I don't know what to do with you! What do I do, Skylar'
'No. No! Stop! Let her go!' Sarah yells as Ward grabs onto my throat and starts to press on my airway.
'What else do I do Sarah?' Ward snaps then he grabs Sarah's neck with his other hand blocking her airway as well.

'What do I do? TELL ME!' He yells and I can barely get a word out now and I see Sarah struggling just as much out of the corner of my eye.

'Dad' Sarah just managed to whisper
'Please' I also barely get out
'Don't call me that' he shuts us up, shaking our heads in the process

'Dad' I breath
'Don't call me that! You don't mean it!' Ward yells 'Get off them!'
Suddenly both Sarah and I are able to breath again. I fall to the ground and gasp for air trying to stop my eyes from closing. When I look up I see John b throwing Ward into a pole. Ward falls to the ground and John b immediately runs to Sarah.
'Sarah. Hey. Hey. Hey. Look at me. Look at me. I got you, okay? Hi'
'Wow, what about me John b' I joke
'Oh shit sorry Sky' John b says turning around and embracing me
'Are you ok?'
'Yeah, I'm fine' I say, honestly I actually wasn't ok but Sarah was more important right now. I motion back to Sarah and whisper 'go help her, Ward really did a number on her' to him and he quickly goes back to her.
'I told you I wasn't gonna leave you, right? I got you. I got you. It's okay' John b whispers while I grab a hold of the pole and help myself up

'No! No! It's your fault! Your fault!' Ward yells and I turn around to face him

'Leave them ALONE!' I yell throwing a punch at Ward, sending him backwards causing him to fall and smack his head on the edge of the boat. He gasps and touches the back of his head and I see blood appear on his hands

'Is this how you did it, huh? Is this how you killed my father? You just threw him in the ocean?' John b starts to lecture him as tears fall down his face.

'I never got to say goodbye. Because of you. This is all your fault' he says in between sniffs and I go sit by my sister as John b picks him up almost as if he was going to do the same thing that Ward did to Big John. He looks over at him and Sarah and I shake our heads, a part of me didn't want him to die. John b lets go of him and heads over to us.

'Hey, we gotta go, okay? Come on. We gotta pick up the others' he tells Sarah and I grab her hands to help her up. I then grab John b's hand and he grabs Sarah's.

'All right. Ready?' he asks and Sarah nods

'One, two, three' I call out and the three of us jump off the edge of the boat.


The water hits me hard but I push through the pain and swim to the surface

'Come on, Sarah' John b gasps as Sarah comes up to the surface

'I hope they got the cross' I say as we swim towards the boat. Once we jump on John b maneuvers it to the other side while Sarah and I keep a look out for the others

'John B, there!' I call out pointing to two bobbing heads

'It's Pope and.....cleo!' Sarah screams getting their attention. We drive towards them and I grab onto Pope's hand 

'Pope!' I yell as we work together to get him onto the boat while Sarah helps Cleo

'Cleo. Holy shit'

'Long time no see, girl' Cleo laughs as Sarah gives her a hug
'What are you doing here?' she asks

'Where's J and Kie?' I ask as I realise that my two best friends were not in the boat with us
'I thought they were with you' Pope says

'No' Sarah replies
'Shit. We gotta find them, all right?' John b says and I can feel my heart starting to panic

'Last time I saw them was on the other side of the ship' Cleo informs us

'Go John b! We can't just stand here GO!' I scream orders as I get more and more worried. We circle the boat and there's no sign of Kie or JJ.

'Sky! Help! John b!'

'That's Kie GO!' I scream

'Where are they?' Pope asks and I frantically scan the water

'There they are. Hey!' Cleo yells pointing at a figure in the water. As we get closer though my heart breaks as I see Kie barely holding up an unconscious JJ.

'JJ!' I scream as John b approachs them

'Oh my God!'

'No! No! No! No! No!'

'JJ! JJ!' everyone yells but mine were by far the loudest, I couldn't even contain the tears as Johnny dragged him onto the boat. Was he dead? Was he alive? Is he hurt? What happened? As John b lays him on the boat I immediately it by him and place my hand on his chest as John b drives us away.

'JJ come on wake up, stay with us J, please, please' I cry as I move his hair out of his face. It was almost as if nothing around me mattered right then. I felt the boat stop and heard everyone start yelling at each other over stuff but I couldn't hear it, not really, right now all I cared about was JJ being awake again.

'J! Please! Please! I can't do this, you can't do this to me' I mutter through all the tears that were falling.

'Always you and me JJ, Always and forever, you promised, you can't die on me, please....I.......I can't loose you, your my whole world, my everything, I was so stupid to let Zach twist p my brain, you don't need to be fixed you fine just as you are and I..I love you JJ, I never stopped loving you, ever since we met and when you first called me princess' I pour my soul out.

'Get up!' I suddenly hear Kie's voice behind me as if I snapped back to reality and then suddenly JJ starts to cough up water and his eyes open up.

'There you go Yeah, yeah. Cough it out. Cough it out, baby' John b says as JJ coughs up more water

'Hey, buddy, there you go' Pope says

'Oh thank god' I cry

'Welcome to the land of the living, dude. No CPR needed, huh?' John b says and JJ turns to look at me.

'You ever do that to me again I swear to god I will end you'

'Well, I'll try to be a little more careful next time hey' JJ replies with a smirk on his face and I let out a half laugh half cry before pulling JJ's head into my chest giving him a hug.

