Chapter 5: The Darkest Hour

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Sorry this chapter took so long to be posted. A lot of this chapter was original plot so I ran into a lot of writers block and certain bits are pretty boring writing on my part I think so I apologise in advance for that but some bits are good so this is the best I think I could've gotten and I didn't want to keep you guys waiting any longer so here is chapter 5.


My old man used to tell's best to never say you've hit rock bottom. "Trust me," he said..."You can always go lower. And the thing about hell is there's always another one below."

Skylar's POV

'John Booker Routledge, pursuant to the North Carolina statute section, you are charged
with murder in the first degree with aggravated circumstances'

I'm a nervous wreck. I can't stop moving my hands and my heart beat is so loud it's ringing in my ears. JJ has a comforting hand on my thigh trying to support me but we're both petrified for our best friend as he stands before a judge, completely helpless while my so called 'parents' are sitting in the row across from us probably cheering inside that their precious name is still safe.

'If convicted, the maximum sentence would be the death penalty' The judge says hammering her gavel down on the table. 'the death penalty' I couldn't believe what I was hearing. JJ immediately get's up while everyone in the court starts to mutter both outraged and relieved comment.
'Your Honor, he's-'
'Stop. Quiet' The judge yells

'He's 17! Are you kidding me?' JJ continues to rage and I stand up to as my rage sets in.
'Your system is rigged, you can't do this to an innocent boy' I scream
'Bailiff!' The judge yells as the cops start to escort John b out.
'Hey, John B, we're gonna figure it out' JJ says while Sarah and I run towards him

'John B! John B!'
'John B! No!' we yell after him only to have the cops push us back
'Sky!' Kie and Pope yell grabbing us and pulling us back
'Stop! Don't touch them' Kie tells the cops as Pope pulls me out of a man's grasp.
'Let's go guys. Let's get out of here' Kie tells us as I try to run back to the cops.
'Everybody out. Let's go' I hear the guards bark orders at everyone as we are all ushered out of the building.
'Is this a joke? Like, are we in hell or...?' Kie asks as we head down the steps
'I should have never come home' Sarah mutters
'They're gonna kill him, guys. I know it' Pope says
'Sorry for what you and your family have gone through. Thank God the system works'
I whip my head around and see a man talking to my dad and I don't know what comes over my but I just snap.
'Can you please shut up? Of course you think the system worked because it was made to protect you and people like you. People who think that anyone who doesn't conform to your stupid way of life should rot instead be given the support they need' I lecture.
'He'll have his day in court. A jury will decide' the man says and that makes me even angrier. I march right up to him and stare him dead in the eye.
'He shouldn't even be in court!' I say before turning to my dad with the rudest expression I could give.
'You should dad, 'cause you're a murderer. You have a lot of nerve showing up to court to watch my best friend get charged for a murder he didn't commit'
'I know you're upset honey. I understand, okay but you shouldn't be taking it out on me' Ward says with hurt in his eyes.
'Upset?' I ask
'I know he's got you fooled, both of you. He's got you all fooled'
'No, I'm not just upset dad!' I scream before taking a jump for my dad. Unfortunately Shoupe's hands wrap around me and three cops basically hurl me back to my friends

'Get off her!' Kie yells forcing the cops away from me.
'Why don't you take the Kooks down for a change Shoupe?' JJ demands
'You wanna get arrested? Get out! You need to go' Shoupe yells at us and its only then I notice that some tears had fallen down my face.
'This is bullshit' Kie says while Sarah grabs my shoulders
'Come on. Look, it's not worth it sis, no one's going to listen to us'
'But they should, daughters would never go against their father's unless he did something unforgivable' I say loud enough for people to hear.
'Get out of here' Shoupe says a second time and we finally decide to start walking away.
'It's not a coincidence that both of your daughter's are sitting with us' Kiara yells at Ward as Sarah ushers me away.

Always and Forever (sequel to The Heart of a Pouge)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz