Forever Yours (Stay With Me S...

By Liya_Loves_1D

7K 462 77

The countless struggles of Lily and Niall continues as distance, untold secrets and lies threaten to ruin the... More

Author's Note - 1
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Author's Note - 2
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Author's Note - 3
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Author's Note - 4
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Author's Note - 5
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Author's Note - 6
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Epilogue 1
Epilogue 2
Last Author's Note

Chapter 40

106 7 0
By Liya_Loves_1D

I ran up the stairs of Paradise, catching Kumar look at me with bewilderment.

"Anything happens, Lily madam?" he inquired, rising to his feet.

"Yeah, Niall and I have to go to the police station, now," I said, panting.

"Is Niall Sir in danger?" his eyes widened.

"Not yet," I tried to cut down my conversation with him.

I rang the doorbell some hundred times before I heard footsteps fast approaching the door. Niall stood befuddled before me, wearing gray sweatpants only.

"Put on some shirt, we need to be at the police station this instant," I pushed him away, and ran to our room without even opening my shoes.

"But why?" he screamed, jogging after me. I commenced to arrange some important stuff inside my handbag.

"Officer Frank called me up right after I left office. His investigators said that Aarav is planning another attack tonight. He still has retained possession of the gun, and might have acquired more weapons to make sure he finishes you this time," I retorted.

"So, what do we do now?" He opened the wardrobe, and drew a white tee.

"Officer Frank said they've a plan about an encounter which we'll know only after reaching the police station," I gasped, finishing arranging all the stuff. Niall just nodded, but I knew he was worried - more than his life, his anxiety was for me, and our baby.

"Are you in this with me?" I asked, strolling close to him, and taking his hands in mine.

"That's not even a question to ask, Lily," he shook his head.

"Then we're gonna end it today, you and I, we're gonna put an end to this," I smiled, signaling assurance.

"And if anything goes wrong, know that you, and our baby means the most to me, and I'll do anything required to keep you both safe."

"I don't wanna hear all these. All of us will be safe, I have faith in Jesus. Period," I asserted, and turned on my heel, taking my fiancé with me.

He grabbed his mobile and home keys from the centre table as we scurried out the door. On locking the door shut, we ran forward and down the stairs to finally hit the street. I brought Aryan's car with me, actually he was kind enough to let me take his car so, I demanded Niall to occupy the passenger's seat fast.

"Let me drive, Lily. You shouldn't take so much stress," he insisted.

"Niall, do you think I'm in any less stress right now?" he kept staring at me, not knowing what to reply. "I'm not, but you're still weak being just two days out of hospital so, let me drive. I promise I'll be fine," I closed the door of the car, and ran across the vehicle to occupy the passenger's seat.

On starting the car, I drove like a flying car, taking twists, and turns through the alleys. A mixture of angst, fear, and sadness pumped up my adrenalin to a whole new different level. I pictured Aarav before me, handcuffed, and being dragged inside the police van. I pictured him in jail, rotting slowly for all the horrible deeds he did to me and Niall. And I felt relieved if not happy. Probably that's called "hate," the one that my mother always told is very difficult to feel towards anyone. But I did feel it, I hated Aarav.

We reached the police station which was very close to Nightingale Hospital. I almost hopped down the car as Niall got down soberly from the other side. After locking the vehicle, we entered the police station. Two constables approached us as soon as they spotted us walking in.

"Are you Miss. Lily Thomson?" one of them asked.

"Yeah," I nodded.

"Officer Frank is waiting for you in his cabin. Come, I'll take you both," he said, and started walking to his left.

Niall and I followed him blindly before finding ourselves outside a big cabin. The constable opened the glass door for us, and the air conditioned room welcomed us.

"Sir, Miss. Thomson and Mr. Horan are here," he said to Officer Frank who was busy, talking on the phone. He gestured him to leave, and pointed the two chairs at us, signaling to sit. As the constable left the cabin, we took our seats before his table.

"Yeah, yeah, there are here. Arrange all the safeguards, we have to catch him before he leaves," Officer Frank said on the phone. Niall and I exchanged worried glances. "Okay, I'll see you there. Bye," he hung up.

"What is happening, officer?" Niall inquired, his voice was a little loud.

"Aarav is all set to attack Niall once again, today. We're not sure, but our investigators say that he might hurt Lily too because she is carrying your child," Niall grabbed my hand, and squeezed it.

"We have a strong gut feeling that this time he might have made preparations to flee Calcutta. So, before he makes an attack on Niall, we want to arrest him red hand," Officer Frank finished.