'Just always looking for attention' John b jokes

'Whatever it takes, right?' JJ replies and we all laugh except me, all I did was just keep holding JJ, I couldn't let him go


'What the hell happened?' Sarah asks
'The blunt end of a machete' Kie informs us

'Machete?' JJ asks almost not remembering himself
'The blunt end'

'Next time, duck' Cleo tells him

'I'll try to remember that next time. Thanks' JJ jokes before I feel him let go of me and embrace Kie.

'Thanks for saving me' he tells her

'Anytime J' Kie replies and I couldn't help the pit that formed in my stomach from the interaction.

'Come on'

'Come on, boys'

The boys pull the boat one last time on the beach

'That's good'
'Good job, guys'
'Good job' Kie, Sarah and I congratulate the boys
'Whoa' JJ gasps as he almost trips I've this own feet
'JJ, you all right there, buddy?' John b asks as I stand up to see if he needed help
'Yeah. Still a little dizzy' he says as he leans against the tree above me
'Okay, anybody know where we're at?' Pope asks
'Deserted beach. Unknown island' I say bluntly
'All right, I'll take that as a no'
'Plan A, huh, Pope? That went well' John b says
'This is the lowest we can go. We literally have nothing else to lose' Kie says
'The cross, gone. The gold, gone.' I sigh
'Seriously, if we had a nickel for every time we got beat up, I'd say we're at a dollar fifty' JJ says
'That's more than I got on me' Kiara says
'That somehow doesn't make me feel better Sarah groans
'Yeah, you're right. But, I mean, we've... We've had some good stuff happen, right?' John b says attempting to lighten the mood.
'Name something' I say, as I couldn't think of one good thing that's happened to us recently

'Um...Uh, the boiler room' John b says randomly and we all give him a look
'What? If the boiler didn't explode, I wouldn't have gotten away from Rafe. I couldn't have gotten the Zodiac and gotten us out of here'

'That wasn't luck. That thing was gonna blow the second I stopped feeding it' Cleo says
'Stealing my thunder, Cleo. Um...' John b rubs his head trying to come up with something else
'Okay. Pope, you're related to Denmark Tanny. That's crazy'
'And I lost all his inheritance' Pope grumbles from his spot on the sands.
' two best friends started dating' Johnny says pointing to JJ and I
'And we broke up' JJ says bluntly and John b shifts uncomfortably
'Ok bad example but you know what? Guys, this is it. This is the Pogue life. We are in the Caribbean. It's our own little slice of paradise. With my best friends, with my family. I don't know. I wouldn't wanna do it with anyone else. Look, and while you guys were complaining about every little thing...' John b rants before turning to JJ and I
'JJ? Sky?
'Hmm?' JJ and I say
'I was looking at those burly lefts. There's some slabs out there. How about a little competition you know you both want to' John b tells us and I couldn't help but smile as I thought about the waves
'Just a few' I say
'Kie, see that? I know you wanna get out there'
'No boards' Kiara says simply
'Well, we can bodysurf till we make some boards'
'Lame' Kie says
'Pope? Come on, man' John b pleads with Pope who gets a similar expression to me as he looks at the waves
'They do look pretty tasty'
'Oh, yes, they do'
'There's nobody around. We could squat here for a bit' John b suggests
'Kind of belongs to us now, huh?' I say
'You got a point' Kie says
'Six-way split?' Sarah asks
'Poguelandia. I claim thee Poguelandia' JJ says in a posh voice
'I like the ring of it' I say
'I'm gonna make a flag. It's gonna have a chicken on it. With a coconut bra, smoking a J...'
Kie and I laugh
' Crocs' I finish J's sentence and he nods
'Never complete without crocs
'I could use a J actually' Kie says
'Can we vote?' Sarah asks but I shake my head as JJ start to carve something into the tree he was leaning against
'Shall we get to work?' I ask
'Let's get to work' Cleo says
'Let's start working on provisions. Set up shop' Pope starts listing things and I feel someone touch my shoulder. I turn around to see JJ handing me the knife. I look behind him to see the tree.
'Nice job' I say and JJ holds his hand towards me
'You and me? Best friends' he says and I feel my heart sink at the mention of those words, he didn't love me anymore.
'Best friends' I say as we do the Pouge handshake
'....And Forever' I finish and JJ quickly swings his arm around me before pulling me towards John b and Sarah.
'Welcome back to the Pogue life Sarah' Jj congratulates her
'Full Pogue?' I ask her
'Full Pogue. Ooh. Are you letting me join something that was originally yours?' She jokes and I swing my arm around her.
'Yes I am Sarah Cameron'
'Welcome to the Pogues' JJ adds
'Thanks' Sarah says throwing her other arm around John b while Cleo, Pope and Kie walk on ahead of us.
'I'm hungry guys'
'JJ!' we all yell before bursting into laughter at JJ's confession. As we walk along the beach together we didn't have a plan, a home and for some of us, no family to go home but one thing we did have was each other and I knew for certain that there was no where else I would rather be right now then with my best friends, sister, a new friend and the boy who stole my heart. This was our home now, Pougelandia,

My dad had this quote from Euripides. "The ocean washes away all the evil men do." But I'm not sure that's true. I don't think the ocean washes away anything. If anything, the ocean makes you remember.

Hey guys! Sorry this took much longer then planned but it's here now and I can't believe that I'm officially done with season 2. There may be a bit of a wait for s3 just cause I am going to busy in the coming weeks but I do have a rough plan of how it is going to look.
Hope you have enjoyed Skylar Cameron's story and please leave your theories for season 3 in the comments about what's going to happen to Sky in season 3

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