I swallowed, and asked, "So, what's your plan?"

He took a deep breath, and said, "You."

A silence hauled.

"We know for sure that Aarav will want to hurt you because you're pregnant, but if you make him believe that you're in this against your will, he might trust you," he continued.

"I don't understand," I shook my head, furrowing my brows.

"I want you to call Aarav, and tell him that you're leaving Niall. Make him believe that you've realized your mistake, and before it's too late you wanna rectify it. Tell him that when Niall was in the hospital, you thought of the time when you and Aarav were together, and how that made more sense to you than what being with Niall makes. And this realization has made you want to leave Niall."

"I can't do that, I can't...." I looked at Niall, and he tightened his grasp on my hands.

"It's okay, Lily. Do it, don't worry about me. I want this to end, and I'm with you in however you decide to make that happen," I literally wanted to cry at his reply.

"Are you sure he will buy it?" I asked Officer Frank, turning to look at him.

"Hopefully, depending on how you tell him. So, you've to be very convincing," he replied. I nodded.

"So, shall I call him now?" I asked.

"Yes, all our officers are ready. The investigators are in their informal robes, waiting in the pizza corner near his house. Niall should come with me in my jeep, and you go with my other officers in the Toyota."

"No, I won't leave Lily alone. I'll go with her," Niall demanded.

"Niall, if he somehow sees you with her, our entire plan will fall in the black hole. Please cooperate," Officer Frank pleaded.

"Sir, that guy is a psycho, and my fiancée is pregnant. You said he might wanna hurt her for that, how can I take risk?"

"You don't have to because my officers will keep her absolutely safe. Trust us, Niall. We're doing this for both of you," he held a very comforting countenance which I knew melt my sensitive fiancé that instant. He sighed, and smiled with a discreet nod with his head.

"I'll be there the whole time, okay? Be the stronger self you're and I love you," Niall said to me.

"I will, and I love you too," I smiled, nodding.

I took a very deep and very long breath in order to gain confidence. On fetching the mobile from my handbag, I searched through my contacts before it landed on Aarav's. It was strange that even after whatever happened I still had his number with me. I guess, I just didn't pay attention to clean up my contacts' list.

I anticipated briefly about the aftermath of the plan that Officer Frank just explained to me, and I wouldn't deny I was scared a tad. Still, the adrenalin pump was too high to cease me from not wanting to put an end to this hence; I touched on the call button, and put the mobile on my ear. My heartbeats accelerated with every ring as I waited patiently for Aarav to pick up my call.

He picked up at the fourth ring.

"Hello," his tone sounded very surprised.

"Aa...Aarav?" I asked, swallowing.

"Lily?" he sounded even more surprised.

"Yes, I'm Lily," I swallowed deeper.

"What a pleasant surprise! How is your Irish cunt of a fiancé that I fucking missed my aim while shooting?" he sounded angrier now.

I gritted my teeth, annoy feeling up my body, but I gulped it down somehow. I didn't want any negative emotion to ruin the plan thus; I continued. "He is okay, still recovering."

"That's too bad. Had I not missed the aim, he would've been finished by now. Damn my luck."

"Aarav, I called you up to tell you something," I cut to the car chase. There wasn't much time to chit-chat.

He fell silent.

"What you did to Niall was absolutely wrong. He didn't ever try to hurt you so, he didn't deserve to be hurt as well," I paused to wipe away the sweat droplets off my forehead. "But, when he was in the hospital I thought about you a lot, and I realized something that maybe I should've realized a lot before.

You truly love me, and you only wanted to win your love. I kept on abandoning you, not knowing how much it must hurt you, but you still stuck by. I forgot that you were beside me when I had no meaning in my life," I closed my eyes, and looked at Niall, feeling a bursting pain run through my system as I falsely credited Aarav for something that Niall was responsible for.

He held my hand firmly, smiling. I nodded, and resumed. "You were the best friend that I never had; you pulled me out from darkness, and made me laugh. I was heartless to have forgotten all those things that I'm indebted to you for. Niall is a beautiful person, and I love him, but you love me more. And there is a saying that you should always choose the person who loves you. You love me more, you're my best friend, and I should be with you

So, I've left Niall. He is at my co-worker Aryan's house, playing stupid childish games, and he doesn't know that I've left our flat," I sighed, letting out the biggest lie I've ever told.

I didn't hear anything from Aarav for the next few seconds before he asked, "Are you sure, Lily?"

"Never been so sure," I answered quickly.

"What about the baby? I can't see you carrying his child. I can't bear to have a single piece of him around me."

"I'll abort it. I'm way too younger anyway to bear a child, and be a mother," I put my lips in between my teeth. A tear rolled down my cheek.

"You'll do that for me?" he was astonished.

"I'll do that for us because being with you will make me happy. I'm sorry, you had to go this far to make me realize."

"I love you, Lily," Aarav said, sounding totally to have bought my lie.

"I....I love you too," I looked at Niall who still showed assurance, that it was okay, that he didn't mind, and that he was with me.

"Where are you now?" he asked as my heartbeats raced up.

I swallowed before answering, "Ahhmm....on my way to your house, I hope that's okay."

"Yeah, yeah, of course, baby. Ohh....I've waited for this moment for so long, it is always okay, Lily. Come fast," just as he replied, I showed thumbs up to Officer Frank and Niall. The former smiled widely, and raised his hand to give me a hi-five.

"He bought it," Officer Frank almost shrieked as I hung up.

"Ahh haa," I replied, wiping away the tear from my face.

"Fantastic," he rose to his feet, and left the chair before summoning his officers who I supposed would be my car mates.

Officer Frank, Niall, I, and those two officers hurriedly left the police station. Apart from me, and Niall, Officer Frank and hi officers were also in informal clothes in order for Aarav to not have any idea of their profession. As discussed, Niall hopped on the jeep along with Officer Frank who occupied the driver's seat, and I boarded the Toyota with the other two officers.

"Officers, I'll take the other route behind your car. Be alert, and keep your guns handy," Officer Frank suggested as soon as he started the jeep.

"Yes, Sir," one of the officers who was really fair and had a dark moustache said.

I looked at Niall one last before the fair officer started our car. We exchanged smiles, and he closed his eyes briefly at me, signaling complete assurance that he is with me. And with that the two vehicles went in different directions. I felt my heart hammer the loudest against its walls. I kept checking my mobile, fearing Aarav might call any moment, and tell that he knows I lied to him. A thousand questions crossed my mind, but for one thing I knew that everything was going to end today. I had a strong feeling, and something inside me assured that it will be okay.

It was a really fast and silent fifteen minutes journey to Aarav's flat. I was tangled up in my thoughts that I didn't even consider to talk to the two officers who I was with in the car. No sooner did the Toyota pulled in beside a building than I understood that it was Aarav's flat.

"Miss. Thomson, you need to go in alone," the other officer said.

I swallowed, and said, "Okay." I got down the car.

"Keep your mobile in vibrate mode, and try to hide it from Aarav's view if any of us calls you, okay?" he stated.

"Okay," I nodded before turning on my heel, and entering the building.

I started walking up the stairs when it struck me that I don't know which floor is his flat. Neither did I ever come to his flat and nor the officers informed me. My mouth became agape. Going back to the officers wasn't a choice, I didn't even know if coming to the apartment with them was a safe one because there was a possibility of Aarav seeing me get down the car from his flat's balcony. I couldn't call Officer Frank too because Niall was with him and I knew he would ask a lot of questions.

The last option was to call Aarav. And I called him up.

"Hi, baby," he sounded to be smiling.

"Ahhmm....which floor is your flat?" I tried to chuckle in order for him to not guess anything.

"Fourth floor, should I go down?"

"Noo, no,no," I almost screamed, and then calmed down immediately. "I mean, I'm almost there. I can go," I laughed.

"Ahhmm....okay, I'm waiting at the door."

"Okay," I smiled, and hung up.

I took a long breath, and started walking up the stairs. My heartbeats accelerated at a crazy rate, and I think I heard them out loud. My hands trembled and I felt numbness in the pit of my stomach. The time was nearing and Aarav could be in jail any moment.

"You can do it, Lily," the inner voice called out.

"I don't wanna ruin it," I retorted in a hushed tone.

"You won't," It emphasized.

I thought about the "inner voice" as I made my way to the fourth floor. As I reached, I saw Aarav standing near the door; a smile adorned his stubble look. I put up fake smile, and strolled forward towards him.

"Hey, beautiful," he greeted me with a hug.

I tightened my arms, not wanting to hug him back. But when something very hard touched my back I felt chill down my spine. On pulling away, I saw him smiling at me - the same old devilish smile he flashed at Niall the night he shot him. I kept peering at him, hoping that my expressions weren't giving away too much of what my mind was thinking.

"What took you so long, baby?" he asked, scratching his forehead with his left hand that held the gun firmly.

"Just ....... Traffic," I retorted, shifting my focus from the gun and his face.

"What did you come in here at?" he turned around, and plopped on the couch.

"Taxi," I placed my hands beside me, and stood there frozen.

"I don't see any bags with you, did you really leave that moron?" he pointed the gun at me while talking.

I swallowed, and could only manage to nod.

"You aren't explaining yourself properly, Lily," he said. "WHERE ARE YOUR FUCKING BAGS?" He screamed, jumping up off the couch.

I moved back, eyes returning to being widened, and lips parted. "I....I.....have this handbag," I put my handbag. "I actually left in such haste, you know, I just wanted to see you," I tried to pump it up.

He started to laugh. "Really, Lily?"

I didn't say anything.

"So, if you're so into me ALL OF A SUDDEN, prove it," he demanded. "Kiss me."

I literally had no idea that something like this would happen. I was prepared to do anything to get Aarav arrested, but kissing him didn't cross my mind. I had this fear looming in my head that he might turn back on me at some point, but when it was actually happening, I was dead scared.

"Ahhmm.....Aarav.....can I not freshen up, and know," I still tried to lighten up the situation.

"No, you're gonna stay with me forever now. I want proof right now, kiss me," he held onto his point.

Just then my mobile vibrated in my pocket. The sound of it against the coldness of the moment was so prominent that Aarav's eyes turned blood red and he gritted his teeth. I remembered the officer's suggestion of hiding the mobile of any one of them calls me. However, Aarav had already understood that my mobile was vibrating hence; there wasn't any hiding away now.

"Is that your mobile?" Aarav inquired.

I looked at him for awhile before nodding. "It must be from my office, you know, it's really very hectic," I laughed off the tenseness of the moment.

He came, running towards me and fished the mobile out of my pocket. And to my utmost shock, it was a call from Officer Frank. I breathed faster, and looked at the mobile screen. I had no clue of what to do next. And before I could process my mind, Aarav touched on answer and put it one speaker mode.

"Lily? Listen, Aarav knows about everything. He saw you getting off the car at his building. Don't cave in, keep playing on. We're on our way," he said.

I felt the sky broke over my head as my lips curled and eyes welled up. Everything was going out of my hand, and I didn't know how to undo them.

"Lily, do you hear me?" he asked again.

"Yes, she hears you very well, Officer," Aarav retorted.

"Aarav, you leave her alone, alright? Don't touch her or else I'll kill you," Niall screamed out all of a sudden.

"That's funny, huh? Considering your luck saved your butt after I missed my aim to kill you."

"Aarav, you can't escape the law. Whatever you're doing is wrong," Officer Frank said.

"So be it," he replied, and hung up.

He grabbed my hair, and threw the phone away on his couch. I screamed in pain as warm tears cascaded down my cheeks. He slapped me down on the floor before picking me up again.

"You bitch; I knew that you were lying. You never loved me; you always loved that Irish dickhead. I was always a rebound guy for you. No matter how hard I tried, I could never ever impress you. It had always been Niall, and ONLY NIALL FOR YOU," he shouted the last words.

I wept ceaselessly as my head almost swirled in pain after the slap. The door of his flat was still open, and that helped me see Officer Frank, Niall, the other two officers who drove me to Aarav's apartment, and two other officers who I assumed to be the investigators make their way up to the flat.

"Aarav, put the gun down. You're under arrest," Officer Frank said. All the officers pointed their gun at him.

Instead of obeying their instructions, Aarav went behind me, wrapped both of my arms around my waist, and put the gun on my belly.

"Get your fat asses out of my flat or else I'll blow her up," he threatened. I sobbed that made my chest vibrate rapidly.

"Aarav, please leave her. You love her, right? Do you wanna hurt her?" One officer said who was one of the investigators.

"NOOOOOOO, FUCK OFF," Aarav screamed, and put the gun firmly on my belly as my sobs increased more.

I looked over at Niall, and could see him almost choking in pain. I could see that if it was for him he would whatever he can to save me, but he wasn't allowed to take the law in his hands. Therefore, depending on Officer Frank and his officers was all that he could resort to.

"Put that gun down, Aarav, I demand you one last time," Officer Frank said.

"I won't," he retorted, carrying that same devilish look.

Everyone stood there confused, not knowing how to make him drop the gun so that I could be resuced. Just then I saw Niall stealthily move towards his left that was the television area. He shifted his gaze from where he was moving to Aarav's eyes, and vice-versa. In the next few seconds, I caught him grab a medium sized flower vase, and put his hand behind his back.

"I can't live without her. Ever since I saw her, I knew she is the one. I can make her happy. She should be with someone who is familiar with our culture, and not with an Irish son of a bitch who still looks like in his early teens," he laughed at his own statement.

As Aarav continued to blabber nonsense stuff, Niall threw the vase right at his hand. The gun dropped from his hand, and I saw all the men, standing in front run towards me. Niall took me with him, and Aarav was now lying down with all the police guns pointing at him.

"Mr. Aarav, your game is over. You're under arrest for attempting to murder, and attempting to rape, Niall and Lily, respectively," Officer Frank said.

Aarav looked annoyed, lost, broken, and sick - all at the same time. He kept staring at Niall and I with those blood red eyes, and gritted teeth. The officers took away his gun from him, and made him rise to his feet. They grabbed him by the collars, and dragged him out of the apartment.

"This is not over, this is not over," he murmured to Niall and I while leaving.

We didn't say anything, but exchanged happy smiles with each other. I jumped onto Niall's arms, and hugged him with all my soul as now the tears shed out of sheer happiness and relief. On pulling away, he wiped away the tears off my face using his thumbs, and gestured me at the door. I nodded, and we exited Aarav's apartment after I took my mobile from his couch. I was thankful to God for making that psycho not break my phone this time.

We followed the police squad down the stairs. Niall wrapped his arm around me while one hand laid on my belly.

"Are you okay, darling?" he asked as we reached the street.

"Ahh haa, perfectly fine," I smiled widely.

"Were you scared when he put the gun on your belly?"

"I was, but I was worried about you more than I was for myself."

"You were?"

"Yes. I pictured you without me, and our baby, and I realized what a terrible mess you'd turn into. I saw that reflect in your eyes, and I wanted to stay alive more for you than myself," I rubbed a hand on his cheek as his eyes dazzled its blue pigment.

"You know me too well, huh?" he smirked.

"I do," I smiled.

We boarded the jeep at the back seat as Officer Frank occupied the driver's seat. A calm coat of relief encompassed Niall and I as we were still in each others' arms.

"How does it feel, young love birds?" Officer Frank smirked by looking at us in the rear mirror.

"Relieved," Niall and I exchanged smiles.

"Don't just relax right now. A long process is about to start," he warned.

"How so?" Niall inquired.

"Gathering evidences, court hearing, and then if Aarav decides to file an appeal."

Both of us became mute at Officer Frank's statement.

"Oh, c'mon, don't be upset. It's all over for good anyway, but just preparing you guys for the reality."

"Yeah, that helped," Niall mocked.

Officer Frank dropped us at the police station. I drove Aryan's car from there as Niall and I came back home at around 10.00 Pm. The events of the day left us completely wrecked tired not just physically, but mentally too. On reaching home, Niall and I wasted no time in freshening up. With Niall still recovering from his surgery and I being pregnant, none of us were actually very fit to make dinner. Therefore, we split the task, and decided to resort to our old friend "instant noodles."

Both of us shared hands, and had a massive laugh during dinner. It was so peaceful, and relaxing. I could feel the soothing feeling bubble inside my body, and I could see the calmed smile through Niall's beautiful sapphire like blue eyes. And that was the most important thing for me - to see him happy.

"You know it's really now time," I asked Niall as I climbed up on the bed.

"What?" he turned off the lights, and climbed up on bed as well.

"To inform your family and the boys about all these," I turned on the table lamps.

He paused for a few seconds. "I know, just give me some more time."

"Niall, why do you always try to find an escape route?"

"I....I don't," he looked away, trying to fiddle with his mobile.

"Oh, really? Look me in the eye and say it then," I grabbed his forearm, and turned his face at me by touching his chin.

He didn't meet my gaze. "I just.....I just don't want them to be worried," he whispered.

"By keeping them in the dark, you're doing no good, baby. And besides, I told you that I'll be with you. I'll help you explain to them. Don't worry, they're your family and friends, they'll obviously understand you," I assured him.

"Yeah, you're right. We'll do it soon," he nodded, putting up a grin across his face.

"Okay, good," I smiled as well.

"Let's sleep now," he said as he lied down.

"Yes," I lied down as well before Niall turned off the table lamps. "Goodnight, blondie," I laughed mildly.

"Goodnight, mommy," he retorted.

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